Hepatitis viruses Health Dictionary

Hepatitis Viruses: From 1 Different Sources

The most common causes of viral hepatitis are those caused by the Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G viruses. Hepatitis F virus has been described but is a doubtful entity. Other viruses which can cause hepatitis include the Epstein-Barr Virus, cytomegalovirus, and the Yellow Fever virus.
Health Source: Dictionary of Tropical Medicine
Author: Health Dictionary


Inflammation of the liver; jaundice... hepatitis

Coxsackie Viruses

A group of viruses so-called because they were ?rst isolated from two patients with a disease resembling paralytic POLIOMYELITIS, in the village of Coxsackie in New York State. Thirty distinct types have now been identi?ed. They constitute one of the three groups of viruses included in the family of ENTEROVIRUSES, and are divided into two groups: A and B. Despite the large number of types of group A virus (24) in existence, evidence of their role in causing human disease is limited. Some, however, cause aseptic MENINGITIS, non-specicifc upper respiratory infection and MYOCARDITIS, and others cause a condition known as HERPANGINA. HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE is another disease caused by the A group. All six types of group B virus have been associated with outbreaks of aseptic meningitis, and they are also the cause of BORNHOLM DISEASE. Epidemics of type B2 infections tend to occur in alternate years. (See VIRUS.)... coxsackie viruses

Halothane Hepatitis

A very rare form of HEPATITIS following exposure to HALOTHANE during anaesthesia (1:35,000 halothane anaesthetics). Jaundice develops three to four days after exposure and will occasionally develop into a fatal massive hepatic necrosis. It is of unknown aetiology but probably has an immunological basis. It is more common following multiple exposures in a short time (less than 28 days), and in obesity, middle age and females. It is rare in children.... halothane hepatitis

Herpes Viruses

One member of a group of viruses containing DNA which cause latent infections in animals and humans. Viruses from this group cause HERPES SIMPLEX, HERPES ZOSTER (shingles) and CHICKENPOX, and include CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CCMV) and EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS.... herpes viruses

Papova Viruses

These include the human papilloma viruses (HPV), of which nearly a hundred strains have been identi?ed. HPV cause verrucae (see WARTS) on skin and, less often, on the mucous membranes of mouth, larynx, genitalia and the cervix. Some strains may predispose to eventual cancer.... papova viruses

Parainfluenza Viruses

These are included in the paramyxoviruses (see MYXOVIRUSES) and divided into four types, all of which cause infection of the respiratory system (see RESPIRATION). Infection with type 3 begins in May, reaches a maximum in July or August and returns to base-line level in October. Types 1 and 2 are predominantly winter viruses. Children are commonly affected and the manifestations include CROUP, fever, and a rash.... parainfluenza viruses

Picorna Viruses

These infectious agents derive their name from pico (small) and from RNA (because they contain ribonuleic acid). They are a group of viruses which includes the ENTEROVIRUSES and the RHINOVIRUSES.... picorna viruses

Arthritis – Of Infective Hepatitis

Inflammatory disease of a joint or joints may follow invasion of organism in infective hepatitis for which primary treatment would be directed to the liver.


Treatment. To include liver agents: Barberry, Fringe Tree, Balmony or Milk Thistle. ... arthritis – of infective hepatitis

Liver – Acute Infectious Hepatitis

Inflammation of the liver from virus infection. As the commonest form of liver disorder, it is often without jaundice or marked liver symptoms apart from general malaise and abdominal discomfort, ‘Gippy tummy’, ‘chill on the liver’. For feverishness, add a diaphoretic.

Treatment. Bitter herbs keep the bile fluid and flowing.

Alternatives. Teas. Agrimony, Lemon Balm, Boldo, Bogbean, Centuary, Dandelion, Hyssop, Motherwort, Wormwood, Yarrow.

Maria Treben. Equal parts: Bedstraw, Agrimony, Woodruff. 2 teaspoons to cup boiling water.

Cold tea: 2 teaspoons Barberry bark to each cup cold water. Infuse overnight. Half-1 cup freely. Tablets/capsules: Blue Flag. Dandelion. Wild Yam. Liquorice.

Formula. Equal parts: Turkey Rhubarb, Dandelion, Meadowsweet. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 2-3 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). 3-4 times daily. Alfred Vogel. Dandelion, Devil’s Claw, Artichoke.

Antonius Musa, physician to Emperor Augustus Caesar records: “Wood Betony preserves the liver and bodies of men from infectious diseases”.

