(1) The placing of a substance such as a drug, or an object such as a pacemaker, in a body tissue.
(2) The surgical replacement of injured or unhealthy tissue or organ with healthy tissue or organ (also known as TRANSPLANTATION).
(3) Attachment of the early EMBRYO to the lining of the UTERUS, which occurs around six days after conception; the site where this happens is where the placenta will develop.
n. 1. (nidation) the attachment of the early embryo to the lining of the uterus, which occurs at the *blastocyst stage of development, six to eight days after ovulation. The site of implantation determines the position of the placenta. 2. the placing of a substance (e.g. a drug) or an object (e.g. an artificial pacemaker) within a tissue. 3. the surgical replacement of damaged tissue with healthy tissue (see transplantation).