Helonias Health Dictionary

Helonias: From 1 Different Sources

False Unicorn root. Blazing Star root. Chamaelirium luteum LA Gray. Parts used: roots, rhizome. Keynote: female reproductive system.

Constituents: helonin, saponins, chamaelirin.

Action. Powerful uterine tonic. Emmenagogue. Adaptogen. (Simon Mills) Precursor of oestrogen. Anthelmintic, diuretic, emetic.

Uses: Weakness of female reproductive organs. Absent or painful periods. Endometriosis, leucorrhoea, morning sickness, female sterility, inflammation of the Fallopian tubes, vaginitis, pruritus. Symptoms of the menopause: hot flushes, heavy bloated feeling, headache, depression, and to maintain normal fluid balance. Ovarian neuralgia. Spermatorrhoea in the male. Threatened abortion: miscarriage.

Preparations: Thrice daily. Average dose: 1-2g.

Combines well with Beth root. (F. Fletcher Hyde)

Tea. Does not yield its properties to simple infusion.

Decoction. Half-1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup.

Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 45 per cent ethanol. Dose: 1-2ml.

Tincture BHC Vol 1. 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 2-5ml.

Powder. Equal parts Helonias and Beth root: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon).

Popular combination. Tablets/capsules. Powdered Helonias BHP (1983) 120mg; powdered Parsley BHP (1983) 60mg; powdered Black Cohosh BHP (1983) 30mg; powdered extract Raspberry leaves 3:1 – 16.70mg. (Gerard House)

Note: Large doses may cause vomiting. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Abortion – To Prevent

Disruptive termination of pregnancy before twenty-eighth week. Too premature expulsion of contents of the pregnant womb may be spontaneous, habitual, or by intentional therapy. Untimely onset of uterine contractions with dilation of cervical os (mouth of the womb) dispose to abortion. Essential that services of a suitably qualified doctor or obstetrician be engaged. It would be his responsibility to ensure that the embryo (unborn baby) and the placenta (after birth) are completely expelled.

Alternatives. Tea: equal parts – Agnus Castus, Ladysmantle, Motherwort, Raspberry leaves, 1-2 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes; 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Cramp bark, Helonias.

Powders. Formula. Combine Blue Cohosh 1; Helonias 2; Black Haw 3. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Practitioner. Tincture Viburnum prunifolium BHP (1983), 20ml; Tincture Chamaelirium luteum BHP (1983) 20ml; Tincture Viburnum opulus BHP (1983), 20ml; Tincture Capsicum, fort, BPC 1934, 0.05ml. Distilled water to 100ml. Sig: 5ml tds pc c Aq cal.

Black Cohosh. Liquid Extract Cimicifuja BP 1898, 1:1 in 90 per cent alcohol. Dosage: 0.3-2ml. OR: Tincture Cimicifuja, BPC 1934, 1:10 in 60 per cent alcohol. Dosage: 2-4ml.

Squaw Vine (mother’s cordial) is specific for habitual abortion, beginning soon after becoming pregnant and continuing until the seventh month. Also the best remedy when abortion threatens. If attended by a physician for abortion, a hypodermic of morphine greatly assists; followed by Liquid Extract 1:1 Squaw Vine. Dosage: 2-4ml, 3 times daily.

Liquid extracts. Squaw Vine, 4 . . . Helonias, 1 . . . Black Haw bark, 1 . . . Blue Cohosh, 1. Mix. Dose: One teaspoon every 2 hours for 10 days. Thereafter: 2 teaspoons before meals, 3 times daily. Honey to sweeten, if necessary. (Dr Finlay Ellingwood)

Abortion, to prevent: Cramp bark, (Dr John Christopher)

Evening Primrose. Two 500mg capsules, at meals thrice daily.

Diet: High protein.

Vitamins. C. B6. Multivitamins. E (400iu daily).

Minerals. Calcium. Iodine. Iron. Selenium, Zinc. Magnesium deficiency is related to history of spontaneous abortion; magnesium to commence as soon as pregnant.

Enforced bed rest. ... abortion – to prevent


Increase in size of hands, feet, skull, and jaw by excessive bone growth, associated with expanding tumour of the pituitary gland. Bones become longer and the voice deepens. The change is usually gradual, the face becoming elongated and the features coarse due to thickened skin. Lips, nose and tongue enlarge. Mandible is prominent (prognathism), frontal sinuses enlarge and brows have a beetling appearance. A complexity of symptoms include: ill-fitting dentures, bite reversal, headache, enlarged fingers requiring ring to be moved from fourth to fifth finger. Shoes get tight, spine kyphotic and stiff, possible carpal syndrome, overt diabetes and visual defects.

The condition is irreversible thus no cure is possible. However, pituitary gland normalisers can assist and possibly avert decline.

Alternatives. Tea: Combine equal parts: Gotu Kola, Yarrow, Horsetail. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup once or more daily.

Tablets/capsules. Bladderwrack, Borage, Kelp, Liquorice, Ginseng, Wild Yam, Damiana, Helonias. Formula. Combine: Sarsaparilla 1; Ginseng 1; Fringe Tree half; Thuja quarter. Dose: Powders, quarter of a teaspoon. Liquid extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In water, morning and evening. ... acromegaly


True unicorn root. Star Grass. Aletris farinosa L. Dried rhizomes and roots.

Action. Estrogenic, due to diosgenin-derived steroid. Stomachic, anorexic, sedative, bitter tonic (fresh plant).

Uses: Relaxed conditions of the womb. Lack of vitality in teenage girls and menopausal women from blood loss or nutritional deficiency. Used in pregnancy when Raspberry leaf tea is not well tolerated. Sometimes advised for threatened miscarriage but Helonias (False Unicorn root) more effective. Loss of appetite, flatulence, dyspepsia, colic. Rheumatism (Appalachia Indians). Prolapse of the womb. Dysmenorrhoea.

Preparations: Yields very little of its properties to water.

Liquid Extract BHP (1983) 1:1 in 45 per cent alcohol; dose, 5-15 drops in water.

Powdered root: 0.3-0.6 grams.

Poultice for sore and painful breasts (A. Vogel). ... aletris

Bloated Feeling

BLOATED FEELING, in women. Abdomen feels heavy and swollen. Helonias. ... bloated feeling


Body chemicals synthesised by the brain and which play a part in regulation of mood as well as affecting the brain’s perception of pain. Endorphins have been shown to fall in menopausal women causing depression, mood swings, lack of interest in sex and lower pain thresholds.

Agnus Castus and Helonias are believed to encourage production of endorphins thus improving a sense of well-being in menopausal women. ... endorphins

Hormonal Herbs

To promote production of hormones of the male and female sex organs (androgens and oestrogens), hormones of the adrenal cortex, pituitary, thyroid and other glands. Agnus Castus, Beth root, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Damiana, Helonias, Hydrangea, Kelp (Fucus v.), Liquorice, Oats, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Squaw Vine. ... hormonal herbs

Nerve Restoratives

All degenerative changes in the nervous system arise from breakdown of cell integrity through causes including stress, disease or faulty nutrition. J.M. Thurston classifies the restorative effect of herbs as:

Stomach and intestines: Wild Cherry bark, Black Haw.

Heart: Lily of the Valley, Cactus. Liver: Wild Yam.

Eye: Blue Cohosh, Poke root.

Brain: Oats, Black Cohosh.

Spine: Damiana, Oats, Kola, Unicorn root (Aletris). Hops. Womb: False Unicorn root (Helonias).

General Restoratives: St John’s Wort, Vervain. ... nerve restoratives

Nervousness In Young Women

With menstrual problems, menopausal women, ovarian pain, or weak nerves after childbrith.

Tea. Combine equal parts: Raspberry leaves, Skullcap, Motherwort. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Formula. Equal parts: Black Cohosh, Helonias, Valerian. Dose: Liquid Extracts: half a teaspoon. Tinctures: 1 teaspoon. Powders: 250mg thrice daily.

Supplements. B-complex. Vitamin C to aid iron absorption. ... nervousness in young women


Suppression of normal menstrual flow during the time of life when it should occur. The most common cause is pregnancy but it can arise from hormonal imbalance, trauma, anaemia, fibroids, polyps, constitutional disorder or emotional problems. Though not prejudicial to health it marks a departure from normal.

Symptoms. Scanty irregular or absent periods.

Alternatives. Agnus Castus, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Chaparral, Feverfew, Helonias, Life root, Lovage, Marigold, Motherwort, Mugwort, Parsley root, Pennyroyal, Rosemary, Rue, Tansy, Thuja, Southernwood, Wormwood, Yarrow, Hedge Hyssop (Gratiola officinalis).

Tea: Combine: Agnus Castus, Motherwort, Yarrow. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Formula. Combine: Helonias 2; Agnus Castus 2; Blue Cohosh 1. Doses. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules, or one-third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons.

In water or honey, thrice daily.

Agnus Castus. Success reported.

Due to thyroid imbalance: Kelp, Bladderwrack, Irish Moss.

