Insulin pen Health Dictionary

Insulin Pen: From 1 Different Sources

a user-friendly penlike device designed to inject a measured dose of insulin, typically containing 3 ml insulin (300 units in total) in a cartridge chamber. For each injection a new disposable needle is applied to the device. The insulin dose is then ‘dialled up’ and safely injected subcutaneously. The pen can be capped off and easily stored in a pocket or small bag; some types are disposable when the cartridge is empty, while others can be refilled with a new cartridge.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A metabolite of PENICILLIN which is one of the CHELATING AGENTS. It is sometimes used in RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS that has not responded to the ?rst-line remedies and it is particularly useful when the disease is complicated by VASCULITIS. Penicillamine is also used as an antidote to poisoning by heavy metals, particularly copper and lead, as it is able to bind these metals and so remove their toxic effects. Because of its ability to bind copper it is also used in WILSON’S DISEASE where there is a de?ciency in the copper-binding protein so that copper is able to become deposited in the brain and liver, damaging these tissues.... penicillamine


A POLYPEPTIDE hormone (see HORMONES) produced in the PANCREAS by the beta cells of the ISLETS OF LANGERHANS. It plays a key role in the body’s regulation of CARBOHYDRATE, FAT, and PROTEIN, and its de?ciency leads to DIABETES MELLITUS. Diabetic patients are described as type 1 (insulin dependent), or type 2 (non-insulin dependent), although many of the latter may need insulin later on, in order to maintain good control.

Insulin is extracted mainly from pork pancreas and puri?ed by crystallisation; it may be made biosynthetically by recombinant DNA technology using Escherichia coli, or semisynthetically by enzymatic modi?cation of porcine insulin to produce human insulin. The latter is the form now generally used, although some patients ?nd it unsuitable and have to return to porcine insulin.

The hormone acts by enabling the muscles and other tissues requiring sugar for their activity to take up this substance from the blood. All insulin preparations are to a greater or lesser extent immunogenic in humans, but immunological resistance to insulin action is uncommon.

Previously available in three strengths, of 20, 40, and 80 units per millilitre (U/ml), these have now largely been replaced by a standard strength of 100 U/ml (U100). Numerous different insulin preparations are listed; these differ in their speed of onset and duration of action, and hence vary in their suitability for individual patients.

Insulin is inactivated by gastrointestinal enzymes and is therefore generally given by subcutaneous injection, usually into the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, or abdomen. Some insulins are also available in cartridge form, which may be administered by injection devices (‘pens’). The absorption may vary from di?erent sites and with strenuous activity. About 25 per cent of diabetics require insulin treatment: most children from the onset, and all patients presenting with ketoacidosis. Insulin is also often needed by those with a rapid onset of symptoms such as weight loss, weakness, and sometimes vomiting, often associated with ketonuria.

The aim of treatment is to maintain good control of blood glucose concentration, while avoiding severe HYPOGLYCAEMIA; this is usually achieved by a regimen of preprandial injections of short-acting insulin (often with a bedtime injection of long-acting insulin). Insulin may also be given by continuous subcutaneous infusion with an infusion pump. This technique has many disadvantages: patients must be well motivated and able to monitor their own blood glucose, with access to expert advice both day and night; it is therefore rarely used.

Hypoglycaemia is a potential hazard for many patients converting from porcine to human insulin, because human insulin may result in them being unaware of classical hypoglycaemic warning symptoms. Drivers must be particularly careful, and individuals may be forbidden to drive if they have frequent or severe hypoglycaemic attacks. For this reason, insurance companies should be warned, and diabetics should – after taking appropriate medical advice – either return to porcine insulin or consider stopping driving.... insulin


A drug that is used in the prevention and treatment of African trypanosomiasis (see SLEEPING SICKNESS), and in the treatment of LEISHMANIASIS.... pentamidine


The male organ through which the tubular URETHRA runs from the neck of the URINARY BLADDER to the exterior at the meatus or opening. URINE and SEMEN are discharged along the urethra, which is surrounded by three cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue, two of which (corpora cavernosa) lie adjacent to each other along the upper length of the penis and one (corpus spongiosum) lies beneath them. Normally the penis hangs down in a ?accid state in front of the SCROTUM. When a man is sexually aroused the erectile tissue, which is of spongy constituency and well supplied with small blood vessels, becomes engorged with blood.

