Kingdom Health Dictionary

Kingdom: From 1 Different Sources


A sense of fear experienced in large open spaces and public places, agoraphobia is a symptom of psychological disorder (see MENTAL ILLNESS). There are said to be 300,000 sufferers in the United Kingdom. Those who suffer from what can be a most distressing condition can obtain help and advice from the National Phobics Society.... agoraphobia


Substances found commonly in various plants. They are natural nitrogenous organic bases and combine with acids to form crystalline salts. Among alkaloids, morphine was discovered in 1805, strychnine in 1818, quinine and ca?eine in 1820, nicotine in 1829, and atropine in 1833. Only a few alkaloids occur in the animal kingdom, the outstanding example being ADRENALINE, which is formed in the medulla of the suprarenal, or adrenal, gland. Alkaloids are often used for medicinal purposes. The name of an alkaloid ends in ‘ine’ (in Latin, ‘ina’).

Neutral principals are crystalline substances with actions similar to those of alkaloids but having a neutral reaction. The name of a neutral principal ends in ‘in’, e.g. digitalin, aloin.

The following are the more important alkaloids, with their source plants:

Aconite, from Monkshood.

Atropine, from Belladonna (juice of Deadly


Cocaine, from Coca leaves.

Hyoscine, from Henbane.

Morphine, Codeine, from Opium (juice of

Poppy). Thebaine, Nicotine, from Tobacco. Physostigmine, from Calabar beans. Pilocarpine, from Jaborandi leaves. Quinidine, from Cinchona or Peruvian bark. Strychnine, from Nux Vomica seeds.... alkaloids


A serious disease occurring in sheep and cattle, and in those who tend them or handle the bones, skins and ?eeces – even long after removal of the latter from the animals. It is sometimes referred to as malignant pustule, wool-sorters’ disease, splenic fever of animals, or murrain. It is now a rare condition in the United Kingdom. The cause is a bacillus (B. anthracis) which grows in long chains and produces spores of great vitality. These spores retain their life for years, in dried skins and ?eeces; they are not destroyed by boiling, freezing, 5 per cent carbolic lotion, or, like many bacilli, by the gastric juice. The disease is communicated from a diseased animal to a crack in the skin (e.g. of a farmer or butcher), or from contact with contaminated skins or ?eeces. Nowadays skins are handled wet, but if they are allowed to dry so that dust laden with spores is inhaled by the workers, serious pneumonia may result. Instances have occurred of the disease being conveyed on shaving brushes made from bristles of diseased animals. A few countries are believed to have developed anthrax as a weapon of war to be delivered by shells or rockets, despite international agreements to ban such weapons.

In the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks on buildings in New York and Washington on 11 September 2001, modi?ed anthrax spores were sent by mail from an unidenti?ed source to some prominent Americans. Several people were infected and a few died. This was the ?rst known use of anthrax as a terror weapon.

Prevention is most important by disinfecting all hides, wool and hair coming from areas of the world. An e?cient vaccine is now available. Treatment consists of the administration of large doses of the broad-spectrum antibiotic, CIPROFLOXACIN. If bioterrorism is thought to be the likely source of anthrax infection, appropriate decontamination procedures must be organised promptly.


EXTERNAL FORM This is the ‘malignant pustule’. After inoculation of some small wound, a few hours or days elapse, and then a red, in?amed swelling appears, which grows larger till it covers half the face or the breadth of the arm, as the case may be. Upon its summit appears a bleb of pus, which bursts and leaves a black scab, perhaps 12 mm (half an inch) wide. The patient is feverish and seriously ill. The in?ammation may last ten days or so, when it slowly subsides and the patient recovers, if surviving the fever and prostration.

INTERNAL FORM This takes the form of pneumonia with haemorrhages, when the spores have been drawn into the lungs, or of ulcers of the stomach and intestines, with gangrene of the SPLEEN, when they have been swallowed.

It is usually fatal in two or three days. Victims may also develop GASTROENTERITIS or MENINGITIS.... anthrax


Single or multicellular organisms belonging to Kingdom Prokaryotae. These single cell prokaryotic organisms are often coccoid or rod- shaped but can also be curved, pleomorphic or spiral. They can be Gram positive, Gram negative or Gram variable.... bacteria

Birth Rate

In 2003, 695,500 live births were registered in the United Kingdom; 38 per cent occurred outside marriage. Overall, total fertility is falling slowly. The number of births per 1,000 women aged over 40 years has been rising, and in 1999 was 8.9 per cent. In Great Britain in 2003, 193,817 legal abortions were performed under the Abortion Act 1967.... birth rate


The general term used to refer to a malignant TUMOUR, irrespective of the tissue of origin. ‘Malignancy’ indicates that (i) the tumour is capable of progressive growth, unrestrained by the capsule of the parent organ, and/or (ii) that it is capable of distant spread via lymphatics or the bloodstream, resulting in development of secondary deposits of tumour known as ‘metastases’. Microscopically, cancer cells appear different from the equivalent normal cells in the affected tissue. In particular they may show a lesser degree of di?erentiation (i.e. they are more ‘primitive’), features indicative of a faster proliferative rate and disorganised alignment in relationship to other cells or blood vessels. The diagnosis of cancer usually depends upon the observation of these microscopic features in biopsies, i.e. tissue removed surgically for such examination.

Cancers are classi?ed according to the type of cell from which they are derived as well as the organ of origin. Hence cancers arising within the bronchi, often collectively referred to as ‘lung cancer’, include both adenocarcinomas, derived from epithelium (surface tissue), and carcinomas from glandular tissue. Sarcomas are cancers of connective tissue, including bone and cartilage. The behaviour of cancers and their response to therapy vary widely depending on this classi?cation as well as on numerous other factors such as how large the cancer is, how fast the cells grow and how well de?ned they are. It is entirely wrong to see cancer as a single disease entity with a universally poor prognosis. For example, fewer than one-half of women in whom breast cancer (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF) is discovered will die from the disease, and 75 per cent of children with lymphoblastic LEUKAEMIA can be cured.

Incidence In most western countries, cancer is the second most important cause of death after heart disease and accounts for 20–25 per cent of all deaths. In the United Kingdom in 2003, more than 154,000 people died of malignant disease. There is wide international variation in the most frequently encountered types of cancer, re?ecting the importance of environmental factors in the development of cancer. In the UK as well as the US, carcinoma of the BRONCHUS is the most common. Since it is usually inoperable at the time of diagnosis, it is even more strikingly the leading cause of cancer deaths. In women, breast cancer was for a long time the most common malignant disease, accounting for a quarter of all cancers, but ?gures for the late 1990s show that lung cancer now heads the incidence list – presumably the consequence of a rising incidence of smoking among young women. Other common sites are as follows: males – colon and rectum, prostate and bladder; females – colon and rectum, uterus, ovary and pancreas.

In 2003, of the more than 154,000 people in the UK who died of cancer, over 33,000 had the disease in their respiratory system, nearly 13,000 in the breast, over 5,800 in the stomach and more than 2,000 in the uterus or cervix, while over 4,000 people had leukaemia. The incidence of cancer varies with age; the older a person is, the more likely it is that he or she will develop the disease. The over-85s have an incidence about nine times greater than those in the 25–44 age group. There are also di?erences in incidence between sexes: for example, more men than women develop lung cancer, though the incidence in women is rising as the effects of smoking work through. The death rate from cancer is falling in people under 75 in the UK, a trend largely determined by the cancers which cause the most deaths: lung, breast, colorectal, stomach and prostate.

Causes In most cases the causes of cancer remain unknown, though a family history of cancer may be relevant. Rapid advances have, however, been made in the past two decades in understanding the di?erences between cancer cells and normal cells at the genetic level. It is now widely accepted that cancer results from acquired changes in the genetic make-up of a particular cell or group of cells which ultimately lead to a failure of the normal mechanisms regulating their growth. It appears that in most cases a cascade of changes is required for cells to behave in a truly malignant fashion; the critical changes affect speci?c key GENES, known as oncogenes, which are involved in growth regulation. (See APOPTOSIS.)

Since small genetic errors occur within cells at all times – most but not all of which are repaired – it follows that some cancers may develop as a result of an accumulation of random changes which cannot be attributed to environmental or other causes. The environmental factors known to cause cancer, such as radiation and chemicals (including tar from tobacco, asbestos, etc.), do so by increasing the overall rate of acquired genetic damage. Certain viral infections can induce speci?c cancers (e.g. HEPATITIS B VIRUS and HEPATOMA, EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS and LYMPHOMA) probably by inducing alterations in speci?c genes. HORMONES may also be a factor in the development of certain cancers such as those of the prostate and breast. Where there is a particular family tendency to certain types of cancer, it now appears that one or more of the critical genetic abnormalities required for development of that cancer may have been inherited. Where environmental factors such as tobacco smoking or asbestos are known to cause cancer, then health education and preventive measures can reduce the incidence of the relevant cancer. Cancer can also affect the white cells in the blood and is called LEUKAEMIA.

Treatment Many cancers can be cured by surgical removal if they are detected early, before there has been spread of signi?cant numbers of tumour cells to distant sites. Important within this group are breast, colon and skin cancer (melanoma). The probability of early detection of certain cancers can be increased by screening programmes in which (ideally) all people at particular risk of development of such cancers are examined at regular intervals. Routine screening for CERVICAL CANCER and breast cancer (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF) is currently practised in the UK. The e?ectiveness of screening people for cancer is, however, controversial. Apart from questions surrounding the reliability of screening tests, they undoubtedly create anxieties among the subjects being screened.

If complete surgical removal of the tumour is not possible because of its location or because spread from the primary site has occurred, an operation may nevertheless be helpful to relieve symptoms (e.g. pain) and to reduce the bulk of the tumour remaining to be dealt with by alternative means such as RADIOTHERAPY or CHEMOTHERAPY. In some cases radiotherapy is preferable to surgery and may be curative, for example, in the management of tumours of the larynx or of the uterine cervix. Certain tumours are highly sensitive to chemotherapy and may be cured by the use of chemotherapeutic drugs alone. These include testicular tumours, LEUKAEMIA, LYMPHOMA and a variety of tumours occurring in childhood. These tend to be rapidly growing tumours composed of primitive cells which are much more vulnerable to the toxic effects of the chemotherapeutic agents than the normal cells within the body.

Unfortunately neither radiotherapy nor currently available chemotherapy provides a curative option for the majority of common cancers if surgical excision is not feasible. New e?ective treatments in these conditions are urgently needed. Nevertheless the rapidly increasing knowledge of cancer biology will almost certainly lead to novel therapeutic approaches – including probably genetic techniques utilising the recent discoveries of oncogenes (genes that can cause cancer). Where cure is not possible, there often remains much that can be done for the cancer-sufferer in terms of control of unpleasant symptoms such as pain. Many of the most important recent advances in cancer care relate to such ‘palliative’ treatment, and include the establishment in the UK of palliative care hospices.

Families and patients can obtain valuable help and advice from Marie Curie Cancer Care, Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund, or the British Association of Cancer United Patients. cancer

Committee On Safety Of Medicines (csm)

An independent advisory committee – launched in 1971 in the United Kingdom – composed of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists. It advises the MEDICINES CONTROL AGENCY in the UK on the safety, e?cacy and pharmaceutical quality of MEDICINES for which licences are sought and also reviews reports of ADVERSE REACTIONS TO DRUGS, including spontaneous ‘Yellow Card’ reports from doctors or pharmacists who suspect that a patient has suffered an adverse reaction from a medicine. Its predecessor, the Committee for Safety of Drugs, was set up in 1963 in response to the THALIDOMIDE disaster.... committee on safety of medicines (csm)

Coronary Artery Vein Bypass Grafting (cavbg)

When coronary arteries, narrowed by disease, cannot supply the heart muscle with su?cient blood, the cardiac circulation may be improved by grafting a section of vein from the leg to bypass the obstruction. Around 10,000 people in the United Kingdom have this operation annually and the results are usually good. It is a major procedure that lasts several hours and requires the heart to be stopped temporarily, with blood circulation and oxygenation taken over by a HEART-LUNG MACHINE.... coronary artery vein bypass grafting (cavbg)


Cryptococcosis is a rare disease due to infection with a yeast known as Cryptococcus neoformans. Around 5–10 cases are diagnosed annually in the United Kingdom. It usually involves the lungs in the ?rst instance, but may spread to the MENINGES and other parts of the body, including the skin. As a rule, the disease responds well to treatment with AMPHOTERICIN B, clotrimazole, and ?ucytosine.... cryptococcosis


Also known as undulant fever, or Malta fever.

Causes In Malta and the Mediterranean littoral, the causative organism is the bacterium Brucella melitensis which is conveyed in goat’s milk. In Great Britain, the US and South Africa, the causative organism is the Brucella abortus, which is conveyed in cow’s milk: this is the organism which is responsible for contagious abortion in cattle. In Great Britain brucellosis is largely an occupational disease and is now prescribed as an industrial disease (see OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES), and insured persons who contract the disease at work can claim industrial injuries bene?t. The incidence of brucellosis in the UK has fallen from more than 300 cases a year in 1970 to single ?gures.

Symptoms The characteristic features of the disease are undulating fever, drenching sweats, pains in the joints and back, and headache. The liver and spleen may be enlarged. The diagnosis is con?rmed by the ?nding of Br. abortus, or antibodies to it, in the blood. Recovery and convalescence tend to be slow.

Treatment The condition responds well to one of the tetracycline antibiotics, and also to gentamicin and co-trimoxazole, but relapse is common. In chronic cases a combination of streptomycin and one of the tetracyclines is often more e?ective.

Prevention It can be prevented by boiling or pasteurising all milk used for human consumption. In Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Canada the disease has disappeared following its eradication in animals. Brucellosis has been eradicated from farm animals in the United Kingdom.... brucellosis

Calcium-channel Blockers

Calcium-channel blockers inhibit the inward ?ow of calcium through the specialised slow channels of cardiac and arterial smooth-muscle cells. By thus relaxing the smooth muscle, they have important applications in the treatment of HYPERTENSION and ANGINA PECTORIS. Various types of calcium-channel blockers are available in the United Kingdom; these di?er in their sites of action, leading to notable di?erences in their therapeutic effects. All the drugs are rapidly and completely absorbed, but extensive ?rst-pass metabolism in the liver reduces bioavailability to around one-?fth. Their hypotensive e?ect is additive with that of beta blockers (see BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS); the two should, therefore, be used together with great caution – if at all. Calcium-channel blockers are particularly useful when beta blockers are contraindicated, for example in asthmatics. However, they should be prescribed for hypertension only when THIAZIDES and beta blockers have failed, are contraindicated or not tolerated.

Verapamil, the longest-available, is used to treat angina and hypertension. It is the only calcium-channel blocker e?ective against cardiac ARRHYTHMIA and it is the drug of choice in terminating supraventricular tachycardia. It may precipitate heart failure, and cause HYPOTENSION at high doses. Nifedipine and diltiazem act more on the vessels and less on the myocardium than verapamil; they have no antiarrhythmic activity. They are used in the prophylaxis and treatment of angina, and in hypertension. Nicardipine and similar drugs act mainly on the vessels, but are valuable in the treatment of hypertension and angina. Important di?erences exist between di?erent calcium-channel blockers so their use must be carefully assessed. They should not be stopped suddenty, as this may precipitate angina. (See also HEART, DISEASES OF.)... calcium-channel blockers


A species of bacterium found in farm and pet animals, from which it can be transmitted to humans, in whom it is a major cause of bacterial FOOD POISONING: outbreaks of infection have followed drinking unpasteurised milk from infected cows and eating undercooked meat and poultry. It causes diarrhoea.

In the United Kingdom, the number of cases of food poisoning (by all types of infection) has risen from 102.9 to 162.9 per 100,000 population over the last 15 years. In 2003, more then 70,000 cases of food poisoning were noti?ed. The use of preventive methods throughout the food production process, marketing and consumption of food is most important in controlling infection, as is taking hygienic precautions, such as hand-washing, after handling animals – including domestic pets.

Mild cases can be treated at home with no solid food but plenty of liquids and some salt. Serious cases require hospital care.... campylobacter


Psychoactive substances obtained from Cannabis sativa or Indian hemp, they are the oldest euphoriants. Also called marijuana, these substances do not usually result in physical DEPENDENCE but chronic abuse leads to passivity, apathy and inertia. Acute adverse effects include transient panic reactions and toxic psychoses. The panic reactions are characterised by anxiety, helplessness and loss of control and may be accompanied by ?orid paranoid thoughts and hallucinations. The toxic psychoses are characterised by the sudden onset of confusion and visual hallucinations. Even at lower doses, cannabis products can precipitate functional psychoses in vulnerable individuals. The acute physical manifestations of short-term cannabis abuse are conjunctival su?usion and tachycardia.

The chopped leaves are usually smoked but can be eaten in food or taken as tea. The active ingredient is tetrahydrocannibol. There is much public debate in western countries over the social use of cannabis: it is illegal to possess or supply the substance in the United Kingdom, but nevertheless cannabis is quite widely used. Cannabis is classi?ed as a Schedule 1 drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and has not o?cially been used medicinally – despite some claims that it is helpful in ameliorating painful symptoms in certain serious chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A related agent, NABILONE, is a synthetic cannabinoid licenced for use in treating nausea and vomiting caused by CYTOTOXIC drugs.... cannabis


(English) From the fairy kingdom; a fairy or an elf

Faye, Fai, Faie, Fae, Fayette, Faylinn, Faylyn, Faylynn, Faylinne, Faylynne... fay


(Spanish) From the Moorish kingdom Granadda, Grenada, Grenadda... granada


Hanging is a form of death due to suspension of the body from the neck – either suddenly, as in judicial hanging (although not in the United Kingdom, as the death penalty is not used in the UK justice system), so as to damage the spinal column and cord, or in such a way as to constrict the AIR PASSAGES and the blood vessels to the brain. Death is, in any case, speedy, resulting in 2–3 minutes if not instantaneously. Apart from judicial hanging, and in the absence of any signs of a struggle, hanging is usually due to SUICIDE. The resuscitation of people found hanging is similar to that for drowning. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID – Cardiac/respiratory arrest.)... hanging

Carbon Monoxide (co)

This is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, nonirritating gas formed on incomplete combustion of organic fuels. Exposure to CO is frequently due to defective gas, oil or solid-fuel heating appliances. CO is a component of car exhaust fumes and deliberate exposure to these is a common method of suicide. Victims of ?res often suffer from CO poisoning. CO combines reversibly with oxygen-carrying sites of HAEMOGLOBIN (Hb) molecules with an a?nity 200 to 300 times greater than oxygen itself. The carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) formed becomes unavailable for oxygen transportation. In addition the partial saturation of the Hb molecule results in tighter oxygen binding, impairing delivery to the tissues. CO also binds to MYOGLOBIN and respiratory cytochrome enzymes. Exposure to CO at levels of 500 parts per million (ppm) would be expected to cause mild symptoms only and exposure to levels of 4,000 ppm would be rapidly fatal.

