Inspection Health Dictionary

Inspection: From 1 Different Sources

A process to check on standards.
Health Source: Community Health
Author: Health Dictionary


Inspection of the interior of a joint (usually the knee) to diagnose any disorder there. The instrument used is a type of ENDOSCOPE called an ARTHROSCOPE. The knee is often affected by conditions that are not easy to diagnose and are not revealed by X-ray examination. Surgery can be performed using arthroscopy and this reduces the time a patient has to be in hospital.... arthroscopy

Child Health

Paediatrics is the branch of medicine which deals with diseases of children, but many paediatricians have a wider role, being employed largely outside acute hospitals and dealing with child health in general.

History Child health services were originally designed, before the NHS came into being, to ?nd or prevent physical illness by regular inspections. In the UK these were carried out by clinical medical o?cers (CMOs) working in infant welfare clinics (later, child health clinics) set up to ?ll the gap between general practice and hospital care. The services expanded greatly from the mid 1970s; ‘inspections’ have evolved into a regular screening and surveillance system by general practitioners and health visitors, while CMOs have mostly been replaced by consultant paediatricians in community child health (CPCCH).

Screening Screening begins at birth, when every baby is examined for congenital conditions such as dislocated hips, heart malformations, cataract and undescended testicles. Blood is taken to ?nd those babies with potentially brain-damaging conditions such as HYPOTHYROIDISM and PHENYLKETONURIA. Some NHS trusts screen for the life-threatening disease CYSTIC FIBROSIS, although in future it is more likely that ?nding this disease will be part of prenatal screening, along with DOWN’S (DOWN) SYNDROME and SPINA BIFIDA. A programme to detect hearing impairment in newborn babies has been piloted from 2001 in selected districts to ?nd out whether it would be a useful addition to the national screening programme. Children from ethnic groups at risk of inherited abnormalities of HAEMOGLOBIN (sickle cell disease; thalassaemia – see under ANAEMIA) have blood tested at some time between birth and six months of age.

Illness prevention At two months, GPs screen babies again for these abnormalities and start the process of primary IMMUNISATION. The routine immunisation programme has been dramatically successful in preventing illness, handicap and deaths: as such it is the cornerstone of the public health aspect of child health, with more potential vaccines being made available every year. Currently, infants are immunised against pertussis (see WHOOPING COUGH), DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS, POLIOMYELITIS, haemophilus (a cause of MENINGITIS, SEPTICAEMIA, ARTHRITIS and epiglottitis) and meningococcus C (SEPTICAEMIA and meningitis – see NEISSERIACEAE) at two, three and four months. Selected children from high-risk groups are o?ered BCG VACCINE against tuberculosis and hepatitis vaccine. At about 13 months all are o?ered MMR VACCINE (measles, mumps and rubella) and there are pre-school entry ‘boosters’ of diphtheria, tetanus, polio, meningococcus C and MMR. Pneumococcal vaccine is available for particular cases but is not yet part of the routine schedule.

Health promotion and education Throughout the UK, parents are given their child’s personal health record to keep with them. It contains advice on health promotion, including immunisation, developmental milestones (when did he or she ?rst smile, sit up, walk and so on), and graphs – called centile charts – on which to record height, weight and head circumference. There is space for midwives, doctors, practice nurses, health visitors and parents to make notes about the child.

Throughout at least the ?rst year of life, both parents and health-care providers set great store by regular weighing, designed to pick up children who are ‘failing to thrive’. Measuring length is not quite so easy, but height measurements are recommended from about two or three years of age in order to detect children with disorders such as growth-hormone de?ciency, malabsorption (e.g. COELIAC DISEASE) and psychosocial dwar?sm (see below).

All babies have their head circumference measured at birth, and again at the eight-week check. A too rapidly growing head implies that the infant might have HYDROCEPHALUS – excess ?uid in the hollow spaces within the brain. A too slowly growing head may mean failure of brain growth, which may go hand in hand with physically or intellectually delayed development.

At about eight months, babies receive a surveillance examination, usually by a health visitor. Parents are asked if they have any concerns about their child’s hearing, vision or physical ability. The examiner conducts a screening test for hearing impairment – the so-called distraction test; he or she stands behind the infant, who is on the mother’s lap, and activates a standardised sound at a set distance from each ear, noting whether or not the child turns his or her head or eyes towards the sound. If the child shows no reaction, the test is repeated a few weeks later; if still negative then referral is made to an audiologist for more formal testing.

The doctor or health visitor will also go through the child’s developmental progress (see above) noting any signi?cant deviation from normal which merits more detailed examination. Doctors are also recommended to examine infants developmentally at some time between 18 and 24 months. At this time they will be looking particularly for late walking or failure to develop appropriate language skills.... child health

Ear, Diseases Of

Diseases may affect the EAR alone or as part of a more generalised condition. The disease may affect the outer, middle or inner ear or a combination of these.

Examination of the ear includes inspection of the external ear. An auriscope is used to examine the external ear canal and the ear drum. If a more detailed inspection is required, a microscope may be used to improve illumination and magni?cation.

Tuning-fork or Rinne tests are performed to identify the presence of DEAFNESS. The examiner tests whether the vibrating fork is audible at the meatus, and then the foot of the fork is placed on the mastoid bone of the ear to discover at which of the two sites the patient can hear the vibrations for the longest time. This can help to di?erentiate between conductive and nerve deafness.

Hearing tests are carried out to determine the level of hearing. An audiometer is used to deliver a series of short tones of varying frequency to the ear, either through a pair of headphones or via a sound transducer applied directly to the skull. The intensity of the sound is gradually reduced until it is no longer heard and this represents the threshold of hearing, at that frequency, through air and bone respectively. It may be necessary to play a masking noise into the opposite ear to prevent that ear from hearing the tones, enabling each ear to be tested independently.

General symptoms The following are some of the chief symptoms of ear disease: DEAFNESS (see DEAFNESS). EARACHE is most commonly due to acute in?ammation of the middle ear. Perceived pain in this region may be referred from other areas, such as the earache commonly experienced after tonsillectomy (removal of the TONSILS) or that caused by carious teeth (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF). The treatment will depend on the underlying cause. TINNITUS or ringing in the ear often accompanies deafness, but is sometimes the only symptom of ear disease. Even normal people sometimes experience tinnitus, particularly if put in soundproofed surroundings. It may be described as hissing, buzzing, the sound of the sea, or of bells. The intensity of the tinnitis usually ?uctuates, sometimes disappearing altogether. It may occur in almost any form of ear disease, but is particularly troublesome in nerve deafness due to ageing and in noise-induced deafness. The symptom seems to originate in the brain’s subcortical regions, high in the central nervous system. It may be a symptom of general diseases such as ANAEMIA, high blood pressure and arterial disease, in which cases it is often synchronous with the pulse, and may also be caused by drugs such as QUININE, salicylates (SALICYLIC ACID and its salts, for example, ASPIRIN) and certain ANTIBIOTICS. Treatment of any underlying ear disorder or systemic disease, including DEPRESSION, may reduce or even cure the tinnitis, but unfortunately in many cases the noises persist. Management involves psychological techniques and initially an explanation of the mechanism and reassurance that tinnitus does not signify brain disease, or an impending STROKE, may help the person. Tinnitus maskers – which look like hearing aids – have long been used with a suitably pitched sound helping to ‘mask’ the condition.