This makes the penis erect and ready for insertion into the woman’s vagina in sexual intercourse. The end of the penis, the glans, is covered by a loose fold of skin – the foreskin or PREPUCE – which retracts when the organ is erect. The foreskin is sometimes removed for cultural or medical reasons.

A common congenital disorder of the penis is HYPOSPADIAS, in which the urethra opens somewhere along the under side; it can be repaired surgically. BALANITIS is in?ammation of the glans and foreskin. (See also REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM; EJACULATION; IMPOTENCE; PRIAPISM.)... penis


Mentha pulegium. N.O. Labiateae.

Synonym: European Pennyroyal.

Habitat: Not common as a wild plant, except on damp heaths and commons. Frequently seen in cottage gardens. Indigenous to Britain and Europe.

Features ? This member of the mint family grows up to twelve inches high, the stem

being bluntly quadrangular. The one to one and a half inch long, egg-shaped leaves are opposite, on short stalks ; they are slightly serrate and nearly smooth. Purple flowers appear in August. The odour is rather pungent, mint-like but characteristic.

Part used ? The whole herb.

Action: Carminative, emmenagogue, diaphoretic and stimulant.

An infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water, taken warm in teacupful doses frequently repeated, is helpful in hysteria, flatulence and sickness. For children's ailments such as feverish colds, disordered stomach and measles, Pennyroyal infusion may be given in appropriate doses with confidence. Its diaphoretic and stimulant action recommends it for chills and incipient fevers, and the infusion works as an emmenagogue when such ailments retard and obstruct menstruation. The oil of Pennyroyal is a first-rate protection against the bites of mosquitoes, gnats, and similar winged pests. The herb is used to some extent as a flavouring. Although not so popular as other herbs for this purpose, the mint-like flavour and carminative virtues of Pennyroyal should recommend it to cooks as adding to both palatability and digestibility of various dishes.

American or Mock Pennyroyal are the names given to the dried leaves and flowering tops of Hedeoma pulegioides. This plant, although quite different in appearance from the European Pennyroyal, has similar medicinal values.... pennyroyal

Insulin Shock

A disorder in which the body produces excess INSULIN, which then reduces the amount of glucose in the blood (HYPOGLYCAEMIA). Treatment is with glucose or GLUCAGON. Untreated, the patient goes into a COMA and dies.... insulin shock


(Greek) In mythology, the personification of poverty

Peniah, Penea, Peniya, Peneah, Peniyah... penia


A bacterial ENZYME capable of neutralising the antibacterial properties of PENICILLIN and other beta-lactam antibiotics such as the CEPHALOSPORINS. Most staphylococci are now resistant to benzylpenicillin because they produce this enzyme; cloxacillin, ?ucloxacillin and temocillin are not inactivated.... penicillinase


The name given by Sir Alexander Fleming, in 1929, to an antibacterial substance produced by the mould Penicillium notatum. The story of penicillin is one of the most dramatic in the history of medicine, and its introduction into medicine initiated a new era in therapeutics comparable only to the introduction of ANAESTHESIA by Morton and Simpson and of ANTISEPTICS by Pasteur and Lister. The two great advantages of penicillin are that it is active against a large range of bacteria and that, even in large doses, it is non-toxic. Penicillin di?uses well into body tissues and ?uids and is excreted in the urine, but it penetrates poorly into the cerebrospinal ?uid.

Penicillin is a beta-lactam antibiotic, one of a group of drugs that also includes CEPHALOSPORINS. Drugs of this group have a four-part beta-lactam ring in their molecular structure and they act by interfering with the cell-wall growth of mutliplying bacteria.

Among the organisms to which it has been, and often still is, active are: streptococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus, gonococcus, and the organisms responsible for syphilis and for gas gangrene (for more information on these organisms and the diseases they cause, refer to the separate dictionary entries). Most bacteria of the genus staphylococcus are now resistant because they produce an enzyme called PENICILLINASE that destroys the antibiotic. A particular problem has been the evolution of strains resistant to methicillin – a derivative originally designed to conquer the resistance problem. These bacteria, known as METHICILLINRESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS (MRSA), are an increasing problem, especially after major surgery. Some are also resistant to other antibiotics such as vancomycin.

