Action: Leaves, roots and seeds— diuretic; used for diseases of the urinogenital tract, spermatorrhoea. Seeds promote sexual vigour, arrest abortion and cure diseases due to vitiated blood. Also used for arthritis and oedema.
The seeds contain large amounts of tenacious mucilage and potassium salts, which may be responsible for the diuretic property of seeds. The seeds also contain linoleic acid (71%), besides diastase, lipase and protease.EtOH (50%) extract of the plant is spasmolytic and hypotensive.The chloroform soluble fraction of ethanolic extract of aerial parts exhibited promising hepatoprotective activity in albino rats.The plant contains lupeol, stigmas- terol and hydrocarbons.Dosage: Seed—3-6 g powder; ash—1-3 g. (CCRAS.)... hygrophila auriculata
A lymphangioma that occurs around the head and neck, the armpits, or the groin and contains clear fluid. Cystic hygromas are usually present from birth and disappear naturally from the age of about 2.... hygroma, cystic
a collection of fluid behind the neck of a fetus, occasionally extending laterally to involve the sides of the neck (see hydrops fetalis). In its mildest form it is evidenced by an increased nuchal translucency (see nuchal translucency scanning). Cystic hygroma may be a diagnostic feature of chromosomal abnormality (e.g. Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome).... cystic hygroma
(hydroma) n. a type of cyst. It may develop from the liquified remains of a subdural *haematoma (subdural hygroma). See also cystic hygroma.... hygroma
n. an instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere, i.e. the ratio of the moisture in the air to the moisture it would contain if it were saturated at the same temperature and pressure. In the dew-point hygrometer a polished surface is reduced in temperature until the water vapour from the atmosphere forms on it. The temperature of this dew point enables the relative humidity of the atmosphere to be calculated. In the wet-and-dry bulb hygrometer, there are two thermometers mounted side by side, the bulb of one being surrounded by moistened muslin. The thermometer with the wet bulb will register a lower temperature than that with the dry bulb owing to the cooling effect of the evaporating water. The temperature difference enables the relative humidity to be calculated.... hygrometer