(ICD) a self-contained device, similar to a *pacemaker, that monitors heart rhythm and delivers an electric shock to correct life-threatening arrhythmia. See also defibrillator.
Apparatus that delivers a controlled electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm in patients whose hearts have developed VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION or have stopped beating. The shock is delivered by electrodes placed on the chest wall or directly to the heart after the chest has been surgically opened. De?brillators are a standard item of equipment for paramedical sta? in ambulances, and aeroplanes of some airlines now routinely carry the apparatus. (See also HEART, DISEASES OF.)... defibrillator
n. the apparatus used for *defibrillation, which may be internal (see implantable cardiovertor defibrillator) or external. External defibrillators may be fully automated (see automated external defibrillator), semiautomated, or manual and usually deliver the electric current via two defibrillation paddles. They are now all manufactured to deliver a biphasic current waveform (until recently they were all monophasic). The efficacy of the first shock during *cardiac arrest is higher with biphasic systems, which also use less battery power per shock.... defibrillator
(ILR) a device, inserted beneath the skin of the chest, to record the heart rhythm for up to two years. It is usually used for the investigation of patients presenting with infrequent syncope (fainting) in whom arrhythmia is the suspected cause. When syncope occurs, the device can be examined using wireless technology to reveal the heart rhythm at the time of the episode.... implantable loop recorder