Diseases of the external ear

WAX (cerumen) is produced by specialised glands in the outer part of the ear canal only. Impacted wax within the ear canal can cause deafness, tinnitis and sometimes disturbance of balance. Wax can sometimes be softened with olive oil, 5-per-cent bicarbonate of soda or commercially prepared drops, and it will gradually liquefy and ‘remove itself’. If this is ineffective, syringing by a doctor or nurse will usually remove the wax but sometimes it is necessary for a specialist (otologist) to remove it manually with instruments. Syringing should not be done if perforation of the tympanic membrane (eardrum) is suspected. FOREIGN BODIES such as peas, beads or buttons may be found in the external ear canal, especially in children who have usually introduced them themselves. Live insects may also be trapped in the external canal causing intense irritation and noise, and in such cases spirit drops are ?rst instilled into the ear to kill the insect. Except in foreign bodies of vegetable origin, where swelling and pain may occur, syringing may be used to remove some foreign bodies, but often removal by a specialist using suitable instrumentation and an operating microscope is required. In children, a general anaesthetic may be needed. ACUTE OTITIS EXTERNA may be a di?use in?ammation or a boil (furuncle) occurring in the outer ear canal. The pinna is usually tender on movement (unlike acute otitis media – see below) and a discharge may be present. Initially treatment should be local, using magnesium sulphate paste or glycerine and 10-per-cent ichthaminol. Topical antibiotic drops can be used and sometimes antibiotics by mouth are necessary, especially if infection is acute. Clotrimazole drops are a useful antifungal treatment. Analgesics and locally applied warmth should relieve the pain.

CHRONIC OTITIS EXTERNA producing pain and discharge, can be caused by eczema, seborrhoeic DERMATITIS or PSORIASIS. Hair lotions and cosmetic preparations may trigger local allergic reactions in the external ear, and the chronic disorder may be the result of swimming or use of dirty towels. Careful cleaning of the ear by an ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) surgeon and topical antibiotic or antifungal agents – along with removal of any precipitating cause – are the usual treatments. TUMOURS of the ear can arise in the skin of the auricle, often as a result of exposure to sunlight, and can be benign or malignant. Within the ear canal itself, the commonest tumours are benign outgrowths from the surrounding bone, said to occur in swimmers as a result of repeated exposure to cold water. Polyps may result from chronic infection of the ear canal and drum, particularly in the presence of a perforation. These polyps are soft and may be large enough to ?ll the ear canal, but may shrink considerably after treatment of the associated infection.

Diseases of the middle ear

OTITIS MEDIA or infection of the middle ear, usually occurs as a result of infection spreading up the Eustachian tubes from the nose, throat or sinuses. It may follow a cold, tonsillitis or sinusitis, and may also be caused by swimming and diving where water and infected secretions are forced up the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. Primarily it is a disease of children, with as many as 1.5 million cases occurring in Britain every year. Pain may be intense and throbbing or sharp in character. The condition is accompanied by deafness, fever and often TINNITUS.

In infants, crying may be the only sign that something is wrong – though this is usually accompanied by some localising manifestation such as rubbing or pulling at the ear. Examination of the ear usually reveals redness, and sometimes bulging, of the ear drum. In the early stages there is no discharge, but in the later stages there may be a discharge from perforation of the ear drum as a result of the pressure created in the middle ear by the accumulated pus. This is usually accompanied by an immediate reduction in pain.

Treatment consists of the immediate administration of an antibiotic, usually one of the penicillins (e.g. amoxicillin). In the majority of cases no further treatment is required, but if this does not quickly bring relief then it may be necessary to perform a myringotomy, or incision of the ear drum, to drain pus from the middle ear. When otitis media is treated immediately with su?cient dosage of the appropriate antibiotic, the chances of any permanent damage to the ear or to hearing are reduced to a negligible degree, as is the risk of any complications such as mastoiditis (discussed later in this section). CHRONIC OTITIS MEDIA WITH EFFUSION or glue ear, is the most common in?ammatory condition of the middle ear in children, to the extent that one in four children in the UK entering school has had an episode of ‘glue ear’. It is characterised by a persistent sticky ?uid in the middle ear (hence the name); this causes a conductive-type deafness. It may be associated with enlarged adenoids (see NOSE, DISORDERS OF) which impair the function of the Eustachian tube. If the hearing impairment is persistent and causes problems, drainage of the ?uid, along with antibiotic treatment, may be needed – possibly in conjunction with removal of the adenoids. The insertion of grommets (ventilation tubes) was for a time standard treatment, but while hearing is often restored, there may be no long-term gain and even a risk of damage to the tympanic membrane, so the operation is less popular than it was a decade or so ago. MASTOIDITIS is a serious complication of in?ammation of the middle ear, the incidence of which has been dramatically reduced by the introduction of antibiotics. In?ammation in this cavity usually arises by direct spread of acute or chronic in?ammation from the middle ear. The signs of this condition include swelling and tenderness of the skin behind the ear, redness and swelling inside the ear, pain in the side of the head, high fever, and a discharge from the ear. The management of this condition in the ?rst instance is with antibiotics, usually given intravenously; however, if the condition fails to improve, surgical treatment is necessary. This involves draining any pus from the middle ear and mastoid, and removing diseased lining and bone from the mastoid.

Diseases of the inner ear

MENIÈRE’S DISEASE is a common idiopathic disorder of ENDOLYMPH control in the semicircular canals (see EAR), characterised by the triad of episodic VERTIGO with deafness and tinnitus. The cause is unknown and usually one ear only is affected at ?rst, but eventually the opposite ear is affected in approximately 50 per cent of cases. The onset of dizziness is often sudden and lasts for up to 24 hours. The hearing loss is temporary in the early stages, but with each attack there may be a progressive nerve deafness. Nausea and vomiting often occur. Treatment during the attacks includes rest and drugs to control sickness. Vasodilator drugs such as betahistine hydrochloride may be helpful. Surgical treatment is sometimes required if crippling attacks of dizziness persist despite these measures. OTOSCLEROSIS A disorder of the middle ear that results in progressive deafness. Often running in families, otosclerosis affects about one person in 200; it customarily occurs early in adult life. An overgrowth of bone ?xes the stapes (the innermost bone of the middle ear) and stops sound vibrations from being transmitted to the inner ear. The result is conductive deafness. The disorder usually affects both ears. Those affected tend to talk quietly and deafness increases over a 10–15 year period. Tinnitus often occurs, and occasionally vertigo.

