Habitat: Throughout India; ascending to 300 m.
Ayurvedic: Shyaamaa, Chhaa- galaantri, Vriddhadaaraka, Vrid- dhadaaru. Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Boj., synonym A. spiciosa Sweet, Convolvulaceae, is equated with Vriddhadaaru and Vriddhadaaruka, while Ipomoea petaloidea and I. pes-caprae are also known by identical synonyms. Operculina turpethum, synonym I. turpethum is used as a substitute for I. petaloidea.Unani: Shaaraf.Siddha: Nilapoosani.Folk: Bidhaaraa, Nishoth (black var.)Action: Purgative. Used as a supporting herb for diseases of the nervous system.
Dosage: Leaf, root—3-6 g powder; leaf juice—5-10 ml. (CCRAS.)