Each year around 50 people in the United Kingdom are reported as dying from carbon monoxide poisoning, and experts have suggested that as many as 25,000 people a year are exposed to its effects within the home, but most cases are unrecognised, unreported and untreated, even though victims may suffer from long-term effects. This is regrettable, given that Napoleon’s surgeon, Larrey, recognised in the 18th century that soldiers were being poisoned by carbon monoxide when billeted in huts heated by woodburning stoves. In the USA it is estimated that 40,000 people a year attend emergency departments suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. So prevention is clearly an important element in dealing with what is sometimes termed the ‘silent killer’. Safer designs of houses and heating systems, as well as wider public education on the dangers of carbon monoxide and its sources, are important.

Clinical effects of acute exposure resemble those of atmospheric HYPOXIA. Tissues and organs with high oxygen consumption are affected to a great extent. Common effects include headaches, weakness, fatigue, ?ushing, nausea, vomiting, irritability, dizziness, drowsiness, disorientation, incoordination, visual disturbances, TACHYCARDIA and HYPERVENTILATION. In severe cases drowsiness may progress rapidly to COMA. There may also be metabolic ACIDOSIS, HYPOKALAEMIA, CONVULSIONS, HYPOTENSION, respiratory depression, ECG changes and cardiovascular collapse. Cerebral OEDEMA is common and will lead to severe brain damage and focal neurological signs. Signi?cant abnormalities on physical examination include impaired short-term memory, abnormal Rhomberg’s test (standing unsupported with eyes closed) and unsteadiness of gait including heel-toe walking. Any one of these signs would classify the episode as severe. Victims’ skin may be coloured pink, though this is very rarely seen even in severe incidents. The venous blood may look ‘arterial’. Patients recovering from acute CO poisoning may suffer neurological sequelae including TREMOR, personality changes, memory impairment, visual loss, inability to concentrate and PARKINSONISM. Chronic low-level exposures may result in nausea, fatigue, headache, confusion, VOMITING, DIARRHOEA, abdominal pain and general malaise. They are often misdiagnosed as in?uenza or food poisoning.

First-aid treatment is to remove the victim from the source of exposure, ensure an e?ective airway and give 100-per-cent oxygen by tight-?tting mask. In hospital, management is largely suppportive, with oxygen administration. A blood sample for COHb level determination should be taken as soon as practicable and, if possible, before oxygen is given. Ideally, oxygen therapy should continue until the COHb level falls below 5 per cent. Patients with any history of unconsciousness, a COHb level greater than 20 per cent on arrival, any neurological signs, any cardiac arrhythmias or anyone who is pregnant should be referred for an expert opinion about possible treatment with hyperbaric oxygen, though this remains a controversial therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy shortens the half-life of COHb, increases plasma oxygen transport and reverses the clinical effects resulting from acute exposures. Carbon monoxide is also an environmental poison and a component of cigarette smoke. Normal body COHb levels due to ENDOGENOUS CO production are 0.4 to

0.7 per cent. Non-smokers in urban areas may have level of 1–2 per cent as a result of environmental exposure. Smokers may have a COHb level of 5 to 6 per cent.... carbon monoxide (co)

Cardiac Pacemaker

The natural pacemaker is the sinuatrial node, found at the base of the heart. The heart normally controls its rate and rhythm; heart block occurs when impulses cannot reach all parts of the heart. This may lead to ARRHYTHMIA, or even cause the heart to stop (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Arti?cial pacemakers may then be used; in the United Kingdom these are required for around one person in every 2,000 of the population. Usually powered by mercury or lithium batteries, and lasting up to 15 years, they are either ?xed to the outside of the chest or implanted in the armpit, and connected by a wire passing through a vein in the neck to the heart. Normally adjusted to deliver 65–75 impulses a minute, they also ensure a regular cardiac rhythm. Patients with pacemakers may be given a driving licence provided that their vehicle is not likely to be a source of danger to the public, and that they are receiving adequate and regular medical supervision from a cardiologist.

Although there are numerous possible sources of electrical interference with pacemakers, the overall risks are slight. Potential sources include anti-theft devices, airport weapon detectors, surgical diathermy, ultrasound, and short-wave heat treatment. Nevertheless, many pacemaker patients lead active and ful?lling lives.... cardiac pacemaker

Health Education

The process of educating the public to adopt a healthy lifestyle and abandon dangerous or unhealthy behaviour. With the rising cost of health care and the increasing amount of illness and injury resulting from preventable causes, health professionals, governments and the World Health Organisation are strongly supporting more and better health education for everyone from schoolchildren to the elderly. Information on all aspects of health education in the United Kingdom can be obtained from


Health Service Commissioner

An o?cial, responsible to the United Kingdom’s parliament, appointed to protect the interests of National Health Service patients in matters concerning the administration of the health service and the delivery of health care (excluding clinical judgements). Known colloquially as the health ombudsman, the Commissioner presents regular reports on the complaints dealt with.... health service commissioner


A hospital that cares only for the terminally ill and dying. The emphasis is on providing quality of life, and special care is taken in providing pain relief by whichever methods are deemed best suited to the person’s needs. Hospice care in the United Kingdom has been greatly developed, in particular with the leadership of Dr (Dame) Cicely Saunders. Many hospices are funded by charitable funds and their activities supported by voluntary workers.... hospice

Cervical Cancer

Cancer of the cervix – the neck of the womb – is one of the most common cancers affecting women throughout the world. In some areas its incidence is increasing. This cancer has clearly identi?able precancerous stages with abnormal changes occurring in the cells on the surface of the cervix: these changes can be detected by a CERVICAL SMEAR test. Early cancer can be cured by diathermy, laser treatment, electrocoagulation or cryosurgery. If the disease has spread into the body of the cervix or beyond, more extensive surgery and possibly radiotherapy may be needed. The cure rate is 95 per cent if treated in the early stages but may fall as low as 10 per cent in some severe cases. Around 3,000 patients are diagnosed as having cervical cancer every year in the United Kingdom, and around 1,500 die from it. Latest ?gures in England show that the incidence rates have fallen to under 11 per 100,000 women, while death rates fell by more than 40 per cent during the 1990s. The sexual behaviour of a woman and her male partners in?uences the chances of getting this cancer; the earlier a woman has sexual intercourse, and the more partners she has, the greater is the risk of developing the disease.... cervical cancer

Child Abuse

This traditional term covers the neglect, physical injury, emotional trauma and sexual abuse of a child. Professional sta? responsible for the care and well-being of children now refer to physical injury as ‘non-accidental injury’. Child abuse may be caused by parents, relatives or carers. In England around 35,000 children are on local-authority social-service department child-protection registers – that is, are regarded as having been abused or at risk of abuse. Physical abuse or non-accidental injury is the most easily recognised form; victims of sexual abuse may not reveal their experiences until adulthood, and often not at all. Where child abuse is suspected, health, social-care and educational professionals have a duty to report the case to the local authority under the terms of the Children Act. The authority has a duty to investigate and this may mean admitting a child to hospital or to local-authority care. Abuse may be the result of impulsive action by adults or it may be premeditated: for example, the continued sexual exploitation of a child over several years. Premeditated physical assault is rare but is liable to cause serious injury to a child and requires urgent action when identi?ed. Adults will go to some lengths to cover up persistent abuse. The child’s interests are paramount but the parents may well be under severe stress and also require sympathetic handling.

In recent years persistent child abuse in some children’s homes has come to light, with widespread publicity following o?enders’ appearances in court. Local communities have also protested about convicted paedophiles, released from prison, coming to live in their communities.

In England and Wales, local-government social-services departments are central in the prevention, investigation and management of cases of child abuse. They have four important protection duties laid down in the Children Act 1989. They are charged (1) to prevent children from suffering ill treatment and neglect; (2) to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in need; (3) when requested by a court, to investigate a child’s circumstances; (4) to investigate information – in concert with the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) – that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer signi?cant harm, and to decide whether action is necessary to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare. Similar provisions exist in the other parts of the United Kingdom.

When anyone suspects that child abuse is occurring, contact should be made with the relevant social-services department or, in Scotland, with the children’s reporter. (See NONACCIDENTAL INJURY (NAI); PAEDOPHILIA.)... child abuse


Chiropody (also termed podiatry) is that part of medical science which is concerned with the health of the feet. Its practitioners are specialists capable of providing a fully comprehensive foot-health service. This includes the palliation of established deformities and dysfunction, both as short-term treatment for immediate relief of painful symptoms and as long-term management to secure optimum results. This requires the backing of e?ective appliances and footwear services. It also involves curative foot-care, including the use of various therapeutic techniques, including minor surgery and the prescription and provision of specialised and individual appliances.

Among conditions routinely treated are walking disorders in children, injuries to the feet of joggers and athletes, corns, bunions and hammer toes, ulcers and foot infections. Chiropody also has a preventative role which includes inspection of children’s feet and the detection of foot conditions requiring treatment and advice and also foot-health education. The chiropodist is trained to recognise medical conditions which manifest themselves in the feet, such as circulatory disorders, DIABETES MELLITUS and diseases causing ulceration.

The only course of training in the United Kingdom recognised for the purpose of state registration by the Health Professionals Council is the Society of Chiropodists’ three-year full-time course. The course includes instruction and examination in the relevant aspects of anatomy and physiology, local analgesia, medicine and surgery, as well as in podology and therapeutics. The Council holds the register of podiatrists. (See APPENDIX 2: ADDRESSES: SOURCES OF INFORMATION, ADVICE, SUPPORT AND SELFHELP.)... chiropody


(Scandinavian) Of the god Ing’s kingdom

Ingagard, Ingegerd, Ingagerd, Ingigard, Ingigerd... ingegard


(French) From the kingdom of Lothair

Laraine, Larayne, Laurraine, Leraine, Lerayne, Lorain, Loraina, Loraine, Lorayne, Lorraina, Lorrayne, Laraene, Larayne, Lareine, Larina, Larine, Larraine, Lorenza, Lourine... lorraine

Mass Miniature Radiography

A method of obtaining X-ray photographs of the chests of large numbers of people. It has been used on a large scale as a means of screening the population for pulmonary TUBERCULOSIS. It is no longer used in the United Kingdom.... mass miniature radiography


That division of the animal kingdom which embraces all animals whose cells become differentiated to form tissues. It includes all animals except the protozoa.... metazoa

National Health Service (nhs)

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service was created by Act of Parliament and inaugurated on 5 July 1948. Its original aim was to provide a comprehensive system of health care to everyone, free at the point of delivery. Scotland had its own, similar legislation, as did Northern Ireland. The service is funded by National Insurance contributions and from general taxation, with a small amount from patient charges. The structure, functioning and ?nancing of the NHS have been – and still are – undergoing substantial changes.... national health service (nhs)

Coeliac Disease

Around one in 100 people suffers from coeliac disease, a condition in which the small INTESTINE fails to digest and absorb food, but many have no or few symptoms and remain undiagnosed. The intestinal lining is permanently sensitive to the protein gliadin (an insoluble and potentially toxic PEPTIDE protein) which is contained in GLUTEN, a constituent of the germ of wheat, barley and rye. As bread or other grain-based foods are a regular part of most people’s diet, the constant presence of gluten in the intestine of sufferers of coeliac disease causes atrophy of the digestive and absorptive cells of the intestine. Children are usually diagnosed when they develop symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, ANAEMIA, swollen abdomen and pale, frothy, foul-smelling faeces with failure to thrive. The diagnosis is usually made by a positive blood antibody test such as antiendomysial antibodies. However, because there may be an occasional false positive result, the ‘gold standard’ is to obtain a biopsy of the JEJUNUM through a tiny metal capsule that can be swallowed, a specimen taken, and the capsule retrieved. Though coeliac disease was long thought to occur in childhood, a second peak of the disorder has recently been identi?ed among people in their 50s.

Not all sufferers from coeliac disease present with gastrointestinal symptoms: doctors, using screening techniques, have increasingly identi?ed large numbers of such people. This is important because researchers have recently discovered that untreated overt and silent coeliac disease increases the risk of sufferers developing osteoporosis (brittle bone disease – see BONE, DISORDERS OF) and cancer. The osteoporosis develops because the bowel fails to absorb the CALCIUM essential for normal bone growth. Because those with coeliac disease lack the enzyme LACTASE, which is essential for digesting milk, they avoid milk – a rich source of calcium.

The key treatment is a strict, lifelong diet free of gluten. As well as returning the bowel lining to normal, this diet results in a return to normal bone density. People with coeliac disease, or parents or guardians of affected children, can obtain help and guidance from the Coeliac Society of the United Kingdom. (See also MALABSORPTION SYNDROME; SPRUE.)... coeliac disease

Controlled Drugs

In the United Kingdom, controlled drugs are those preparations referred to under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The Act prohibits activities related to the manufacture, supply and possession of these drugs, and they are classi?ed into three groups which determine the penalties for o?ences involving their misuse. For example, class A includes COCAINE, DIAMORPHINE, MORPHINE, LSD (see LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE and PETHIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE. Class B includes AMPHETAMINES, BARBITURATES and CODEINE. Class C includes drugs related to amphetamines such as diethylpropion and chlorphentermine, meprobamate and most BENZODIAZEPINES and CANNABIS.

The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 de?ne the classes of person authorised to supply and possess controlled drugs, and lay down the conditions under which these activities may be carried out. In the Regulations, drugs are divided into ?ve schedules specifying the requirements for supply, possession, prescribing and record-keeping. Schedule I contains drugs which are not used as medicines. Schedules II and III contain drugs which are subject to the prescription requirements of the Act (see below). They are distinguished in the British National Formulary (BNF) by the symbol CD and they include morphine, diamorphine (heroin), other opioid analgesics, barbiturates, amphetamines, cocaine and diethylpropion. Schedules IV and V contain drugs such as the benzodiazepines which are subject to minimal control. A full list of the drugs in each schedule can be found in the BNF.

Prescriptions for drugs in schedules II and III must be signed and dated by the prescriber, who must give his or her address. The prescription must be in the prescriber’s own handwriting and provide the name and address of the patient and the total quantity of the preparation in both words and ?gures. The pharmacist is not allowed to dispense a controlled drug unless all the information required by law is given on the prescription.

Until 1997 the Misuse of Drugs (Noti?cation and Supply of Addicts) Regulations 1973 governed the noti?cation of addicts. This was required in respect of the following commonly used drugs: cocaine, dextromoramide, diamorphine, dipipanone, hydrocodeine, hydromorphone, levorphanol, methadone, morphine, opium, oxycodone, pethidine, phenazocine and piritranide.

In 1997 the Misuse of Drugs (Supply to Addicts) Regulations 1997 revoked the 1973 requirement for noti?cation. Doctors are now expected to report (on a standard form) cases of drug misuse to their local Drug Misuse Database (DMD). Noti?cation by the doctor should be made when a patient ?rst presents with a drug problem or when he or she visits again after a gap of six months or more. All types of misuse should be reported: this includes opioids, benzodiazepines and central nervous system stimulants. The data in the DMD are anonymised, which means that doctors cannot check on possible multiple prescribing for drug addicts.

The 1997 Regulations restrict the prescribing of diamorphine (heroin), Diconal® (a morphine-based drug) or cocaine to medical practitioners holding a special licence issued by the Home Secretary.

Fuller details about the prescription of controlled drugs are in the British National Formulary, updated twice a year, and available on the Internet (see controlled drugs

Pet Scanning

Positron-emission tomography is a NUCLEAR MEDICINE diagnostic technique that works by identifying positrons – positively charged electrons – given o? by substances labelled with radioactive varieties of elements. The result is three-dimensional images that identify metabolic and chemical activities of tissues, especially brain tissues. The images provide information about tissue and organ functions, and can be collated with structural images using COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The equipment is very expensive and available only in selected hospitals in the United Kingdom. The technique is especially valuable in the assessment of neurological disorders.... pet scanning


Chemicals produced and emitted by an individual which produce changes in the social or sexual behaviour when perceived by other individuals of the same species. The precise role of these odours – for it is by their smell that they are recognised – in humans is still not clear, but there is growing evidence of the part they play in the animal kingdom. Thus, if a strange male rat is put into a group of female rats, this may cause death of the fetus in any pregnant rats, and this is attributed to the pheromones emitted by the male rat.... pheromones


The taxonomic group below a Kingdom, and above a Class. See Taxonomy.... phylum

Dichlorodiphenyl Trichloroethane

DDT is the generally used abbreviation for the compound which has been given the o?cial name of dicophane. It was ?rst synthesised in 1874, but it was not until 1940 that, as a result of research work in Switzerland, its remarkable toxic action on insects was discovered. This work was taken up and rapidly expanded in Great Britain and the USA, and one of its ?rst practical applications was in controlling the spread of TYPHUS FEVER. This disease is transmitted by the louse, one of the insects for which DDT is most toxic. Its toxic action against the mosquito has also been amply proved, and it thus rapidly became one of the most e?ective measures in controlling MALARIA. DDT is toxic to a large range of insects in addition to the louse and the mosquito; these include house?ies, bed-bugs, clothes-moths, ?eas, cockroaches, and ants. It is also active against many agricultural and horticultural pests, including weevils, ?our beetles, pine saw?y, and most varieties of scale insect.

DDT has thus had a wide use in medicine, public health, veterinary medicine, horticulture, and agriculture. Unfortunately, the indiscriminate use of DDT is potentially hazardous, and its use is now restricted or banned in several countries, including the United Kingdom.

The danger of DDT is that it enters the biological food chain with the result that animals at the end of the food chain such as birds or predators may build up lethal concentrations of the substance in their tissues.