Abnormal hearing tests point to the diagnosis; the deafness may be partially overcome with a hearing aid but surgery is eventually needed. This involves replacing the stapes bone with a synthetic substitute (stapedectomy). (See also OTIC BAROTRAUMA.)... ear, diseases of


Nutritional Profile Energy value (calories per serving): Moderate Protein: High Fat: High Saturated fat: Moderate Cholesterol: High Carbohydrates: Low Fiber: None Sodium: Moderate to high Major vitamin contribution: Vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin D Major mineral contribution: Iron, calcium

About the Nutrients in This Food An egg is really three separate foods, the whole egg, the white, and the yolk, each with its own distinct nutritional profile. A whole egg is a high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-quality protein food packaged in a high-calcium shell that can be ground and added to any recipe. The proteins in eggs, with sufficient amounts of all the essential amino acids, are 99 percent digestible, the standard by which all other proteins are judged. The egg white is a high-protein, low-fat food with virtually no cholesterol. Its only important vitamin is riboflavin (vitamin B2), a vis- ible vitamin that gives egg white a slightly greenish cast. Raw egg whites contain avidin, an antinutrient that binds biotin a B complex vitamin for- merly known as vitamin H, into an insoluble compound. Cooking the egg inactivates avidin. An egg yolk is a high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-protein food, a good source of vitamin A derived from carotenes eaten by the laying hen, plus vitamin D, B vitamins, and heme iron, the form of iron most easily absorbed by your body. One large whole egg (50 g/1.8 ounce) has five grams fat (1.5 g satu- rated fat, 1.9 g monounsaturated fat, 0.7 g polyunsaturated fat), 212 mg cholesterol, 244 IU vitamin A (11 percent of the R DA for a woman, 9 percent * Values are for a whole egg. of the R DA for a man), 0.9 mg iron (5 percent of the R DA for a woman, 11 percent of the R DA for a man) and seven grams protein. The fat in the egg is all in the yolk. The protein is divided: four grams in the white, three grams in the yolk.

The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food With extra whites and fewer yolks to lower the fat and cholesterol per serving.

Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food Controlled-fat, low-cholesterol diet Low-protein diet

Buying This Food Look for: Eggs stored in the refrigerated dair y case. Check the date for freshness. NOTE : In 1998, the FDA and USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) proposed new rules that would require distributors to keep eggs refrigerated on the way to the store and require stores to keep eggs in a refrigerated case. The egg package must have a “refrigera- tion required” label plus safe-handling instructions on eggs that have not been treated to kill Salmonella. Look for: Eggs that fit your needs. Eggs are graded by the size of the yolk and the thick- ness of the white, qualities that affect appearance but not nutritional values. The higher the grade, the thicker the yolk and the thicker the white will be when you cook the egg. A Grade A A egg fried sunny side up will look much more attractive than a Grade B egg prepared the same way, but both will be equally nutritions. Egg sizes ( Jumbo, Extra large, Large, Medium, Small) are determined by how much the eggs weigh per dozen. The color of the egg’s shell depends on the breed of the hen that laid the egg and has nothing to do with the egg’s food value.

Storing This Food Store fresh eggs with the small end down so that the yolk is completely submerged in the egg white (which contains antibacterial properties, nature’s protection for the yolk—or a developing chick embryo in a fertilized egg). Never wash eggs before storing them: The water will make the egg shell more porous, allowing harmful microorganisms to enter. Store separated leftover yolks and whites in small, tightly covered containers in the refrigerator, where they may stay fresh for up to a week. Raw eggs are very susceptible to Salmonella and other bacterial contamination; discard any egg that looks or smells the least bit unusual. Refrigerate hard-cooked eggs, including decorated Easter eggs. They, too, are suscep- tible to Salmonella contamination and should never be left at room temperature.

Preparing This Food First, find out how fresh the eggs really are. The freshest ones are the eggs that sink and lie flat on their sides when submerged in cool water. These eggs can be used for any dish. By the time the egg is a week old, the air pocket inside, near the broad end, has expanded so that the broad end tilts up as the egg is submerged in cool water. The yolk and the white inside have begun to separate; these eggs are easier to peel when hard-cooked. A week or two later, the egg’s air pocket has expanded enough to cause the broad end of the egg to point straight up when you put the egg in water. By now the egg is runny and should be used in sauces where it doesn’t matter if it isn’t picture-perfect. After four weeks, the egg will float. Throw it away. Eggs are easily contaminated with Salmonella microorganisms that can slip through an intact shell. never eat or serve a dish or bever age containing r aw fr esh eggs. sa lmonella is destroyed by cooking eggs to an inter nal temper atur e of 145°f ; egg-milk dishes such as custar ds must be cooked to an inter nal temper atur e of 160°f. If you separate fresh eggs by hand, wash your hands thoroughly before touching other food, dishes, or cooking tools. When you have finished preparing raw eggs, wash your hands and all utensils thoroughly with soap and hot water. never stir cooked eggs with a utensil used on r aw eggs. When you whip an egg white, you change the structure of its protein molecules which unfold, breaking bonds between atoms on the same molecule and forming new bonds to atoms on adjacent molecules. The result is a network of protein molecules that hardens around air trapped in bubbles in the net. If you beat the whites too long, the foam will turn stiff enough to hold its shape even if you don’t cook it, but it will be too stiff to expand natu- rally if you heat it, as in a soufflé. When you do cook properly whipped egg white foam, the hot air inside the bubbles will expand. Ovalbumin, an elastic protein in the white, allows the bubble walls to bulge outward until they are cooked firm and the network is stabilized as a puff y soufflé. The bowl in which you whip the whites should be absolutely free of fat or grease, since the fat molecules will surround the protein molecules in the egg white and keep them from linking up together to form a puff y white foam. Eggs whites will react with metal ions from the surface of an aluminum bowl to form dark particles that discolor the egg-white foam. You can whip eggs successfully in an enamel or glass bowl, but they will do best in a copper bowl because copper ions bind to the egg and stabilize the foam.

What Happens When You Cook This Food When you heat a whole egg, its protein molecules behave exactly as they do when you whip an egg white. They unfold, form new bonds, and create a protein network, this time with molecules of water caught in the net. As the egg cooks, the protein network tightens, squeez- ing out moisture, and the egg becomes opaque. The longer you cook the egg, the tighter the network will be. If you cook the egg too long, the protein network will contract strongly enough to force out all the moisture. That is why overcooked egg custards run and why overcooked eggs are rubbery. If you mix eggs with milk or water before you cook them, the molecules of liquid will surround and separate the egg’s protein molecules so that it takes more energy (higher heat) to make the protein molecules coagulate. Scrambled eggs made with milk are softer than plain scrambled eggs cooked at the same temperature. When you boil an egg in its shell, the air inside expands and begins to escape through the shell as tiny bubbles. Sometimes, however, the force of the air is enough to crack the shell. Since there’s no way for you to tell in advance whether any particular egg is strong enough to resist the pressure of the bubbling air, the best solution is to create a safety vent by sticking a pin through the broad end of the egg before you start to boil it. Or you can slow the rate at which the air inside the shell expands by starting the egg in cold water and letting it warm up naturally as the water warms rather than plunging it cold into boiling water—which makes the air expand so quickly that the shell is virtually certain to crack. As the egg heats, a little bit of the protein in its white will decompose, releasing sulfur that links up with hydrogen in the egg, forming hydrogen sulfide, the gas that gives rot- ten eggs their distinctive smell. The hydrogen sulfide collects near the coolest part of the egg—the yolk. The yolk contains iron, which now displaces the hydrogen in the hydrogen sulfide to form a green iron-sulfide ring around the hard-cooked yolk.

How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food Egg substitutes. Fat-free, cholesterol-free egg substitutes are made of pasteurized egg whites, plus artificial or natural colors, flavors, and texturizers (food gums) to make the product look and taste like eggs, plus vitamins and minerals to produce the nutritional equivalent of a full egg. Pasteurized egg substitutes may be used without additional cooking, that is, in salad dressings and eggnog. Drying. Dried eggs have virtually the same nutritive value as fresh eggs. Always refrigerate dried eggs in an air- and moistureproof container. At room temperature, they will lose about a third of their vitamin A in six months.

