Administration of immunoglobulin preparations
(antibodies) to prevent or treat infectious diseases. Such preparations, also known as immune globulin or gammaglobulin, work by passing on antibodies obtained from the blood of people who have previously been exposed to these diseases. The main use of these injections is to prevent infectious diseases, such as chickenpox, in people exposed to infection who are not already immune or are at special risk (during cancer treatment, for example). They are also given regularly for immunodeficiency disorders. Side effects include rash, fever, and pain and tenderness at the injection site.
An injection is the introduction of a substance into the body using a syringe and an attached needle. Injections may be given under the skin (subcutaneous), via a vein (intravenous), deep into a muscle (intramuscular), or into the ?uid surrounding the spinal cord (intrathecal).... injections
the injection of a bulking agent (e.g. collagen) into the tissues around the urethra, used for the treatment of urodynamic stress *incontinence. Such injections have a low morbidity and are easy to administer, and results are better in women with good bladder-neck support but poor urethral function. The short-term success rates of these procedures are reasonable, but long-term success rates are poor.... periurethral injection
(anti-D Ig) a preparation of anti-D, a *rhesus factor antibody formed by Rh-negative individuals following exposure to Rh-positive blood (usually by exchange between fetal and maternal blood in Rh-negative women who carry a Rh-positive fetus). Anti-D Ig is administered (by intramuscular injection) to Rh-negative women within 72 hours of giving birth to a Rh-positive child (or following miscarriage or abortion) to prevent the risk of *haemolytic disease of the newborn in a subsequent child. It rapidly destroys any remaining Rh-positive cells, which could otherwise stimulate antibody production affecting the next pregnancy. Anti-D is also available as antenatal prophylaxis to all Rh-negative pregnant women.... anti-d immunoglobulin