In any case, an increasing number of species of insects were becoming resistant to DDT. Fortunately, newer insecticides have been introduced which are toxic to DDT-resistant insects, but there are doubts whether this supply of new insecticides can be maintained as insects develop resistance to them.... dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane

Disabled Persons

Disabled persons in the United Kingdom have a range of services and ?nancial support available to help them to lead as normal and active a life as possible. O?cially, the disabled include those with signi?cant impairment of any kind, including impairment of sight and hearing, learning diffculties, and chronic illness as well as disablement due to accidents and the like.

Social services are provided by local-authority social-services departments. They include: practical help in the home (usually through home helps or aids to daily living); assistance in taking advantage of available educational facilities; help with adaptations to the disabled person’s house; provision of meals (‘Meals on Wheels’ or luncheon centres); and help in obtaining a telephone. Many of these facilities will involve the disabled person in some expense, but full details can be obtained from the local social-services department which will, if necessary, send a social worker to discuss the matter in the disabled person’s home. Owing to lack of funds and sta?, many local-authority social-services departments are unable to provide the full range of services.

Aids to daily living There is now a wide range of aids for the disabled. Full details and addresses of local o?ces can be obtained from: Disabled Living Foundation and British Red Cross.

Aids to mobility and transport Some car manufacturers make specially equipped or adapted cars, and some have o?cial systems for discounts. Details can be obtained from local dealers. Help can also be obtained from Motability, which provides advice.... disabled persons


These are natural products or synthetic chemicals that can alter the way in which the body works, or be used to prevent or treat disease. One or more drugs, combined with stabilisers, colourings, and other ingredients, make(s) up a medicine for practical use in treating patients. (See DEPENDENCE; MEDICINES.) In Britain, the supply of drugs is controlled by the Medicines Act. Some drugs are available only on prescription; some both on prescription and over the counter; and some are not available on NHS prescription. When enquiring about drugs that a patient is taking, it is essential to ask about all items bought over the counter and any herbal or traditional remedies that might be used, as these can interact with other prescribed drugs (see DRUG INTERACTIONS) or affect the patient’s presenting complaints. Each drug has a single generic name, but many will also have several proprietary (brand) names. It is often much cheaper to prescribe the generic form of a drug, and many doctors do so. Many hospitals and general practices in the United Kingdom now provide a list of suggested drugs for doctors to prescribe. If a doctor wishes to use a drug not on the list, he or she must give a valid reason.

Prescriptions for drugs should be printed or written clearly in ink and signed and dated by the prescriber (computer-generated facsimile signatures do not meet legal requirements). They should include the patient’s name, address and age (obligatory for children under 12), the name of the drug to be supplied, the dose and dose frequency, and the total quantity to be supplied. Any special instructions (e.g. ‘after food’) should be stated. There are special regulations about the prescription of drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 (see CONTROLLED DRUGS). A pharmacist can advise about which drugs are available without prescription, and is able to recommend treatment for many minor complaints. Information about exemption from prescription charges in the NHS can be obtained from health visitors, general practitioners, or social security o?ces.... drugs


The lowest division of the animal kingdom, including unicellular or acellular organisms with a eukaryotic structure.... protozoa

Public Health

Individuals with health problems go to their doctor, are diagnosed and prescribed treatment. Public-health doctors use epidemiological studies (see EPIDEMIOLOGY, and below) to diagnose the causes of health problems in populations and to plan services to treat the health and disease problems identi?ed. Their concern is often focused particularly on those who are disadvantaged or marginalised, and on the delivery of safe, e?ective and accessible health care: however, to achieve their goal of better health and well-being for everybody, they must also in?uence decision-makers across the whole community.

Central to an understanding of public health is recognition that public-health practitioners are concerned not just with individuals, but also with whole populations – and that improving health care plays only a part of public-health improvement. The health of populations (public health) is also dependent on many factors such as the social, economic and physical environment in which the people live and the nutrition and health care available to them.

For thousands of years, a fundamental feature of civilisations has been to seek to improve the health of the population and protect it from disease. This has led to the development of legal frameworks which di?er widely from country to country, depending on their social and political development. All are concerned to stop the spread of infectious diseases, and to maintain the safety of urban food and water supplies and waste disposal. Most are also associated with housing standards, some form of poverty relief, and basic health care. Some trading standards are often covered, at least in relation to the sale and distribution of poisons and drugs, and to controls on industrial and transport safety – for example, in relation to drinking and driving and car design. Although these varied functions protect the public health and were often originally developed to improve it, most are managerially and professionally separated from today’s public-health departments. So public-health professionals in the NHS, armed with evidence of the cause of a disease problem, must frequently act as advocates for health across many agencies where they play no formal management part. They must also seek to build alliances and add a health perspective to the policies of other services wherever possible.

Epidemiology is the principal diagnostic method of public health. It is de?ned as the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states in speci?ed populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems. Public-health practitioners also draw on many other skills, such as those of statisticians, sociologists, anthropologists, economists and policy analysts in identifying and trying to resolve the health problems of the societies they serve. Treatments proposed are likely to extend well beyond the clinic or hospital and may include recommendations for measures to resolve poverty, improve sanitation or housing, control pollution, change lifestyles such as smoking, improve nutrition, or change health services. At times of acute EPIDEMIC, public-health doctors have considerable legal powers granted to enable them to prevent infection from spreading. At other times their work may be more concerned with monitoring, reporting, planning and managing services, and advocating policy changes to politicians so that health is promoted.

The term ‘the public health’ can relate to the state of health of the population, and be represented by measures such as MORTALITY indices

(e.g. perinatal or infant mortality and standardised mortality rates), life expectancy, or measures of MORBIDITY (illness). These can be compared across areas and even countries. Sometimes people refer to a pubic health-care system; this is a publicly funded service, the primary aim of which is to improve health by the use of population-based measures. They may include or be separate from private health-care services for which individuals pay. The structure of these systems varies from country to country, re?ecting di?erent social composition and political priorities. There are, however, some general elements that can be identi?ed:

Surveillance The collection, collation and analysis of data to provide useful information about the distribution and causes of health and disease and related factors in populations. These activities form the basis of epidemiology, which is the diagnostic backbone of public-health practice.

Intervention The design, advocacy and implementation of policies to improve health. This may be through the provison of PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, environmental measures, in?uencing the behaviour of individuals, or the provision of appropriate services to limit disability and handicap. It will lead to advocacy for health, promoting change in many areas of policy including, for example, taxation and improved housing and employment opportunities.

Evaluation Assessment of the ?rst two steps to assess their impact in terms of e?ectiveness, e?ciency, acceptability, accessibility, value for money or other indicators of quality. This enables the programme to be reviewed and changed as necessary.

The practice of public health The situation in the United Kingdom will be described as, even though systems vary, it will give a general impression of the type of work covered. HISTORY Initially, public-health practice related to food, the urban environment and the control of infectious diseases. Early examples include rules in the Bible about avoiding certain foods. These were probably based on practical experience, had gradually been adopted as sensible behaviour, become part of culture and ?nally been incorporated into religious laws. Other examples are the regulations about quarantine for PLAGUE and LEPROSY in the Middle Ages, vaccination against SMALLPOX introduced by William Jenner, and Lind’s use of citrus fruits to prevent SCURVY at sea in the 18th century.

It was during the 19th century, in response to the health problems arising from the rapid growth of urban life, that the foundations of a public-health system were created. The ‘sanitary’ concept was fundamental to these developments. This suggested that overcrowding in insanitary conditions was the cause of most disease epidemics and that improved sanitation measures such as sewerage and clean water supplies would prevent them. Action to introduce such measures were often initiated only after epidemics spread out of the slums and into wealthier and more powerful families. Other problems such as the stench of the River Thames outside the Houses of Parliament also led to a demand for e?ective sanitary control measures. Successive public-health laws were passed by Parliament, initially about sanitation and housing, and then, as scienti?c knowledge grew, about bacterial infections.

In the middle of the 19th century the ?rst medical o?cers of health were appointed with responsibility to report regularly and advise local government about the measures needed to control disease and improve health. Their scope and responsibility widened as society changed and took on a wider welfare role. After more than a century they changed as part of the reforms of the NHS and local government in the 1960s and became more narrowly focused within the health-care system and its management. Increased recognition of the multifactorial causes, costs and limitations of treatment of conditions such as cancer and heart disease, and the emergence of new problems such as AIDS/HIV and BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE) have again showed the importance of prevention and a broader approach to health. With it has come recognition that, while disease may be the justi?cation for action, a narrow diseasetreatment-based approach is not always the most e?ective or economic solution. The role of the director of public health (the successor to the medical o?cer of health) is again being expanded, and in 1997 – for the ?rst time in the UK – a government Minister for Public Health was appointed. This reffects not only a greater priority for public health, but also a concern that the health effects of policy should be considered across all parts of government.

(See also ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH.)... public health


A group of viruses (so-called because of their wheel-like structure: rota is Latin for wheel) which are a common cause of GASTROENTERITIS in infants (see also DIARRHOEA). They cause from 25 to 80 per cent of childhood diarrhoea in di?erent parts of the world, and in the United Kingdom they are responsible for 60– 65 per cent of cases. They infect only the cells lining the small intestine. In the UK, death from rotavirus is rare.... rotaviruses


(1) A thin slice of a tissue specimen taken for examination under a microscope.

(2) The act of cutting in surgery; for example, an abdominal section is done to explore the abdomen.

(3) The issuing of an order under the United Kingdom’s Mental Health Act to admit someone compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital.... section


A stillborn child is ‘any child which has issued forth from its mother after the 24th week of pregnancy and which did not at any time after being completely expelled from its mother, breathe or show any other sign of life’. In the United Kingdom in 2002 the number of stillbirths and deaths at under one week of age (PERINATAL MORTALITY) was 5.6 per 1,000 live births.... stillbirth

Environment And Health

Environment and Health concerns those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by physical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment. The promotion of good health requires not only public policies which support health, but also the creation of supportive environments in which living and working conditions are safe, stimulating and enjoyable.

Health has driven much of environmental policy since the work of Edwin Chadwick in the early 1840s. The ?rst British public-health act was introduced in 1848 to improve housing and sanitation with subsequent provision of puri?ed water, clean milk, food hygiene regulations, vaccinations and antibiotics. In the 21st century there are now many additional environmental factors that must be monitored, researched and controlled if risks to human health are to be well managed and the impact on human morbidity and mortality reduced.

Environmental impacts on health include:


air pollution

water pollution

dust •odours

contaminated ground

loss of amenities



animal diseases

Environmental risk factors Many of the major determinants of health, disease and death are environmental risk factors. Some are natural hazards; others are generated by human activities. They may be directly harmful, as in the examples of exposure to toxic chemicals at work, pesticides, or air pollution from road transport, or to radon gas penetrating domestic properties. Environmental factors may also alter people’s susceptibility to disease: for example, the availability of su?cient food. In addition, they may operate by making unhealthy choices more likely, such as the availability and a?ord-ability of junk foods, alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco.

Populations at risk Children are among the populations most sensitive to environmental health hazards. Their routine exposure to toxic chemicals in homes and communities can put their health at risk. Central to the ability to protect communities and families is the right of people to know about toxic substances. For many, the only source of environmental information is media reporting, which often leaves the public confused and frustrated. To bene?t from public access to information, increasingly via the Internet, people need basic environmental and health information, resources for interpreting, understanding and evaluating health risks, and familiarity with strategies for prevention or reduction of risk.

Risk assessment Environmental health experts rely on the principles of environmental toxicology and risk assessment to evaluate the environment and the potential effects on individual and community health. Key actions include:

identifying sources and routes of environmental exposure and recommending methods of reducing environmental health risks, such as exposure to heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, dioxins, etc.

assessing the risks of exposure-related health hazards.

alerting health professionals, the public, and the media to the levels of risk for particular potential hazards and the reasons for interventions.

ensuring that doctors and scientists explain the results of environmental monitoring studies – for example, the results of water ?uoridation in the UK to improve dental health.

National policies In the United Kingdom in 1996, an important step in linking environment and health was taken by a government-initiated joint consultation by the Departments of Health and Environment about adding ‘environment’ as a key area within the Health of the Nation strategy. The ?rst UK Minister of State for Public Health was appointed in 1997 with responsibilities for health promotion and public-health issues, both generally and within the NHS. These responsibilities include the implementation of the Health of the Nation strategy and its successor, Our Healthy Nation. The aim is to raise the priority given to human health throughout government departments, and to make health and environmental impact assessment a routine part of the making, implementing and assessing the impact of policies.

Global environmental risks The scope of many environmental threats to human health are international and cannot be regulated e?ectively on a local, regional or even national basis. One example is the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident, which led to a major release of radiation, the effects of which were felt in many countries. Some international action has already been taken to tackle global environmental problems, but governments should routinely measure the overall impacts of development on people and their environments and link with industry to reduce damage to the environment. For instance, the effects of global warming and pollution on health should be assessed within an ecological framework if communities are to respond e?ectively to potential new global threats to the environment.... environment and health

Stomach, Diseases Of

Gastritis is the description for several unrelated diseases of the gastric mucosa.

Acute gastritis is an in?ammatory reaction of the gastric mucosa to various precipitating factors, ranging from physical and chemical injury to infections. Acute gastritis (especially of the antral mucosas) may well represent a reaction to infection by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. The in?ammatory changes usually go after appropriate antibiotic treatment for the H. pylori infection. Acute and chronic in?ammation occurs in response to chemical damage of the gastric mucosa. For example, REFLUX of duodenal contents may predispose to in?ammatory acute and chronic gastritis. Similarly, multiple small erosions or single or multiple ulcers have resulted from consumption of chemicals, especialy aspirin and antirheumatic NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS).

Acute gastritis may cause anorexia, nausea, upper abdominal pain and, if erosive, haemorrhage. Treatment involves removal of the o?ending cause.

Chronic gastritis Accumulation of cells called round cells in the gastric mucosal characterises chronic gastritis. Most patients with chronic gastritis have no symptoms, and treatment of H. pylori infection usually cures the condition.

Atrophic gastritis A few patients with chronic gastritis may develop atrophic gastritis. With or without in?ammatory change, this disorder is common in western countries. The incidence increases with age, and more than 50 per cent of people over 50 may have it. A more complete and uniform type of ATROPHY, called ‘gastric atrophy’, characterises a familial disease called PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA. The cause of the latter disease is not known but it may be an autoimmune disorder.

Since atrophy of the corpus mucosa results in loss of acid- and pepsin-secreting cells, gastric secretion is reduced or absent. Patients with pernicious anaemia or severe atrophic gastritis of the corpus mucosa may secrete too little intrinsic factor for absorption of vitamin B12 and so can develop severe neurological disease (subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord).

Patients with atrophic gastritis often have bacterial colonisation of the upper alimentary tract, with increased concentration of nitrite and carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds. These, coupled with excess growth of mucosal cells, may be linked to cancer. In chronic corpus gastritis, the risk of gastric cancer is about 3–4 times that of the general population.

Postgastrectomy mucosa The mucosa of the gastric remnant after surgical removal of the distal part of the stomach is usually in?amed and atrophic, and is also premalignant, with the risk of gastric cancer being very much greater than for patients with duodenal ulcer who have not had surgery.

Stress gastritis Acute stress gastritis develops, sometimes within hours, in individuals who have undergone severe physical trauma, BURNS (Curling ulcers), severe SEPSIS or major diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, intracranial trauma or operations (Cushing’s ulcers). The disorder presents with multiple super?cial erosions or ulcers of the gastric mucosa, with HAEMATEMESIS and MELAENA and sometimes with perforation when the acute ulcers erode through the stomach wall. Treatment involves inhibition of gastric secretion with intravenous infusion of an H2-receptorantagonist drug such as RANITIDINE or FAMOTIDINE, so that the gastric contents remain at a near neutral pH. Despite treatment, a few patients continue to bleed and may then require radical gastric surgery.

Gastric ulcer Gastric ulcers were common in young women during the 19th century, markedly fell in frequency in many western countries during the ?rst half of the 20th century, but remained common in coastal northern Norway, Japan, in young Australian women, and in some Andean populations. During the latter half of this century, gastric ulcers have again become more frequent in the West, with a peak incidence between 55 and 65 years.

The cause is not known. The two factors most strongly associated with the development of duodenal ulcers – gastric-acid production and gastric infection with H. pylori bacteria – are not nearly as strongly associated with gastric ulcers. The latter occur with increased frequency in individuals who take aspirin or NSAIDs. In healthy individuals who take NSAIDs, as many as 6 per cent develop a gastric ulcer during the ?rst week of treatment, while in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are being treated long term with drugs, gastric ulcers occur in 20–40 per cent. The cause is inhibition of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, which in turn inhibits the production of repair-promoting PROSTAGLANDINS.

Gastric ulcers occur especially on the lesser curve of the stomach. The ulcers may erode through the whole thickness of the gastric wall, perforating into the peritoneal cavity or penetrating into liver, pancreas or colon.

Gastric ulcers usually present with a history of epigastric pain of less than one year. The pain tends to be associated with anorexia and may be aggravated by food, although patients with ‘prepyloric’ ulcers may obtain relief from eating or taking antacid preparations. Patients with gastric ulcers also complain of nausea and vomiting, and lose weight.

The principal complications of gastric ulcer are haemorrhage from arterial erosion, or perforation into the peritoneal cavity resulting in PERITONITIS, abscess or ?stula.

Aproximately one in two gastric ulcers heal ‘spontaneously’ in 2–3 months; however, up to 80 per cent of the patients relapse within 12 months. Repeated recurrence and rehealing results in scar tissue around the ulcer; this may cause a circumferential narrowing – a condition called ‘hour-glass stomach’.

The diagnosis of gastric ulcer is con?rmed by ENDOSCOPY. All patients with gastric ulcers should have multiple biopsies (see BIOPSY) to exclude the presence of malignant cells. Even after healing, gastric ulcers should be endoscopically monitored for a year.

Treatment of gastric ulcers is relatively simple: a course of one of the H2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS heals gastric ulcers in 3 months. In patients who relapse, long-term inde?nite treatment with an H2 receptor antagonist such as ranitidine may be necessary since the ulcers tend to recur. Recently it has been claimed that gastric ulcers can be healed with a combination of a bismuth salt or a gastric secretory inhibitor

for example, one of the PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS such as omeprazole or lansoprazole

together with two antibiotics such as AMOXYCILLIN and METRONIDAZOLE. The long-term outcome of such treatment is not known. Partial gastrectomy, which used to be a regular treatment for gastric ulcers, is now much more rarely done unless the ulcer(s) contain precancerous cells.