Preventative: Garlic. (Old Chinese)

Milk Thistle: good responses observed.

General. Bedrest until motions are normal. Enema with any one of above herb teas.

Diet. Fat-free. Fasting period from 1-3 days on fruit juices and herb teas only. Artichokes. Dandelion coffee. Lecithin.


Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – acute infectious hepatitis

Liver – Hepatitis A

The most common cause of inflammation of the liver from a virus known as Hepatitis A. May be caught by eating shellfish contaminated by sewage or polluted water. Distinct from alcohol and drugs. The virus is ingested in the mouth, grown in the intestines and passes out of the body on defecation.

Treatment. Same as for acute infectious hepatitis. ... liver – hepatitis a

Liver – Hepatitis C

Paul Bergner describes 4 cases of patients with chronic hepatitis C successfully treated. All were given Milk Thistle, and prescribed an alternative tea: equal parts, Burdock, Dandelion, Barberry, Liquorice, Cinnamon and Fennel. Chologogue action is important in chronic liver disease. Not used in acute inflammation. All patients felt better within 2 weeks, and had liver function tests at 3-monthly intervals, showing a gradual decline in elevated values until normal or almost so. All patients became symptom-free. (Medical Herbalism, Vol 6, No 4) ... liver – hepatitis c

Liver – Amoebic Hepatitis

Patients with amoebic dysentery may develop liver complications, usually by blood borne infection via the portal system. Small lesions coalesce to form abscesses capable of destroying liver cells.

Treatment: as for LIVER ABSCESS. ... liver – amoebic hepatitis

Liver – Hepatitis, Chronic

Term referring to hepatitis where the condition is the result of acute attacks of more than six months duration.

Causes: alcohol excess, drugs (Paracetamol prescribed for those who cannot tolerate aspirin), autoimmune disease, toxaemia, environmental poisons. Clinically latent forms are common from carbon monoxide poisoning. May lead to cirrhosis.

Symptoms. Jaundice, nausea and vomiting, inertia.

Treatment. Bile must be kept moving.

Alternatives:– Decoction. Formula. Milk Thistle 2; Yellow Dock 1; Boldo 1. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Formula. Barberry bark 1; German Chamomile 2. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 2-3 teaspoons. Powders: 750mg (three capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag root. Goldenseal.

Astragalus. Popular liver tonic in Chinese medicine. A liver protective in chemotherapy.

Diet. Fat-free. Dandelion coffee. Artichokes. Lecithin.

Supplements. B-vitamins, B12, Zinc.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – hepatitis, chronic

Liver – Hepatitis B

Regarded as more serious than Hepatitis A. A main symptom is a flu-like illness followed by jaundice. Transmitted sexually, blood transfusion or by infected blood as from contaminated needles used by drug abusers. It is the first human virus to be identified with cancer in man. High mortality rate.

Symptoms: nausea and vomiting, fever, dark urine, loss of appetite, skin irritation, yellow discoloration of the skin and whites of eyes, weakness and fatigue.

Treatment. Internal. Silymarin (active principle of Milk Thistle) has been used with good responses. (R.L. Devault & W. Rosenbrook, (1973), Antibiotic Journal, 26;532)

Wormwood tea. 1-2 teaspoons herb to each cup boiling water in a covered vessel. Infuse 10-15 minutes: 1 cup thrice daily.

Formula. Equal parts: Balmony, Valerian, Wild Yam. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 1- 3 teaspoons. Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Astragalus. Popular liver protective used in Chinese medicine.

Phyllanthus amarus. Clinical trials on 78 carriers of the virus revealed that this plant effectively eliminated the virus from the body in 59 per cent of cases. Treatment consisted of 200mg dried powdered herb (whole plant minus the roots) in capsules, thrice daily for 30 days). (Thyagarajan, S.P., et al “Effect of Phyllanthus amarus on Chronic Carriers of Hepatitis B Virus.” The Lancet, Oct. 1988 2:764-766) External. Castor oil packs for two months.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – hepatitis b

Hepatitis A

Also known as epidemic hepatitis, this disorder is caused by the hepatitis A virus, which is transmitted to people in contaminated food or drink.

The incubation period lasts for 15–40 days, after which nausea, fever and jaundice develop.

Recovery usually occurs within 3 weeks.

Serious complications are rare.

