Habitat: Throughout greater parts of India, also grown in gardens.
Ayurvedic: Chirbilva, Putika, Prakirya.Siddha/Tamil: Avil thol, Ayil pattai (bark)Action: Bark—internally and externally used in rheumatism. Stem bark paste—in scabies. Seeds—used topically on ringworm.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends dried fruits in poly- uria and other urinary disorders.The stem bark contains the triter- penoidal fatty acid esters, holoptelin-A (epi-friedelinol palmitate) and holop- telin-B (epi-friedelinol stearate), frie- delin and epi-friedelinol.The powdered bark exhibited lipoly- tic action and mobilized fat from adipose tissues in rats and consequently helped in the reduction of obesity.Dosage: Dried fruit—1-3 g. (API Vol. III.)