Cancer of the stomach Cancer of the stomach is common and dangerous and, worldwide, accounts for approximately one in six of all deaths from cancer. There are marked geographical di?erences in frequency, with a very high incidence in Japan and low incidence in the USA. In the United Kingdom around 33 cases per 100,000 population are diagnosed annually. Studies have shown that environmental factors, rather than hereditary ones, are mainly responsible for the development of gastric cancer. Diet, including highly salted, pickled and smoked foods, and high concentrations of nitrate in food and drinking water, may well be responsible for the environmental effects.

Most gastric ulcers arise in abnormal gastric mucosa. The three mucosal disorders which especially predispose to gastric cancer include pernicious anaemia, postgastrectomy mucosa, and atrophic gastritis (see above). Around 90 per cent of gastric cancers have the microscopic appearance of abnormal mucosal cells (and are called ‘adenocarcinomas’). Most of the remainder look like endocrine cells of lymphoid tissue, although tumours with mixed microscopic appearance are common.

Early gastric cancer may be symptomless and, in countries like Japan with a high frequency of the disease, is often diagnosed during routine screening of the population. In more advanced cancers, upper abdominal pain, loss of appetite and loss of weight occur. Many present with obstructive symptoms, such as vomiting (when the pylorus is obstructed) or di?culty with swallowing. METASTASIS is obvious in up to two-thirds of patients and its presence contraindicates surgical cure. The diagnosis is made by endoscopic examination of the stomach and biopsy of abnormal-looking areas of mucosa. Treatment is surgical, often with additional chemotherapy and radiotherapy.... stomach, diseases of


Systematic binomial classification of all living things. e.g. Kingdom Phylum Class Order FamilyGenus Species... taxonomy


United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, now known as the Council for Nursing and Midwifery. (See APPENDIX 7: STATUTORY ORGANISATIONS.)... ukcc


United Kingdom Transplant Support Service Authority (see TRANSPLANT SUPPORT SERVICES AUTHORITY).... uktssa


The ability of an organism to survive on its own. In the United Kingdom, the legal age of the viability of a FETUS is 24 weeks.... viable


An antiviral drug (trade name Relenza©) which ameliorates the symptoms of INFLUENZA. It is licensed in the United Kingdom for treating the A or B varieties, 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. In otherwise healthy people it reduces the duration of symptoms by around 24 hours. It is not yet known to what extent zanamivir can prevent complications in high-risk patients such as the elderly.... zanamivir


A substance. CHNO, found in the human body in fetal urine, etc. Formed by the oxidation of uric acid. Also found in the natural kingdom, Comfrey root and other plants. Promotes growth of epithelium over a wound as part of the final stage of healing. See: COMFREY. ... allantoin

Diet - Vegan

 A vegan is a strict vegetarian who does not eat meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products generally, He, or she, eats no animal products at all. By selecting a number of products from the plant kingdom they claim their diet is adequate.

As the Vegan diet is deficient in Vitamin B12 which may lead to anaemia, supplements are available. Some Vegan products have this vitamin added.

Their rule is to combine legumes with other cereals, seeds or nuts at the same meal. The combination is claimed to be equal to one animal based. ... diet - vegan

Ethics Committees

(In the USA, Institutional Review Boards.) Various types of ethics committee operate in the UK, ful?lling four main functions: the monitoring of research; debate of di?cult patient cases; establishing norms of practice; and publishing ethical guidance.

The most common – Local Research Ethics Committees (LRECs) – have provided a monitoring system of research on humans since the late 1960s. Established by NHS health authorities, LRECs were primarily perceived as exercising authority over research carried out on NHS patients or on NHS premises or using NHS records. Their power and signi?cance, however, developed considerably in the 1980s and 90s when national and international guidance made approval by an ‘appropriately constituted’ ethics committee obligatory for any research project involving humans or human tissue. The work of LRECs is supplemented by so-called ‘independent’ ethics committees usually set up by pharmaceutical companies, and since 1997 by multicentre research ethics committees (MRECs). An MREC is responsible for considering all health-related research which will be conducted within ?ve or more locations. LRECs have become indispensable to the conduct of research, and are doubtless partly responsible for the lack of demand in the UK for legislation governing research. A plethora of guidelines is available, and LRECs which fail to comply with recognised standards could incur legal liability. They are increasingly governed by international standards of practice. In 1997, guidelines produced by the International Committee on Harmonisation of Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) were introduced into the UK. These provide a uni?ed standard for research conducted in the European Union, Japan and United States to ensure the mutual acceptance of clinical data by the regulatory authorities in these countries.

Other categories of ethics committee include Ethics Advisory Committees, which debate dif?cult patient cases. Most are attached to specialised health facilities such as fertility clinics or children’s care facilities. The 1990s have seen a greatly increased interest in professional ethics and the establishment of many new ethics committees, including some like that of the National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services which cross professional boundaries. Guidance on professional and ethical standards is produced by these new bodies and by the well-established ethics committees of regulatory or representative bodies, such as the medical and nursing Royal Colleges, the General Medical Council, United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, British Medical Association (see APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS) and bodies representing paramedics and professions supplementary to medicine. Their guidance ranges from general codes of practice to detailed analysis of single topics such as EUTHANASIA or surrogacy.

LRECs are now supervised by a central body

– COREC ( ethics committees

Fucus Vesiculosus


Family: Fucaceae. (Laminaria sp.)

Habitat: On the shores of the United Kingdom, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Coast of America; as a weed; found in Indian Ocean on the Manora Rocks. Allied species—F. distichus Linn., and F nodosus Linn. (Included in Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, CSIR, also in its second supplement.) F. nodosus is found in India along sea shores.

English: Bladderwrack, Black Tang, Rockweed, Kelp.

Action: Weed—one of the richest source of minerals, chiefly iodine, sodium, manganese, sulphur, silicon, zinc and copper. Effective against obesity, antirheumatic. Stimulates circulation of lymph. Endocrine gland stimulant. Allays onset of arteriosclerosis by maintaining elasticity of walls of blood vessels. Mild diuretic, bulk, laxative, antibiotic. High sodium content may reduce effectiveness of diuretics.

(The herb contains trace metal, particularly iodine from 0.03-1.0%. It may contain waste metals such as cadmium and strontium, when grown in a polluted environment. Variable iodine content and arsenic contamination make the herb unsafe.)

The herb should be used with caution in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Excess thyroid activity maybe aggravated by the iodine content of the herb; it may disrupt thyroid function. One gram of Bladderwrack might contain as much as 600 mcg iodine (Ingesting more than 150 mcg iodine per day may cause hyperthyroidism or exacerbate existing hyperthyroidism.) (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

Due to the antithrombin effects ofits fucan polysaccharides, consumption of the herb in cases of G1 bleeding disorders is contraindicated.

(Included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E.)... fucus vesiculosus

Gerard, John

 1545-1611. Elizabethan physician. Born at Nantwich, Cheshire. Writer of the famous herbal: “Anatomie of Plants” (1597) in which is revealed considerable scientific insight into the medicinal character of plants. Herbalist to James I. Shakespeare must have visited his garden in Holborn, subsidised by the King. Also a surgeon, becoming a Master of Chirurgy. He was one of the first to discover the ‘companionship of plants’, referring to the affinities and antipathies in the plant kingdom.

First to grow potatoes in England. His garden at Holborn, London, and now Fetter Lane, was then a village. ... gerard, john

Faculty Of Public Health

(FPH) a joint faculty of the three Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom and the standard setting body for specialists in public health in the UK. It aims to promote public health, develop the public health workforce, and act as an authoritative body offering consultation and advocacy on matters concerning public health. It assesses public health trainees and makes recommendations for inclusion on the GMC specialist register and UK voluntary register for public health professionals.

The FPH website... faculty of public health

Food Poisoning

This illness is characterised by vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, and results from eating food contaminated with metallic or chemical poisons, certain micro-organisms or microbial products. Alternatively, the foods – such as undercooked red kidney beans or ?sh of the scombroid family (mackerel and tuna) – may contain natural posions. Food poisoning caused by chemical or metallic substances usually occurs rapidly, within minutes or a few hours of eating. Among micro-organisms, bacteria are the leading cause of food poisoning, particularly Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens (formerly Cl. welchii), Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, and Escherichia coli O157.

Staphylococcal food poisoning occurs after food such as meat products, cold meats, milk, custard and egg products becomes contaminated before or after cooking, usually through incorrect handling by humans who carry S. aureus. The bacteria produce an ENTEROTOXIN which causes the symptoms of food poisoning 1–8 hours after ingestion. The toxin can withstand heat; thus, subsequent cooking of contaminated food will not prevent illness.

Heat-resistant strains of Cl. perfringens cause food poisoning associated with meat dishes, soups or gravy when dishes cooked in bulk are left unrefrigerated for long periods before consumption. The bacteria are anaerobes (see ANAEROBE) and form spores; the anaerobic conditions in these cooked foods allow the germinated spores to multiply rapidly during cooling, resulting in heavy contamination. Once ingested the bacteria produce enterotoxin in the intestine, causing symptoms within 8–24 hours.

Many di?erent types of Salmonella (about 2,000) cause food poisoning or ENTERITIS, from eight hours to three days after ingestion of food in which they have multiplied. S. brendeny, S. enteritidis, S. heidelberg, S. newport and S. thompson are among those commonly causing enteritis. Salmonella infections are common in domesticated animals such as cows, pigs and poultry whose meat and milk may be infected, although the animals may show no symptoms. Duck eggs may harbour Salmonella (usually S. typhimurium), arising from surface contamination with the bird’s faeces, and foods containing uncooked or lightly cooked hen’s eggs, such as mayonnaise, have been associated with enteritis. The incidence of human S. enteritidis infection has been increasing, by more than 15-fold in England and Wales annually, from around 1,100 a year in the early 1980s to more than 32,000 at the end of the 1990s, but has since fallen to about 10,000. A serious source of infection seems to be poultry meat and hen’s eggs.

Although Salmonella are mostly killed by heating at 60 °C for 15 minutes, contaminated food requires considerably longer cooking and, if frozen, must be completely thawed beforehand, to allow even cooking at a su?cient temperature.

Enteritis caused by Campylobacter jejuni is usually self-limiting, lasting 1–3 days. Since reporting of the disease began in 1977, in England and Wales its incidence has increased from around 1,400 cases initially to nearly 13,000 in 1982 and to over 42,000 in 2004. Outbreaks have been associated with unpasteurised milk: the main source seems to be infected poultry.

ESCHERICHIA COLI O157 was ?rst identi?ed as a cause of food poisoning in the early 1980s, but its incidence has increased sharply since, with more than 1,000 cases annually in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s. The illness can be severe, with bloody diarrhoea and life-threatening renal complications. The reservoir for this pathogen is thought to be cattle, and transmission results from consumption of raw or undercooked meat products and raw dairy products. Cross-infection of cooked meat by raw meat is a common cause of outbreaks of Escherichia coli O157 food poisoning. Water and other foods can be contaminated by manure from cattle, and person-to-person spread can occur, especially in children.

Food poisoning associated with fried or boiled rice is caused by Bacillus cereus, whose heat-resistant spores survive cooking. An enterotoxin is responsible for the symptoms, which occur 2–8 hours after ingestion and resolve after 8–24 hours.

Viruses are emerging as an increasing cause of some outbreaks of food poisoning from shell?sh (cockles, mussels and oysters).

The incidence of food poisoning in the UK rose from under 60,000 cases in 1991 to nearly 79,000 in 2004. Public health measures to control this rise include agricultural aspects of food production, implementing standards of hygiene in abattoirs, and regulating the environment and process of industrial food production, handling, transportation and storage.... food poisoning

Genetic Counselling

The procedure whereby advice is given about the risks of a genetic disorder and the various options that are open to the individual at risk. This may often involve establishing the diagnosis in the family, as this would be a prerequisite before giving any detailed advice. Risks can be calculated from simple Mendelian inheritance (see MENDELISM) in many genetic disorders. However, in many disorders with a genetic element, such as cleft lip or palate (see CLEFT PALATE), the risk of recurrence is obtained from population studies. Risks include not only the likelihood of having a child who is congenitally affected by a disorder, but also, for adults, that of being vulnerable to an adult-onset disease.

The options for individuals would include taking no action; modifying their behaviour; or taking some form of direct action. For those at risk of having an affected child, where prenatal diagnosis is available, this would involve either carrying on with reproduction regardless of risk; deciding not to have children; or deciding to go ahead to have children but opting for prenatal diagnosis. For an adult-onset disorder such as a predisposition to ovarian cancer, an individual may choose to take no action; to take preventive measures such as use of the oral contraceptive pill; to have screening of the ovaries with measures such as ultrasound; or to take direct action such as removing the ovaries to prevent ovarian cancer from occurring.

There are now regional genetics centres throughout the United Kingdom, and patients can be referred through their family doctor or specialists.... genetic counselling

Health-care Priorities

As the needs and demands of patients, and the costs of health care of populations, have risen sharply in recent years, governments and health-care providers – whether tax-funded, insurance-based, employer-provided or a mix of these – have had increasingly to face the dilemma of what services a country or a community can a?ord to provide. As a result, various techniques for deciding priorities of care and treatment are evolving. In the United Kingdom, priorities were for many years based on the decisions of individual clinicians who had wide freedom to prescribe the most appropriate care. Increasingly, this clinical freedom is being circumscribed by managerial, community and political decisions driven in part by the availability of resources and by what people want. Rationing services, however, is not popular and as yet no broadly agreed consensus has emerged, either in western Europe or in North America, as to how priorities can be decided that have broad community support and which can be a?orded. (See CLINICAL GOVERNANCE; EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE.)... health-care priorities


An institution providing treatment for sick and injured persons. This may be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis. A hospital provides investigative and therapeutic services which are not available on a domiciliary basis.

Hospitals are broadly divided into general hospitals (available in each district in the United Kingdom) and hospitals specialising in particular ailments (e.g. ophthalmology; ear, nose and throat; neurology, etc.). In addition there are teaching hospitals which have the dual function of patient care and the education of medical sta?. (See NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (NHS).)

In the UK all patients are entitled to hospital care provided by their NHS trust when referred by their GENERAL PRACTITIONER (GP) or admitted via the Accident & Emergency department. (In exceptional cases, patients with severe mental illness can be compulsorily admitted by the authorities.) Admission will depend on clinical priority, as demand commonly exceeds supply of beds in some localities. Private hospital care is available under the care of a consultant of choice, provided that the patient is covered by appropriate private medical insurance or can pay direct the substantial hospital and medical fees.

The future development of hospital medicine is controversial, but the long-term future may well see many fewer, much better equipped, highly specialised hospitals for patients requiring high-technology-based treatments. These might be backed up with a range of smaller general (or halfway) hospitals caring for patients with less demanding clinical needs who nevertheless require some bed-based care. Many more patients requiring routine specialist treatment will be treated as day patients than is the case now, and there will (or should) be much greater emphasis (with appropriate resources) on PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.

Britain is experimenting with a prototype ‘virtual hospital’. The project will target hospital patients who need to remain under the care of specialists but whose condition can be managed at home. Suitable NHS patients will be provided with monitoring equipment that enables them, for example, to read their own blood pressure, lung and heart functions, with the results transferred electronically to the o?ce of relevant specialists who will prescribe and monitor treatment.... hospital

Immune System


Age Disease and mode of administration

3 days BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) by injection if tuberculosis in family in past 6 months.

2 months Poliomyelitis (oral); adsorbed diphtheria, whooping-cough (pertussis)1 and tetanus2 (triple vaccine given by injection); HiB injection.3

3 months Poliomyelitis (oral); diphtheria, whooping-cough (pertussis)1 and tetanus2 (triple vaccine given by injection); HiB injection.3

4 months Poliomyelitis (oral); diphtheria, whooping-cough (pertussis)1 and tetanus2 (triple vaccine given by injection); HiB injection.3

12–18 months Measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles)4 (given together live by injection).


4–5 years Poliomyelitis (oral); adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus (given together by injection); give MMR vaccine if not already given at 12–18 months.

10–14 females Rubella (by injection) if they have missed MMR.

10–14 BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) by injection to tuberculin-negative children to prevent tuberculosis.

15–18 Poliomyelitis single booster dose (oral); tetanus (by injection).

1 Pertussis may be excluded in certain susceptible individuals.

2 Known as DPT or triple vaccine.

3 Haemophilus in?uenzae immunisation (type B) is being introduced to be given at same time, but di?erent limb.

4 Known as MMR vaccine. (Some parents are asking to have their infants immunised with single-constituent vaccines because of controversy over possible side-effects – yet to be con?rmed scienti?cally – of the combined MMR vaccine.)

Recommended immunisation schedules in the United Kingdom... immune system


The process by which a disease is transmitted via micro-organisms from one person to another. The micro-organism may be a bacterium (see BACTERIA), a RICKETTSIA, a VIRUS, a protozoon – single-celled animal organism – or a metazoon – multicellular animal organism. Invasion of the body by a metazoon (e.g. by an intestinal worm) is more often known as an infestation.

The skin is an important protection against micro-organisms entering the body tissues. A large measure of protection is a?orded by the factors which ensure IMMUNITY against diseases.

Modes of infection The infective material may be transmitted to the person by direct contact with a sick person, when the disease is said to be contagious, although such a distinction is purely arti?cial. Di?erent diseases are especially infectious at di?erent periods of their course. Protecting people can be di?cult, since some diseases are infectious before the patient shows any symptoms (see INCUBATION).

Infection may be conveyed on dust, in drinking-water, in food (particularly milk), in the body’s waste products and secretions, or even on clothes and linen which have been in contact with the infected individual (called fomites).

Some people who have recovered from a disease, or who have simply been in contact with an infectious case, harbour the infectious agent. This is particularly the case in typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), the bacillus continuing to develop in the gall-bladder of some people who have had the disease for years after the symptoms have disappeared. In the case of CHOLERA, which is ENDEMIC in some developing countries with hot climates, 80 per cent or more of the population may harbour the bacillus and spread infection when other circumstances favour this. Similarly in the case of DYSENTERY, people who have completely recovered may still be capable of infecting dust and drinking-water by their stools. DIPHTHERIA and meningococcal MENINGITIS, which is particularly liable to infect children, are other examples.

