Ispaghula seeds Health Dictionary

Ispaghula Seeds: From 1 Different Sources

(Pale). Spogel seeds. Psyllium seeds. Ispaghula husk BP. Plantago ovata. Dried ripe seeds. Keynote: constipation and bowel irritation.

Constituents: mucilage, triterpenes, alkaloids.

Action: gentle bulk laxative without irritation; antidiarrhoeal, demulcent, bacteriostatic. Increases stool output while decreasing transit time in healthy people. Anti-inflammatory.

Uses: Chronic constipation, particularly in the elderly. Irritable bowel syndrome, mucous colitis. Amoebic dysentery. (Indian traditional) To assist management of diverticular disease. To reduce incidence of bowel complaints. An alternative to constant use of purgatives that decrease sensitivity of alimentary mucous membranes. Useful in pregnancy. Hyperlipaemia. Lowers cholesterol level by eliminating excess bile salts. To assist slimming regime in obesity.

Preparations: Average dose: 3-5 grams (2 grams, children).

Seeds: 1-2 teaspoons once or twice daily, helped down with sips of water. (May be soaked overnight in warm water.) In the intestines seeds swell into a gelatinous mass many times their normal size thus ‘lubricating’ contents of the bowel for easy defecation. Isogel.

“Regulan” Ispaghula husk BP. Sachets containing 3-6 grams. Average dose: 1 sachet thrice daily. Psyllium seed husks, plus pectin, Vitamin C and Guar gum to cleanse the colon while leaving behind important nutrients. Aids detoxification and absorption of iron. Regulates blood sugar levels and nutrient absorption. (JAM. Nov 86, p.23) Poultice. With Slippery Elm for boils, abscesses, etc. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Caraway Seeds

Carum carvi L. Dried seeds.

Action: Antimicrobial, antispasmodic, carminative, expectorant, galactagogue, emmenagogue.

Keynote: colic.

Uses: Wind and colic in children; loss of appetite; flatulent indigestion, ‘summer’ diarrhoea in children, colds, painful menses; to stimulate flow of breast milk. Gastric symptoms of cardiac origin.

Sometimes combined with Chamomile for digestive disorders.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Tea: 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Tincture BHP (1983) 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol: 0.5-4ml (8-60 drops). Powdered seeds: half-2 grams.

Oil of Caraway: 1-3 drops. ... caraway seeds

Cardamom Seeds

Elettaria cardamomum Maton. Dried ripe seeds. Volatile oil.

Action. Carminative, warm and soothing to digestive system. Stomachic, Orexigenic. Anti-gripe. Oil is antiseptic.

Uses: Flatulence, colic, loss of appetite.

Preparations: Tea. Crush seeds in a pestle and mortar. 1 teaspoon to cup of water; bring to boil; remove vessel when boiling point is reached. Infuse 10-15 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup.

Powder. Dose, 1-2 grams.

Liquid Extract. 0.3 to 2ml.

Tincture Cardamoms Co BP (1973): dose 2-4ml. Oil – 3 drops in honey after meals promotes digestion, removes odour of garlic, onions, etc. ... cardamom seeds


A bulk-forming laxative drug used to treat constipation, diverticular disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.

As ispaghula travels through the intestine, it absorbs water from surrounding blood vessels, thereby softening and increasing the volume of the faeces.

Ispaghula is also used in people with chronic, watery diarrhoea and in patients who have had a colostomy or an ileostomy to control the consistency of faeces.

Adverse effects include flatulence, abdominal distension, and discomfort.... ispaghula

Ispaghula Husk

a bulking agent (see laxative) used to treat constipation, *diverticular disease, *irritable bowel syndrome, and other conditions of disturbed bowel habit.... ispaghula husk

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