An important side-e?ect of penicillins is hypersensitivity which causes rashes and sometimes ANAPHYLAXIS, which can be fatal.

Forms of penicillin These include the following broad groups: benzylpenicillin and phenoxymethyl-penicillin; penicillinase-resistant penicillins; broad-spectrum penicillins; antipseudomonal penicillins; and mecillinams. BENZYLPENICILLIN is given intramuscularly, and is the form that is used when a rapid action is required. PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLIN (also called penicillin V) is given by mouth and used in treating such disorders as TONSILLITIS. AMPICILLIN, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is another of the penicillins derived by semi-synthesis from the penicillin nucleus. It, too, is active when taken by mouth, but its special feature is that it is active against gram-negative (see GRAM’S STAIN) micro-organisms such as E. coli and the salmonellae. It has been superceded by amoxicillin to the extent that prescriptions for ampicillin written by GPs in the UK to be dispensed to children have fallen by 95 per cent in the last ten years. CARBENICILLIN, a semi-synthetic penicillin, this must be given by injection, which may be painful. Its main use is in dealing with infections due to Pseudomonas pyocanea. It is the only penicillin active against this micro-organism which can be better dealt with by certain non-penicillin antibiotics. PIPERACILLIN AND TICARCILLIN are carboxypenicillins used to treat infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus spp. FLUCLOXACILLIN, also a semi-synthetic penicillin, is active against penicillin-resistant staphylococci and has the practical advantage of being active when taken by mouth. TEMOCILLIN is another penicillinase-resistant penicillin, e?ective against most gram-negative bacteria. AMOXICILLIN is an oral semi-synthetic penicillin with the same range of action as ampicillin but less likely to cause side-effects. MECILLINAM is of value in the treatment of infections with salmonellae (see FOOD POISONING), including typhoid fever, and with E. coli (see ESCHERICHIA). It is given by injection. There is a derivative, pivmecillinam, which can be taken by mouth. TICARCILLIN is a carboxypenicillin used mainly for serious infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, though it is also active against some gram-negative bacilli. Ticarcillin is available only in combination with clarulanic acid.... penicillin

Acacia Pennata

(L.) willd.

Family: Mimosaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India; ascending to 1,700 m in the Himalayas.

Ayurvedic: Lataakhadira, Aadaari, Ari.

Siddha/Tamil: Indan, Indu. Iyak Koluntu (tender leaves).

Folk: Aila.

Action: Bark—antibilious, antiasth- matic. Leaf—stomachic, styptic (for bleeding gum), antiseptic (for scalding of urine). A decoction of young leaves is taken for body pain, headache and fever.

The bark contains tannin 9%, lupe-ol and alpha-spinasterol. Stem yields sitosterol.... acacia pennata

Ceiba Pentandra

(Linn.) Gaertn.

Synonym: Eriodendron anafractuo- sum DC.

Family: Bombacaceae.

Habitat: West and South India. Often found planted around villages and temples.

English: Kapok, White Silk Cotton.

Ayurvedic: Kuuta-Shaalmali, Shveta Shaalmali.

Siddha/Tamil: Ielavum (Tamil).

Action: Gum—laxative, astringent, demulcent (given in painful micturition). Unripe fruit—astringent. Root—diuretic, antidiabetic, an- tispasmodic (used in dysentery). Flowers—laxative; used in lochi- orrhoea. Unripe pods—used in vertigo and migraine. Seed oil— used in rheumatism.

The plant contains linarin (acacetin 7-rutinoside). Seeds contain fatty acids, diglycerides and phospholipids. Leaves are considered a good source of iron and calcium. Stem-bark extract—antimicrobial.... ceiba pentandra

Clausena Pentaphylla

(Roxb.) DC.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: The sub-Himalayan tract from Garhwal to Sikkim; also in Chakrata range.

Folk: Ratanjot (var.), Rowana. Surasi is a doubtful synonym.

Action: Bark—anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic; used in veterinary medicine for wounds and sprains.

Aerial parts contain coumarins— clausmarins A and B. Coumarins exhibit spasmolytic activity. The root also contains coumarins. Root and stem bark of Clausena excavata Burm. f. Eastern sub-Himalayan tract, Orissa and Bihar) also contain coumarins— clausenin and clausenidin. The root bark exhibits antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria.