Flies can infect milk and other food with the organisms causing typhoid fever and food poisoning. Mosquitoes carry the infective agents of MALARIA, DENGUE and YELLOW FEVER, these undergoing part of their development in the body of the mosquito. Fleas convey the germ of plague from rats to humans, and lice are responsible for inoculating TYPHUS FEVER and one form of RELAPSING FEVER by their bite. A tick is responsible for spreading another form of relapsing fever, and kala-azar (LEISHMANIASIS) is spread by the bites of sand?ies.

Noti?able diseases Certain of the common and most serious infectious diseases are noti?able in the United Kingdom. A doctor diagnosing someone infected by a noti?able disease must inform the authorities. For the current list of noti?able infectious diseases in the UK, see the main entry for NOTIFIABLE DISEASES.

Prevention is an important aspect of the control of infectious diseases, and various steps can be taken to check the spread of such infections as dysentery, tuberculosis, malaria and others. (See also IMMUNITY; INCUBATION.)... infection

Informed Consent

Patients’ rights are a growing concern for doctors and patients. A controversial aspect of their clinical relationship is consent: doctors need signed agreement from patients before carrying out operations or procedures; before entering patients in clinical trials; and before publishing clinical details or photographs of patients for medical education in print or electronic media. Consent is said to be informed when patients are fully aware of the consequences and risks of the procedure in question. For example, doctors and other health professionals should tell patients of the complications of a treatment and the likelihood of its success. They should make sure that the patients understand the information given; patients should be given the opportunity to ask questions and, where appropriate, immediate relatives should be involved in the process. Doctors are often inclined to highlight the bene?ts of a treatment, while downplaying the risks, but the General Medical Council in the United Kingdom has shown its willingness to discipline doctors who go beyond the consent that they were given by patients.

Although the precise limits will remain dif?cult to de?ne in some settings, informed consent should be obtained from patients in accordance with guidelines from professional medical organisations. Patients or close relatives should consult the local NHS authorities or help-groups if they are dissatis?ed with their doctors’ explanations.... informed consent


The disease caused by infection with LEPTOSPIRA. The three most common members of this group in the United Kingdom are L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. cani-cola, and L. hebdomadis. It is an occupational hazard of farmers, sewage and abattoir workers, ?sh cutters and veterinary surgeons, but the infection can also be acquired from bathing in contaminated water. The disease varies in intensity from a mild in?uenza-like illness to a fatal form of JAUNDICE due to severe liver disease. The kidneys are often involved and there may be MENINGITIS. Penicillin or tetracycline are the usual treatment, but unless they are given early in the disease their e?ect is limited. The tetracycline antibiotic doxycycline (see TETRACYCLINES) given once weekly during periods of exposure prevents infection.... leptospirosis

Intestine, Diseases Of

The principal signs of trouble which has its origin in the intestine consist of pain somewhere about the abdomen, sometimes vomiting, and irregular bowel movements: constipation, diarrhoea or alternating bouts of these.


In?ammation of the outer surface is called peritonitis, a serious disease. That of the inner surface is known generally as enteritis, in?ammation of special parts receiving the names of colitis, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and in?ammatory bowel disease (IBD). Enteritis may form the chief symptom of certain infective diseases: for example in typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), cholera and dysentery. It may be acute, although not connected with any de?nite organism, when, if severe, it is a very serious condition, particularly in young children. Or it may be chronic, especially as the result of dysentery, and then constitutes a less serious if very troublesome complaint.

Perforation of the bowel may take place as the result either of injury or of disease. Stabs and other wounds which penetrate the abdomen may damage the bowel, and severe blows or crushes may tear it without any external wound. Ulceration, as in typhoid fever, or, more rarely, in TUBERCULOSIS, may cause an opening in the bowel-wall also. Again, when the bowel is greatly distended above an obstruction, faecal material may accumulate and produce ulcers, which rupture with the ordinary movements of the bowels. Whatever the cause, the symptoms are much the same.

Symptoms The contents of the bowel pass out through the perforation into the peritoneal cavity, and set up a general peritonitis. In consequence, the abdomen is painful, and after a few hours becomes extremely tender to the touch. The abdomen swells, particularly in its upper part, owing to gas having passed also into the cavity. Fever and vomiting develop and the person passes into a state of circulatory collapse or SHOCK. Such a condition may be fatal if not properly treated.

Treatment All food should be withheld and the patient given intravenous ?uids to resuscitate them and then to maintain their hydration and electrolyte balance. An operation is urgently necessary, the abdomen being opened in the middle line, the perforated portion of bowel found, the perforation stitched up, and appropriate antibiotics given.

Obstruction means a stoppage to the passage down the intestine of partially digested food. Obstruction may be acute, when it comes on suddenly with intense symptoms; or it may be chronic, when the obstructing cause gradually increases and the bowel becomes slowly more narrow until it closes altogether; or subacute, when obstruction comes and goes until it ends in an acute attack. In chronic cases the symptoms are milder in degree and more prolonged.

Causes Obstruction may be due to causes outside the bowel altogether, for example, the pressure of tumours in neighbouring organs, the twisting around the bowel of bands produced by former peritonitis, or even the twisting of a coil of intestine around itself so as to cause a kink in its wall. Chronic causes of the obstruction may exist in the wall of the bowel itself: for example, a tumour, or the contracting scar of an old ulcer. The condition of INTUSSUSCEPTION, where part of the bowel passes inside of the part beneath it, in the same way as one turns the ?nger of a glove outside in, causes obstruction and other symptoms. Bowel within a hernia may become obstructed when the hernia strangulates. Finally some body, such as a concretion, or the stone of some large fruit, or even a mass of hardened faeces, may become jammed within the bowel and stop up its passage.

Symptoms There are four chief symptoms: pain, vomiting, constipation and swelling of the abdomen.

Treatment As a rule the surgeon opens the abdomen, ?nds the obstruction and relieves it or if possible removes it altogether. It may be necessary to form a COLOSTOMY or ILEOSTOMY as a temporary or permanent measure in severe cases.

Tumours are rare in the small intestine and usually benign. They are relatively common in the large intestine and are usually cancerous. The most common site is the rectum. Cancer of the intestine is a disease of older people; it is the second most common cancer (after breast cancer) in women in the United Kingdom, and the third most common (after lung and prostate) in men. Around 25,000 cases of cancer of the large intestine occur in the UK annually, about 65 per cent of which are in the colon. A history of altered bowel habit, in the form of increasing constipation or diarrhoea, or an alternation of these, or of bleeding from the anus, in a middle-aged person is an indication for taking medical advice. If the condition is cancer, then the sooner it is investigated and treated, the better the result.... intestine, diseases of

Learning Disability

Learning disability, previously called mental handicap, is a problem of markedly low intellectual functioning. In general, people with learning disability want to be seen as themselves, to learn new skills, to choose where to live, to have good health care, to have girlfriends or boyfriends, to make decisions about their lives, and to have enough money to live on. They may live at home with their families, or in small residential units with access to work and leisure and to other people in ordinary communities. Some people with learning disabilities, however, also have a MENTAL ILLNESS. Most can be treated as outpatients, but a few need more intensive inpatient treatment, and a very small minority with disturbed behaviour need secure (i.e. locked) settings.

In the United Kingdom, the 1993 Education Act refers to ‘learning diffculties’: generalised (severe or moderate), or speci?c (e.g. DYSLEXIA, dyspraxia [or APRAXIA], language disorder). The 1991 Social Security (Disability Living Allowance) Regulations use the term ‘severely mentally impaired’ if a person suffers from a state of arrested development or incomplete physical development of the brain which results in severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning. This is distinct from the consequences of DEMENTIA. Though ‘mental handicap’ is widely used, ‘learning disability’ is preferred by the Department of Health.

There is a distinction between impairment (a biological de?cit), disability (the functional consequence) and handicap (the social consequence).

People with profound learning disability are usually unable to communicate adequately and may be seriously movement-impaired. They are totally dependent on others for care and mobility. Those with moderate disability may achieve basic functional literacy (recognition of name, common signs) and numeracy (some understanding of money) but most have a life-long dependency for aspects of self-care (some fastenings for clothes, preparation of meals, menstrual hygiene, shaving) and need supervision for outdoor mobility.

Children with moderate learning disability develop at between half and three-quarters of the normal rate, and reach the standard of an average child of 8–11 years. They become independent for self-care and public transport unless they have associated disabilities. Most are capable of supervised or sheltered employment. Living independently and raising a family may be possible.

Occurrence Profound learning disability affects about 1 in 1,000; severe learning disability 3 in 1,000; and moderate learning disability requiring special service, 1 per cent. With improved health care, survival of people with profound or severe learning disability is increasing.

Causation Many children with profound or severe learning disability have a diagnosable biological brain disorder. Forty per cent have a chromosome disorder – see CHROMOSOMES (three quarters of whom have DOWN’S (DOWN) SYNDROME); a further 15 per cent have other genetic causes, brain malformations or recognisable syndromes. About 10 per cent suffered brain damage during pregnancy (e.g. from CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) infection) or from lack of oxygen during labour or delivery. A similar proportion suffer postnatal brain damage from head injury – accidental or otherwise – near-miss cot death or drowning, cardiac arrest, brain infection (ENCEPHALITIS or MENINGITIS), or in association with severe seizure disorders.

Explanations for moderate learning disability include Fragile X or other chromosome abnormalities in a tenth, neuro?bromatosis (see VON RECKLINGHAUSEN’S DISEASE), fetal alcohol syndrome and other causes of intra-uterine growth retardation. Genetic counselling should be considered for children with learning disability. Prenatal diagnosis is sometimes possible. In many children, especially those with mild or moderate disability, no known cause may be found.

Medical complications EPILEPSY affects 1 in 20 with moderate, 1 in 3 with severe and 2 in 3 with profound learning disability, although only 1 in 50 with Down’s syndrome is affected. One in 5 with severe or profound learning disability has CEREBRAL PALSY.

Psychological and psychiatric needs Over half of those with profound or severe – and many with moderate – learning disability show psychiatric or behavioural problems, especially in early years or adolescence. Symptoms may be atypical and hard to assess. Psychiatric disorders include autistic behaviour (see AUTISM) and SCHIZOPHRENIA. Emotional problems include anxiety, dependence and depression. Behavioural problems include tantrums, hyperactivity, self-injury, passivity, masturbation in public, and resistance to being shaved or helped with menstrual hygiene. There is greater vulnerability to abuse with its behavioural consequences.

Respite and care needs Respite care is arranged with link families for children or sta?ed family homes for adults where possible. Responsibility for care lies with social services departments which can advise also about bene?ts.

Education Special educational needs should be met in the least restrictive environment available to allow access to the national curriculum with appropriate modi?cation and support. For older children with learning disability, and for young children with severe or profound learning disability, this may be in a special day or boarding school. Other children can be provided for in mainstream schools with extra classroom support. The 1993 Education Act lays down stages of assessment and support up to a written statement of special educational needs with annual reviews.

Pupils with learning disability are entitled to remain at school until the age of 19, and most with severe or profound learning disability do so. Usually those with moderate learning disability move to further education after the age of 16.

Advice is available from the Mental Health Foundation, the British Institute of Learning Disabilities, MENCAP (Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults), and ENABLE (Scottish Society for the Mentally Handicapped).... learning disability


Leukaemia is an umbrella term for several malignant disorders of white blood cells in which they proliferate in a disorganised manner. The disease is also characterised by enlargement of the SPLEEN, changes in the BONE MARROW, and by enlargement of the LYMPH glands all over the body. The condition may be either acute or chronic.

According to the type of cells that predominate, leukaemia may be classi?ed as acute or chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia or myeloid leukaemia. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is mostly a disease of childhood and is rare after the age of 25. Acute myeloid leukaemia is most common in children and young adults, but may occur at any age. Chronic lymphatic leukaemia occurs at any age between 35 and 80, most commonly in the 60s, and is twice as common in men as in women. Chronic myeloid leukaemia is rare before the age of 25, and most common between the ages of 30 and 65; men and women are equally affected. Around 2,500 patients with acute leukaemia are diagnosed in the United Kingdom, with a similar number annually diagnosed with chronic leukaemia.

Cause Both types of acute leukaemia seem to arise from a MUTATION in a single white cell. The genetically changed cell then goes through an uncontrolled succession of divisions resulting in many millions of abnormal white cells in the blood, bone marrow and other tissues. Possible causes are virus infection, chemical exposure, radiation and genetic background. The cause of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is not known; the chronic myeloid version may have a genetic background.

Symptoms In acute cases the patient is pale due to anaemia, may have a purpuric rash due to lack of platelets, and may have enlarged lymphatic glands and spleen. The temperature is raised, and the condition may be mistaken for an acute infection (or may ?rst become apparent because the patient develops a severe infection due to a lack of normal white blood cells).

In the chronic type of the disease the onset is gradual, and the ?rst symptoms which occasion discomfort are either swelling of the abdomen and shortness of breath, due to painless enlargement of the spleen; or the enlargement of glands in the neck, armpits and elsewhere; or the pallor, palpitation, and other symptoms of anaemia which often accompany leukaemia. Occasional bleeding from the nose, stomach, gums or bowels may occur, and may be severe. Generally, there is a slight fever.

When the blood is examined microscopically, not only is there an enormous increase in the number of white cells, which may be multiplied 30- or 60-fold, but various immature forms are also found. In the lymphatic form of the disease, most white cells resemble lymphocytes, which, in healthy blood, are present only in small numbers. In the myeloid form, myelocytes, or large immature cells from the bone marrow, which are never present in healthy blood, appear in large numbers, and there may also be large numbers of immature, nucleated erythrocytes.

Treatment This varies according to the type of leukaemia and to the particular condition of the patient. Excellent results are being obtained in the control of ALL using blood transfusions, CHEMOTHERAPY, RADIOTHERAPY and bone-marrow TRANSPLANTATION. In the case of acute leukaemia, the drugs now being used include MERCAPTOPURINE, METHOTREXATE and CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE. Blood transfusion and CORTICOSTEROIDS play an important part in controlling the condition during the period before a response to chemotherapy can be expected. Chemotherapy has almost completely replaced radiotherapy in the treatment of chronic leukaemia. For the myeloid form, BUSULFAN is the most widely used drug, replaced by hydroxyurea, mercaptopurine, or one of the nitrogen mustard (see NITROGEN MUSTARDS) derivatives in the later stages of the disease. For the lymphatic form, the drugs used are CHLORAMBUCIL, CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE, and the nitrogen mustard derivatives.

Prognosis Although there is still no guaranteed cure, the outlook in both acute and chronic leukaemia has greatly improved – particularly for the acute form of the disease. Between 70 and 80 per cent of children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia may be cured; between 20 and 50 per cent of those with acute myeloid leukaemia now have much-improved survival rates. Prognosis of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is often good, depending on early diagnosis.... leukaemia


Lobelia inflata. N.O. Campanulaceae.

Synonym: Indian Tobacco, Pukeweed, Emetic Weed.

Habitat: North America ; cultivated in Salt Lake City.

Features ? A biennial herb, in height from twelve to eighteen inches, the stem is angular and slightly hairy. One to three inches long, the leaves are alternate, sessile, and ovate-lanceolate, with small, whitish glands on the edge. The fruit is in the form of a flat, oval capsule, which contains ovate-oblong seeds about one eighth of an inch long, brown in colour, with a reticulated, pitted surface. The root is fibrous, and the plant bears a small blue, pointed flower. The taste is burning and acrid like tobacco, the odour slight. Part used ? Herb and seeds are used.

Action: Emetic, stimulant, antispasmodic, expectorant, and diaphoretic.

Lobelia inflata has for many years been one of the most widely discussed and hotly debated articles used in medicine. While many herbalists contend that it is the most valuable of all botanic remedies, official medicine in England classifies it as a poison. Herbalists who use Lobelia insist that it is most certainly not a poison, and that it can be administered by them in large doses with perfect safety. They use it chiefly as an emetic, and, as its administration brings about the prompt removal of accumulations of mucus, the action in bronchial complaints is speedy and beneficial. Coffin's comments in this connection are enthusiastic ? "Lobelia is decidedly the most certain and efficient emetic known, and is at the same time safe in its operations. Unlike most emetics from the mineral kingdom, it produces its specific effect without corroding the stomach or producing morbid irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of this organ, which are so common in the use of antimony, zinc, and the sulphate of copper. Lobelia may emphatically be said to 'operate in unison with the laws of life'."

In view of the controversy surrounding its use, the history of Lobelia is interesting. North American Indians had apparently long been acquainted

with its properties, but its first introduction to general use was due to the efforts of the famous American, Samuel Thomson. His disciple, Dr. Coffin, brought the herb to this country and used it extensively in his practice for over forty years, apparently with great success "in almost every form of disease, and from the tender infant to the aged," to quote Coffin himself. In both America and Britain herbalists have been tried on charges of causing death by administering Lobelia, but in no instance has a verdict been obtained against them.... lobelia

Liver, Diseases Of

The LIVER may be extensively diseased without any obviously serious symptoms, unless the circulation through it is impeded, the out?ow of BILE checked, or neighbouring organs implicated. JAUNDICE is a symptom of several liver disorders, and is discussed under its separate heading. ASCITES, which may be caused by interference with the circulation through the portal vein of the liver, as well as by other reasons, is also considered separately. The presence of gallstones is a complication of some diseases connected with the liver, and is treated under GALLBLADDER, DISEASES OF. For hydatid cyst of the liver, see TAENIASIS. Liver diseases in a tropical environment are dealt with later in this section.

In?ammation of the liver, or HEPATITIS, may occur as part of a generalised infection or may be a localised condition. Infectious hepatitis, which is the result of infection with a virus, is one of the most common forms. Many di?erent viruses can cause hepatitis, including that responsible for glandular fever (see MONONUCLEOSIS). Certain spirochaetes may also be the cause, particularly that responsible for LEPTOSPIROSIS, as can many drugs. Hepatitis may also occur if there is obstruction of the BILE DUCT, as by a gall-stone.

