Henry equation Health Dictionary

Henry Equation: From 1 Different Sources

a formula used to predict the basal metabolic rate, and therefore the energy requirements, of a patient based on age, sex, and weight. See basal metabolism.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Henry Viii

King, Herbalist’s Charter. From the Book of Statutes, 1215-1572. “At all times from henceforth it shall be lawful to every person being the King’s subject, having knowledge and experience of the nature of Herbs, Roots and Waters, or of the operation of the same, by speculation or practice within any part of the realm of England, or in any other of the King’s dominions, to practise, use and minister in and to any outward sore, uncome, wound, apostemations, outward swelling or disease, any herb or herbs, ointments, baths, pultes and amplaisters, according to their cunning, experience and knowledge in any of the diseases, sores and maladies before-said, and all other like to the same, or drinks for the Stone and Strangury, or Agues, without suit, vexation, trouble, penalty, or loss of their goods.”

Since 1542 there have been many attempts to expunge this law from the Statute Book. A formidable attack was launched by the Pharmacy and Medicines Bill, 1941, which was fought so vigorously by a Mr Montgomery and Mrs Hilda Leyel that herbalists won the concession to continue the right to practise. ... henry viii


n. the *SI unit of inductance, equal to the inductance of a closed circuit with a magnetic flux of 1 weber per ampere of current. Symbol: H.... henry

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