A related species, C. anisata (Willd.) Oliver, is reported from Uttar Pradesh. Ethanolic extract of the aerial parts exhibited spasmolytic activity. The fu- ranocoumarins, anisolactone, xantho- toxol, indicolactone, imperatorin and 2', 3'-epoxy-anisolactone have been isolated from the extract.

In West African traditional medicine, the decoction of the root is given to control convulsions in children. The anticonvulsant agent has been found to be heliettin, extracted from the stem bark and roots.... clausena pentaphylla

Dillenia Pentagyna


Family: Dilleniaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayan terai from Punjab to Assam, and South India and the Andamans.

Folk: Dillenia. Agai (Bihar), Agachi (Maharashtra).

Action: See D. indica.

The bark contains 6% tannin.... dillenia pentagyna

Dioscorea Pentaphylla


Synonym: D. triphylla var. doemona Prain & Burkill.

Family: Dioscoreaceae.

Habitat: Native to tropical Asia; distributed throughout India.

Ayurvedic: Vaaraahikanda (var., dry pieces are sold as Vidaarikanda).

Folk: Kaantaalu.

Action: Tubers contain 71.0780.77% carbohydrates, 8.68-15.93% albuminoids. Tubers are used to disperse swellings.... dioscorea pentaphylla

Penardd Un

(Celtic) In mythology, the wife of Llyr... penardd un

Penca De

Means “leaf of (plant name)”; usually refers to the rigid, cactus-like leaves of agave or aloe; look up the plant name which follows this description of the plant part used.... penca de


(African) One who loves and is loved Pendah, Penha, Penhah... penda


(French) A decorated woman Pendent, Pendante, Pendente... pendant


(Greek) Resembling a duck; in mythology, the faithful wife of Odysseus Peneloppe, Penelopy, Penelopey, Penelopi, Penelopie, Penelopee, Penella, Penelia, Pen, Penn, Penne, Penny, Pennie, Penni, Penney, Peni, Pennea, Penelopea... penelope

Glycosmis Pentaphylla

(Retz.) DC.

Synonym: G. arborea (Roxb.) A. DC.

G. cochinchinensis Gamble. Limonia pentaphylla Retz.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Peninsular India and Andaman Islands. Cultivated in gardens.

Ayurvedic: Vana-nimbuukaa, Ashwa-shaakhota.

Siddha/Tamil: Konji, Amam, Kula-pannai.

Folk: Bana-Nimbu, Paanal (Kerala).

Action: Plant—bechic, anti- anaemic, antirheumatic. Root— anti-inflammatory. Leaf—used in Jaundice and liver disorders, eczema and other skin affections. Leaf and root—vermifuge, febrifuge. A paste of the wood is applied externally to pimples.

Leaf extract from a Sri Lankan plant yielded the alkaloids arborine, skim- mianine and arborinine. The steam distillate of leaves showed significant antifungal activity.... glycosmis pentaphylla

Insulin-dependent Diabetes

Also called Juvenile-onset Diabetes, IDDM (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes) and Type I, it is a deficiency condition wherein the pancreas does not manufacture enough insulin or what it makes is formed improperly. It is usually inherited, although it may not surface until pregnancy, recovering from a life-threatening illness, boot camp or some other profound metabolic stress. It can have a not-hereditary source, since it seems to enigmatically follow after a viral disorder, and can occur spontaneously as an auto-immune condition. The percentage of folks with non-hereditary Type I diabetes is constantly increasing (or the other group is stable, but total numbers are increasing). Radical environmentalists and tree-hugging Gaiaist Pagans (I’m using the dialectic current to the pro-business backlash of the 1990s, when Green is out, and White-With-Green i$ in) claim this is another aspect of massive though subtle pollution from organochemical soup, which even some Real Doctors admit can cause increased auto-immune disease. (SOMETHING is causing it, at any rate, not simply cola drinks.)... insulin-dependent diabetes


(Hebrew) Resembling a precious stone

Penina, Peninah, Peninna, Penyna, Pennyna, Penine, Penyne... penninah


(English) The land of Penn; from the state of Pennsylvania... pennsylvania


(French) A thoughtful woman Pense, Pensi, Pensie, Pensy, Pensey, Pensea... pensee

Pentapetes Phoenicea


Family: Sterculiaceae.