Vitamins: A. B-complex. E.

Minerals: Calcium. Zinc.

Note: Patients with amenorrhoea are at risk of osteoporosis. (Middlesex Hospital, London) ... amenorrhoea

Anorexia Nervosa

A neurotic and metabolic condition, mostly in young women who suppress appetite by refusing food in an effort to be thin. Such starvation may result in death.

The patient may start as a food faddist with depressive tendencies. Some gorge huge meals (bulimia) and induce vomiting later. Such women are known to be oestrogen deficient; most have a low dietary intake of calcium, resulting in reduced bone density (osteoporosis). Lack of exercise has a worsening influence, often with severe loss of weight.

It is now established that one cause is a deficiency of zinc in the diet. Individuals suffering from the condition (with its depression) may recover when given 15mg zinc daily. Starvation causes increased urinary zinc secretion, thus further reducing body levels of the mineral. Most anorectics complain of loss of sense of taste and smell which is a symptom of zinc deficiency. Loss of these two senses reduces further the desire for food.

Symptoms. Excessive thinness. Anaemia. Poor haemoglobin levels. Absence of menses. Episodic hyperactivity. Slow pulse when resting. Teeth decay, brittle bones. Heart weakness. Low blood pressure, hormonal disorders, yellowing skin, blood disorders, abnormal drowsiness and weakness. Reduced bone density may develop during the illness, the subject being prone to bone fracture for years afterwards. Treatment. Correct anaemia with iron-bearing herbs, Vitamin B12, mineral supplements and nourishing food.

Angelica root, Barberry, Bogbean, Burdock root, Calamus, Centuary herb, Chamomile flowers, Condurango bark, Dandelion (coffee), Garden Sage, Gentian, Ginkgo, Helonias, Hops, Marshmallow root, Milk Thistle, Quassia chips, White Poplar.

Alternatives:– Tea. Formula. Equal parts, Centuary, Chamomile, Peppermint. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Dose: 1 cup thrice daily, before meals.

Decoction. Formula. Combine Angelica root 1; Burdock root 1; Condurango bark half. 1 teaspoon to each cupful water simmered gently 20 minutes. Dose: Half-1 cup thrice daily before meals.

Powders. Formula. German Chamomile 2; Gotu Kola 1; Ginkgo 1. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) before meals thrice daily.

Tinctures. Formula. Combine: Condurango quarter; Burdock root half; White Poplar 1; Ginkgo 1; add 2- 10 drops Tincture Capsicum fort. 1-2 teaspoons in water thrice daily, before meals.

Tincture: Tincture Gentian Co BP. Dose: 2-4ml (30-60 drops).

Ginger, stem. Success reported.

Milk Thistle and Turmeric: popular in general herbal practice.

Diet. High protein, low fat, low salt. Dandelion coffee. Liver. Artichokes. 2-3 bananas (for potassium) daily.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin B-complex. Vitamin C, 1g. Vitamin E, 200iu. Zinc, 15mg. Magnesium, 250mg morning and evening. ... anorexia nervosa


Acetylsalicylic acid. Widely used drug for relief of pain and to reduce fever. Preventative against stroke, cataract, heart attack. While aspirin has been a dramatic life-saver, unwanted side-effects include stomach bleeding, nervous irritability and personality change. Should not be given to children with influenza or chicken pox. A common source of allergies and infertility.

Herbal alternatives exist but may be of limited efficacy: menstrual pain (Helonias root), muscular rheumatism (Black Cohosh), tension headaches (Ginkgo), Angina pectoris (Cramp bark), eye-strain (Eyebright), facial neuralgia (German Chamomile), swollen glands (Poke root), chest pain (Elecampane), cough (Iceland Moss), simple abdominal pain (Fenugreek).

Cures for relief of painful limbs run into hundreds. Gentle massage to release endorphins which block pain waves offers an external approach. Arthritic knees are less painful on application of Castor oil packs or one of the many preparations commended under poultices, liniments, lotions, etc.

During trials at Long Island University, USA, 189 cases of rheumatic knees and elbows were rendered painless by pollen poultices. Dissolve one tablespoon bee pollen pellets in warm water; immerse small handtowel; squeeze out excess moisture; bind over affected joint.

Cold water packs are advised by hydrotherapists for headache, stiff neck, shoulders, back and legs. Sodium bicarbonate is the safest and most effective antidote for aspirin overdose.

Aspirin therapy almost halves the risk of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients

undergoing surgery, according to a major study. (BMJ Jan 22 1994)

Studies show that deaths from heart attack can be halved by prescribing half tablet daily together with a clot-dissolving remedy (Nettles, Vitamin E, etc). As an anti-coagulant aspirin is matched by Garlic. In alternative medicine the use of aspirin is discouraged. ... aspirin

Bush Tea


BURSITIS. Tendinitis. Inflammation of a bursa – a soft-tissue elastic sac between bones that glide over one another, as in elbow and shoulder. Contains a little fluid, its purpose being to form a cushion against friction. In the knee-joint it is known as ‘housemaid’s knee’; over the hips as ‘weaver’s bottom’, joints becoming red, hot and painful.

Deposits of calcium may thicken walls and form a focus of pressure, causing pain. Relief comes when the swelling disperses or bursts. In the 60-70 age group rupture of tendons is a frequent cause. Bursitis accounts for two-thirds of shoulder pains. Neglected, it may progress to ‘frozen shoulder’ in later life. Teas. Celery seeds, Comfrey leaf, Nettles, Wintergreen.

Tablets/capsules. Prickly Ash, Lobelia, Wild Yam, Helonias.

Alternative formulae:– Powders. Turmeric 2; Prickly Ash 1; Cayenne quarter. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid extracts. Equal parts: Black Cohosh, Devil’s Claw, Turmeric. Mix. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily.

Tinctures. White Willow bark 2; Prickly Ash bark 1; Wild Yam 1; Capsicum quarter. Mix. Dose: 2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Cider vinegar. 2-3 teaspoons to glass of water 2-3 times daily.

Topical. Apply strapping plaster to arrest swelling. See: FOMENTATIONS. POTATO. BRAN OR COMFREY ROOT POULTICE.

Aromatherapy. Cajeput, Chamomile, Origans, Rosemary. 6 drops of any one oil in 2 teaspoons Almond oil for massage.

Diet. See: DIET – GENERAL.

Supplements. Vitamin A. Vitamin C (3-4g). Vitamin E (400iu). Zinc 15mg.

General. Cold packs. Compression bandages. Gentle massage under the knee where knee joint is involved. For septic bursa add Echinacea to internal medication or apply ointment. For drainage, aspiration is sometimes necessary. Protect knees with knee-pads. Turmeric acquires reputation for relief. ... bush tea


One of the areas in which herbal medicine proves safe and effective is childbirth. Before days of modern medicine herbalism was the only method of assistance. Although the modern hospital has taken over the management of the case, powerful plant parturients are still available for the enlightened physician.

Raspberry leaf tea (iron absorption) should be taken the last 3 months of pregnancy (1oz to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; all drunk at intervals during the day). Taken hot at expectation of delivery the tea favourably assists.

For last month of pregnancy to ensure easy delivery Blue Cohosh should also be taken: (Helonias or Pulsatilla in its absence).

Blue Cohosh. Strengthens muscles of the womb and pelvis. Assists labour pains and all aspects of childbirth. (An old veterinary stand-by to reduce piglet mortality.) Where labour is delayed, the os rigid, painful spasms, “all worn-out by fatigue”, 10 drops Liquid Extract or 20 drops tincture in water every half hour favourably assists.

Pulsatilla. For inefficient labour, to accelerate delivery. Safe and reliable for weak and distressing pains. Thirty drops tincture or 15 drops Liquid Extract in water every 15 minutes to half hour. Even if ineffective, its action is harmless. Believed to act as well as Ergot. At time of delivery, place 20-30 drops tincture or liquid extract in 4oz water; dose – 1 teaspoon every 15 minutes as circumstances dictate. Given once daily, last month of pregnancy, 5 drops tincture or liquid extract powerfully assist women whose labour is expected to be difficult.

For sickness. Black Horehound tea.

Convulsions of childbirth: see, ECLAMPSIA.

Severe haemorrhage: Yarrow tea, as much as tolerated. OR:– Combination. Equal parts: Helonias, Black Haw, Cypripedium.

Powders: Quarter of a teaspoon.

Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops.

Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons in water or honey, hourly.

Sponge-down. A sponge saturated with Marigold (Calendula) tea after delivery is most comforting to the new mother. ... childbirth

Cushing’s Syndrome

A glandular disorder occurring mostly in females, aged 30 to 50.

Causes: a tumour on the adrenal glands or excessive medication with large doses of corticosteroid drugs to make up for adrenal insufficiency. There is diminished resistance to infection. (Echinacea)

Symptoms. Fat plethoric ‘moon’ face. Limbs thin, trunk obese. Skin easily bruises (Arnica). Fatigue, weakness, pink streaks on skin. Cessation of menstruation. Loss of sex drive in men. High blood pressure and sugar in the urine are common. Bone softening leads to pain. Acne (Agnus Castus). Excess body hair. Personality change.

