Hedera helix Health Dictionary

Hedera Helix: From 1 Different Sources


Synonym: H. rhombea Sieb. & Zucc.

Family: Araliaceae.

Habitat: Hills of Tamil Nadu. Grown in gardens as an ornamental.

English: Common Ivy, Bentwood.

Siddha/Tamil: Maravalai.

Action: Leaf—expectorant, anti- spasmodic, antineuralgic, vasocon- strictive.

Fruit—used in jaundice, haempt- ysis. Flower—antidysenteric. Leaf and resin—emmenagogue. Tender twigs—boiled in butter, used for sunburn. Extracts are used in some cosmetic preparations.

Key application: In catarrh of the upper respiratory passages, symptomatic treatment of chronic inflammatory bronchial conditions. (German Commission E.)

The stem and bark gave triterpene glycosides, named kizuta saponins. Oleanolic acid glycoside was also obtained from the plant but the presence of emetine could not be confirmed in subsequent work. The fruits gave hederagenin glycosides.

Emetin has been isolated from European and British plant. The fruit and hederagenin glycosides exhibit mollus- cacidal activity. Emetine-containing plant is amoebicidal.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Hedera Nepalensis


Synonym: H. helix auct. non Linn. H. himalaica Tobler.

Family: Araliaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas; from Kashmir to Bhutan at 1,5002,000 m and Assam at 1,3502,000 m.

English: Nepal Ivy.

Folk: Baandaa, Bandaa, Lablab.

Action: Leaves and berries— cathartic, diaphoretic, febrifuge, antispasmodic, expectorant. Used in whooping cough. Leaves— used in glandular enlargements. A decoction of the leaves is used topically to destroy lice in the hair. An infusion of berries is given in rheumatism. Gum— emmenagogue.

The inflorescences contain beta- amyrin, beta-sitosterol and its D-glu- coside, oleanolic acid, triterpene gly- cosides, nepalins. Nepalins 1,2 and 3 at 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125% respectively completely immobilize human sperm.

Plant extract exhibited antitumour activity in vivo and in vitro against Ehrich ascites.... hedera nepalensis


n. the outer curved fleshy ridge of the *pinna of the outer ear.... helix

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