Habitat: A shrub cultivated as an ornamental throughout the hotter parts of India.

Ayurvedic: Bandhujiva, Bandhuuka, Arkavallabha.

Folk: Gul-dupahariaa.

Action: Capsule—mucilaginous, used for the diseases of the bowels; a decoction is used as emollient. Root—astringent, antibilious, antiphlegmonous, febrifuge.... pentapetes phoenicea

Insulin-resistant Diabetes

Also called NIDDM (Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes) and Type II (Type II), it generally means you make your own insulin, you eat too many calories, your storage cells are filled and are taking no more fuel, your liver is stuck in a rut and keeps making more glucose out of everything you eat, your brain has no control over its consumption of glucose, but you have run out of places to put it so you pee it out, sweat it out, etc. etc. Also called Adult-onset Diabetes. An Internist may cry out in dismay at this simplification, and there are many subtle distinctions between the various types, as well as a number of distinct hereditary considerations. This, however, is the glossary of an herbalist, and this is the common picture of the Type II person that herbs will help.... insulin-resistant diabetes

Loranthus Pentandrus


Synonym: Dendrophthoe pentandra (Linn.) Miq.

Family: Loranthaceae.

Habitat: Sylhet. (A parasite found on trees.)

Ayurvedic: Bandaaka (var.).

Folk: Baandaa.

Action: Leaves—used as poultice for sores and ulcers. The twigs contain quercitrin and a wax, which gives melissyl alcohol. The twig ash (8.95%) contains manganese (0.26%).... loranthus pentandrus


(Greek) The fifth-born child Penthia, Pentheah, Penthiah, Penthiya, Penthiyah... penthea


(Greek) In mythology, a queen of the Amazons... penthesilea

Indian Pennywort

See: GOTU KOLA. ... indian pennywort

Penicillin Drugs

A group of antibiotic drugs.

Natural penicillins are derived from the mould PENICILLIUM; others are synthetic preparations.

Penicillins are used to treat many infective conditions, including tonsillitis, bronchitis, bacterial endocarditis, syphilis, and pneumonia.

They are also given to prevent rheumatic fever from recurring.

Common adverse effects of penicillins are an allergic reaction causing a rash, and diarrhoea.... penicillin drugs

Penile Implant

A prosthesis inserted into the penis to help a man suffering from permanent impotence to achieve intercourse.

The various types include a silicone splint inserted in the tissues of the upper surface of the penis, and an inflatable prosthesis that is inflated by squeezing a small bulb in the scrotum.... penile implant

Pentatropis Microphylla

W. & A.

Synonym: P. capensis (Linn. f.) Bullock.

Synonym: P. cynanchoides R. Br.

Family: Asclepiadaceae.

Habitat: A climber found in Punjab, Delhi, Upper Gangetic Plain, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Ayurvedic: Kaakanaasaa (related species).

Folk: Ambarvel, Vanaveri (Punjab).

Action: Root—astringent, antigon- orrhoeic, alterative. Plant—emetic, purgative.

An acyclic diterpene ester, cis-phy- tyl-l-palmitate, together with the triter- penes, squalene, n-taraxasterol and taraxasterol, has been isolated from the plant.... pentatropis microphylla

Penile Warts

See warts, genital.... penile warts

Penis, Cancer Of

A rare type of cancerous tumour that is more common in uncircumcised men with poor personal hygiene. Viral infection and smoking have both been shown to be additional risk factors. The tumour usually starts on the glans or on the foreskin as a painless, wart-like lump or a painful ulcer, and develops into a cauliflowerlike mass. The growth usually spreads slowly, but in some cases it can spread to the lymph nodes in the groin within a few months.

Diagnosis is made by a biopsy.

If the tumour is detected early, radiotherapy is usually successful.

Otherwise, removal of part or all of the penis may be necessary.... penis, cancer of


An opioid analgesic drug used to relieve moderate or severe pain caused by injury, surgery, cancer, or childbirth. It is rarely used because of its adverse affects, which include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and, rarely, hallucinations. Drug dependence may develop if high doses are taken for prolonged periods.... pentazocine

Pump, Insulin

A type of infusion pump (see pump, infusion) used to administer a continuous dose of insulin to some patients with diabetes mellitus.