Treatment. Adrenal stimulants may obviate surgery or irradiation to the adrenal glands: they include Ginseng, Liquorice, Sarsaparilla, Holy Thistle (Hyde), Samphire (Hyde).

Men. Tinctures. Formula. Ginseng 3; Sarsaparilla 2; Liquorice 1. One to two teaspoons in water thrice daily.

Women. Tinctures. Formula. Agnus Castus 2; Helonias 2; Pulsatilla 1. One to two teaspoons in water thrice daily.

Good responses have been observed from Pulsatilla and Black Cohosh. ... cushing’s syndrome


A persistent change of mood deeper than superficial sadness. Of symptoms, headache is the commonest presenting complaint (Feverfew, Skullcap). Release from symptoms may be obtained from teas, powders or liquid extracts of the following.

Liver causation: Dandelion (Coffee), Wild Yam, Goldenseal.

In the elderly: Skullcap, Sage.

With restlessness: Lemon balm, Californian Poppy.

With palpitations: Hawthorn, Motherwort.

From abuse of coffee: German Chamomile.

Unable to relax: Passion Flower.

Epileptic: Mistletoe. Vervain.

Parkinsonian: St John’s Wort, broad beans.

To correct hormone imbalance: Helonias, Raspberry leaves.

Pre-menstrual tension: Evening Primrose, St John’s Wort, Rosemary.

With painful menstruation: Black Cohosh.

Associated with glaucoma: Rutin tea.

The hidden alcoholic: Ginseng.

Pregnant depressive: Raspberry leaves.

Obese depressive: Cider vinegar.

Enuresis schoolchild: Liquorice.

With swollen prostate gland: Pulsatilla.

In heart cases, and to counter side effects of beta blockers: Hawthorn, Lily of the Valley.

Drug-induced: St John’s Wort, Californian Poppy, Ginseng.

General anti-depressives: Lemon balm, Celery, Chamomile, Borage, Ginkgo, Damiana, Kola, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Oats, Rosemary, Skullcap, Southernwood, Valerian, Vervain, Wormwood, St John’s Wort, Peppermint.

BHP (1983) combination: Kola nuts, Skullcap, Oats, Damiana.

Evening Primrose: 4 × 500mg capsules daily.

Temporary depression from physical and mental exhaustion: Life Drops (see entry). Pinch of Cayenne in cup of tea.

Old men. Low cholesterol levels are linked to depression among older men.

Practitioner: Persistent depression from shock: Tincture Arnica, 2-5 drops in water, thrice daily.

(Practice among German physicians.)

Aromatherapy. Inhalant: any one oil: Rose, Tangerine, Geranium.

Diet. Low caffeine. Oats: good for depression (oatmeal porridge, oatcakes, etc). Spinach for iron and calcium.

Supplementation. Vitamins: B-complex, B6, B12, C. Thiamine, Niacin. Minerals: Dolomite, Iron, Chromium, Iodine, Zinc.

Note: Depression may trigger mechanisms that introduce chronic disease by lowering immune response, hence need for conscientious patient compliance. ... depression

Depression – Post-natal

Extreme anguish after birth of a child. Mental illness: “sinking into gloom”. Baby blues. Bursting into tears; every small problem seems magnified; agoraphobic tendency. Etiology. Some mothers have a genetic predisposition to the condition. Death of a close relative, stressful pregnancy, redundancy, moving house, or sheer physical and mental exhaustion.

Treatment. Conventional medicine advises strong anti-depressants. Alternatives, until “hormones settle down”: Agnus Castus, Helonias, Milk Thistle. Raspberry leaf tea (tablets/capsules/liquid extracts/tinctures). Special attention to the thyroid gland.


Supplements. Vitamins: B group, E. Minerals: Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc. Tyrosine. Supportives: Astute GP, helpful health visitor, thoughtful husband. ... depression – post-natal


Painful menstruation – two types – (1) primary or spasmodic (2) secondary – secondary to pelvic disease. Herbal treatment is the same for both types.

The womb goes into spasm with pains as in labour; teenager screams aloud. Causes may be glandular inadequacy, prolapse of the womb, inflammation and congestion of the lining, scars on the cervix, psychological disorders. The most likely cause is hormonal imbalance. Where due to a chill, a hot bath and herbal teas (Agnus Castus, Pennyroyal, or Raspberry leaves) are indicated. Where accompanied by emotional excitability, the addition of Skullcap or Motherwort is beneficial.

Cause of the pain is mostly a high concentration of prostaglandins – chemical hormone-like substances that have an astringent effect upon walls of the womb thus arresting blood supply. Herbal vaso-dilators or relaxants have an anti-prostaglandin effect.

Treatment. The first concern of the practitioner is to administer a uterine vaso-dilator to increase the capacity of the blood vessels to transport blood. This effect can be obtained by employing antispasmodics, and nerve relaxants. Those having a specific effect upon the womb are: Agnus Castus, Black Cohosh, Black Haw, Blue Cohosh, Butterbur, Caraway, Cramp bark, Helonias, Jamaica Dogwood, Goldenseal, Lovage, Motherwort, Mugwort, Peppermint, Pulsatilla, St John’s Wort, Skullcap, Squaw Vine, Valerian, Wild Thyme, Wild Yam.

Teas. Lovage, Motherwort, Mugwort, Peppermint, Skullcap, Chamomile, Wild Thyme, Agnus Castus, Raspberry leaves. Add a pinch of Ginger.

Decoctions. Black Cohosh, Black Haw, Blue Cohosh, Butterbur, Cramp bark, False Unicorn root, Jamaica Dogwood, Squaw Vine, Valerian, Wild Yam. A pinch of Ginger enhances action.

Formula. Skullcap 2; Black Cohosh 1; Cramp bark 1. Dosage. Powders: 500mg or one-third teaspoon. Liquid extracts: half-1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In honey, water or fruit juice thrice daily, before meals.

In the absence of the above, the following are also reliable: Black Haw, Helonias, Squaw Vine. Jamaica Dogwood combines well with Black Haw.

Antispasmodic drops.

Supplements. B-complex, B6, Calcium, Magnesium.

Supportives: Heat to the feet. Hot water bottle and electric blanket. Bedrest helps relax pelvic tissues. ... dysmenorrhoea


The presence of tissue normally found on the walls of the womb in an abnormal site, i.e. endometrial tissue implants may appear in the pelvic cavity where they multiply causing obstruction or retrograde tissue change. Scars and adhesions may form between womb and bowel. An ovary may be affected by a tissue thread passing through a Fallopian tube as an aftermath of menstruation. The condition may disappear at pregnancy or menopause. Such fibrous adhesions prevent proper conception and fertility.

Symptoms. Sharp stabbing pains are worse by intercourse. Pain radiates down the back; worse two weeks before menstruation. Incidence has increased since introduction of the vaginal tampon. Enlarged ‘boggy’ uterus. Menstrual irregularity and pain. Diagnosis confirmed by laparoscopy.

Treatment. Official treatment is by Danol hormone therapy which induces a state of artificial pregnancy. Shrinkage and remission of symptoms follow as long as medication is continued. Where the condition has not regressed too far, a number of phyto-pharmaceuticals may bring a measure of relief. These are believed to reduce levels of gonadotrophins and ovarian steroids and abolish cyclical hormonal changes. They are best administered by a qualified herbal practitioner: (MNIMH). Prescriptions vary according to the requirements of each individual case and are modified to meet changed symptoms and progress.


Tr Zingiber fort BP (1973) 5 Tr Xanthoxylum 1:5 BHP (1983) 20 L.E. Glycyrrhiza BP (1973) 10 Tr Phytolacca 1:10 BPC (1923) 5 Tr Chamaelirium 1:5 BHP (1983) 50

Aq ad 250ml

Sig 5-10ml (3i) tds aq cal pc.

For pain episodes: pelvic antispasmodics – say Anemone: 10-20 drops (tincture) prn. Extra Ginger, pelvic stimulant, may be taken once or twice daily between meals. Chamomile tea: 1-2 cups daily to maintain endocrine balance.

Formula. Mrs Janet Hicks, FNIMH. Blue Flag root 30ml; Burdock root 20ml; Hawthorn berries 20ml; Pulsatilla herb 40ml; Vervain 50ml; Dandelion root 30ml; Ginger 10ml. Dose: 5ml in water, thrice daily. (Medical Herbalist, Alresford, Nr Winchester, UK)

Formula. Mrs Brenda Cooke, FNIMH. Helonias, Wild Yam, Vervain, Black Haw, Parsley Piert, Marigold, Butternut, aa 15. Goldenseal 10, Ginger 2.5. 5mls tds., pc. (Medical Herbalist, Mansfield, Notts, UK)

Topical. Castor oil packs to low abdomen, twice weekly.