Medical Uses and/or Benefits Protein source. The protein in eggs, like protein from all animal foods, is complete. That is, protein from animal foods provides all the essential amino acids required by human beings. In fact, the protein from eggs is so well absorbed and utilized by the human body that it is considered the standard by which all other dietary protein is measured. On a scale known as biological value, eggs rank 100 ; milk, 93; beef and fish, 75; and poultry, 72. Vision protection. The egg yolk is a rich source of the yellow-orange carotenoid pigments lutein and zeaxanthin. Both appear to play a role in protecting the eyes from damaging ultraviolet light, thus reducing the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision of loss in one-third of all Americans older than 75. Just 1.3 egg yolks a day appear to increase blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin by up to 128 percent. Perhaps as a result, data released by the National Eye Institute’s 6,000-person Beaver Dam ( Wisconsin) Eye Study in 2003 indicated that egg consumption was inversely associated with cataract risk in study participants who were younger than 65 years of age when the study started. The relative risk of cataracts was 0.4 for people in the highest category of egg consumption, compared to a risk of 1.0 for those in the lowest category. External cosmetic effects. Beaten egg whites can be used as a facial mask to make your skin look smoother temporarily. The mask works because the egg proteins constrict as they dry on your face, pulling at the dried layer of cells on top of your skin. When you wash off the egg white, you also wash off some of these loose cells. Used in a rinse or shampoo, the pro- tein in a beaten raw egg can make your hair look smoother and shinier temporarily by filling in chinks and notches on the hair shaft.

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food Increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Although egg yolks are high in cholesterol, data from several recent studies suggest that eating eggs may not increase the risk of heart disease. In 2003, a report from a 14-year, 177,000-plus person study at the Harvard School of Public Health showed that people who eat one egg a day have exactly the same risk of heart disease as those who eat one egg or fewer per week. A similar report from the Multiple R isk Factor Intervention Trial showed an inverse relationship between egg consumption and cholesterol levels—that is, people who ate more eggs had lower cholesterol levels. Nonetheless, in 2006 the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute still recommends no more than four egg yolks a week (including the yolk in baked goods) for a heart-healthy diet. The American Heart Association says consumers can have one whole egg a day if they limit cholesterol from other sources to the amount suggested by the National Cholesterol Education Project following the Step I and Step II diets. (Both groups permit an unlimited number of egg whites.) The Step I diet provides no more than 30 percent of total daily calories from fat, no more than 10 percent of total daily calories from saturated fat, and no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day. It is designed for healthy people whose cholesterol is in the range of 200 –239 mg/dL. The Step II diet provides 25– 35 percent of total calories from fat, less than 7 percent of total calories from saturated fat, up to 10 percent of total calories from polyunsaturated fat, up to 20 percent of total calories from monounsaturated fat, and less than 300 mg cho- lesterol per day. This stricter regimen is designed for people who have one or more of the following conditions: •  Existing cardiovascular disease •  High levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, or “bad” cholesterol) or low levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs, or “good” cholesterol) •  Obesity •  Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes, or diabetes mellitus) •  Metabolic syndrome, a.k.a. insulin resistance syndrome, a cluster of risk fac- tors that includes type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes) Food poisoning. Raw eggs (see above) and egg-rich foods such as custards and cream pies are excellent media for microorganisms, including the ones that cause food poisoning. To protect yourself against egg-related poisoning, always cook eggs thoroughly: poach them five minutes over boiling water or boil at least seven minutes or fry two to three minutes on each side (no runny center) or scramble until firm. Bread with egg coating, such as French toast, should be cooked crisp. Custards should be firm and, once cooked, served very hot or refrigerated and served very cold. Allergic reaction. According to the Merck Manual, eggs are one of the 12 foods most likely to trigger the classic food allergy symptoms: hives, swelling of the lips and eyes, and upset stomach. The others are berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), choco- late, corn, fish, legumes (green peas, lima beans, peanuts, soybeans), milk, nuts, peaches, pork, shellfish, and wheat (see wheat cer ea ls).

Food/Drug Interactions Sensitivity to vaccines. Live-virus measles vaccine, live-virus mumps vaccine, and the vac- cines for influenza are grown in either chick embryo or egg culture. They may all contain minute residual amounts of egg proteins that may provoke a hypersensitivity reaction in people with a history of anaphylactic reactions to eggs (hives, swelling of the mouth and throat, difficulty breathing, a drop in blood pressure, or shock).... eggs


Inspection of a FETUS by passing a ?breoptic instrument called a fetoscope through the abdominal wall of a pregnant woman into her UTERUS. The procedure is usually conducted in the 18th to 20th week of pregnancy to assess the fetus for abnormalities and to take blood samples to preclude diseases such as HAEMOPHILIA, DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY and sickle-cell ANAEMIA. The procedure should be used only if there is a serious possibility of abnormality, the presence of which will usually have been indicated by other screening tests such as ULTRASOUND and tests of blood obtained by (intrauterine) cordocentesis (withdrawal of blood by syringe inserted into the umbilical cord).... fetoscopy


Also called peritoneoscopy, this is a technique using an instrument called an ENDOSCOPE for viewing the contents of the ABDOMEN. The instrument is inserted via an incision just below the UMBILICUS and air is then pumped into the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity. Visual inspection may help in the diagnosis of cancer, APPENDICITIS, SALPINGITIS, and abnormalities of the LIVER, GALL-BLADDER, OVARIES or GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. A BIOPSY can be taken of tissue suspected of being abnormal, and operations such as removal of the gall-bladder or appendix may be carried out. (See also MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY (MIS).)... laparoscopy


Chiropody (also termed podiatry) is that part of medical science which is concerned with the health of the feet. Its practitioners are specialists capable of providing a fully comprehensive foot-health service. This includes the palliation of established deformities and dysfunction, both as short-term treatment for immediate relief of painful symptoms and as long-term management to secure optimum results. This requires the backing of e?ective appliances and footwear services. It also involves curative foot-care, including the use of various therapeutic techniques, including minor surgery and the prescription and provision of specialised and individual appliances.

Among conditions routinely treated are walking disorders in children, injuries to the feet of joggers and athletes, corns, bunions and hammer toes, ulcers and foot infections. Chiropody also has a preventative role which includes inspection of children’s feet and the detection of foot conditions requiring treatment and advice and also foot-health education. The chiropodist is trained to recognise medical conditions which manifest themselves in the feet, such as circulatory disorders, DIABETES MELLITUS and diseases causing ulceration.