Active immunization provides the best protection against hepatitis A, and an attack can confer immunity.... hepatitis a

Hepatitis, Acute

Short-term inflammation of the liver, which usually recovers in 1–2 months. In some cases, acute hepatitis may progress to chronic hepatitis (see hepatitis, chronic), but it rarely leads to acute liver failure.

Acute hepatitis is fairly common.

The most frequent cause is infection with one of the hepatitis viruses (see hepatitis, viral), but it can arise as a result of other infections such as cytomegalovirus infection or Legionnaires’ disease.

It may also occur as a result of overdose of halothane or paracetamol or exposure to toxic chemicals including alcohol (see liver disease, alcoholic).

Symptoms range from few and mild to severe with pain, fever, and jaundice.

Blood tests, including liver function tests, may be used for diagnosis.

In most cases of acute viral hepatitis, natural recovery occurs within a few weeks.

If the disorder is caused by exposure to a chemical or drug, detoxification using an antidote may be possible.

Intensive care may be required if the liver is badly damaged.

Rarely, a liver transplant is the only way of saving life.

In all cases, alcohol should be avoided.... hepatitis, acute

Hepatitis B

Formerly known as serum hepatitis, this disorder is due to the hepatitis B virus, which is transmitted in infected blood, blood products, or other body fluids, often through contact with needles, blood transfusions, or sexual contact. After an incubation period of 1–6 months, the onset of symptoms, such as headache, fever, and jaundice, is sudden. Most patients recover, but hepatitis B can be fatal. A vaccine is available.

In about 5 percent of cases, the virus continues to cause inflammation and can still be detected in the blood 6 months after infection. People who suffer from persistent infection are at long-term risk of liver cancer and cirrhosis and may be treated with interferon.... hepatitis b

Hepatitis C

Caused by the hepatitis C virus and formerly known as non-A non-B hepatitis, this infection is often transmitted through sharing needles. Blood transfusions no longer pose a significant risk because of blood screening.

Hepatitis C has an incubation period of 6–12 months and begins as a mild illness which may go undetected. In about 3 in 4 patients, chronic hepatitis develops (see hepatitis, chronic), which can progress to cirrhosis of the liver and an increased risk of hepatoma.... hepatitis c

Hepatitis D

An infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis D virus, which occurs only in people who already have hepatitis B infection. People who develop hepatitis D will usually suffer from severe chronic liver disease.... hepatitis d

Hepatitis E

A type of hepatitis, caused by the hepatitis E virus, transmitted in contaminated food or drink. The disease is similar to hepatitis A.... hepatitis e

Hepatitis, Viral

Any type of hepatitis caused by a viral infection.

Five viruses that attack the liver as their primary target have been identified.

They cause hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, and hepatitis E.... hepatitis, viral

Parainfluenza Viruses

a group of large RNA-containing viruses that cause infections of the respiratory tract producing mild influenza-like symptoms. They are included in the paramyxovirus group (see myxovirus).... parainfluenza viruses

Hepatitis, Chronic

Inflammation of the liver persisting for a prolonged period. Eventually, scar tissue forms and liver cirrhosis may develop.Chronic hepatitis may develop following an attack of acute hepatitis (see hepatitis, acute). It may also occur as the result of an autoimmune disorder, a viral infection (see hepatitis, viral), a reaction to certain types of drugs or, more rarely, to a metabolic disorder, such as haemochromatosis or Wilson’s disease.

Chronic hepatitis may cause slight tiredness or no symptoms at all.

It is diagnosed by liver biopsy.

Autoimmune hepatitis is treated with corticosteroid drugs and immunosuppressants.

Viral infections often respond to interferon.

In the drug-induced type, withdrawal of the medication can lead to recovery.

For metabolic disturbances, treatment depends on the underlying disorder.... hepatitis, chronic


The smallest known types of infectious agent. It is debatable whether viruses are truly living organisms or just collections of molecules capable of selfreplication under specific conditions. Their sole activity is to invade the cells of other organisms, which they then take over to make copies of themselves. Outside living cells, viruses are inert.

A single virus particle (virion) consists of an inner core of nucleic acid, which may be either DNA or RNA, surrounded

by 1 or 2 protective protein shells (capsids). Surrounding the outer capsid may be another layer, the viral envelope, which consists mainly of protein. The nucleic acid consists of a string of genes that contain coded instructions for making copies of the virus.

Common viral diseases include the common cold, influenza, and chickenpox (caused by the varicella–zoster virus). AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).... viruses

Serum Hepatitis

see hepatitis.... serum hepatitis

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