Note: Vigorous exercise appears to reduce the risk of women developing the condition.

Danazol drug rash. Echinacea. Chickweed cream. ... endometriosis


Inflammation of the endometrium (lining of the womb).

Causes: curettage, abortion, sepsis, bacterial or viral infection (tuberculosis, etc), STD diseases (gonorrhoea, etc). Commonly follows miscarriage or abortion.

Symptoms: low backache, unpleasant purulent vaginal discharge, fever, painful periods.

Treatment. Bedrest. Herbal antibiotics, anti-infectives. To reduce pus formation and strengthen body resistance – Echinacea. To check bleeding between periods – Raspberry, Beth root. To repair mucous membrane – Goldenseal. Constitutional remedy: Thuja, see entry. With hormonal disturbance – Agnus Castus.

Tea. Formula: equal parts, Raspberry leaves, Yarrow, Agnus Castus.

Beth root. See entry.

Helonias. Long history of use by north American Indians. See entry.

A. Barker, FNIMH. Prescription. Tincture Goldenseal 30 drops, Liquid Extract Clivers 60 drops, Liquid Extract Cornsilk 1 fl oz, Liquid Extract Damiana 60 drops. Liquid Extract Marshmallow 1 fl oz. Water to 8oz. Dose: 2 teaspoons every 4 hours.

Topical. Douches: Thuja, Echinacea, Goldenseal, or Myrrh. Raspberry leaf tea. ... endometritis


Myoma of the womb. Non-malignant, non-painful growth of smooth muscle tissue enlarging into a mass on the wall of the womb. Accounts for most hysterectomies. Women may have them without knowing. Responsible for heavy menstruation and clots. Surgical removal is known as myomectomy.

Fibroids depend on oestrogen for their growth. High levels, as in The Pill, are believed to increase their size. Low levels cause shrinkage. Size: anything from a marble to a turnip, producing a sense of fullness. After the menopause when oestrogen declines they may shrink and finally disappear. When enlarged, they cause frequency of urine and constipation, sometimes resultant anaemia. A common cause of infertility. Not all are removed by surgery. Women with fibroids should not take steroids.

Alternatives. Anti-mitotics – Damiana, Motherwort, Helonias, Goldenseal, Life root, Prickly Ash, White Pond Lily, Thuja, Violet leaves (wild), Blue or Black Cohosh.

To arrest bleeding: add Shepherd’s Purse or Beth root.

For pain: Cramp bark. Goldenseal has a mixed success record and can constipate.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Corn Silk, Shepherd’s Purse, Violet. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; dose, one cup thrice daily.

Decoction. Formula. Equal parts: Violet leaves, Clivers, Yellow Dock. 1 teaspoon to each cup of water simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Tinctures. Alternatives:

(1) Combine Cornsilk 3; White Pond Lily 2; Goldenseal quarter. Dose: 15-30 drops in water thrice daily. (Edgar G. Jones, MNIMH)

(2) Yellow Parilla, 60 drops; Yarrow 1oz; White Pond Lily 60 drops; Tincture Goldenseal 60 drops. Water (preferably distilled) to 8oz. Dose: 2 teaspoons in water after meals. (Arthur Barker, FNIMH) Powders. Formula. Blue Cohosh 1; Poke root 1; Goldenseal half. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

A.W. & L.R. Priest. Combination: Goldenseal, Balmony, Galangal. (Oral and local suppository) Douche. 1 litre boiled water. Allow to cool. Add 30-40 drops Liquid Extract Goldenseal, Bayberry or Thuja. Castor oil packs over affected area. Three thicknesses cotton wool or suitable material soaked in Castor oil. Cover with an electric heating pad. Apply 3-4 nights a week for 6 months. Disappearance of fibroid reported. ARE Journal, Vol 19, May 84, p.127

Note: Correction of anaemia, if present. Simple iron deficiency – Nettle tea. Floradix. Special care during pregnancy. ... fibroids


Absence of sexual desire. Inability to reach orgasm, usually in women.

Causes: Sexually transmitted diseases, tension, stress, absence of menses, dry vaginal entrance, fibroids, cystic ovaries, Vitamin E deficiency. Vegetarians have lower levels of oestrogen.

Alternatives. Endocrine balancers: Helonias, Life root, Wild Yam, Damiana, Saw Palmetto, Ginseng, Motherwort.

Tea. Combination: equal parts, Motherwort, Oats, Gotu Kola. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup daily.

South American traditional: Saw Palmetto, Kola and Damiana. Available as tablets and other preparations.

Far East traditional: Ginseng.

Agnus Castus. Deficient secretion of luteal hormone.

Diet. Oats (porridge, etc). High fibre. Vitamins. E (400iu daily). B-complex. Minerals. Zinc. ... frigidity

Hair Loss

Alopecia. Baldness. Shedding of the hair in patches leaving glossy bald areas. It is normal to lose about one hundred hairs a day, but severe stress such as unemployment, divorce or death in a family may considerably increase hair loss. Losses of long-standing are seldom recovered.

Causes: hormone deficiency (Agnus Castus) in females, where it may be associated with failing thyroid or ovarian function. In such cases, other agents include: Helonias, Motherwort, Black Haw bark. Other causes may be pregnancy, the menopause, or simply discontinuing The Pill. Certain skin diseases predispose: ringworm (Thuja), eczema (Yellow Dock), from thyroid disorder (Kelp, Blue Flag root).

Exposure to some cosmetics, excessive sunlight, strong chemicals and treatment of cancer with cytotoxic drugs may interfere with nutrition of the hair follicles. To ensure a healthy scalp a correct mineral balance is essential calling for supplementation of the diet with vitamins, selenium, zinc and silica. Yellow Dock is believed to counter toxicity of chemicals; Pleurisy root opens the pores to promote sweat and action of surface capillaries.

Baldness sometimes happens suddenly; eye-lashes or beard may be affected. Though emotional stress and a run-down condition is a frequent cause, most cases are not permanent, returning to normal with adequate treatment.

Baldness of the eyebrows alerts us to a lowered function of the thyroid gland, being an early outward sign of myxoedema. A pony-tail hair style or the wearing of a crash helmet may cause what is known as traction alopecia. Heavy coffee drinkers invariably lose hair lustre.

Soviet Research favours silica-rich plants internally and as a lotion: Horsetail, Burdock, Nettles, Bamboo gum.

Growth of hair is assisted by improving surface circulation of the scalp which is beneficial for conveying nutrients to the hair roots and facilitating drainage. Herbal vasodilators stimulate hair follicle nutrition and encourage growth: Cayenne, Pleurisy root, Black Cohosh and Prickly Ash, taken internally. A convenient way of taking Cayenne is the use of a pepper-shaker at table.

Topical. Hair rinse. 2-3 times weekly. Infusion: equal parts Yarrow, Sage and Rosemary. 1oz (30g) to 1 pint (500ml) water. Simmer gently five minutes. Allow to cool. Strain before use.

Cider vinegar – minimal success reported.

Day lotion. Liquid Extract Jaborandi half an ounce; Tincture Cantharides half an ounce; Oil Jojoba to 4oz. Shake well before use.

Oily lotion. Equal parts Olive and Eucalyptus oils.

Bay Rhum Lotion. Oil of Bay 50 drops; Olive oil half an ounce; Rum (Jamaica or other) to 4oz. Shake well before use.

Oil Rosemary: rub into hair roots.

Russian Traditional. Castor oil half an ounce; Almond oil 1oz; Oil Geranium 15 drops; Vodka to 6oz. Rub into hair roots.

Aromatherapy. To 1oz Castor oil and 1oz Olive oil add, 10 drops each – Oils Neroli, Lavender and Rosemary.

Gentian plant extract. Japanese scalp massage with extract from roots to thicken thinning hair. Some success reported.

Supplements. B-vitamins, Kelp, Silicea Biochemic salt. Zinc. Low levels of iron and zinc can cause the condition.

Note: Studies show that male occipital baldness confers a risk of heart disease, being associated with a higher total cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure than men with a full head of hair. Frontal baldness has not been found to be associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarct. “It seems prudent for bald men to be specially vigorous in controlling risk factors for such conditions.” (S.M. Lesko, Journal of the American Medical Association, Feb 24, 1993, 269: 998-1003) ... hair loss

Hormone Replacement Therapy (hrt)

Within a few years medical scientists have introduced into the domestic scene a steroid which has changed the whole course of female history. HRT has solved some basic medical problems by making good the loss of oestrogen in a woman’s body when menstruation is finished and her body learns to adjust.

A lack of oestrogen induces hot flushes, night sweats, thinning of the bones (osteoporosis) with possible fractures, and a wide range of physical and emotional disorders.

HRT also prevents the increased frequency of coronary disease which may follow the menopause. With oestrogen only, HRT appears to increase the incidence of cancer of the uterine body. Use of oestrogen and progestogen avoids this.

