Convallaria majalis. N.O. Liliaceae.
Synonym: Convallaria, May Lily.
Habitat: Grows wild in shady places in some of the English counties, but is rarely found in many others; scarcely ever seen wild in Scotland and Ireland. Commonly cultivated in gardens.
Features ? Leaves approximately five inches by two inches, broadly lanceolate, entire at edges, dark green, with parallel veins. Flowers small, sweet-scented, white, bell- shaped, pendulous, on distinct (eight to twelve-stalked) flower stem. Rhizome slender, cylindrical, pale brown, with eight to ten long, branched rootlets at each joint, internodes about two inches long.Part used ? Whole plant.
Action: Cardiac tonic, diuretic.
Enhances muscular functioning of heart and arteries, and is consequentlyused in cardiac debility. Has been recommended in dropsy. This herb is one of the substitutes for the digitalis of the allopaths, but it must be taken only in the prescribed doses, as larger quantities may result in purging and emesis. Dose, 1 tablespoonful of the 1/2 ounce to 1 pint boiling water infusion.LIME FLOWERS. Tilia europaea. N.O. Liliaceae.
Synonym: Linden Flowers.
Habitat: The large tree is seen frequently as a decorative bordering to avenues and drives in town and country.
Features ? Leaves cordate, doubly serrate, hairy underneath. Three to six yellowish- white flowers on each flower stalk ; the two anther cells are separated on short divergent stalks at the tip of the many stamens.Part used ? Flowers.
Action: Nervine, stimulant.
A popular remedy for chronic catarrhal conditions following colds, and is also given for nervous headaches and hysterical tendencies. The infusion is 1 drachm in 1 pint of boiling water, and bed-time baths in equivalent strength will sometimes help those suffering from insomnia.... lily-of-the-valley