Synonym: J. humile auct. non L. J. bignoniaceum Wall ex G. Don.
Family: Oleaceae.
Habitat: Sub-tropical Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal and in the Nilgiris, Palni Hills, Western Ghats and Kerala.
English: Yellow Jasmine, Nepal Jasmine, Italian Jasmine.
Ayurvedic: Svarna-yuuthikaa, Svarnajaati, Hemapushpikaa, Vaasanti.
Siddha/Tamil: Semmalligai.
Folk: Juuhi (yellow var.).
Action: Flower—astringent, cardiac tonic. Root—used in ringworm. The milky juice, exuded from incisions in the bark, is used for treating chronic fistulas. The plant is also used for treating hard lumps.
The leaves gave alpha-amyrin, be- tulin, friedelin, lupeol, betulinic, olea- nolic and ursolic acids; beta-sitosterol, 10-cinnamoyloxyoleoside-7-methyl- ester (jasminoside) and a secoiridoid glycoside.
Linn. var. grandiflorum (L.) Kobuski.
Synonym: J. grandiflorum Linn.
Family: Oleaceae.
Habitat: North-Western Himalayas and Persia; cultivated in Kumaon, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh; in gardens throughout India.
English: Spanish Jasmine.
Ayurvedic: Jaati, Jaatikaa, Jaatimalli, Pravaaljaati, Saumanasyaayani, Sumanaa, Chetikaa, Hriddgandhaa, Maalati, Chameli.
Unani: Yaasmin.
Siddha/Tamil: Manmadabanam, Mullai, Padar-malligai, Pichi, Malli
Folk: Chameli.
Action: Flowers—calming and sedative, CNS depressant, astringent and mild anaesthetic. A syrup prepared from the flowers is used for coughs, hoarsenesses and other disorders of the chest. Plant—diuretic, anthelmintic, emmenagogue; used for healing chronic ulcers and skin diseases. Oil—externally relaxing.
Indian oil sample gave benzyl acetate 26.3, benzyl benzoate 19.2, phytol 10.6, jasmone 8.5, methyl jasmonate 6.3, linalool 5.4, geranyl linalool 3.5, eugenol 2.9, isophytyl acetate 2.7, and isophytol 2.4%.The leaves gave ascorbic acid, an- thranilic acid and its glucoside, indole oxygenase, alkaloid jasminine and salicylic acid.The flowers contain pyridine and nicotinate derivatives; tested positive for indole.The flowers and leaf juice is used for treating tumours.
Dosage: Dried leaves—10-20 g powder for decoction (API, Vol. III.); Juice—10-20 ml. (CCRAS.).... jasminum officinale
(Linn.) Ait.
Family: Oleaceae.
Habitat: Cultivated throughout India, especially in Uttar Pradesh, on a large scale in Jaunpur, Kannauj, Ghazipur and Farrukhabad for its fragrant flowers.
English: Arabian Jasmine, Tuscan Jasmine, Double Jasmine.
Ayurvedic: Mallikaa, Madayanti, Madyantikaa, Nava-Mallikaa, Shita-bhiru, Vaarshiki.
Unani: Mograa.
Siddha: Malligai.
Folk: Belaa, Motiaabelaa; Mogaraa (Maharashtra).
Action: Root—emmenagogue, blood purifier. Flowers—lactifuge. Alcoholic extract—hypotensive. Leaves—antibacterial; used against indolent and breast tumours.
The leaves contain the secoiridoid glycosides, jasminin, quercitrin, iso- quercitrin, rutin, quercitrin-3-dirham- noglycoside, kaempferol-3-rhamno- glycoside, mannitol, alpha-amyrin, beta-sitosterol and an iridoid glyco- side, sambacin. The absolute contains several pyridine and nicotinate derivatives.
Dosage: Decoction—50-100 ml. (CCRAS.)... jasminum sambac