Particles found in the CYTOPLASM and NUCLEUS of CELLS, usually a consequence of a viral infection. This phenomenon can be helpful in the diagnosis of such an infection.
particles occurring in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells usually as a result of virus infection. Their presence can sometimes be used to diagnose such an infection.
Fragments of bone, cartilage, or capsule linings within a joint. Loose bodies may occur whenever there is damage to a joint, as in injury, osteoarthritis, or osteochondritis dissecans. The fragments can cause a joint to lock, resulting in severe pain. Gentle manipulation may be required to unlock the joint. If locking occurs frequently, the loose bodies may be removed during arthroscopy or by surgery.... loose bodies
large irregular masses abnormally located in the hepatocytes of the liver. They are found in patients with alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis, Wilson’s disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, clinical obesity, and hepatoma. [F. B. Mallory (1862–1941), US pathologist]... mallory bodies