The only course of training in the United Kingdom recognised for the purpose of state registration by the Health Professionals Council is the Society of Chiropodists’ three-year full-time course. The course includes instruction and examination in the relevant aspects of anatomy and physiology, local analgesia, medicine and surgery, as well as in podology and therapeutics. The Council holds the register of podiatrists. (See APPENDIX 2: ADDRESSES: SOURCES OF INFORMATION, ADVICE, SUPPORT AND SELFHELP.)... chiropody

Lay Assessor

A person with no direct or professional responsibility for service provision or service inspection who assists in the inspection of facilities.... lay assessor

Sex Education

Information given to children and young adults about sexual relationships. Evidence suggests that young people want more information about the emotional aspects of sexual relationships, and about homosexuality and AIDS/HIV. There is growing concern about sexual risk-taking behaviour among adolescents, many of whom feel that sex education was provided too late for them. Although most parents or guardians provide some guidance by the age of 16, friends, magazines, television and ?lms are a more signi?cant source of information. Schools have been targeted as a place to address and possibly limit risky behaviour because they are geared towards increasing knowledge and improving skills, and have a captive audience of young adults. There are concerns that the conditions in schools may not be ideal: class time is limited; teachers are often not trained in handling sensitive subjects; and considerable controversy surrounds teaching about subjects such as homosexuality.

Sex education in schools is regarded as an e?ective way of reducing teenaged pregnancy, especially when linked with contraceptive services. Several studies have shown that it does not cause an increase in sexual activity and may even delay the onset of sexual relationships and lessen the number of partners. Programmes taught by youth agencies may be even more e?ective than those taught in the classroom – possibly because teaching takes place in small groups of volunteer participants, and the programmes are tailored to their target populations. Despite improvements in sex education, the United Kingdom has the highest incidence of teenaged pregnancies in the European Community.

Sex education, including information about AIDS/HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), is compulsory in all state-maintained secondary schools in England and Wales. The National Curriculum includes only biological aspects of AIDS/HIV, STIs and human sexual behaviour.

All maintained schools must have a written statement of their policy, which is available to parents. The local education authority, governing body and headteacher should ensure that sex education encourages pupils to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. Sex-education policies and practices are monitored by the O?ce for Standards in Education (OFSTED) and the O?ce of HM Chief Inspector of Schools (OHMCI) as part of school inspections.... sex education


Hard organs developed from the mucous membranes of the mouth and embedded in the jawbones, used to bite and grind food and to aid clarity of speech.

Structure Each tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cement, pulp and periodontal membrane. ENAMEL is the almost translucent material which covers the crown of a tooth. It is the most highly calci?ed material in the body, 96–97 per cent being composed of calci?ed salts. It is arranged from millions of long, six-sided prisms set on end on the dentine (see below), and is thickest over the biting surface of the tooth. With increasing age or the ingestion of abrasive foods the teeth may be worn away on the surface, so that the dentine becomes visible. The outer sides of some teeth may be worn away by bad tooth-brushing technique. DENTINE is a dense yellowish-white material from which the bulk and the basic shape of a tooth are formed. It is like ivory and is harder than bone but softer than enamel. The crown of the tooth is covered by the hard protective enamel and the root is covered by a bone-like substance called cement. Decay can erode dentine faster than enamel (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF – Caries of the teeth). CEMENT or cementum is a thin bone-like material which covers the roots of teeth and helps hold them in the bone. Fibres of the periodontal membrane (see below) are embedded in the cement and the bone. When the gums recede, part of the cement may be exposed and the cells die. Once this has happened, the periodontal membrane can no longer be attached to the tooth and, if su?cient cement is destroyed, the tooth-support will be so weakened that the tooth will become loose. PULP This is the inner core of the tooth and is

composed of a highly vascular, delicate ?brous tissue with many ?ne nerve-?bres. The pulp is very sensitive to temperature variation and to touch. If the pulp becomes exposed it will become infected and usually cannot overcome this. Root-canal treatment or extraction of the tooth may be necessary. PERIODONTAL MEMBRANE This is a layer of ?brous tissue arranged in groups of ?bres which surround and support the root of a tooth in a bone socket. The ?bres are interspersed with blood vessels and nerves. Loss of the membrane leads to loss of the tooth. The membrane can release and re-attach the ?bres to allow the tooth to move when it erupts, or (to correct dental deformities) is being moved by orthodontic springs.

Arrangement and form Teeth are present in most mammals and nearly all have two sets: a temporary or milk set, followed by a permanent or adult set. In some animals, like the toothed whale, all the teeth are similar; but in humans there are four di?erent shapes: incisors, canines (eye-teeth), premolars (bicuspids), and molars. The incisors are chisel-shaped and the canine is pointed. Premolars have two cusps on the crown (one medial to the other) and molars have at least four cusps. They are arranged together in an arch in each jaw and the

cusps of opposing teeth interdigitate. Some herbivores have no upper anterior teeth but use a pad of gum instead. As each arch is symmetrical, the teeth in an upper and lower quadrant can be used to identify the animal. In humans, the quadrants are the same: in other words, in the child there are two incisors, one canine and two molars (total teeth 20); in the adult there are two incisors, one canine, two premolars and three molars (total 32). This mixture of tooth-form suggests that humans are omnivorous. Anatomically the crown of the tooth has mesial and distal surfaces which touch the tooth next to it. The mesial surface is the one nearer to the centre line and the distal is the further away. The biting surface is called the incisal edge for the anterior teeth and the occlusal surface for the posteriors.

Development The ?rst stage in the formation of the teeth is the appearance of a down-growth of EPITHELIUM into the underlying mesoderm. This is the dental lamina, and from it ten smaller swellings in each jaw appear. These become bell-shaped and enclose a part of the mesoderm, the cells of which become specialised and are called the dental papillae. The epithelial cells produce enamel and the dental papilla forms the dentine, cement and pulp. At a ?xed time the teeth start to erupt and a root is formed. Before the deciduous teeth erupt, the permanent teeth form, medial to them. In due course the deciduous roots resorb and the permanent teeth are then able to push the crowns out and erupt themselves. If this process is disturbed, the permanent teeth may be displaced and appear in an abnormal position or be impacted.

Eruption of teeth is in a de?nite order and at a ?xed time, although there may be a few months’ leeway in either direction which is of no signi?cance. Excessive delay is found in some congenital disorders such as CRETINISM. It may also be associated with local abnormalities of the jaws such as cysts, malformed teeth and supernumerary teeth.

The usual order of eruption of deciduous teeth is:

Middle incisors 6–8 months Lateral incisors 8–10 months First molars 12–16 months Canines (eye-teeth) 16–20 months Second molars 20–30 months

The usual order of eruption of permanent teeth is:

First molars 6–7 years Middle incisors 6–8 years Lateral incisors 7–9 years Canines 9–12 years First and second premolars 10–12 years Second molars 11–13 years Third molars (wisdom teeth) 17–21 years

The permanent teeth of the upper (top) and lower (bottom) jaws.

Teeth, Disorders of

Teething, or the process of eruption of the teeth in infants, may be accompanied by irritability, salivation and loss of sleep. The child will tend to rub or touch the painful area. Relief may be obtained in the child by allowing it to chew on a hard object such as a toy or rusk. Mild ANALGESICS may be given if the child is restless and wakens in the night. A serious pitfall is to assume that an infant’s symptoms of ill-health are due to teething, as the cause may be more serious. Fever and ?ts (see SEIZURE) are not due to teething.

Toothache is the pain felt when there is in?ammation of the pulp or periodontal membrane of a tooth (see TEETH – Structure). It can vary in intensity and may be recurring. The commonest cause is caries (see below) when the cavity is close to the pulp. Once the pulp has become infected, this is likely to spread from the apex of the tooth into the bone to form an abscess (gumboil – see below). A lesser but more long-lasting pain is felt when the dentine is unprotected. This can occur when the enamel is lost due to decay or trauma or because the gums have receded. This pain is often associated with temperature-change or sweet foods. Expert dental advice should be sought early, before the decay is extensive. If a large cavity is accessible, temporary relief may be obtained by inserting a small piece of cotton wool soaked, for example, in oil of cloves.

