Action: Fruits—extracts used for osteoporosis, gynaecological problems and stress-related disorders. Seeds—prescribed in rheumatism and renal diseases.
In Japan, the plant is mainly used for the treatment of swelling of women's genitals.The aerial parts contain the chromo- nes, cnidimol and karenin. The fruits contain the benzofurans, cnidioside A, B and C, cnidiol b and C; besides fura- nocoumarins, imperatorin, bergapten, xanthotoxin, osthol and several ter- penoids. The seeds and volatile oil from the fruits also contain osthol and other coumarins.The coumarins prevented glucocor- ticoid-induced osteoporosis in rats; they also reversed bone loss at early menopausal stage. Osthol showed antiallergic activity. Cnidioside A and B and cnidiol b alleviate physiological disorders caused by physical and mental stress; enhancement of sexual activity has also been observed.... selinum monnieri