The rate of flow is adjusted so that the level of blood glucose (sugar) is constant.... pump, insulin

Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion

the administration of insulin by continuous infusion into the subcutaneous tissue via a small pump worn under the clothing and connected to the skin by a tube and a fine needle. The insulin is delivered at a precalculated background rate, but patient-activated *boluses can be administered at meal times. This method is particularly appropriate (as an alternative to regular injections) for patients with repeated or unpredictable episodes of hypoglycaemia.... continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

Echo De La Pensée

see thought echo.... echo de la pensée

Insulin Resistance

diminution in the response of the body’s tissues to insulin, so that higher concentrations of serum insulin are required to maintain normal circulating glucose levels. Eventually the islet cells can no longer produce adequate amounts of insulin for effective glucose lowering, resulting in hyperglycaemia. Insulin resistance is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. See also diabetes mellitus; metabolic syndrome.... insulin resistance

Insulin Analogues

a group of synthetic human insulins with specific alterations in their amino-acid sequences designed to modify their rate of absorption from the subcutaneous injection site. Some are absorbed more rapidly and have a shorter duration of action than conventional short-acting human insulin; others are absorbed more slowly at a more consistent rate than conventional medium-acting *isophane insulin to give a more sustained control of fasting and premeal blood glucose levels and therefore a reduced risk of *hypoglycaemia. These analogues include the short-acting insulin aspart, insulin glulisine, and insulin lispro; the long-acting insulin detemir and insulin glargine; and the ultra-long-acting insulin degludec.... insulin analogues

Insulin Stress Test

an important but potentially dangerous test of anterior pituitary function involving the deliberate induction of a hypoglycaemic episode with injected insulin and the subsequent measurement of plasma cortisol and growth hormone at regular intervals over the next three hours. The stress of the hypoglycaemia should induce a rise in the levels of these hormones unless the anterior pituitary or the adrenal glands are diseased. The test can induce epileptic seizures or angina in those with a predisposition and should not be performed in susceptible individuals. It is often combined with the thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) test and the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) test in what is known as the triple test (or dynamic pituitary function test).... insulin stress test

Pena Operation

a recommended surgical treatment of congenital anal malformation.... pena operation

Pendred’s Syndrome

goitre associated with congenital deafness due to deficiency of *peroxidase, an enzyme that is essential for the utilization of iodine. [V. Pendred (1869–1946), British physician]... pendred’s syndrome


n. surgical removal of the penis, most commonly performed for penile cancer. It may be partial or total, depending on the degree of local tumour invasion.... penectomy


n. the frequency with which the characteristic controlled by a gene is seen in the individuals possessing it. Complete penetrance occurs when the characteristic is seen in all individuals known to possess the gene. If a percentage of individuals with the gene do not show its effects, penetrance is incomplete. In this way a characteristic in a family may appear to ‘skip’ a generation.... penetrance


n. a genus of mouldlike fungi that commonly grow on decaying fruit, bread, or cheese. The species P. rubrum is the major natural source of the antibiotic *penicillin. Some species of Penicillium are pathogenic to humans, causing diseases of the skin and respiratory tract.... penicillium

Penile Fracture

the traumatic rupture of the *tunica albuginea of the erect penis (the fibrous covering of the spongy tissue of the penis).... penile fracture

Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia

(PIN) cellular changes affecting the glans, prepuce, or penile shaft that precede the invasive stages of cancer of the penis. There are three stages (PIN I, II, or III) based on the degree of *dysplasia. The pathological features of PIN III indicate *carcinoma in situ, known as *erythroplasia of Queyrat and Bowen’s disease.... penile intraepithelial neoplasia

Penile Pearly Papules

pale or skin-coloured papules that cluster around the corona of the glans penis in young uncircumcised men. They are asymptomatic but may be mistaken for viral warts.... penile pearly papules

Penile Prosthesis

see prosthesis.... penile prosthesis


(penta-) combining form denoting five.... pent


n. a simple sugar with five carbon atoms: for example, ribose and xylose.... pentose


n. a *cytotoxic drug that is used in treating *hairy cell leukaemia; it works by interfering with the action of the enzyme adenosine deaminase. Side-effects, which may be severe, include *myelosuppression.... pentostatin


n. an inborn defect of sugar metabolism causing abnormal excretion of pentose in the urine. There are no serious ill-effects.... pentosuria

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