Alveolar abscess, dental abscess or gumboil This is an ABSCESS caused by an infected tooth. It may be present as a large swelling or cause trismus (inability to open the mouth). Treatment is drainage of the PUS, extraction of the tooth and/or ANTIBIOTICS.

Caries of the teeth or dental decay is very common in the more a?uent countries and is most common in children and young adults. Increasing awareness of the causes has resulted in a considerable improvement in dental health, particularly in recent years; this has coincided with a rise in general health. Now more than half of ?ve-year-old children are caries-free and of the others, 10 per cent have half of the remaining carious cavities. Since the start of the National Health Service, the emphasis has been on preventive dentistry, and now edentulous patients are mainly found among the elderly who had their teeth removed before 1948.

The cause of caries is probably acid produced by oral bacteria from dietary carbohydrates, particularly re?ned sugar, and this dissolves part of the enamel; the dentine is eroded more quickly as it is softer (see TEETH – Structure). The exposed smooth surfaces are usually protected as they are easily cleaned during normal eating and by brushing. Irregular and overcrowded teeth are more at risk from decay as they are di?cult to clean. Primitive people who chew coarse foods rarely get caries. Fluoride in the drinking water at about one part per million is associated with a reduction in the caries rate.

Prolonged severe disease in infancy is associated with poor calci?cation of the teeth, making them more vulnerable to decay. As the teeth are formed and partly calci?ed by the time of birth, the diet and health of the mother are also important to the teeth of the child. Pregnant mothers and children should have a good balanced diet with su?cient calcium and vitamin

D. A ?brous diet will also aid cleansing of the teeth and stimulate the circulation in the teeth and jaws. The caries rate can be reduced by regular brushing with a ?uoride toothpaste two or three times per day and certainly before going to sleep. The provision of sweet or sugary juices in an infant’s bottle should be avoided.

Irregularity of the permanent teeth may be due to an abnormality in the growth of the jaws or to the early or late loss of the deciduous set (see TEETH – Development). Most frequently it is due to an imbalance in the size of the teeth and the length of the jaws. Some improvement may take place with age, but many will require the help of an orthodontist (specialist dentist) who can correct many malocclusions by removing a few teeth to allow the others to be moved into a good position by means of springs and elastics on various appliances which are worn in the mouth.

Loosening of the teeth may be due to an accident or in?ammation of the GUM. Teeth loosened by trauma may be replaced and splinted in the socket, even if knocked right out. If the loosening is due to periodontal disease, the prognosis is less favourable.

Discoloration of the teeth may be intrinsic or extrinsic: in other words, the stain may be in the calci?ed structure or stuck on to it. Intrinsic staining may be due to JAUNDICE or the antibiotic tetracycline. Extrinsic stain may be due to tea, co?ee, tobacco, pan (a mixture of chuna and betel nuts wrapped in a leaf), iron-containing medicines or excess ?uoride.

Gingivitis or in?ammation of the gum may occur as an acute or chronic condition. In the acute form it is often part of a general infection of the mouth, and principally occurs in children or young adults – resolving after 10–14 days. The chronic form occurs later in life and tends to be progressive. Various microorganisms may be found on the lesions, including anaerobes. Antiseptic mouthwashes may help, and once the painful stage is past, the gums should be thoroughly cleaned and any calculus removed. In severe conditions an antibiotic may be required.

Periodontal disease is the spread of gingivitis (see above) to involve the periodontal membrane of the tooth; in its ?orid form it used to be called pyorrhoea. In this, the membrane becomes damaged by the in?ammatory process and a space or pocket is formed into which a probe can be easily passed. As the pocket becomes more extensive, the tooth loosens. The loss of the periodontal membrane also leads to the loss of supporting bone. Chronic in?ammation soon occurs and is di?cult to eradicate. Pain is not a feature of the disease but there is often an unpleasant odour (halitosis). The gums bleed easily and there may be DYSPEPSIA. Treatment is largely aimed at stabilising the condition rather than curing it.

Dental abscess is an infection that arises in or around a tooth and spreads to involve the bone. It may occur many years after a blow has killed the pulp of the tooth, or more quickly after caries has reached the pulp. At ?rst the pain may be mild and intermittent but eventually it will become severe and a swelling will develop in the gum over the apex of the tooth. A radiograph of the tooth will show a round clear area at the apex of the tooth. Treatment may be by painting the gum with a mild counter-irritant such as a tincture of aconite and iodine in the early stages, but later root-canal therapy or apicectomy may be required. If a swelling is present, it may need to be drained or the o?ending teeth extracted and antibiotics given.

Injuries to teeth are common. The more minor injuries include crazing and the loss of small chips of enamel, and the major ones include a broken root and avulsion of the entire tooth. A specialist dental opinion should be sought as soon as possible. A tooth that has been knocked out can be re-implanted if it is clean and replaced within a few hours. It will then require splinting in place for 4–6 weeks.

Prevention of dental disease As with other disorders, prevention is better than cure. Children should be taught at an early age to keep their teeth and gums clean and to avoid re?ned sugars between meals. It is better to ?nish a meal with a drink of water rather than a sweetened drink. Fluoride in some of its forms is useful in the reduction of dental caries; in some parts of the UK natural water contains ?uoride, and in some areas where ?uoride content is low, arti?cial ?uoridation of the water supply is carried out. Overcrowding of the teeth, obvious maldevelopment of the jaw and persistent thumbsucking into the teens are all indications for seeking the advice of an orthodontist. Generally, adults have less trouble with decay but more with periodontal disease and, as its onset is insidious, regular dental inspections are desirable.... teeth


Trichinosis, or trichiniasis, is a disease caused by eating meat infected with the parasitic nematode worm, Trichinella spiralis. Although it infects more than 100 animal species, this nematode usually infects humans via pig meat in which the immature spiralis is encysted. The full-grown female worm, which inhabits the intestine, is 3 mm in length, and the larvae, to whose movements the disease is due, are much smaller. The disease is acquired by eating raw or underdone pork from pigs that have been infected with the worm. When such a piece of meat is eaten, the embryos contained in it are set free and develop into full-grown trichinellae; from each pair of these, 1,000 or more new embryos may arise in a few weeks. These burrow through the walls of the gut, spread throughout the body and settle in voluntary muscle.

Prevention is based on thorough inspection of meat in slaughterhouses; even cooking, unless the meat is in slices, is not an e?cient protection. Pigs should not be fed on unboiled garbage. Rats may be a source of sporadic outbreaks, as infected rats have been found near piggeries. The disease is widely distributed throughout the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Arctic. Sporadic cases and epidemics occur and outbreaks also appear in Europe, although rarely in Britain.

