Hygrophila auriculata Health Dictionary

Hygrophila Auriculata: From 1 Different Sources

(K. Schum.) Heine.

Synonym: H. schulli (Ham.) MR & SM Almeida. H. spinosa T. anders. Asteracantha longifolia (L.) Nees.

Family: Acanthaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India along the banks of fresh or stagnant water ditches and swampy grounds, mixed with marshy grasses and sedges.

Ayurvedic: Kokilaaksha, Kokilaak- shi, Ikshuraka, Ikshura, Kshuraka, Bikshu, Kaakekshu.

Unani: Taalmakhaanaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Neermulli.

Action: Leaves, roots and seeds— diuretic; used for diseases of the urinogenital tract, spermatorrhoea. Seeds promote sexual vigour, arrest abortion and cure diseases due to vitiated blood. Also used for arthritis and oedema.

The seeds contain large amounts of tenacious mucilage and potassium salts, which may be responsible for the diuretic property of seeds. The seeds also contain linoleic acid (71%), besides diastase, lipase and protease.

EtOH (50%) extract of the plant is spasmolytic and hypotensive.

The chloroform soluble fraction of ethanolic extract of aerial parts exhibited promising hepatoprotective activity in albino rats.

The plant contains lupeol, stigmas- terol and hydrocarbons.

Dosage: Seed—3-6 g powder; ash—1-3 g. (CCRAS.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Cassia Auriculata


Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Wild in dry regions of Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. Cultivated in other parts of India.

English: Tanner's Cassia.

Ayurvedic: Aaavartaki, Aaadaari. Unani: Tarwar. Siddha/Tamil: Aavaarai. Folk: Tarwar.

Action: Roots—used in skin diseases and asthma. Flowers enter into compounds for diabetes, urinary disorders and nocturnal emissions.

Pod husk contains nonacosane and nonacosan-6-one, chrysophanol, emodin and rubiadin.

Dosage: Whole plant—50-100 ml (CCRAS.)... cassia auriculata

Millettia Auriculata

Baker ex Brandis.

Synonym: M. extensa Benth. ex Baker.

Family: Fabaceae.

Habitat: Sub-Himalayan tract and outer Himalaya up to 1,200 m from Kashmir to Bhutan and in Assam and Central and Southern India.

Folk: Godaar (Bihar).

Action: Root—vermifuge, pestici- dal, kills lice and ticks.

The roots, leaves and stems gave iso- flavones (including iso-auriculatin, au- ricularin) and a rotenoid, sumatrol.

Millettia racemosa Benth.

Family: Fabaceae.

Habitat: Deccan Peninsula. Folk: Godaar (Bihar).

Action: Insecticidal.

The debarked stem contains isofla- vans, isomillinol, besides behenic acid, beta-amyrin and beta-sitosterol. The isoflavans showed bactericidal and in- secticidal activity. The antibacterial activity was observed against Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli.... millettia auriculata

Perilepta Auriculata

(Nees) Bremek.

Synonym: Strobilanthes auriculatus Nees.

Family: Acanthaceae.

Habitat: Upper Gangetic Plain, Madhya Pradesh.

Siddha/Tamil: Kurinji.

Folk: Pandadi (Gujarat).

Action: Pounded leaves—rubbed on body during the cold stage of intermittent fever.... perilepta auriculata

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