Cirrhosis of the liver A disorder caused by chronic damage to liver cells. The liver develops areas of ?brosis or scarring; in response, the remaining normal liver cells increase and form regeneration nodules. Those islands of normality, however, suffer from inadequate blood supply, thus adversely affecting liver function. Alcohol is the most common cause of cirrhosis in the United Kingdom and the USA, and the incidence of the disorder among women in the UK has recently risen sharply as a consequence of greater consumption of alcohol by young women in the latter decades of the 20th century. In Africa and many parts of Asia, infection with hepatitis B virus is a common cause. Certain drugs – for example, PARACETAMOL – may damage the liver if taken in excess. Unusual causes of cirrhosis include defects of the bile ducts, HAEMOCHROMATOSIS (raised iron absorption from the gut), CYSTIC FIBROSIS, cardiac cirrhosis (the result of heart failure causing circulatory congestion in the liver), and WILSON’S DISEASE (raised copper absorption).

Symptoms Some people with cirrhosis have no signs or symptoms and the disease may be diagnosed at a routine medical examination. Others may develop jaundice, OEDEMA (including ascites – ?uid in the abdomen), fever, confusion, HAEMATEMESIS (vomiting blood), loss of appetite and lethargy. On examination, cirrhotic patients often have an enlarged liver and/ or SPLEEN, and HYPERTENSION. Liver function tests, cholangiography (X-ray examination of the bile ducts) and biopsy of liver tissue will help to reach a diagnosis.

Treatment Nothing can be done to repair a cirrhosed organ, but the cause, if known, must be removed and further advance of the process thus prevented. In the case of the liver, a high-protein, high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet is given, supplemented by liver extract and vitamins B and K. The consumption of alcohol should be banned. In patients with liver failure and a poor prognosis, liver TRANSPLANTATION is worthwhile but only after careful consideration.

Abscess of the liver When an ABSCESS develops in the liver, it is usually a result of amoebic DYSENTERY, appearing sometimes late in the disease – even after the diarrhoea is cured (see below). It may also follow upon in?ammation of the liver due to other causes. In the case of an amoebic abscess, treatment consists of oral metronidazole.

Acute hepatic necrosis is a destructive and often fatal disease of the liver which is very rare. It may be due to chemical poisons, such as carbontetrachloride, chloroform, phosphorus and industrial solvents derived from benzene. It may also be the cause of death in cases of poisoning with fungi. Very occasionally, it may be a complication of acute infectious hepatitis.

Cancer of the liver is not uncommon, although it is rare for the disease to begin in the liver – the involvement of this organ being usually secondary to disease situated somewhere in the stomach or bowels. Cancer originating in the liver is more common in Asia and Africa. It usually arises in a ?brotic (or cirrhotic) liver and in carriers of the hepatitis B virus. There is great emaciation, which increases as the disease progresses. The liver is much enlarged, and its margin and surface are rough, being studded with hard cancer masses of varying size, which can often be felt through the abdominal wall. Pain may be present. Jaundice and oedema often appear.... liver, diseases of


An American term implying improper or inadequate medical treatment that fails to match the standards of skill and care reasonably expected from a quali?ed health-care practitioner – usually a doctor or dentist. Litigation against health professionals for malpractice has been running at substantial levels in the USA for some years. During the past decade the number of cases has been rising sharply in the United Kingdom, where the more usual term is ‘clinical negligence’. The increase is assumed to be partly because of failings in the NHS, and partly because patients have more understanding of health care, accompanied by higher expectations of treatment outcomes.

Patients concerned that they or their relatives might have been subject to negligence which has caused harm should consult a solicitor experienced in the ?eld of clinical negligence. malpractice


A parasitic disease caused by four species of PLASMODIUM: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. Clinically, malaria is characterised by recurrent episodes of high fever, sometimes associated with RIGOR; enlargement of the SPLEEN is common. P. falciparum infection can also be associated with several serious – often fatal – complications (see below): although other species cause chronic disease, death is unusual.

During a bite by the female mosquito, one or more sporozoites – a stage in the life-cycle of the parasite – are injected into the human circulation; these are taken up by the hepatocytes (liver cells). Following division, merozoites (minute particles resulting from the division) are liberated into the bloodstream where they invade red blood cells. These in turn divide, releasing further merozoites. As merozoites are periodically liberated into the bloodstream, they cause the characteristic fevers, rigors, etc.

Malaria occurs in many tropical and subtropical countries; P. falciparum is, however, con?ned very largely to Africa, Asia and South America. Malaria is present in increasingly large areas; in addition, the parasites are developing resistance to various preventative and treatment drugs. The disease constitutes a signi?cant problem for travellers, who must obtain sound advice on chemoprophylaxis before embarking on tropical trips – especially to a rural area where intense transmission can occur. Transmission has also been recorded at airports, and following blood transfusion.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has listed malaria as one of Europe’s top ten infectious diseases. In 1992, 20,000 cases were reported: this had risen to more than 200,000 by the late 1990s. The resurgence of malaria has been worldwide, in part the result of the development of resistant strains of the disease, and in part because many countries have failed (or been unable) to implement environmental measures to eliminate mosquitoes. Nearly 40 years ago the WHO forecast that by 1980 only four million people would be affected worldwide; now, at the beginning of the 21st century, around 500 million people a year are contracting malaria with about 3,000 people a day dying from the infection – as many as 70 per cent of them children under the age of ?ve, according to WHO ?gures. The apparently steady advance of global warming means that countries with temperate climates may well warm up su?ciently to enable malaria to become established as an ENDEMIC disease. In any case, the great increase in international air travel has exposed many more people to the risk of malaria, and infected individuals may not exhibit symptoms until they are back home. Doctors seeing a recent traveller with unexplained pyrexia and illness should consider the possibility of malarial infection.

Diagnosis is by demonstration of trophozoites – a stage in the parasite’s life-cycle that takes place in red blood cells – in thick/thin blood-?lms of peripheral blood. Serological tests are of value in deciding whether an individual has had a past infection, but are of no value in acute disease.

P. vivax and P. ovale infections cause less severe disease than P. falciparum (see below), although overall there are many clinical similarities; acute complications are unusual, but chronic ANAEMIA is often present. Primaquine is necessary to eliminate the exoerythrocytic cycle in the hepatocyte (liver cell).

P. falciparum Complications of P. falciparum infection include cerebral involvement (see BRAIN – Cerebrum), due to adhesion of immature trophozoites on to the cerebral vascular endothelium; these lead to a high death rate when inadequately treated. Renal involvement (frequently resulting from HAEMOGLOBINURIA), PULMONARY OEDEMA, HYPOTENSION, HYPOGLYCAEMIA, and complications in pregnancy are also important. In complicated disease, HAEMODIALYSIS and exchange TRANSFUSION have been used. No adequate controlled trial using the latter regimen has been carried out, however, and possible bene?ts must be weighed against numerous potential side-effects – for instance, the introduction of a wide range of infections, overload of the circulatory system with infused ?uids, and other complications.

P. malariae usually produces a chronic infection, and chronic renal disease (nephrotic syndrome) is an occasional sequel, especially in tropical Africa.

Gross SPLENOMEGALY (hyper-reactive malarious splenomegaly, or tropical splenomegaly syndrome) can complicate all four human Plasmodium spp. infections. The syndrome responds to long-term malarial chemoprophylaxis. BURKITT’S LYMPHOMA is found in geographical areas where malaria infection is endemic; the EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS is aetiologically involved.

Prophylaxis Malaria specialists in the United Kingdom have produced guidance for residents travelling to endemic areas for short stays. Drug choice takes account of:

risk of exposure to malaria;

extent of drug resistance;

e?cacy of recommended drugs and their side-effects;

criteria relevant to the individual (e.g. age, pregnancy, kidney or liver impairment). Personal protection against being bitten by

mosquitoes is essential. Permethrinimpregnated nets are an e?ective barrier, while skin barrier protection and vaporised insecticides are helpful. Lotions, sprays or roll-on applicators all containing diethyltoluamide (DEET) are safe and work when put on the skin. Their e?ect, however, lasts only for a few hours. Long sleeves and trousers should be worn after dark.

Drug prophylaxis should be started at least a week before travelling into countries where malaria is endemic (two or three weeks in the case of me?oquine). Drug treatment should be continued for at least four weeks after leaving endemic areas. Even if all recommended antimalarial programmes are followed, it is possible that malaria may occur any time up to three months afterwards. Medical advice should be sought if any illness develops. Chloroquine can be used as a prophylactic drug where the risk of resistant falciparum malaria is low; otherwise, me?oquine or proguanil hydrochloride should be used. Travellers to malaria-infested areas should seek expert advice on appropriate prophylactic treatment well before departing.

Treatment Various chemoprophylactic regimes are widely used. Those commmonly prescribed include: chloroquine + paludrine, me?oquine, and Maloprim (trimethoprim + dapsone); Fansidar (trimethoprim + sulphamethoxazole) has been shown to have signi?cant side-effects, especially when used in conjunction with chloroquine, and is now rarely used. No chemotherapeutic regimen is totally e?ective, so other preventive measures are again being used. These include people avoiding mosquito bites, covering exposed areas of the body between dusk and dawn, and using mosquito repellents.

Chemotherapy was for many years dominated by the synthetic agent chloroquine. However, with the widespread emergence of chloroquine-resistance, quinine is again being widely used. It is given intravenously in severe infections; the oral route is used subsequently and in minor cases. Other agents currently in use include me?oquine, halofantrine, doxycycline, and the artemesinin alkaloids (‘qinghaosu’).

Researchers are working on vaccines against malaria.... malaria


The special technique whereby X-rays are used to show the structure of the breast or any abnormalities in it (see BREASTS; BREASTS, DISEASES OF). It is an e?ective way of distinguishing benign from malignant tumours, and can detect tumours that are not palpable. In a multi-centre study in the USA, called the Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project and involving nearly 300,000 women in the 40–49 age group, 35 per cent of the tumours found were detected by mammography alone, 13 per cent by physical examination, and 50 per cent by both methods combined. The optimum frequency of screening is debatable: the American College of Radiologists recommends a baseline mammogram at the age of 40 years, with subsequent mammography at one- to two-year intervals up to the age of 50; thereafter, annual mammography is recommended. In the United Kingdom a less intensive screening programme is in place, with women over 50 being screened every three years. As breast cancer is the commonest malignancy in western women and is increasing in frequency, the importance of screening for this form of cancer is obvious.... mammography

Managed Health Care

This process aims to reduce the costs of health care while maintaining its quality. The concept originated in the United States but has attracted interest in the United Kingdom and Europe, where the spiralling costs of health care have been causing widespread concern. Managed care works through changing clinical practice, but it is not a discrete entity: the American I. J. Iglehart has de?ned it as ‘a variety of methods of ?nancing and organising the delivery of comprehensive health care in which an attempt is made to control costs by controlling the provision of services’. Managed care has three facets: health policy; how that policy is managed; and how individuals needing health care are dealt with. The process and its applications are still evolving and it is likely that di?erent health-care systems will adapt it to suit their own particular circumstances.... managed health care

Medical Research Council

A statutory body in the United Kingdom that promotes the balanced development of medical and related biological research and aims to advance knowledge that will lead to improved health care. It employs its own research sta? in more than 40 research establishments. These include the National Institute for Medical Research, the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, and the Clinical Sciences Centre. Grants are provided so that individual scientists can do research which complements the research activities of hospitals and universities. There are several medical charities and foundations – for example, the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, the British Heart Foundation, the Nu?eld Laboratories and the Wellcome Trust which fund and foster medical research.... medical research council

Occupational Therapy

The treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions through speci?c selected activities in order to help people reach their maximum level of function and independence in all aspects of daily life.

Occupational therapists work from hospital and community bases. They do much more than keep patients occupied with diverting hobbies. The arts and crafts still have a place in modern therapy techniques, but these now also include household chores, industrial work, communication techniques, social activities, sports and educational programmes. An occupational therapy department may have facilities for woodwork, metalwork, printing, gardening, cooking, art and drama. Occupational therapists will use any combination of activities to strengthen muscles, increase movement and restore coordination and balance. With mentally ill people, similar activies are used. They help provide order, comfort and support and aim to build up self-con?dence. Occupational therapists plan courses of treatment which are individually tailored to the needs of the patient. The aim is to help the patient practise all the activites involved in daily life. (See REHABILITATION.)

The therapists are part of a team including doctors, nurses, social workers, home helps, housing o?cers, physiotherapists, speech therapists and psychologists. Occupational therapists are mainly employed by the National Health Service and by local-authority social services, and they work in hospitals, special centres and in the handicapped person’s own home. State registration is essential for employment as an occupational therapist. There are 15 occupational therapy schools in the United Kingdom where the course leading to the diploma of the College of Occupational Therapists can be followed. The course lasts three academic years. (See also APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS.)... occupational therapy

Medical Education

This term is used to de?ne the process of learning and knowledge-acquisition in the study of medicine. It also encompasses the expertise required to develop education and training for students and learners in all aspects of medical health care. Studies for undergraduate students, postgraduate students and individual health-care practitioners, from the initial stages to the ongoing development of a career in medicine or associated health ?elds, are also included in medical education. The word ‘pedagogy’ is sometimes applied to this process.

A range of research investigations has developed within medical education. These apply to course monitoring, audit, development and validation, assessment methodologies and the application of educationally appropriate principles at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Research is undertaken by medical educationalists whose backgrounds include teaching, social sciences and medicine and related health-care specialties, and who will hold a medical or general educational diploma, degree or other appropriate postgraduate quali?cation.

Development and validation for all courses are an important part of continuing accreditation processes. The relatively conservative courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including diplomas and postgraduate quali?cations awarded by the specialist medical royal colleges (responsible for standards of specialist education) and universities, have undergone a range of reassessment and rede?nition driven by the changing needs of the individual practitioner in the last decade. The stimuli to change aspects of medical training have come from the government through the former Chief Medical O?cer, Sir Kenneth Calman, and the introduction of new approaches to specialist training (the Calman programme), from the GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL (GMC) and its document Tomorrow’s Doctors, as well as from the profession itself through the activities of the British Medical Association and the medical royal colleges. The evolving expectations of the public in their perception of the requirements of a doctor, and changes in education of other groups of health professionals, have also led to pressures for changes.

Consequently, many new departments and units devoted to medical education within university medical schools, royal colleges and elsewhere within higher education have been established. These developments have built upon practice developed elsewhere in the world, particularly in North America, Australia and some European countries. Undergraduate education has seen application of new educational methods, including Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester; clinical and communications skills teaching; early patient contact; and the extensive adoption of Internet (World Wide Web) support and Computer-Aided Learning (CAL). In postgraduate education – driven by European directives and practices, changes in specialist training and the needs of community medicine – new courses have developed around the membership and fellowship examinations for the royal colleges. Examples of these changes driven by medical education expertise include the STEP course for the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and distance-learning courses for diplomas in primary care and rheumatology, as well as examples of good practice as adopted by the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Medical Education (CME) are also important aspects of medical education now being developed in the United Kingdom, and are evolving to meet the needs of individuals at all stages of their careers.

Bodies closely involved in medical educational developments and their review include the General Medical Council, SCOPME (the Standing Committee on Postgraduate Medical Education), all the medical royal colleges and medical schools, and the British Medical Association through its Board of Medical Education. The National Health Service (NHS) is also involved in education and is a key to facilitation of CPD/CME as the major employer of doctors within the United Kingdom.

Several learned societies embrace medical education at all levels. These include ASME (the Association for the Study of Medical Education), MADEN (the Medical and Dental Education Network) and AMEE (the Association for Medical Education in Europe). Specialist journals are devoted to research reports relating to medical educational developments

(e.g. Academic Medicine, Health Care Education, Medical Education). The more general medical journals (e.g. British Medical Journal, New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons) also carry articles on educational matters. Finally, the World Wide Web (WWW) is a valuable source of information relating to courses and course development and other aspects of modern medical education.

The UK government, which controls the number of students entering medical training, has recently increased the quota to take account of increasing demands for trained sta? from the NHS. More than 5,700 students – 3,300 women and 2,400 men – are now entering UK medical schools annually with nearly 28,600 at medical school in any one year, and an attrition rate of about 8–10 per cent. This loss may in part be due to the changes in university-funding arrangements. Students now pay all or part of their tuition fees, and this can result in medical graduates owing several thousand pounds when they qualify at the end of their ?ve-year basic quali?cation course. Doctors wishing to specialise need to do up to ?ve years (sometimes more) of salaried ‘hands-on’ training in house or registrar (intern) posts.

Though it may be a commonly held belief that most students enter medicine for humanitarian reasons rather than for the ?nancial rewards of a successful medical career, in developed nations the prospect of status and rewards is probably one incentive. However, the cost to students of medical education along with the widespread publicity in Britain about an under-resourced, seriously overstretched health service, with sta? working long hours and dealing with a rising number of disgruntled patients, may be affecting recruitment, since the number of applicants for medical school has dropped in the past year or so. Although there is still competition for places, planners need to bear this falling trend in mind.

Another factor to be considered for the future is the nature of the medical curriculum. In Britain and western Europe, the age structure of a probably declining population will become top-heavy with senior citizens. In the ?nancial interests of the countries affected, and in the personal interests of an ageing population, it would seem sensible to raise the pro?le of preventive medicine – traditionally rather a Cinderella subject – in medical education, thus enabling people to live healthier as well as longer lives. While learning about treatments is essential, the increasing specialisation and subspecialisation of medicine in order to provide expensive, high-technology care to a population, many of whom are suffering from preventable illnesses originating in part from self-indulgent lifestyles, seems insupportable economically, unsatisfactory for patients awaiting treatment, and not necessarily professionally ful?lling for health-care sta?. To change the mix of medical education would be a di?cult long-term task but should be worthwhile for providers and recipients of medical care.... medical education

Medicine Of Ageing

Diseases developing during a person’s lifetime may be the result of his or her lifestyle, environment, genetic factors and natural AGEING factors.

Lifestyle While this may change as people grow older – for instance, physical activity is commonly reduced – some lifestyle factors are unchanged: for example, cigarette smoking, commonly started in adolescence, may be continued as an adult, resulting in smoker’s cough and eventually chronic BRONCHITIS and EMPHYSEMA; widespread ATHEROSCLEROSIS causing heart attacks and STROKE; osteoporosis (see BONE, DISORDERS OF) producing bony fractures; and cancer affecting the lungs and bladder.

