Causes: eating too fast, carbonated drinks, stomach irritation (hot peppers, vinegars, alcohol). Where persistent, there may be constriction of the lower gullet by early neoplasm caused by drinking piping-hot tea when X-ray and specialist advice should be sought.
Alternatives. Teas. Celery seed. Spearmint. Mustard seed. Fennel seed, Dill seed, Coriander seed, Peppermint. Caraway seed.
Decoction. Blue Cohosh. Black Cohosh. Calamus. Valerian.
Tablets/capsules. Capsicum (Cayenne), Papaya, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Celery seed, Liquorice, Ginger. Old English traditional. 1-2 teaspoons Onion juice every few minutes.
Cinnamon, oil of. 3 drops on sugar. (John Wesley)
Blue Cohosh, or Black Cohosh. 10 drops Tincture in little water, hourly.
Cloves, oil of. 1-2 drops in teaspoon honey.
Wild Yam. Liquid Extract. 15-30 drops in water, every 10 minutes.
Capsicum (Cayenne). Tincture, 3-5 drops in water, hourly.
Cramp Bark. (Muscle relaxant).
Slippery Elm gruel.
Supportives: deep breathing; holding the breath as long as possible. Hot foot bath. Stick a finger in each ear for 20 seconds.