The pathological hardening of a tissue or organ. This may occur when a tissue is infected or when it is invaded by cancer. (See also SCLEROSIS.)
n. abnormal hardening of a tissue or organ. See also sclerosis.
Inflammation of the tongue, with burning sensation. Geographical tongue. Often associated with inflammation of the mouth (stomatitis) and gums (gingivitis). Tongue may be ulcerated, with difficulty in swallowing.
Etiology: mouth breathing, dental faults, hot spicy foods, alcohol, smoking, anaemia, drug induced, septic teeth.
Symptoms: pain and swelling.
Chronic gastritis may reflect in a persistent form requiring treatment specific to the stomach. The underlying condition should be treated.
Alternatives. Change of lifestyle, food habits, etc.
Teas. Sage, Tormentilla, Balm of Gilead, Bedstraw. Drink freely and use as a mouth wash. Decoction. 2 teaspoons Fenugreek seeds to each cup water gently simmered 15 minutes. 1 cup freely and as mouth wash.
Juices, gels: Aloe Vera, Houseleek. Houseleek has a mild anaesthetic effect and has been used for schirrhus induration.
Tinctures. Combine Sarsaparilla 4; Goldenseal 1. One to two 5ml teaspoons in water 3-4 times daily. Mouth Wash. 5-10 drops Tincture Myrrh in glass water; freely.
Diet. Slippery Elm drinks. Dandelion coffee.
Vitamins. B-complex. A. C.
Minerals. Zinc. ... glossitis
(PASI) a semiobjective severity score for psoriasis, including measurement of surface area affected and the degree of erythema, induration, and scale. It is commonly used in clinical trials and to ration expensive treatments for psoriasis. Severe disease equates to scores over 10 and it is often interpreted with the *dermatology life quality index (DLQI) score.... psoriasis area severity index