Genetic factors can cause sickle cell disease (see ANAEMIA), HUNTINGTON’S CHOREA and polycystic disease of the kidney.

Ageing process This is associated with the MENOPAUSE in women and, in both sexes, with a reduction in the body’s tissue elasticity and often a deterioration in mental and physical capabilities. When compared with illnesses described in much younger people, similar illnesses in old age present in an atypical manner

– for example, confusion and changed behaviour due to otherwise asymptomatic heart failure, causing a reduced supply of oxygen to the brain. Social adversity in old age may result from the combined effects of reduced body reserve, atypical presentation of illness, multiple disorders and POLYPHARMACY.

Age-related change in the presentation of illnesses This was ?rst recognised by the specialty of geriatric medicine (also called the medicine of ageing) which is concerned with the medical and social management of advanced age. The aim is to assess, treat and rehabilitate such patients. The number of institutional beds has been steadily cut, while availability of day-treatment centres and respite facilities has been boosted – although still inadequate to cope with the growing number of people over 65.

These developments, along with day social centres, provide relatives and carers with a break from the often demanding task of looking after the frail or ill elderly. As the proportion of elderly people in the population rises, along with the cost of hospital inpatient care, close cooperation between hospitals, COMMUNITY CARE services and primary care trusts (see under GENERAL PRACTITIONER (GP)) becomes increasingly important if senior citizens are not to suffer from the consequences of the tight operating budgets of the various medical and social agencies with responsibilities for the care of the elderly. Private or voluntary nursing and residential homes have expanded in the past 15 years and now care for many elderly people who previously would have been occupying NHS facilities. This trend has been accelerated by a tightening of the bene?t rules for funding such care. Local authorities are now responsible for assessing the needs of elderly people in the community and deciding whether they are eligible for ?nancial support (in full or in part) for nursing-home care.

With a substantial proportion of hospital inpatients in the United Kingdom being over 60, it is sometimes argued that all health professionals should be skilled in the care of the elderly; thus the need for doctors and nurses trained in the specialty of geriatrics is diminishing. Even so, as more people are reaching their 80s, there seems to be a reasonable case for training sta? in the type of care these individuals need and to facilitate research into illness at this stage of life.... medicine of ageing

Oesophagus, Diseases Of

Oesophagitis is in?ammation of the OESOPHAGUS and may be due to swallowing a corrosive chemical (corrosive oesophagitis) or because the muscles of the lower part of the oesophagus do not work properly (ACHALASIA), allowing the stomach’s acidic contents to regurgitate (re?ux oesophagitis). HIATUS HERNIA is sometimes associated with the latter condition. Diagnosis can be made by ENDOSCOPY of the oesophagus and/or an X-ray examination using a barium swallow. Treatment of re?ux oesophagitis is by an appropriate diet and weight loss. Stricture of the oesophagus can result from swallowing a corrosive ?uid and may produce severe narrowing. Such strictures may sometimes be dilated by the use of suitable instruments; otherwise, surgery may be necessary.

A still more serious and frequent cause of oesophageal stricture is that due to cancer, which may occur at any part, but is most common at the lower end, near the entrance into the stomach. The chief symptoms of this condition are increasing di?culty in swallowing, increasing debility, together with enlargement of the glands in the neck. The condition usually occurs in middle age or beyond and around 5,000 people are diagnosed with such cancer every year in the United Kingdom. In many cases treatment can only be palliative, but recent advances in surgery are producing promising results. In some cases treatment with irradiation or anti-cancer drugs produces relief, if not cure. In those in whom neither operation nor radiation can be performed, life may be prolonged and freedom from pain obtained by ?uid food which is either swallowed or passed down a tube. In cases of achalasia (see above), the passage of a special bougie down the oesophagus to dilate the sphincter may be e?ective.

Strictures of the oesophagus may also be produced by the pressure of tumours or aneurysms within the cavity of the chest but external to the gullet.

Finally, di?culty in swallowing sometimes occurs in certain serious nervous diseases from paralysis affecting the nerves supplying the muscular coats of the PHARYNX, which thus loses its propulsive power (bulbar paralysis).

Foreign bodies which lodge in the respiratory part of the throat – i.e. at the entrance to, or in the cavity of, the larynx – set up immediate symptoms of CHOKING. Those which lodge in the gullet, on the contrary, do not usually set up any immediately serious symptoms, although their presence causes considerable discomfort. Medical attention is usually required.... oesophagus, diseases of


In?ammation affecting the membranes of the BRAIN or SPINAL CORD, or usually both. Meningitis may be caused by BACTERIA, viruses (see VIRUS), fungi, malignant cells or blood (after SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGE). The term is, however, usually restricted to in?ammation due to a bacterium or virus. Viral meningitis is normally a mild, self-limiting infection of a few days’ duration; it is the most common cause of meningitis but usually results in complete recovery and requires no speci?c treatment. Usually a less serious infection than the bacterial variety, it does, however, rarely cause associated ENCEPHALITIS, which is a potentially dangerous illness. A range of viruses can cause meningitis, including: ENTEROVIRUSES; those causing MUMPS, INFLUENZA and HERPES SIMPLEX; and HIV.

Bacterial meningitis is life-threatening: in the United Kingdom, 5–10 per cent of children who contract the disease may die. Most cases of acute bacterial meningitis in the UK are caused by two bacteria: Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus); other bacteria include Haemophilus in?uenzae (a common cause until virtually wiped out by immunisation), Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (see TUBERCULOSIS), Treponema pallidum (see SYPHILIS) and Staphylococci spp. Of the bacterial infections, meningococcal group B is the type that causes a large number of cases in the UK, while group A is less common.

Bacterial meningitis may occur by spread from nearby infected foci such as the nasopharynx, middle ear, mastoid and sinuses (see EAR, DISEASES OF). Direct infection may be the result of penetrating injuries of the skull from accidents or gunshot wounds. Meningitis may also be a complication of neurosurgery despite careful aseptic precautions. Immuno-compromised patients – those with AIDS or on CYTOTOXIC drugs – are vulnerable to infections.

Spread to contacts may occur in schools and similar communities. Many people harbour the meningococcus without developing meningitis. In recent years small clusters of cases, mainly in schoolchildren and young people at college, have occurred in Britain.

Symptoms include malaise accompanied by fever, severe headache, PHOTOPHOBIA, vomiting, irritability, rigors, drowsiness and neurological disturbances. Neck sti?ness and a positive KERNIG’S SIGN appearing within a few hours of infection are key diagnostic signs. Meningococcal and pneumococcal meningitis may co-exist with SEPTICAEMIA, a much more serious condition in terms of death rate or organ damage and which constitutes a grave emergency demanding rapid treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment are urgent and, if bacterial meningitis is suspected, antibiotic treatment should be started even before laboratory con?rmation of the infection. Analysis of the CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) by means of a LUMBAR PUNCTURE is an essential step in diagnosis, except in patients for whom the test would be dangerous as they have signs of raised intracranial pressure. The CSF is clear or turbid in viral meningitis, turbid or viscous in tuberculous infection and turbulent or purulent when meningococci or staphylococci are the infective agents. Cell counts and biochemical make-up of the CSF are other diagnostic pointers. Serological tests are done to identify possible syphilitic infection, which is now rare in Britain.

Patients with suspected meningitis should be admitted to hospital quickly. General pracitioners are encouraged to give a dose of intramuscular penicillin before sending the child to hospital. Treatment in hospital is usually with a cephalosporin, such as ceftazidime or ceftriaxone. Once the sensitivity of the organism is known as a result of laboratory studies on CSF and blood, this may be changed to penicillin or, in the case of H. in?uenzae, to amoxicillin. Local infections such as SINUSITIS or middle-ear infection require treatment, and appropriate surgery for skull fractures or meningeal tears should be carried out as necessary. Tuberculous meningitis is treated for at least nine months with anti-tuberculous drugs (see TUBERCULOSIS). If bacterial meningitis causes CONVULSIONS, these can be controlled with diazepam (see TRANQUILLISERS; BENZODIAZEPINES) and ANALGESICS will be required for the severe headache.

Coexisting septicaemia may require full intensive care with close attention to intravenous ?uid and electrolyte balance, control of blood clotting and blood pressure.

Treatment of close contacts such as family, school friends, medical and nursing sta? is recommended if the patient has H. in?uenzae or N. meningitidis: RIFAMPICIN provides e?ective prophylaxis. Contacts of patients with pneumococcal infection do not need preventive treatment. Vaccines for meningococcal meningitis may be given to family members in small epidemics and to any contacts who are especially at risk such as infants, the elderly and immuno-compromised individuals.

The outlook for a patient with bacterial meningitis depends upon age – the young and old are vulnerable; speed of onset – sudden onset worsens the prognosis; and how quickly treatment is started – hence the urgency of diagnosis and admission to hospital. Recent research has shown that children who suffer meningitis in their ?rst year of life are ten times more likely to develop moderate or severe disability by the age of ?ve than contemporaries who have not been infected. (See British Medical Journal, 8 September 2001, page 523.)

Prevention One type of bacterial meningitis, that caused by Haemophilus, has been largely controlled by IMMUNISATION; meningococcal C vaccine has largely prevented this type of the disease in the UK. So far, no vaccine against group B has been developed, but research continues. Information on meningitis can be obtained from the Meningitis Trust and the Meningitis Research Foundation.... meningitis

Nature Of The Disease Tuberculosis Has

been recognised from earliest times. Evidence of the condition has been found in Egyptian mummies; in the fourth century BC Hippocrates, the Greek physician, called it phthisis because of the lung involvement; and in 1882 Koch announced the discovery of the causative organism, the tubercle bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The symptoms depend upon the site of the infection. General symptoms such as fever, weight loss and night sweats are common. In the most common form of pulmonary tuberculosis, cough and blood-stained sputum (haemoptysis) are common symptoms.

The route of infection is most often by inhalation, although it can be by ingestion of products such as infected milk. The results of contact depend upon the extent of the exposure and the susceptibility of the individual. Around 30 per cent of those closely exposed to the organism will be infected, but most will contain the infection with no signi?cant clinical illness and only a minority will go on to develop clinical disease. Around 5 per cent of those infected will develop post-primary disease over the next two or three years. The rest are at risk of reactivation of the disease later, particularly if their resistance is reduced by associated disease, poor nutrition or immunosuppression. In developed countries around 5 per cent of those infected will reactivate their healed tuberculosis into a clinical problem.

Immunosuppressed patients such as those infected with HIV are at much greater risk of developing clinical tuberculosis on primary contact or from reactivation. This is a particular problem in many developing countries, where there is a high incidence of both HIV and tuberculosis.

Diagnosis This depends upon identi?cation of mycobacteria on direct staining of sputum or other secretions or tissue, and upon culture of the organism. Culture takes 4–6 weeks but is necessary for di?erentiation from other non-tuberculous mycobacteria and for drug-sensitivity testing. Newer techniques involving DNA ampli?cation by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can detect small numbers of organisms and help with earlier diagnosis.

Treatment This can be preventative or curative. Important elements of prevention are adequate nutrition and social conditions, BCG vaccination (see IMMUNISATION), an adequate public-health programme for contact tracing, and chemoprophylaxis. Radiological screening with mass miniature radiography is no longer used.

Vaccination with an attenuated organism (BCG – Bacillus Calmette Guerin) is used in the United Kingdom and some other countries at 12–13 years, or earlier in high-risk groups. Some studies show 80 per cent protection against tuberculosis for ten years after vaccination.

Cases of open tuberculosis need to be identi?ed; their close contacts should be reviewed for evidence of disease. Adequate antibiotic chemotherapy removes the infective risk after around two weeks of treatment. Chemoprophylaxis – the use of antituberculous therapy in those without clinical disease – may be used in contacts who develop a strong reaction on tuberculin skin testing or those at high risk because of associated disease.

The major principles of antibiotic chemotherapy for tuberculosis are that a combination of drugs needs to be used, and that treatment needs to be continued for a prolonged period – usually six months. Use of single agents or interrupted courses leads to the development of drug resistance. Serious outbreaks of multiply resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been seen mainly in AIDS units, where patients have greater susceptibility to the disease, but also in developing countries where maintenance of appropriate antibacterial therapy for six months or more can be di?cult.

Streptomycin was the ?rst useful agent identi?ed in 1944. The four drugs used most often now are RIFAMPICIN, ISONIAZID, PYRAZINAMIDE and ETHAMBUTOL. Three to four agents are used for the ?rst two months; then, when sensitivities are known and clinical response observed, two drugs, most often rifampicin and isoniazid, are continued for the rest of the course. Treatment is taken daily, although thrice-weekly, directly observed therapy is used when there is doubt about the patient’s compliance. All the antituberculous agents have a range of adverse effects that need to be monitored during treatment. Provided that the treatment is prescribed and taken appropriately, response to treatment is very good with cure of disease and very low relapse rates.... nature of the disease tuberculosis has

Perinatal Mortality

Perinatal mortality consists of deaths of the FETUS after the 28th week of pregnancy and deaths of the newborn child during the ?rst week of life. Today, more individuals die within a few hours of birth than during the following 40 years. It is therefore not surprising that the perinatal mortality rate, which is the number of such deaths per 1,000 total births, is a valuable indicator of the quality of care provided for the mother and her newborn baby. In 2002, the perinatal mortality rate was 7.87 in the United Kingdom compared with 11.4 in 1982 – and over 30 in the early 1960s.

The causes of perinatal mortality include extreme prematurity, intrapartum anoxia (that is, di?culty in the birth of the baby, resulting in lack of oxygen), congenital abnormalities of the baby, and antepartum anoxia (that is, conditions in the terminal stages of pregnancy preventing the fetus from getting su?cient oxygen).

The most common cause of perinatal death is some complication of placenta, cord or membranes. The next most common is congenital abnormality. Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia comprise the third most common cause.... perinatal mortality


Once known as infantile paralysis, this disease is caused by a viral infection involving the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD. Since the development of e?ective vaccines in the 1950s (see IMMUNISATION), polio has been practically eliminated in most developed countries. People who have not been fully vaccinated, however, may get the disease: it remains a serious risk for unvaccinated travellers to Africa, Asia or southern Europe. Most reported cases are now from sub-Saharan Africa.

Pathology There are three types of virus, infection spreading by the stools-contaminated hands-mouth route. Children are most susceptible.

One attack usually produces permanent immunity, and second attacks are rare. The virus typically affects the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, especially those in the lumbar region; the grey matter of the brain stem and cortex may also be damaged.

Vaccination is given to infants at two, three and four months: a booster dose is given at around the age of ?ve. The vaccine contains all three types of polio virus. Two types of vaccine are available: inactivated polio virus (IPV) contains dead virus and is administered by injections; oral polio vaccine (OPV) contains live, harmless strains. The latter is used in the United Kingdom.

Symptoms The incubation period is around 7–14 days, the onset being marked by a mild fever and headache which improves after a few days. In around 85 per cent of infected children there is no further progression, but in some – after approximately one week – the symptoms recur, together with neck sti?ness and signs of meningeal irritation (see MENINGES). Weakness of individual muscle groups is common, and may progress – to a variable extent, depending on the distribution of the virus – to widespread PARALYSIS. Involvement of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles may lead to respiratory failure and rapid death unless arti?cial respiration is provided. Involvement of the cranial nerves and brain may lead to nystagmus (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF), hoarseness and di?culty in swallowing, and CONVULSIONS may occur in young children. The CEREBROSPINAL FLUID shows an early increase in lymphocytes, followed by a rise in protein concentration.

Treatment There is no e?ective drug treatment for the infection. Treatment involves early bed rest, followed by PHYSIOTHERAPY and orthopaedic measures as required. At the onset of respiratory diffculties a TRACHEOSTOMY and arti?cial ventilation should be started. (In the 1950s, when polio epidemics were occurring, respiratory diffculties were treated by placing patients in an ‘iron lung’ – a large, airtight, cylindrical container in which the air pressure was raised and lowered to simulate normal breathing.) In cases of severe paralysis with persistent wasting of the limbs, surgery may be necessary to minimise the resulting disability.... poliomyelitis


A rise in the amount of HAEMOGLOBIN in the blood. This may be caused by an excess in the number of ERYTHROCYTES produced in the BONE MARROW or to a fall in the total volume of PLASMA in the circulatory system. It may also be a response to reduced oxygen levels – for example, among people living at high altitudes – or to liver or kidney disease: this type is called secondary polycythaemia.

The disorder may, however, occur for no obvious reason and is then called polycythaemia vera. This type develops mainly in people over 40 and about 400 people develop the disorder every year in the United Kingdom. The blood thickens, the sufferer may develop high blood pressure, ?ushing, headaches, itching and an enlarged spleen. A stroke may occur later in the disease process. Treatment of polycythaemia vera is by regular removal of blood by VENESECTION, sometimes in combination with an anticancer drug. Secondary polycythaemia is treated by remedying the underlying cause.

Polycythaemia rubra vera A disorder in which the red blood cells increase in number along with an increase in the number of white blood cells and platelets. The cause is unknown. Severe cases may require treatment with CYTOTOXIC drugs or RADIOTHERAPY.... polycythaemia


The term applies to members of a group of non-crystallisable nitrogenous substances widely distributed in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and forming the characteristic materials of their tissues and ?uids. They are essentially combinations of AMINO ACIDS. They mostly dissolve in water and are coagulated by heat and various chemical substances. Typical examples of protein substances are white of egg and gelatin.

Proteins constitute an essential part of the diet as a source of energy, and for the replacement of protein lost in the wear and tear of daily life. Their essential constituent from this point of view is the nitrogen which they contain. To be absorbed, or digested, proteins have to be broken down into their constituent amino acids. The adult human body can maintain nitrogenous equilibrium on a mixture of eight amino acids, which are therefore known as the essential (or indispensable) amino acids. They are isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. In addition, infants require histidine.... protein

Rectum, Diseases Of

The following are described under their separate dictionary entries: FAECES; HAEMORRHOIDS; FISTULA; DIARRHOEA; CONSTIPATION.

Imperforate anus, or absence of the anus, may occur in newly born children, and the condition is relieved by operation.