Treatment Thiabendazole or mebendazole are usually e?ective, while STEROID treatment helps patients with systemic illness and muscle tenderness.... trichinosis

Billings’ Method

Also called the mucus inspection method, a technique in which a woman notes changes in the characteristics of mucus produced by the cervix in order to predict ovulation for the purposes of contraception or family planning.... billings’ method


Visual inspection of the cervix and vagina using a magnifying instrument called a colposcope. Colposcopy is carried out to look for the presence of areas of precancerous tissue (see dysplasia) or of early cervical cancer (see cervix, cancer of).... colposcopy


n. inspection of the inside of the maxillary sinus (see paranasal sinuses) using an *endoscope (called an antroscope).... antroscopy

Preventive Medicine

The term ‘preventive medicine’ may be used both in a general ‘lay’ sense and to cover a speci?c range of activities carried out by health professionals. The de?nition and scope vary from country to country. Some people use the term widely and almost synonymously with ‘public health’; others limit its use to speci?c measures directed at individuals, such as an immunisation against an infectious disease, preferring other terms such as ‘health promotion’ for educational activities and ‘health protection’ to cover consumer-protection regulations such as food inspection. The preventive approach is an essential component of a broader public-health strategy, and, for example, in relation to diet and physical activity a normal part of the lifestyle of many in the population.

In Britain, for instance, preventive medicine is usually taken to encompass a range of activities whose purpose is:

to reduce the chance of a person contracting a disease or becoming disabled.

to identify either an increased susceptibility to develop a disease, or an early manifestation of a disease at a stage which will still allow treatment to be e?ective. The American College of Preventive Medi

cine (1983) de?ned it as ‘a specialised ?eld of medical practice composed of distinct disciplines which utilise skills focusing on the health of de?ned populations in order to promote and maintain health and well-being and to prevent disease, disability and premature death’.

However de?ned, the spectrum of activities encompassed by preventive medicine is wide and includes actions, such as counselling about lifestyle, where there may not be a clear cut-o? between a preventive and a curative act. For example, advice about smoking and exercise to a recent victim of a myocardial infarction (see under HEART, DISEASES OF) is both essential to treatment and preventive against a future attack. Action aimed at a whole population – such as the addition of ?uoride to drinking-water to protect against dental caries (see under TEETH, DISORDERS OF) – is part of a population-based public-health strategy but would also be widely regarded as preventive medicine.

A common and widely accepted classi?cation of preventive medicine is as follows:

Primary prevention which aims at the complete avoidance of a disease (for example, by immunising a child against an infectious disease – see IMMUNISATION).

Secondary prevention which aims at detecting and curing a disease at an early stage before it has caused any symptoms. This requires ‘screening’ procedures to detect either the early pre-symptomatic condition, or a risk factor which may lead to it. (An example of the former is cervical cytology, where a sample of cells is scraped from the cervix of the UTERUS and examined microscopically for abnormality.

An example of the latter is CHOLESTEROL measurement as part of assessing an individual’s risk of developing ischaemic heart disease (see under HEART, DISEASES OF). If it is signi?cantly raised, dietary or drug treatment can be advised.)

Tertiary prevention aims at minimising the consequences for a patient who already has the disease (e.g. advising people to take more exercise and stop smoking after a heart attack).

Many prefer to limit the term ‘preventive medicine’ to primary and secondary prevention, emphasising the focus on risk-reducing interventions targeted at ‘well’ individuals. Others prefer the wider emphasis because of the importance of a preventive approach in reducing further disability by recognising and treating symptoms early. This can be particularly important in older people, where, for example, vigorous treatment of an orthopaedic problem can enable the patient to maintain physical mobility with all the bene?ts to health that brings. Whether primary, secondary or tertiary prevention, some form of screening question or test is normally necessary to identify a problem.

The range and extent of opportunities for prevention are expanding as research identi?es the causes of diseases and more e?ective treatment becomes feasible. Inevitably there is economic and political debate about the cost-e?ectiveness of prevention versus cure, as well as about the ETHICS. The situation varies in relation to the natural history of the speci?c disease. Some conditions can easily be prevented but once contracted cannot be cured

(e.g. RABIES); others are easily cured but are not yet preventable.

Screening Screening involves carrying out tests either to identify a treatable disease at a very early stage, before it has caused symptoms or damage; or to identify a risk factor which can lead to a disease. The tests might be by simple questioning (e.g. ‘Do you smoke cigarettes?’ – this predicts a considerable increase in the risk of chronic bronchitis, heart disease, bronchial cancer and many other diseases, and enables targeted advice and help to stop smoking to be given). Other screening tests involve carrying out complex special investigations such as blood tests or the microscopic investigations of cells – for example, for precancerous changes.

Many conditions can be identi?ed at an early stage before they cause symptoms or signs of disease and in time for e?ective treatment to be carried out. Inevitably, some of the screening tests proposed can be expensive (particularly if used in large populations), painful or inaccurate and may not improve the results of treatment. Screening can also provoke considerable anxiety in those waiting for tests or results. Therefore, over the years considerable research has been carried out into the appropriateness and ethics of screening, and the World Health Organisation in 1968 identi?ed a set of rules for evaluating screening tests:

The condition sought should be an important health problem, for which there should be an accepted treatment for patients with recognised disease.

Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available if a case is found.

The screening test or examination must be suitable and valid. A false positive test will cause massive anxiety and also considerable expense in proving that there is no disease. Similarly, false negatives can lead people to be reassured and to ignore serious symptoms until too late. If large numbers of positive tests or false positives occur during a screening programme, health services can be swamped.

The test, and any treatment as a possible result, should be acceptable. For example, there is little point in screening for a fetal abnormality which, if found, would lead to a recommendation for termination if the mother will refuse it on religious or moral grounds.

Screening tests also need to be considered from an economic perspective and the cost of case-?nding (including diagnosis and treatment of patients diagnosed) balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care as a whole.

Finally the programme should re?ect the natural history of the disease, and case-?nding should normally be a continuing process and not a ‘once for all’ project. If these rules are followed, considerable

bene?ts can result from well-planned and well-managed screening programmes, and they form an important part of any health-care system. The extent to which manipulation of genetic material will be added to more traditional approaches such as counselling, immunisation and drug treatment cannot yet be predicted but, as time goes by, it is often likely to be ethical and social controls which limit developments rather than technical and scienti?c limits.... preventive medicine

Herbal Practitioner

WHAT THE LAW REQUIRES. The consulting herbalist is covered by Part III of The Supply of Herbal Remedies Order, 1977, which lists remedies that may be used in his surgery on his patients. He enjoys special exemptions under the Medicines Act (Sections 12 (1) and 56 (2)). Conditions laid down for practitioners include:

(a) The practitioner must supply remedies from premises (apart from a shop) in private practice ‘so as to exclude the public’. He is not permitted to exceed the maximum permitted dose for certain remedies, or to prescribe POM medicines.

(b) The practitioner must exercise his judgement in the presence of the patient, in person, before prescribing treatment for that person alone.

(c) For internal treatment, remedies are subject to a maximum dose restriction. All labels on internal medicines must show clearly the date, correct dosage or daily dosage, and other instructions for use. Medicines should not be within the reach of children.

(d) He may not supply any remedies appearing in Schedule 1. Neither shall he supply any on Schedule 2 (which may not be supplied on demand by retail).

He may supply all remedies included in the General Sales List (Order 2129).

(e) He must observe requirements of Schedule III as regards remedies for internal and external use.

(f) He must notify the Enforcement Authority that he intends to supply from a fixed address (not a shop) remedies listed in Schedule III.

