Hypernatraemia Health Dictionary

Hypernatraemia: From 2 Different Sources

A SERUM sodium concentration that is above normal. The condition is usually caused by dehydration (either from inadequate intake or excessive loss of water); occasionally it may be caused by excessive sodium intake, and rarely by a raised level of ALDOSTERONE hormone.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


An emetic is a substance which induces VOMITING (emesis). Emetics were previously used for gut decontamination in the treatment of poisoning but are now considered obsolete. This is because the e?cacy of emesis as a means of gut decontamination is unproved; there is a delay between administration and actual emesis, during which time continued absorption of the poison may occur; and some emetics have effects other than vomiting which may mask the clinical features of the ingested poison. The most commonly used emetic was syrup of ipecacuanha (ipecac). Salt (sodium chloride) water emetics were also used but there are many cases of fatal HYPERNATRAEMIA resulting from such use and salt water emetics should never be given. The most common method of gut decontamination currently used is the administration of activated CHARCOAL.... emetics


n. a mineral element and an important constituent of the human body (average sodium content of the adult body is 4000 mmol). Sodium controls the volume of extracellular fluid in the body and maintains the acid-base balance. It also helps maintain electrical potentials in the nervous system and is thus necessary for the functioning of nerves and muscles. Sodium is contained in most foods and is well absorbed, the average daily intake in the UK being 8.1 g/day. The amount of sodium in the body is controlled by the kidneys. An excess of sodium leads to the condition of hypernatraemia, which often results in *oedema. This can be fatal in newborns, and is more likely to occur in formula-fed infants, particularly if the formula is made up at too high a concentration. Infants are at higher risk as they are less able to remove sodium from the body than adults. Sodium is also implicated in hypertension: a high-sodium diet is thought to increase the risk of hypertension in later life. The UK government target is for adults to consume less than 6 g/day. Symbol: Na.... sodium

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