HRT is available as a tablet, transdermal patch, implant or topical cream. Most women notice temporary improvement in their appearance and hot flushes as long as treatment is continued. HRT is not prescribed by the herbal practitioner. Soya and Hops are a mild alternative.

Side-effects of such treatment include blood pressure rise, weight gain and periods probably continue with a monthly bleed. Elderly women taking HRT for osteoporosis may develop bleeding problems, the risk of blood clot and gall bladder diseases.

Helonias has proved a useful alternative, effective in eliminating excess fluids, reducing hot flushes, and relieving that bloated feeling, thus helping the older woman to live a normal life.

Damiana. 1 heaped teaspoon leaves to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes; strain. 1 cup 2-3 times daily for 3-6 weeks.

Sarsaparilla. 1oz (30g) root in 1 pint (500ml) water; simmer gently 20 minutes; strain. 1 cup 2-3 times daily for 3-6 weeks.

Supplementation. Daily. Vitamin E, 400iu. Vitamin B-complex (high potency). Evening Primrose oil capsules, 500mg morning and evening. Dolomite, for Calcium and Magnesium, 2 tablets morning and evening.

Note: An extensive study of breast cancer risks with HRT revealed a positive link between the risk of cancer and length of use. Risk of the disease increased with all types of women using HRT with every year of use. Pre-menstrual women were more than twice at risk. It would appear that oestrogens cannot be taken without risk. (Centre for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA) See: OESTROGENS. ... hormone replacement therapy (hrt)

Huntingdon’s Chorea

Degenerative disease of the cortex and basal ganglia of the brain with mental retardation, jerky movements of face and limbs. Onset: 30-45 years. Hereditary.

Differential diagnosis: arterio-sclerosis, Sydenham’s chorea.

Action. Emotional instability ranging from apathy to irritability. Complicated by menstrual problems (Motherwort, Helonias, Black Cohosh). Regresses into dementia. No cure possible, but anti-convulsants may reduce contortions and restlessness. Institutional care may be necessary. Scientists claim the gene that causes Huntingdon’s disease has been identified.

Alternatives. Of Therapeutic Value. Betony, Black Cohosh, Chamomile (German), Cramp bark, Helonias, Ladyslipper, Motherwort, Oats, Passion flower, Sarsaparilla, Skullcap, Valerian, Feverfew. Tablets/capsules. Motherwort, Passion flower, Skullcap, Valerian.

Formula. Combine: equal parts, Black Cohosh, Mistletoe, Helonias. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extract: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily in water or honey.

Traditional, UK. Combine equal parts, Skullcap, Valerian, Mistletoe. 1oz (30g) to 1 pint (500ml) water; bring to boil; remove vessel when boiling point is reached. Dose: half-1 cup thrice daily.

Diet. Lacto-vegetarian. Yoghurt. Low salt. Oatmeal porridge, Muesli, regular raw food days. Supplements. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin B6, Kelp, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc.

Note: It would appear the Ginkgo would be an object of scientific study for the complaint. Treatment by or in liaison with general medical practitioner only. ... huntingdon’s chorea


Absence of sexual power. Lack of sexual performance in the male whereby erection cannot be maintained to complete a satisfactory orgasm between two people. Or failure to ejaculate. Impotence puts a marriage under serious strain. Marriage Guidance Council: “About a third of sex problems we deal with concern impotence.” Pre-disposing factors: stress, marital problems, diabetes, drugs. Some cases are due to piles, fissures and other diseases of the rectum. First relieve the rectum and the impotence should look after itself. Smoking.

Alternatives. With the use of Ginseng and other plant extracts it is possible for sexual desire not to diminish with age, even in the eighties. Some have children in their seventies. Reduce alcohol to a minimum. Drunk males are poor performers. Aphrodisiacs: Damiana, Siberian Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, Muira-pauama. Sarsaparilla stimulates secretion of the male hormone – testosterone. Helonias (Ellingwood). Agnus Castus. (Whitehouse)

Tablets or capsules: Sarsaparilla, Agnus Castus, Ginseng, Ginger.

Formula. Equal parts: Saw Palmetto, Kola, Damiana, Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. In water or honey, thrice daily.

Evening Primrose: two 500mg capsules morning and evening.

Australian Herbalism. Ginseng (panax), Withania Somnifera, Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococus senticosus), Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra chinensis), Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Di huang (Rehmannia giutinosa), Saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata), Damiana (Turnera diffusa). (David McLeod, Australian

Journal of Medical Herbalism 1993, Vol 5 (2) 41-4)

Diet. See: DIET – GENERAL.

Supplementation. Zinc, 30mg daily. Vitamin E 500iu daily. Bee pollen. Counselling. Impotents Anonymous. ... impotence


Pruritus. Itching is a symptom of many conditions the underlying cause of which should receive treatment. Generalised itching may direct attention to the liver: cirrhosis, jaundice or hepatotoxic drugs. Other causes: chronic kidney failure, glandular disorders, blood disorders (worse by hot bath), hyper- and hypo-thyroidism, malignancy or carcinoid syndrome (due to release of histamine), anabolic steroids, oral contraceptives, the third trimester of pregnancy (Raspberry leaves). Diabetes is usually credited with general itching but this is rare; its itching being chiefly in the anus and vulva for which Helonias is helpful.

Alternatives. All types of irritation, including itching of anus and vulva.

Teas. Chaparral, Chickweed, Figwort, Dandelion, Boneset, Marigold, Nettles, Red Clover.

Tea formula. Equal parts: Figwort, Meadowsweet, Juniper berries. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup thrice daily.

Tea (cold). Barberry bark: one heaped teaspoon to each cup cold water steeped overnight. Dose: 1 cup thrice during the following day.

Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag, Dandelion, Echinacea, Devil’s Claw, Poke root, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Wild Yam.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Dandelion 2; Poke root half. Dose – Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: two 5ml teaspoons).

Practitioner. Tinctures BHP (1983). Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) 2; Kava Kava 1; Figwort 1. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons in water thrice daily for severe anal or vulval attack.

Topical. Wipe affected area with: (a) Witch Hazel water. (b) Witch Hazel water plus 2-3 drops Tincture Goldenseal (severe, anus or vulva). (c) Cider vinegar. (d) Jojoba oil. (e) Aloe Vera (anus and vulva). (f) Well diluted essential oils of Aromatherapy: Lavender, Aniseed. (g) 2-3 drops Australian Tea Tree oil to 100ml water. (h) Zinc and Castor oil cream. (i) Bathe with strong infusion Tansy (anus).

Evening Primrose oil capsules. Contain gamolenic acid which has a significant effect on relieving itching by its antihistamine action.

Diet. Gluten-free.

Vitamins. A. B-complex. B3. B6. B12. D. F.

Minerals. Zinc.

Note: Constantine Hering MD, physician, sums up the law of cure: “The direction of disease is inwards and upwards. The direction of cure is downwards and outwards. Symptoms that move deeper into the body and from the surface towards the head are considered dangerous. Any skin eruption, or itching, or nervous symptoms moving from the head towards the feet would be regarded as favourable.

“Itch is an effort of the central nervous system to move a deeper disturbance towards the skin where the irritation may be distressing but where it is least damaging.”

Perhaps the most common cause of chronic itching in the 1990s is Candida. ... itching


Failure of two people to bring about a pregnancy after one year of normal sexual intercourse. Where the cause is known accurate and effective treatment is possible. For instance, where it is likely to be caused by candida, focus on that condition with anti-fungals.

Causes (female). Absence of menses, dry vaginal entrance, tension, stress, tiredness, deformed or retroverted womb, cervical polyps, inflammation of the cervix or ovaries, fibroids, cystic ovaries, diabetes, drugs, steroids, psychogenic factors. Women who use intra-uterine devices may become infertile from tubal infection. The Pill affects fertility. Vitamin E deficiency. Professor Richard Morisset (World Health Organisation) asserts STD’s account for more than 50 per cent infertility in women. Alcohol is a factor.

Causes (male). Inadequate seman, testicular or prostate infection, orchitis (from past mumps), kidney failure, chronic lung disease from smoking, thyroid deficiency, liver and other infections, calcium or Vitamin E deficiency. Low sperm count is found in regular drinkers of alcohol. 30 per cent cases of infertility are found to be due to the male.

“Women who drink more than one cup of coffee a day may find it harder to become pregnant.” (American study reported in The Guardian, 28.12.88)

“Vegetarian women have lower levels of oestrogen. The amount of fibre women eat is believed to affect oestrogen levels in their blood.” (Dr Elwyn Hughes, University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology)

“Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day and smoking more than 20 cigarettes could be a dangerous combination for male fertility.” (Research study, North Carolina, USA)

Women whose mothers smoked when they were pregnant are only 50 per cent as fertile as women who were not exposed (when in the uterus) to a mother’s tobacco smoke. (C. Weinberg, “Reduced Fecundity in Women with Prenatal exposure to cigarette smoking.” American Journal of Epidemiology 1989; 129 p1072)

Margarine has been implicated in low sperm counts.

