Jyoti Health Dictionary

Jyoti: From 1 Different Sources

(Indian) Born of the light Jyotika, Jyotis, Jyotie, Jyoty, Jyotey, Jyotee, Jyotea
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Cardiospermum Halicacabum


Family: Sapindaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the plains of India, as a wild climber.

English: Ballon Vine, Winter Cherry, Heartseed.

Ayurvedic: Kaakatiktaa, Kaakaadani, Karnsphotaa, Shatakratulataa.

Unani: Habb-e-Qilqil.

Siddha/Tamil: Mudukottan, Kottavan.

Folk: Kanphotaa, Kanphuti, Lataaphatakari. Used as Jyotishmati in Bengal.

Action: Used in rheumatism, lumbago, skeletal fractures, nervous diseases, amenorrhoea, haemorrhoids, erysipelas. The herb is used in hairoils for treating dandruff, alopecia and for darkening hair.

The plant extract showed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity and sedative effect on CNS. The drug also showed (transient) vasode- pressant activity.

The leaves contain beta-sitosterol and its D-glucoside, an alkaloid, oxalic acid and amino acids. The presence of a saponin and quebrachitol is reported in the plant.

The leaves and stem are used in preparations used against common cold. Alcoholic extract of the plant exhibits antisickling and antiarthritic activity. Seeds have positive anabolic activity and increase body weight by inducing a positive nitrogen balance.

The alkaloid fraction from the seeds showed hypotensive activities and cardiac inhibition in anaesthetized dogs; blocked spasmogenic effects of acetyl- choline, histamine and 5-HT on guinea pig ileum, biphasic effort on frog rec- tus abdominis muscle. The seeds also showed antibacterial activity.

Dosage: Whole plant—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... cardiospermum halicacabum

Celastrus Paniculatus


Family: Celastraceae.

Habitat: Sub-Himalayan tract up to 2,000 m and South Indian hills.

English: Staff tree, Intellect tree.

Ayurvedic: Jyotishmati, Paaraavat- padi. Kangunikaa, Kanguni, Vegaa, Maalkaanguni, Svarnalatikaa, Kaakaandaki, Katuveekaa.

Unani: Maalkangani.

Siddha/Tamil: Vaaluluvai.

Action: Seeds—nervine and brain tonic, diaphoretic, febrifugal, emetic. Seed-oil—used for treating mental depression, hysteria and for improving memory; also used for scabies, eczema, wounds, rheumatic pains, paralysis. A decoction of seeds is given in gout, rheumatism, paralysis and for treating leprosy and other skin diseases. Leaves— antidysenteric, emmenagogue. Root—a paste of root-bark is applied to swollen veins and pneumonic affections.

Key application: As a tranquilizer (Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia) and brain tonic (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India). The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of ripe seed in leucoderma and vitiligo.

The seeds are reported to contain the alkaloids, celastrine and paniculatine, which are the active principles of the drug.

In experimental animals, the drug showed lowering of leptazol toxicity, motor activity and amphetamine toxi- city, and raising the capacity for learning process. It showed significant CNS depressant effect and a clear synergism with pentobarbital. The seed extract showed hypolipidaemic effect and prevented atherogenesis in rabbits.

The seed oil showed tranquillizing effect and hastened the process of learning in experimental animals. It produced fall in blood pressure in anaesthetized dog, depressed the heart of frog, and was found to be toxic to rats.

In addition to the seed, 70% alcoholic extract of the plant showed sedative, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, anti-ulcerogenic effect in experimental animals.

Methanolic extract of flowers showed both analgesic and anti- inflammatory activities experimentally.

Dosage: Ripe seed, devoid of capsule wall—1-2 g; oil—5-15 drops. (API Vol. II.)... celastrus paniculatus

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