Himalaya Health Dictionary

Himalaya: From 1 Different Sources

(American) Woman from the mountains Hymalaya
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Parthenocissus Himalayana

(Royle) Planch.

Synonym: Vitis himalayana Brandis.

Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the Himalayas.

Folk: Kandur (Jaunsar), Philunaa (Garhwal) Laderi (Kumaon).

Action: Bark and twigs—astringent and expectorant.... parthenocissus himalayana

Cow Parsley, Himalayan

Heracleum brunonis benth, (umbellifera). Contains coumarins. Related to Angelica.

Action. Photosensitiser, antifungal, tuberculostatic. (Journal of Natural Products 1987, 50(5), pp997-8) Uses. Leucoderma. Vitiligo. Reputed fading of coloured areas of skin. ... cow parsley, himalayan

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