Alternatives. Endocrine balancers.

Female. Tea. Equal parts: herbs – Motherwort, Agnus Castus and Oats. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose, 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Tablets: Agnus Castus, dosage as on bottle.

Liquid Extracts: equal parts Agnus Castus and Helonias: 1 teaspoon in water 2-3 times daily.

Maria Treben: 25 drops fresh Mistletoe juice in water, on empty stomach, night and morning.

External: Castor oil abdominal packs twice weekly.

Male. Ginseng, Gotu Kola, or the traditional combination of Damiana, Saw Palmetto and Kola. Tablets, liquid extracts, powders or tinctures. Tinctures (practitioner): Capsicum Fort BPC 5ml; Saw Palmetto (1:5) 10ml; Damiana (1:5) 50ml; Prickly Ash (1:5) 10ml. Aqua to 100ml. 1 teaspoon in water, thrice daily. (Arthur Hyde FNIMH)

An orange a day helps keep sperm OK. (Important role of Vitamin C – New Scientist 1992 NO.1812 p20)

Fasting. Mrs A. Rylin, Sweden, had been trying to conceive for 2 years. Conventional medicine proved ineffective until both she and her husband decided to fast for ten days. Within a month she conceived. Other successes reported.

Diet. (For both partners) Vitamin A foods. Wholefoods, oatmeal products (breakfast oats, etc). Regular raw food days. No alcohol. The key mineral for infertility is zinc, a deficiency of which may be made up with bran which is not only high in zinc but in soluble fibre. Not to eat any green peas, which are mildly contraceptive.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin C (1 gram). Vitamin E (500iu). One B-complex tablet, including B6. The calcium ion is the key regulator of human sperm function – Calcium Lactate 300mg (2 tablets thrice daily at meals). Zinc – 2 tablets or capsules at night. Folic acid, 400mcg. Dolomite. Iron.

Notes. Consider Vitamin B12 and Iron deficiency when evaluating anaemia in infertile couples.

20 percent of men suffer infertility and produce high levels of superoxide radicals in their semen. Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is believed to mop up their superoxide radicals.

Observe sign of zinc deficiency: white flecks on nails. ... infertility


If the mother has avoided over-eating heavy rich foods, an excess of meat, alcohol, domestic tea and coffee; and if she has drunk Raspberry leaf tea with Squaw Vine drops for the last three months, her delivery is likely to be easy and without incident. When labour commences let cupfuls of warm Raspberry leaf tea with a little Composition, Red Pepper or Ginger, be taken every 20 minutes. If contractions are strong, the stimulants Composition, Red Pepper and Ginger may not be needed.

Oxytocic herbs for sustaining vigorous contractions are effective and may be used when necessary. Chief among them is Goldenseal (which is never used during pregnancy); dose, Liquid Extract 5 drops in water, or honey, every 20 minutes. A number of Indian tribes including the Potawatomis, held Blue Cohosh in high esteem, as an effective parturient. Dose: same as for Goldenseal.

False labour pains: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Black Horehound, Cramp bark, Motherwort, Helonias, Valerian, Wild Lettuce, Wild Yam.

Premature labour pains: Black Horehound, Blue Cohosh, Motherwort, Black Haw bark BHP (1983). Prolonged labour: to relax os. Feverfew, Lobelia, Ladyslipper, Blue Cohosh.

Practitioner use: Tincture Gelsemium 5 drops.

Labour contractions alarmingly inefficient: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh.

Post partum haemorrhage. To be given before completion of delivery: Marigold, Witch Hazel, Bayberry, Goldenseal. Dr T.J. Lyle strongly advises Beth root. ... labour


Whites. A whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina due to inflammation of the mucus membrane. Infection of the womb is a common cause, either by trichomonas or sexually transmitted disease. Often a symptom of general debility and toxic state.

Alternatives. General use: Aletris, Avens, Bayberry, Beth root, Bistort, Black Catechu, Cranesbill, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Helonias, Life root, Marigold, Mountain Grape, Myrrh, Nasturtium, Yarrow, Oak bark, Periwinkle (greater), White Pond Lily, Wild Indigo, Horsetail, Deadnettle, Ladies Mantle, Raspberry leaves.

Internal. Tea. Combination. Equal Parts: Ladies Mantle, Raspberry leaves. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Tablets/capsules. Raspberry leaves, Helonias, Cranesbill, Echinacea. Goldenseal.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Myrrh half. Doses – Liquid Extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: one to two 5ml teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

BHP (1983) combination: Helonias and Beth root. Vaginal douche. 1oz Raspberry leaves to 1 pint boiling water. Allow to cool. Add: 5-10 drops Tincture Goldenseal. Inject warm. Alternative: 1oz Marigold flowers (or herb) to 1 pint boiling water. Allow to cool. Add: 5-10 drops Tincture Myrrh. Tampon may be immersed and inserted into the vagina, after douching. ... leucorrhoea


Greek word ‘white blood’. (Leukosis) Acute myeloid and lymphoblastic. Cancer of the white blood cells of two main types; myeloid, involving the polymorph type and lymphatic involving lymphocytes. Each type may take acute or chronic form, the acute being more serious. The disease is not an infection.

Causes: exposure to chemicals, X-rays or radioactive material. Genetic factors are believed to predispose. The condition may be acute or chronic and may follow chemotherapy.

Remissions are known to have been induced by a preparation from the Periwinkle plant (Vinca rosea) now re-classified as Catharanthus roseus.

“Smokers suffer a significantly increased risk of developing acute myelocytic leukaemia.” (“Cancer”: 1987 vol 60, pp141-144)

Acute Leukaemia. Rapid onset with fatality within weeks or months. Fever. Proliferation of white cells in the bone marrow which are released and blood-borne to the liver, spleen and lymphatics. There may be bleeding from kidneys, mouth, bowel and beneath the skin. (Shepherd’s Purse, Yarrow) The acute form is known also as acute lymphoblastic or acute myeloblastic leukaemia. May be mis-diagnosed as tuberculosis.

Chronic Leukaemia. Gradual onset. Breathlessness from enlargement of the spleen. Swelling of glands under arms, in neck and groin. Loss of weight, appetite, strength, facial colour and body heat. Anaemia, spontaneous bleeding and a variety of skin conditions. Diarrhoea. Low grade fever.

No cure is known, but encouraging results in orthodox medicine promise the disease may be controlled, after the manner of diabetes by insulin. Successful results in such control are reported by Dr Hartwell, National Cancer Institute, Maryland, USA, with an alkaloid related to Autumn Primrose (Colchicum officinale). Vinchristine, a preparation from Periwinkle is now well-established in routine treatment. Red Clover, also, is cytotoxic to many mammalian cells. Vitamin C (present in many herbs and fruits) inhibits growth of non-lymphoblastic leukaemia cells. Good responses have been observed by Dr Ferenczi, Hungary, by the use of raw beet root juice.

Also treated with success by Dr Hartland (above) has been lymphocytic leukaemia in children which he treated with a preparation from Periwinkle.

Choice of agents depends largely upon the clinical experience of the practitioner and ease of administration. Addition of a nerve restorative (Oats, Kola, Black Cohosh or Helonias) may improve sense of well-being. To support the heart and circulatory system with cardiotonics (Hawthorn, Motherwort, Lily of the Valley) suggests sound therapy.

Herbal treatment may favourably influence haemoglobin levels and possibly arrest proliferation of leukaemic cells and reduce size of the spleen. It would be directed towards the (a) lymphatic system (Poke root), (b) spleen (Tamarinds), (c) bone marrow (Yellow Dock), and (d) liver (Blue Flag root).

An older generation of herbalists prescribed Blue Flag root, Yellow Dock, Poke root, Thuja and Echinacea, adding other agents according to indications of the particular case.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Red Clover, Gotu Kola, Plantain. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

New Jersey tea (ceanothus). 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Periwinkle tea (Vinca rosea). 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Decoction. Formula. Equal parts: Echinacea, Yellow Dock, Blue Flag root. 1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. 1 cup before meals thrice daily.

Formula. Red Clover 2; Yellow Dock 1; Dandelion root 1; Thuja quarter; Poke root quarter; Ginger quarter. Dose: Liquid Extract: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Vinchristine. Dosage as prescribed. In combination with other medicines.

Wheatgrass. Juice of fresh Wheatgrass grown as sprouts and passed through a juicer. Rich in minerals. One or more glasses daily.

Beetroot juice. Rich in minerals. Contains traces of rare rabidium and caesium, believed to contribute to anti-malignancy effect. (Studies by Dr A. Ferenczi, Nobel Prize-winner, published 1961)

Diet: Dandelion coffee.

Supplements. B-complex, B12, Folic acid, Vitamin C 2g morning and evening, Calcium ascorbate 2g morning and evening. Copper, Iron, Selenium, Zinc.

