The increase in size which takes place in an organ as the result of an increased amount of work demanded of it by the bodily economy. For example, when valvular disease of the heart is present, compensation occurs by an increase in thickness of the heart muscle, and the organ, by beating more powerfully, is able to overtake the strain thrown upon it. Similarly, if one kidney is removed, the other hypertrophies or grows larger to take over the double workload.
(hypertrophia) n. increase in the size of a tissue or organ brought about by the enlargement of its cells rather than by cell multiplication (as during normal growth and tumour formation). Hypertrophy can be a physiological response to normal stimuli, as in the enlargement of skeletal muscles in response to increased work. Pathological hypertrophy occurs in response to abnormal stimuli, as in cardiac muscle as a result of hypertension or aortic valve stenosis (see also hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). Compare hyperplasia. —hypertrophic adj.
(BPH) The benign buildup in the prostate of “warts” or epithelial neoplasias that can block or interrupt urination, and which are usually concurrent with moderate prostate enlargement. They cause a dull ache on urination, ejaculation, and/or defecation. The diagnosis is medical, since the same subjective conditions can result from cancer of the prostate. BPH is common in men over fifty and can be the result either of diminished production of complete testosterone or poor pelvic circulation. Alcohol, coffee, speed, and antihistamines can all aggravate the problem.... benign prostatic hypertrophy, or hyperplasia
Enlargement of the ventricular chambers of the HEART, a common complication of HYPERTENSION and coronary artery disease (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Treatment is of the underlying conditions and cardiac drugs which facilitate the working of the heart.... ventricular hypertrophy