n. excessive secretion of androgen in women. It is associated with *hirsutism, acne, sparse or infrequent menstruation (oligomenorrhoea), absent or infrequent ovulation, infertility, endometrial *hyperplasia, *hyperlipidaemia, *hyperglycaemia, and hypertension; all these conditions may be the result of mutations in specific genes. See also virilization.
n. the presence of coarse pigmented hair on the face, chest, upper back, or abdomen in a female as a result of *hyperandrogenism (excessive production of androgen). See also virilization.... hirsutism
(PCOS, Stein–Leventhal syndrome) a heterogeneous disorder characterized by *hyperandrogenism (clinical hirsutism, biochemical hyperandrogenism, or both) and ovarian dysfunction (with *polycystic ovaries), which results in amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea (absent or infrequent menstrual periods) and is associated with subfertility (from lack of ovulatory menstrual cycles). The condition is associated with obesity and *insulin resistance, which increase the risk of type 2 *diabetes mellitus, endometrial cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Treatment is based on dietary and exercise advice, *metformin, hormones to regulate the menstrual cycle, and in cases of subfertility, *clomifene to induce ovulation; the hyperandrogenism usually responds to *anti-androgens.... polycystic ovary syndrome
n. the most extreme result of excessive androgen production (*hyperandrogenism) in women. It is characterized by temporal balding, a male body form, muscle bulk, deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, and *hirsutism. Virilization in prepubertal boys may be caused by some tumours (see Leydig tumour).... virilization