Constituents: hippocaesculin and other saponins.
Action: anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, astringent, tones and protects blood vessels, anti-oedema. Vitamin P action. As regards the veinous system, properties are similar to rutin. Stimulates production of prostaglandin F-alpha which contracts veins.
Uses: Bleeding piles and uterine bleeding, varicose veins, phlebitis. Tea is taken internally or used externally as a soothing and astringent wash to cleanse leg ulcers and suppurating wounds. Heavy legs. Swollen ankles. Chilblains. Night cramp: 20 drops of Tincture at bedtime. Thrombo-phlebitis. Bruises (ointment or gel). Slipped disc: to assist dispersal of extruded nucleus pulposus (ointment or gel). Preparations. Average dose: 1-2 grams. Thrice daily.
Tea: half a teaspoon powdered dried Chestnut to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose: quarter to half cup; sweeten with honey if necessary.
Home tincture: 1 part powder (or scrapings) to 10 parts 45 per cent alcohol (vodka or strong wine); macerate 8 days; filter. Dose: 1 teaspoon in water.
Liquid extract (bark): 15-30 drops.
Combination: with Cowslip root for varicose veins. (Biostrath)
Reparil. Over-the-counter-product. Contains Aescin, oedema-inhibiting principle of Horse-Chestnut. For local oedema of all types: traumatic oedema, oedema following fractures, cerebral oedema due to head injuries, thrombotic oedema, lymph stasis, venous stasis, varicose oedema. (Dr Madaus & Co., Cologne, W. Germany)
Powder, capsules: 200mg. 3 capsules twice daily. (Arkocaps)