The meaning of the symbols of horsetail seen in a dream.

Horsetail: From 3 Different Sources

See Cola de caballo.
Health Source:
Author: Health Dictionary
Shave grass. Pewterwort. Nature’s hoover. Equisetum arvense L. German: Ackerschachtelhalm. French: Equisette. Spanish: Belcho. Italian: rasperella. Chinese: We?n-ching. Dried stems. Keynote: genito-urinary system. A natural source of silicic acid, ashes containing 70 per cent silica soluble in water and alcohol.

Constituents: flavonoids, alkaloids, sterols, silicic acid.

Action: haemostatic for bleeding of genitourinary organs, styptic, a soothing non-irritating diuretic. Increases coagulability of the blood. Remineraliser. Anti-atheroma. Antirheumatic. Astringent. Immune enhancer. White blood cell stimulator.

Uses: Blood in the urine, prostatitis, bed-wetting, dropsy, chronic bladder infections, incontinence in the aged, catarrh of the urinary organs, gravel, urethritis of sexual transmission with bleeding, stricture, severe pain in the bladder unrelieved by passing water, constant desire to pass water without relief. Carcinoma of the womb: cure reported. Foetid discharges of STD. Arteriosclerosis.

Silica, as in Horsetail, preserves elasticity of connective tissue; controls absorption of calcium and is a necessary ingredient of nails, hair, teeth and the skeleton. Its cleansing properties rapidly remove urates, uric acid and cellulites from the system. Hastens repair of tissue after lung damage of tuberculosis or other diseases.

Combinations. (1) With Shepherd’s Purse for blood in the urine. (2) With Pulsatilla to inhibit growth of uterine fibroid. (3) With Buchu for cystitis. (4) With Oats and Goldenseal for renal exhaustion. “Combines well with Hydrangea for non-malignant prostatitis.” (F. Fletcher Hyde) Arteriosclerosis. (Dr Max Rombi)

Preparations: Horsetail has a heavy mineral content (silica, selenium and zinc) therefore treatment is best staggered so as to avoid kidney strain – one month, followed by one week’s break. Average dose: 1 to 4 grams; thrice daily.

Tea: half-1 teaspoon to cup water; bring to boil; simmer 5 minutes; infuse 30 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup, cold.

Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 25 per cent ethanol. Dose: 1-4ml (15-60 drops).

Home tincture: 1 part herb to 5 parts 25 per cent alcohol (gin, Vodka, etc). Steep 14 days, shake daily. Dose: 2-5ml (30-75 drops) in water.

Poultice: “Place double handful herb in a sieve and place over a pot of boiling water (double boiler, etc). The soft hot herbs are placed between a piece of linen and applied to ulcer, adenoma, cyst or tumour.” (Maria Treben)

Bath. 9oz leaves: bring to boil in 1 gallon water. Simmer 5 minutes; strain. Add to bath water.

Enema: 1 pint weak tea for infants with kidney disorders. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
Snake Charming, Fertility
Health Source: Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Discover More About Horsetail Tea

Horsetail tea is made from the horsetail herb also named Equisetum arvense. Horsetail was used by ancient Romans and Greeks in medicine as an herbal remedy to stop bleeding, heal wounds and treat tuberculosis or kidney problems. This plant is actually a non-flowering weed that is found in some parts of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America. How to brew Horsetail Tea To brew a cup of horsetail tea, place 1-2 teaspoons of dried horsetail in a cup of boiled water. Then cover it and let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. When the time is up, strain thehorsetail tea into another cup and, depending on your taste preferences, sweeten it with some honey or sugar. Horsetail Tea benefits Horsetail tea has a lot of health benefits due to its high silica content that may help straighten bones, hair and nails, relieve bloating and fight fungal infections.  Also, horsetail tea:
  • It is most commonly used as a diuretic since washes away the toxins, having a cleansing effect to the kidneys.
  • Strengthens your lungs thanks to its main component - silica acid helps strengthen the walls of the air sacs in the lungs.
  • Promotes healthy hair. You can add 4 oz. of cooled horsetail tea into your shampoo or you can use the tea as a hair rinse.
  • Reduces swellings and gets rid of water retention.
  • Treats urinary infections.
  • Helps healing and treating burns and wounds thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Horsetail Tea side effects Even though this tea has a lot of benefits, over consumption may lead to certain side effects. Try not to drink more than 2 cups of horsetail tea a day.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised not to drink horsetail tea.
  • If you have kidney stones, try to stay away from this tea.
  • You can experience nausea, muscle weakness, fever or certain skin problems if you drink too much horsetail tea.
  • Before you start drinking horsetail tea, make sure you don’t have theamine deficiency or weak heart. In case you do, do not drink this tea.
Horsetail tea makes an excellent choice of drink since it has a lot of medical properties and therefore many benefits. Avoid over consumption and enjoy a healthy cup of tea!... discover more about horsetail tea

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