Keratosis pilaris Health Dictionary

Keratosis Pilaris: From 2 Different Sources

A common condition in which patches of rough skin appear on the upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. The openings of the hair follicles become enlarged by plugs of keratin, and hair growth may be distorted. The condition occurs most commonly in

adolescents and obese people. It is not serious and usually clears up on its own. In severe cases, applying a mixture of salicylic acid and soft paraffin and scrubbing with a loofah may help.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
(follicular keratosis, lichen pilaris) a very common autosomal *dominant condition characterized by rough horny plugs in the hair follicles, usually on the skin of the lateral and posterior aspects of the arms. They may be skin-coloured, red, or brown. The condition typically appears during teenage years and persists into adulthood; it is completely harmless.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Also known as actinic keratosis; a rough, scaly area on exposed skin caused by chronic solar damage from exposure to sun. The face and backs of the hands are most commonly affected. (See also MELANOMA; PHOTODERMATOSES.) CRYOTHERAPY is e?ective, but prevention by appropriate clothing and sun-blocking creams is a better strategy.... keratosis

Keratosis Obturans

an abnormal build-up of *keratin and dead skin cells within the ear canal that can block the canal, cause conductive hearing loss (see deafness), and erode the bone of the ear canal. It is associated with *bronchiectasis and chronic sinusitis.... keratosis obturans

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