Childhood Leukaemia. Research has linked the disease with fluorescent lighting. “Fluorescent tubes emit blue light (400mm wavelength). Light penetrates the skin and produces free radicals. Free radicals damage a child’s DNA. Damaged DNA causes leukaemia to develop. The type and intensity of lighting in maternity wards should be changed. This could be prevented by fitting cheap plastic filters to fluorescent lights in maternity wards.” (Peter Cox, in “Here’s Health”, on the work of Dr Shmuel Ben-Sasson, The Hubert Humphrey Centre of Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, Jerusalem)

Treatment by hospital specialist. ... leukaemia

Lupus Erythematosus

Auto-immune disease – antibody to DNA. Non-tubercula. Two kinds: (1) discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and (2) systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). DLE occurs mostly in middle-aged women, but SLE in young women. Activity may be followed by period of remission. The condition may evolve into rheumatic disease.

Symptoms (SLE): Loss of appetite, fever. Weight loss, weakness. Thickened scaly red patches on face (butterfly rash). May invade scalp and cause loss of hair. Sunlight worsens. Anaemia. Joint pains. Enlarged spleen. Heart disorders. Kidney weakness, with protein in the urine. Symptoms worse on exposure to sunlight. Low white blood cell count. Many patients may also present with Raynaud’s phenomenon while some women with silicone breast implants may develop lupus.

Treatment. Anti-virals. Alteratives. Anti-inflammatories, anticoagulants. Alternatives. Teas: Lime flowers, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo, Aloe Vera, Boneset.

Decoctions: Burdock. Queen’s Delight. Helonias.

Tablets/capsules. Echinacea. Blue Flag root. Wild Yam. Ginkgo.

Formula. Dandelion 1; Black Haw 1; Wild Yam half; Poke root half. Dose: Liquid Extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: two 5ml teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Topical. Sunlight barrier creams: Aloe Vera, Comfrey. Horsetail poultice. Garlic ointment. Castor oil packs.


Supplements. Calcium pantothenate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Selenium.

Note: The disorder is frequently misdiagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis or ME. Lupus antibodies have been linked with premature heart disease in women and transient strokes. ... lupus erythematosus


A girl’s first menstrual period. Hormones from the pituitary gland stimulate the ovaries to produce oestrogen, the female sex hormone which initiates body changes towards maturity. There follows enlargement of the breasts and the appearance of pubic hair. Signs include listlessness, irritability, bloated feeling and emotional disturbances.

Where the menarche is delayed, Raspberry leaf tea or Chamomile tea may be all required. Other agents in general use: Mugwort, Pennyroyal, Ginseng, Kelp, Peppermint, Marjoram, Sage, Squaw Vine, Blue Cohosh.

Where long delayed. Formula. Motherwort 2; Helonias 2; add few grains powder or drops of tincture Ginger. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1-4ml; Tinctures: 4-8ml; Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily in water or honey.

Diet. High fibre, low fat, low sugar.

Vitamins. B-complex, B6, C, E, F.

Minerals. Calcium, Iodine, Iron, Zinc.

Supportive. A mother’s friendly advice helps allay anxiety in this dramatic change in a girl’s life. ... menarche


Conclusion of menstruation at the end of reproductive life – between the years 45-50 – and lasting about 4 years. Ovulation fails, hormonal activity wanes. Intervals between periods longer. Periods may stop gradually or suddenly and become scantier.

Symptoms. Not all present at once. Hot flushes, weight gain, depression, urinary frequency, headaches, backache, painful breasts, vaginal discomfort, cannot sleep or concentrate and gets irritable. Cries easily. Poor sexual response.

The hot sweats must not be misdiagnosed. They may be due to an over-worked thyroid gland which requires Kelp, Bugleweed. Palpitations may be due to tachycardia – see: CARDIO-VASCULAR AGENTS: Hawthorn, Lily of the Valley, Motherwort, etc. Tiredness often points to anaemia – see: ANAEMIA.

Oestrogen deficiency predisposes to osteoporosis (weakening and softening of the bones), height loss. Increased flow, or spotting, after an interval of 6 months should be investigated. Excessive blood loss may be due to fibroids.

Alternatives. Herbs to enable women to adjust naturally to the menopause are many and varied. In general use: Agnus Castus (ovarian hormone precurser), Black Haw (Uterine relaxant), Broom (gentle diuretic and heart restorative), Clivers, Goldenseal, Helonias (ovarian hormone precurser), Lady’s Mantle, Life root, Lime flowers, Marjoram, Motherwort, Nettles, Oats (nutrient), Parsley tea, Pennyroyal, Raspberry leaves, Skullcap (tension), St John’s Wort (anxiety), Valerian (nervous excitability).

For menopausal flooding, see: MENORRHAGIA.

Hot flushes: see entry.

With circulatory disorders, add Rosemary.

Alternative formulae. Teas. (1) Motherwort and Raspberry leaves. (2) Lady’s Mantle, Lime flowers, Yarrow. (3) Raspberry leaves, Broom, Clivers. Place 1 heaped teaspoon in each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup thrice daily. (4) Sage tea. (Chinese traditional)

Vitamin E. Hot flushes and circulatory distress.

Evening Primrose oil capsules.

Formula. Agnus Castus 2; Black Haw 1; Valerian half. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Diet. Infrequency of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms in Japanese women are believed to be related to their Soya-rich diet, Soya containing isoflavonoids which are similar to human oestrogen. Avoid coffee. Reduce tea, Cola drinks, Alcohol.

Vitamins. The condition makes heavy demands upon the vitamin reserves. C, 1g morning and evening. E, 500iu morning and evening. B-complex, B6.

Minerals. Calcium helps reduce risk of fracture, particularly in menopausal women who may increase their intake to 800mg daily – calcium citrate malate being more effective than the carbonate. Dried milk powder contains high percentage of Calcium. ... menopause


Wild Wormwood, Felon herb. Artemisia vulgaris L. German: Mugwurz. French: Herbe de St Jean. Spanish: Artemisia. Arabian: Afsantin-e-hindi. Iranian: Artemassaya. Indian: Duna murwa. Chinese: Ai-hao-ai. Part used: leaves.

Constituents: vulgarin, flavonoids, coumarin derivatives, oil.

Action. Menstrual regulator, nervine, diuretic, choleretic, stomachic, diaphoretic, orexigenic, bitter, anti- diabetic. Has an affinity for the womb, stomach and nerves. Re-mineraliser.

Uses: menstrual obstruction, pain or delay. Menopause. To temporarily allay the tremor of Parkinsons; reduce excitability of epileptics before an attack, convulsions in children; early stages of colds, influenza and other fevers. To stimulate the appetite in anorexia nervosa. Pin worms, sleep-walking, abdominal cramp. Malaria. (China)

Combination: with Helonias, Pennyroyal and Southernwood for menstrual irregularity BHP (1983). Preparations. Average dose, half-2 grams, or equivalent, thrice daily.

Tea: half an ounce to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Liquid Extract BHP (1983). 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose: half to 2ml in water.

Powder, capsules: 250mg. 3 capsules at meals, morning and evening. (Arkocaps) Contra-indications: pregnancy, lactation, large doses. ... mugwort


Phytoestrogens. Oestrogens are steroid sex hormones secreted mainly by the ovary, and in smaller amounts by the adrenals, testes and placenta. They control sexual development and regulate the menstrual cycle. In puberty they are responsible for pubic hair and secondary female sex characteristics.

Some herbs, having a similar effect, are known as oestrogenics, and which are given usually during days 1 to 14 of the menstrual cycle for oestrogen-deficiency disorders: night sweats, hot flushes, urinary and menopausal problems.

This group should not be given to patients taking oestrogens of orthodox pharmacy, or in the presence of growths on the female organs: fibroids, endometriosis, cancer, cysts. It has an important role in the metabolism of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

More than 300 plants are known to possess oestrogenic activity including wholewheat and soya products.

Important oestrogenics: Aniseed, Beth root, Black Cohosh, Elder, Don quai, Evening Primrose, Fennel, Helonias (False Unicorn root), Hops, Liquorice, Sage, Sarsaparilla, True Unicorn root (Aletris). Any one, or more in combination, may be used for symptoms of the menopause or oestrogen deficiency.

The closer we enhance ovarian and uterine function to give true hormone replacement, the more effective is the science of phytotherapy.

See: OSTEOPOROSIS. ... oestrogens


Two female reproductive organs situated below the Fallopian tubes, one on each side of the womb, comparable to testes in the male. An egg cell or ova develops inside the ovary and when mature bursts through the surface into the abdominal cavity where it is attracted into a Fallopian tube and conveyed to the womb. If fertilised, the egg attaches to the lining of the womb and develops into a foetus. Otherwise it is expelled from the womb during menstruation. In addition to producing eggs, ovaries secrete hormones essential to body function. Ovarian disorders include:– 1. Inflammation (oophoritis – usually with salpingitis).

Causes: mumps, tuberculosis, gonorrhoea or, if following childbirth or abortion, sepsis. Inflammatory adhesions may cause ovary and tube to mat together and ulcerate.