(g) Proper clinical records should be kept, together with records of remedies he uses under Schedule III. The latter shall be available for inspection at any time by the Enforcement Authority.

The practitioner usually makes his own tinctures from ethanol for which registration with the Customs and Excise office is required. Duty is paid, but which may later be reclaimed. Accurate records of its consumption must be kept for official inspection.

Under the Medicines Act 1968 it is unlawful to manufacture or assemble (dispense) medicinal products without an appropriate licence or exemption. The Act provides that any person committing such an offence shall be liable to prosecution.

Herbal treatments differ from person to person. A prescription will be ‘tailored’ according to the clinical needs of the individual, taking into account race as well as age. Physical examination may be necessary to obtain an accurate diagnosis. The herbalist (phytotherapist) will be concerned not only in relieving symptoms but with treating the whole person.

If a person is receiving treatment from a member of the medical profession and who is also taking herbal medicine, he/she should discuss the matter with the doctor, he being responsible for the clinical management of the case.

The practitioner can provide incapacity certificates for illness continuing in excess of four days for those who are employed. It is usual for Form CCAM 1 5/87 to be used as issued on the authority of the Council for Complementary and Alternative medicine.

General practitioners operating under the UK National Health Service may use any alternative or complementary therapy they choose to treat their patients, cost refunded by the NHS. They may either administer herbal or other treatment themselves or, if not trained in medical herbalism can call upon the services of a qualified herbalist. The herbal practitioner must accept that the GP remains in charge of the patient’s clinical management.


Otitis Media

Inflammation of the middle ear. Usually spreads from the nose or throat via the Eustachian tube. Tonsillitis, sinusitis or ‘adenoids’ predispose. A frequent complication of measles, influenza or other children’s infections. Sometimes due to allergy.

Symptoms. Effusion of fluid into the middle ear with increasing deafness, discharge, tinnitus. Infant shakes head. Perforation in chronic cases. Inspection with the aid of an auriscope reveals bulging of the ear-drum. Feverishness.

Treatment. Antibiotics (herbal or others) do not remove pain therefore a relaxing nervine should be included in a prescription – German Chamomile, Vervain, etc.

Before the doctor comes. Any of the following teas: Boneset, Feverfew, Holy Thistle, Thyme. One heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; one cup thrice daily.

Formula. Practitioner. Echinacea 2; Thyme 1; Hops half; Liquorice quarter. Dose – Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. Acute: every 2 hours. Chronic: thrice daily.

Topical. Dry-mop purulent discharge before applying external agents. Inject warm 2-3 drops any one oil: Mullein, St John’s Wort, Garlic, Lavender or Evening Primrose.

Once every 8-10 days syringe with equal parts warm water and Cider Vinegar. Repeat cycle until condition is relieved.

Diet. Salt-free. Low-starch. Milk-free. Abundance of fruits and raw green salad vegetables. Freshly squeezed fruit juices. Bottled water. No caffeine drinks: coffee, tea or cola.

Supplements. Vitamins A, B-complex, B2, B12, C, E, K, Iron, Zinc. Evening Primrose capsules.

Notes. Where pressure builds up against the drum, incision by a general medical practitioner may be necessary to facilitate discharge of pus. Grossly enlarged tonsils and adenoids may have to be surgically removed in chronic cases where treatment over a reasonable period proves ineffective. A bathing cap is sometimes more acceptable than earplugs.

Breast-feeding. Significantly protects babies from episodes of otitis media. Commenting on a study published in the Obstetrical and Gynaecological Survey, Dr Mark Reynolds, author of a breast-feeding policy by the Mid-Kent Care Trust said: “Breast milk is known to reduce respiratory infection – a precursor of otitis media.”

Hopi ear candles. ... otitis media


n. the surgical opening of any joint. It is performed to allow joint inspection, removal of a loose body, drainage of pus (from an infected joint) or of a haematoma, synovectomy, joint reconstruction, or joint replacement.... arthrotomy


n. 1. surgical removal of a portion of the skull (cranium), performed to expose the brain and *meninges for inspection or biopsy or to relieve excessive intracranial pressure (as in a subdural *haematoma). 2. surgical perforation of the skull of a dead fetus during difficult labour, so that delivery may continue. For both operations the instrument used is called a craniotome.... craniotomy


n. a procedure during abdominal surgery in which the stomach is opened, usually to allow inspection of the interior (e.g. to find a point of bleeding), to remove a foreign body, or to allow the oesophagus to be approached from below (e.g. to pull down a tube through a constricting growth).... gastrotomy

Eye, Examination Of

An inspection of the structures of the eyes, either as part of a vision test or to make a diagnosis when an eye disorder is suspected.

An eye examination usually begins with inspection of the external appearance of the eyes, lids, and surrounding skin. A check of eye movements is usually performed and the examiner looks for squint. A check of the visual acuity in each eye using a Snellen chart follows. Refraction testing (using lenses of different strengths) may be performed to determine what glasses or contact lenses, if any, may be needed. A test of the visual fields may be performed, especially in suspected cases of glaucoma or neurological conditions. Colour vision may be checked because loss of colour perception is an indication of certain disorders of the retina or optic nerve. To check for abrasions or ulcers, the conjunctiva and cornea may be stained with fluorescein. Applanation tonometry is an essential test for glaucoma.

The ophthalmoscope is an instrument used to examine the inside of the eye, particularly the retina. The slit-lamp microscope, with its illumination and lens magnification, allows examination of the conjunctiva, cornea, front chamber of the eye, iris, and lens. For a full view of the lens and the structures behind it, the pupil must be widely dilated with eye-drops.... eye, examination of

Care Quality Commission

(CQC) a publicly funded independent organization established in 2009 and responsible for regulation of health and social care in England; it replaced the Healthcare Commission, the Commission for Social Care Inspection, and the Mental Health Act Commission. The responsibilities of the commission include publication of national health-care standards; annual assessment of the performance of NHS and social-care organizations; reviewing other (i.e. private and voluntary) health- and social-care organizations; reviewing complaints about the services when it has not been possible to resolve them locally; and investigating serious service failures.... care quality commission

Foundation Trusts

(foundation hospitals) self-governing NHS organizations established under the Health and Social Care Act 2003. Foundation trusts were intended to be accountable to their local communities and *NHS Improvement rather than to central government, while remaining subject to inspection by the *Care Quality Commission in the same way as other health-care providers. In recent years, however, many foundation trusts have required additional government funding due to financial deficits, with the result that central government has regained a large degree of financial and planning control. In practice, few differences now remain between foundation trusts and other NHS acute trusts.... foundation trusts

Jugular Venous Pressure

(JVP) the pressure in the internal jugular vein, which is an indirect measurement of *central venous pressure (CVP) in the right atrium. In clinical practice the JVP is estimated by visual inspection at the bedside with the patient reclining at 45 degrees.... jugular venous pressure


n. inspection of the interior of the kidney with a *nephroscope.... nephroscopy


n. an illuminated instrument that allows inspection of the distal rectum and the anus for the presence of haemorrhoids, rectal polyps or masses, anal fissures, and inflammation. Minor procedures (such as banding of haemorrhoids) may be performed during proctoscopy.... proctoscope


n. the inspection of the lumen of the ureter with a *ureteroscope.... ureteroscopy

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