Symptoms: feverishness, pelvic pain, abdominal swelling.

Treatment. Decoction, powders, liquid extracts or tinctures.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Helonias 1; Cramp bark 1; Liquorice quarter. Dosage. Decoction: half-1 cup. Powders: one-third teaspoon. Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily in water/honey.

External. Castor oil pack to abdomen.

2. Cysts. Single or multiple hollow growths containing fluids may grow large, obstruct abdominal circulation, interfere with digestion and cause shortness of breath. They are caused by excessive stimulus from the pituitary gland. A fluid-filled sac on the ovary grows in preparation for egg release but fails to rupture. The follicle continues to grow, accumulating fluid and a cyst results.

Liquid Extract Thuja: 5-10 drops, thrice daily. Of value.

Notes. Bulimia Nervosa (eating disorder) has been linked with polycystic ovary disease. (St George’s Hospital Medical School, London)

The presence of acne is a valuable clue to ovarian disorder: a treatment for acne reacts favourably on ovaries.

3. Tumour (non-malignant). May avoid detection. Usually revealed by laparoscopy or X-ray. When a tumour or cyst twists on an ovary’s ligament severe abdominal pain is followed by vomiting and shock.

Treatment. Secondary to surgery. Decoction, powders, liquid extracts, or tinctures. Combination. Cramp bark 2; Poke root 1; Thuja half. Dosage. Decoction: half-1 cup. Powders: 500mg (one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons in water/honey thrice daily.

Following surgical removal of ovaries: Pulsatilla. Pre- and post-operative pain: Cramp bark BHP (1983). Black Willow. (Dr J. Christopher)

Supplements: calcium, magnesium.

Note: Increased bone loss is associated with ovarian disturbances in premenopausal women. (Canadian Study in “New England Journal of Medicine”) See: OSTEOPOROSIS.

Polycystic ovaries have an important association with heart attacks in elderly women. (Professor Howard Jacobs, Middlesex School of Medicine) ... ovaries


“Brittle bones”. The Silent Epidemic. Weakness and softness of the bones due to wastage of minerals, chiefly calcium. Crippling, painful, deforming. ‘Bone-thinning’ leads to hundreds of thousands of crush and spontaneous fractures every year. Vertebra of the spine may collapse with loss of height and stooping. Sufferers show body levels of zinc about 25 per cent lower than normal. May run in families.

Affects women more than men by 10:1 especially after menopause, whether this is natural or due to destruction or removal of ovaries in early adult life.

By means of a calcium-rich diet after 35 years it is a preventable disease. Like so many degenerative diseases a common cause is widespread consumptions of refined, processed, chemicalised foods. It is possible that dental caries is in reality osteoporosis.

In men, alcohol is the chief cause. It wreaks its greatest havoc in women 10-15 years after the menopause. Increased calcium will not restore tissue already lost by wasting. Emphasis is therefore on prevention. It is estimated that a quarter of women over 50 in the West suffer bone loss after the menopause when reduced oestrogen speeds loss of calcium with possible bone damage to wrist, spine and especially hip. The chances of such fractures in women reaching seventy are one in two.

Vitamin D deficiency predisposes, as also does over-prescription of thyroxine for hypothyroid cases. Fat-free diets can break bones.

In menopausal women, increased bone loss is associated with disorders of the ovaries, which organs should receive treatment. Specially at risk are anorexic women with absence of periods. Secondary causes: hyperthyroidism, long-term use of steroids, liver disease, drugs (Tamoxifen, Antacids).

Common fractures are those of hips, spine and wrist. Wrist bone mineral content and grip strength are related. Squeezing a tennis ball hard three times each morning and evening reduces risk of fractures of the wrist.

Drinking of Lemon juice contributes to brittle bones. The habit of daily drinking of the juice causes enamel of teeth to crumble and the removal of calcium from the bones.

Cod Liver oil (chief of the iodised oils) reaches and nourishes cartilage, imparting increased elasticity which prevents degeneration.

Coffee. Two or more cups of coffee a day significantly reduces bone mineral density in women, but drinking milk each day can counter it.

Alternatives. Alfalfa, Black Cohosh, Chamomile, Clivers, Fennel, Dong quai, Fenugreek, Liquorice, Meadowsweet, Mullein, Pimpernel, Helonias, Plantain, Rest Harrow, Shepherd’s Purse, Silverweed, Toadflax, Unicorn root. Nettle tea.

Tea. Equal parts. Alfalfa, Comfrey leaves, Nettles. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5- 15 minutes; 1 cup thrice daily.

Decoction. Equal parts: Comfrey root, Irish Moss (for minerals), Horsetail. Mix. 3 heaped teaspoons to 1 pint (500ml) water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: 1 cup thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules. Bamboo gum, Helonias, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss for minerals, Kelp, Prickly Ash. Formula. Horsetail 2; Alfalfa 2; Helonias 1. Mix. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Action is enhanced by taking in a cup of Fenugreek tea.

Comfrey decoction. 1 heaped teaspoon to cup water gently simmered 5 minutes. Strain when cold. Dose: 1 cup, to which is added 10 drops Tincture Helonias, morning and evening. Fenugreek seeds may be used as an alternative to Comfrey root. Comfrey and Fenugreek are osteo-protectives. For this condition the potential benefit of Comfrey outweighs possible risk.

Propolis. Regeneration of bone tissue.

Dr John Christopher. Mix powders: Horsetail 6, de-husked Oats 3; Comfrey root 4; Lobelia 4. Dose: quarter to half a teaspoon 2-3 times daily.

Diet. Fresh raw fruit and green vegetables. Consumption of raw bran (which contains calcium-binding phytic acid) and wholemeal bread should be suspended until recovery is advanced. Natural spring water. Fish and fish oils. Reject high salt intake which aggravates bone loss and places the skeleton at risk by creating increasing loss of calcium and phosphorus through the kidneys. Avoid soft drinks, alcohol. Heavy meat meals inhibit calcium metabolism. Incidence of the disease is lower in vegetarians. High protein. Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A, Vitamin B12 (50mcg); Vitamin C (500mg); Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Folic acid 200mcg; Vitamin B6 (50mg); Calcium citrate 1g; Magnesium citrate 500mg. Boron and Vitamin D. Zinc 15mg.

Calcium helps reduce risk of fracture particularly in menopausal women who may increase their daily intake to 800mg – Calcium citrate malate being more effective than the carbonate. Dried skimmed milk can supply up to 60 per cent of the recommended daily amount of Calcium.

Stop smoking.

Information. National Osteoporosis Society, PO Box 10, Radstock, Bath BA3 3YB, UK. Send SAE. ... osteoporosis

Paget’s Disease

(Sir James Paget, 1814-99) Osteitis deformans. Chronic inflammation of bone at focal points (Pagetic sites), often widespread. Chronic. Progressive softening followed by thickening with distortion. Renewal of new bone outstrips absorption of old bone. Enlargement of the skull (‘Big head’) and of the long bones. Broadened pelvis, distorted spine (kyphosis) from flattened vertebra. Male predominence. Over 40 years. Spontaneous fractures possible. Paget’s disease and diabetes may be associated in the same family.

Some authorities believe cause is vitamin and mineral deficiency – those which promote bone health being calcium and magnesium (dolomite). Supplementation helps cases but evidence confirms that some pet-owners are at risk – a virus from cats and dogs possibly responsible. The prime candidate is one exposed to canine distemper. Dogs are involved twice as much as cats. The virus is closely related to the measles virus in humans.

Symptoms. Limbs deformed, hot during inflammatory stage. Headaches. Dull aching pain in bones. Deafness from temporal bone involvement. Loss of bone rigidity. Bowing of legs.

Surgical procedures may be necessary. Appears to be a case for immunisation of dogs against distemper.

Alternatives. Black Cohosh, Boneset, Cramp bark, Bladderwrack, German Chamomile, Devil’s Claw, Helonias, Oat husks, Prickly Ash, Sage, Wild Yam.

Tea. Oats (mineral nutrient for wasting diseases) 2; Boneset (anti-inflammatory) 1; Valerian (mild analgesic) 1; Liquorice quarter. Mix. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Decoction. Cramp bark 1; White Willow 2. Mix. 4 heaped teaspoons to 1 pint (500ml) water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules. Cramp bark, Devil’s Claw, Echinacea, Helonias, Prickly Ash, Wild Yam.

Formula. Devil’s Claw 1; Black Cohosh 1; Valerian 1; Liquorice quarter. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Action enhanced when taken in cup of Fenugreek tea. Thrice daily. Every 2 hours acute cases.

Practitioner’s analgesic. Tincture Gelsemium: 10 drops in 100ml water. Dose: 1 teaspoon every 2 hours (inflammatory stage).

Topical. Comfrey root poultice.

Diet. High protein, low salt, low fat. Oily fish.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin C (500mg); Vitamin D (1000mg); Calcium citrate (1 gram); Dolomite (1 gram); Beta-Carotene (7500iu). Kelp. ... paget’s disease

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