Itching at the anal opening is common and can be troublesome. It may be due to slight abrasions, to piles, to the presence of threadworms (see ENTEROBIASIS), and/or to anal sex. The anal area should be bathed once or twice a day; clothing should be loose and smooth. Local application of soothing preparations containing mild astringents (bismuth subgallate, zinc oxide and hamamelis) and CORTICOSTEROIDS may provide symptomatic relief. Proprietary preparations contain lubricants, VASOCONSTRICTORS and mild ANTISEPTICS.

Pain on defaecation is commonly caused by a small ulcer or ?ssure, or by an engorged haemorrhoid (pile). Haemorrhoids may also cause an aching pain in the rectum. (See also PROCTALGIA.)

Abscess in the cellular tissue at the side of the rectum – known from its position as an ischio-rectal abscess – is fairly common and may produce a ?stula. Treatment is by ANTIBIOTICS and, if necessary, surgery to drain the abscess.

Prolapse or protrusion of the rectum is sometimes found in children, usually between the ages of six months and two years. This is generally a temporary disorder. Straining at defaecation by adults can cause the lining of the rectum to protrude outside the anus, resulting in discomfort, discharge and bleeding. Treatment of the underlying constipation is essential as well as local symptomatic measures (see above). Haemorrhoids sometimes prolapse. If a return to normal bowel habits with the production of soft faeces fails to restore the rectum to normal, surgery to remove the haemorrhoids may be necessary. If prolapse of the rectum recurs, despite a return to normal bowel habits, surgery may be required to rectify it.

Tumours of small size situated on the skin near the opening of the bowel, and consisting of nodules, tags of skin, or cauli?ower-like excrescences, are common, and may give rise to pain, itching and watery discharges. These are easily removed if necessary. Polypi (see POLYPUS) occasionally develop within the rectum, and may give rise to no pain, although they may cause frequent discharges of blood. Like polypi elsewhere, they may often be removed by a minor operation. (See also POLYPOSIS.)

Cancer of the rectum and colon is the commonest malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract: around 17,000 people a year die from these conditions in the United Kingdom. Rectal cancer is more common in men than in women; colonic cancer is more common in women. Rectal cancer is a disease of later life, seldom affecting young people, and its appearance is generally insidious. The tumour begins commonly in the mucous membrane, its structure resembling that of the glands with which the membrane is furnished, and it quickly in?ltrates the other coats of the intestine and then invades neighbouring organs. Secondary growths in most cases occur soon in the lymphatic glands within the abdomen and in the liver. The symptoms appear gradually and consist of diarrhoea, alternating with attacks of constipation, and, later on, discharges of blood or blood-stained ?uid from the bowels, together with weight loss and weakness. A growth can be well advanced before it causes much disturbance. Treatment is surgical and usually this consists of removal of the whole of the rectum and the distal two-thirds of the sigmoid colon, and the establishment of a COLOSTOMY. Depending upon the extent of the tumour, approximately 50 per cent of the patients who have this operation are alive and well after ?ve years. In some cases in which the growth occurs in the upper part of the rectum, it is now possible to remove the growth and preserve the anus so that the patient is saved the discomfort of having a colostomy. RADIOTHERAPY and CHEMOTHERAPY may also be necessary.... rectum, diseases of

Research Fraud And Misconduct

Research misconduct is de?ned as behaviour by a researcher that falls short of good ethical and scienti?c standards – whether or not this be intentional. For example, the same data may be sent for publication to more than one medical journal, which might have the e?ect of their being counted twice in any META-ANALYSIS or systematic review; or the data may be ‘salami sliced’ to try to make the maximum number of publications, even though the data may overlap. Fraud in the context of research is de?ned as the generation of false data with the intent to deceive. It is much less frequent than carelessness, but its incidence is estimated as between

0.1 and 1 per cent. A ?gure of 1 per cent means that, in the United Kingdom at any one time, maybe 30 studies are being conducted, or their results published, which could contain false information. Examples include forged ethics-committee approval, patient signatures and diary cards; fabricated ?gures and results; invention of non-existent patient subjects; or sharing one electrocardiogram or blood sample amongst many subjects.

Research fraud should be ?rst suspected by a clinical-trial monitor who recognises that data are not genuine, or by a quality-assurance auditor who cannot reconcile data in clinical-trial report forms with original patient records. Unfortunately, it often comes to light by chance. There may be suspicious similarities between data ostensibly coming from more than one source, or visits may have been recorded when it was known that the clinic was shut. Statistical analysis of a likely irregularity will frequently con?rm such suspicion. The motivation for fraud is usually greed, but a desire to publish at all costs, to be the original author of a medical breakthrough, to bolster applications for research grants, or to strengthen a bid for more departmental resources are other recognised reasons for committing fraud.

In the USA, those proved to have committed fraud are debarred from receiving federal funds for research purposes or from undertaking government-funded therapeutic research. The four Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) have committees on research dishonesty that investigate all cases of suspected research misconduct. In the United Kingdom, an informal system operated by the pharmaceutical industry, using the disciplinary mechanism of the General Medical Council (GMC), has led to more than 16 doctors in the past ten years being disciplined for having committed research fraud. Editors of many of the world’s leading medical journals have united to form the Committee on Publishing Ethics, which advises doctors on proper practice and assists them in retracting or refusing to publish articles found or known to be false. (See ETHICS; ETHICS COMMITTEES.) Where an author does not o?er a satisfactory explanation, the matter is passed to his or her institution to investigate; where an editor or the committee is not satis?ed with the result they may pass the complaint to the appropriate regulatory body, such as the GMC in Britain.... research fraud and misconduct


Rubella, or German measles, is an acute infectious disease of a mild type, which may sometimes be di?cult to di?erentiate from mild forms of MEASLES and SCARLET FEVER.

Cause A virus spread by close contact with infected individuals. Rubella is infectious for a week before the rash appears and at least four days afterwards. It occurs in epidemics (see EPIDEMIC) every three years or so, predominantly in the winter and spring. Children are more likely to be affected than infants. One attack gives permanent IMMUNITY. The incubation period is usually 14–21 days.

Symptoms are very mild, and the disease is not at all serious. On the day of onset there may be shivering, headache, slight CATARRH with sneezing, coughing and sore throat, with very slight fever – not above 37·8 °C (100 °F). At the same time the glands of the neck become enlarged. Within 24 hours of the onset a pink, slightly raised eruption appears, ?rst on the face or neck, then on the chest, and the second day spreads all over the body. The clinical signs and symptoms of many other viral infections are indistinguishable from rubella so a precise diagnosis cannot be made without taking samples (such as saliva) for antibody testing, but this is rarely done in practice.

An attack of German measles during the early months of pregnancy may be responsible for CONGENITAL defects in the FETUS (for information on fetal abnormalities, see under PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). The incidence of such defects is not precisely known, but probably around 20 per cent of children whose mothers have had German measles in the ?rst three months of the pregnancy are born with congenital defects. These defects take a variety of forms, but the most important ones are: low birth weight with retarded physical development; malformations of the HEART; cataract (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF); and DEAFNESS.

Treatment There is no speci?c treatment. Children who develop the disease should not return to school until they have recovered, and in any case not before four days have passed from the onset of the rash.

In view of the possible dangerous e?ect of the disease upon the fetus, particular care should be taken to isolate pregnant mothers from contact with infected subjects. As the risk is particularly high during the ?rst 16 weeks of pregnancy, any pregnant mother exposed to infection during this period should be given an intramuscular injection of GAMMA-GLOBULIN. A vaccine is available to protect an individual against rubella (see IMMUNISATION).

In the United Kingdom it is NHS policy for all children to have the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (see MMR VACCINE), subject to parental consent. All women of childbearing age, who have been shown by a simple laboratory test not to have had the disease, should be vaccinated, provided that the woman is not pregnant at the time and has not been exposed to the risk of pregnancy during the previous eight weeks.... rubella

Safe Disposal Of Unwanted Medicines

Unwanted medicines are a form of ‘controlled waste’ under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and must be disposed of in an appropriate way. The best thing is to take any extra or unwanted medicines to a registered pharmacy. Syringes and needles (used by diabetic patients, for example) pose problems: devices exist to cut o? and retain the needle, and some local authorities in the United Kingdom arrange for collection and safe disposal. There are also local ‘needle exchange’ schemes for intravenous drug abusers.

Safe use of medicines All medicines can have unwanted effects (‘side-effects’ or, more strictly, adverse effects) that are unpleasant and sometimes harmful. It is best not to take any medicine, prescribed or otherwise, unless there is a clear reason for doing so; the possible adverse effects of treatment, and the risk of their occurring, have to be set against any likely bene?t. Remember too that one treatment can affect another already being taken. Many adverse events depend upon the recommended dose being exceeded. Some people – for example, those with allergies (see ALLERGY) to a particular group of drugs, or those with kidney or liver disease – are more likely to suffer adverse effects than otherwise healthy people.

When an individual begins a course of treatment, he or she should take it as instructed. With ANTIBIOTICS treatments especially, it is important to take the whole course of tablets prescribed, because brief exposure of bacteria to an antibiotic can make them resistant to treatment. Most drugs can be stopped at once, but some treatments can cause unpleasant, and occasionally dangerous, symptoms if stopped abruptly. Sleeping tablets, anti-EPILEPSY treatment, and medicines used to treat ANGINA PECTORIS are among the agents which can cause such ‘withdrawal symptoms’. CORTICOSTEROIDS are a particularly important group of medicines in this respect, because prolonged courses of treatment with high doses can suppress the ability of the body to respond to severe stresses (such as surgical operations) for many months or even years.... safe disposal of unwanted medicines

Screening Test

The screening of apparently healthy people to identify those who may have treatable diseases. Cervical smears are done when screening women to detect if they have cancer or precancer of the neck of the womb (cervix). Newborn babies are screened for hip dislocation. Screening tests are not designed to diagnose individual persons, but rather to divide a population into a large number at low risk and a small number at high risk of a condition. This allows clinicians to concentrate on a sub-section of the population. All screening tests produce false negative and false positive results, a problem often misunderstood by those at the receiving end. Factors to be assessed when planning screening procedures include the severity, frequency and distribution of the disease, and the availability and e?ectiveness of treatment. Convenience, safety, sensitivity and cost should also be assessed. In the United Kingdom the government has supported the extension of screening procedures for breast cancer, cervical cancer, hypertension and diabetes. (See PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.)... screening test

Sex Education

Information given to children and young adults about sexual relationships. Evidence suggests that young people want more information about the emotional aspects of sexual relationships, and about homosexuality and AIDS/HIV. There is growing concern about sexual risk-taking behaviour among adolescents, many of whom feel that sex education was provided too late for them. Although most parents or guardians provide some guidance by the age of 16, friends, magazines, television and ?lms are a more signi?cant source of information. Schools have been targeted as a place to address and possibly limit risky behaviour because they are geared towards increasing knowledge and improving skills, and have a captive audience of young adults. There are concerns that the conditions in schools may not be ideal: class time is limited; teachers are often not trained in handling sensitive subjects; and considerable controversy surrounds teaching about subjects such as homosexuality.

Sex education in schools is regarded as an e?ective way of reducing teenaged pregnancy, especially when linked with contraceptive services. Several studies have shown that it does not cause an increase in sexual activity and may even delay the onset of sexual relationships and lessen the number of partners. Programmes taught by youth agencies may be even more e?ective than those taught in the classroom – possibly because teaching takes place in small groups of volunteer participants, and the programmes are tailored to their target populations. Despite improvements in sex education, the United Kingdom has the highest incidence of teenaged pregnancies in the European Community.

Sex education, including information about AIDS/HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), is compulsory in all state-maintained secondary schools in England and Wales. The National Curriculum includes only biological aspects of AIDS/HIV, STIs and human sexual behaviour.

All maintained schools must have a written statement of their policy, which is available to parents. The local education authority, governing body and headteacher should ensure that sex education encourages pupils to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. Sex-education policies and practices are monitored by the O?ce for Standards in Education (OFSTED) and the O?ce of HM Chief Inspector of Schools (OHMCI) as part of school inspections.... sex education

Shellfish Poisoning

In the United Kingdom this occurs in two main forms. Shell?sh may be the cause of typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER) as a result of their contamination by sewage containing the causative organism. They may also be responsible for what is known as paralytic shell?sh poisoning. This is caused by a toxin, or poison, known as saxotoxin, which is present in certain planktons which, under unusual conditions, multiply rapidly, giving rise to what are known as ‘red tides’. In these circumstances the toxin accumulates in mussels, cockles and scallops which feed by ?ltering plankton. The manifestations of such poisoning are loss of feeling in the hands, tingling of the tongue, weakness of the arms and legs, and di?culty in breathing. There is also growing evidence that some shell?sh poisoning may be due to a virus infection. (See also FOOD POISONING.)... shellfish poisoning


The most important industrial hazard in those industries in which SILICA is encountered: in other words, the pottery industry, the sandstone industry, sandblasting, metal-grinding, the tin-mining industry, and anthracite coal-mines. It is a speci?c form of PNEUMOCONIOSIS caused by the inhalation of free silica. Among pottery workers the condition has for long been known as potter’s asthma, whilst in the cutlery industry it was known as grinder’s rot. For the production of silicosis, the particles of silica must measure 0·5–5 micrometres in diameter, and they must be inhaled into the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs, where they produce FIBROSIS. This diminishes the e?ciency of the lungs, resulting in slowly progressive shortness of breath. The main danger of silicosis, however, is that it is liable to be complicated by TUBERCULOSIS.

The incidence of silicosis is steadily being reduced by various measures which diminish the risk of inhaling silica dust. These include adequate ventilation to draw o? the dust; the suppression of dust by the use of water; the wearing of respirators where the risk is particularly great and it is not possible to reduce the amount of dust – for example, in sand-blasting; and periodic medical examination of work-people exposed to risk. Fewer than 100 new cases a year are diagnosed now in the United Kingdom. (See also OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, MEDICINE AND DISEASES.)... silicosis

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (stds)

Sexually transmitted diseases – traditionally called venereal diseases – are infections transmitted by sexual intercourse (heterosexual and homosexual). In the United Kingdom they are treated in genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics. The incidences of these diseases are more common among people who have several sexual partners, as STDs are very infectious; some of the major STDs, particularly AIDS/HIV, are also transmitted by blood and so can result from needle-sharing by drug addicts, or by TRANSFUSION. The ‘traditional’ STDs – SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA and CHANCROID – now comprise only 10 per cent of all such diseases treated in STD clinics: these clinics also treat patients with CHLAMYDIA, TRICHOMONIASIS, HERPES GENITALIS, MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM and genital WARTS. SCABIES and pubic lice (see PEDICULOSIS – Pediculus pubis) can also be transmitted by sexual intercourse, and HEPATITIS B is also recognised as an STD.

The incidence of STDs rose sharply during World War II but the advent of PENICILLIN and subsequent antibiotics meant that syphilis and gonorrhoea could be treated e?ectively. The arrival of oral contraception and more tolerant public attitudes to sexual activities resulted in an increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections. The diagnosis of NONSPECIFIC URETHRITIS (NSU), once given to many patients whose symptoms were not due to the traditional recognised infections, was in the 1970s realised to be wrong, as the condition was proved to be the result of infection by chlamydia.

Most STDs are treatable, but herpes is an infection that could become chronic, while hepatitis B and, of course, AIDS/HIV are potentially fatal – although treatment of HIV is now proving more e?ective. As well as the treatment and subsequent monitoring of patients with STDs, one of the important functions of clinics has been the tracing, treatment and follow-up of sexual contacts of infected individuals, a procedure that is conducted con?dentially.

Apart from AIDS/HIV, the incidence of STDs fell during the 1980s; however in some countries the agents causing syphilis and gonorrhoea began to develop resistance to antibiotics, which showed the continued importance of practising safe sex – in particular by restricting the number of sexual partners and ensuring the regular use of condoms. In the United Kingdom the rates per million of the male population infected by syphilis rose from 8.8 in 1991 to 9.7 in 1999; in females the ?gures were 4.0 to 4.5, respectively. For gonorrhoea, the ?gures for men were 399.4 in 1991 and 385 in 1999, with women also showing a reduction, from

216.5 to 171.3. In 1991, 552.6 per million of men had chlamydia, a ?gure which rose to

829.5 in 1999; for women in the same period the incidence also rose, from 622.5 to 1,077.1 per million. For genital herpes simplex virus, the infection rate for men fell from 236.6 per million to 227.7, whereas the ?gures for women showed a rise, 258.5 to 357. The incidence of AIDS/HIV is given under the relevant entry. (These ?gures are based on information in United Kingdom Health Statistics, 2001 edition, UKHSI, published by the O?ce of National Statistics.)... sexually transmitted diseases (stds)


A stoma refers to an opening constructed when the bowel has to be brought to the skin surface to convey gastrointestinal contents to the exterior. It is derived from the Greek word meaning mouth. In the United Kingdom there are about 100,000 patients with a COLOSTOMY, 10,000 with an ILEOSTOMY and some 2,000 with a urostomy, in which the ureters (see URETER) are brought to the skin surface. They may be undertaken because of malignancy of the colon or rectum (see INTESTINE) or as a result of in?ammatory bowel diseases such as CROHN’S DISEASE. Urostomies usually take the form of an isolated loop of ilium into which the ureters have been implanted and which in its turn is either brought to the skin’s surface or converted into an arti?cial bladder. This is undertaken because of bladder cancer or because of neurological diseases of the bladder. The stomas drain into appliances such as disposable plastic bags. Most of the modern appliances collect the e?uent of the stoma without any leak or odour.

Patients with stomas often ?nd explanatory booklets helpful: Living with your Colostomy and Understanding Colostomy are examples. They are published by the British Colostomy Association.... stoma

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (sids)

Sudden infant death syndrome, or cot death, refers to the unexpected death – usually during sleep – of an apparently healthy baby. Well over 1,500 such cases are thought to have occurred in the United Kingdom each year until 1992, when government advice was issued about laying babies on their backs. The ?gure was 192 in 2002 and continues to fall. Boys are affected more than girls, and over half of these deaths occur at the age of 2–6 months. More common in lower social classes, the incidence is highest in the winter; most of the infants have been bottle-fed (see also INFANT FEEDING).

Causes These are unknown, with possible multiple aetiology. Prematurity and low birth-weight may play a role. The sleeping position of a baby and an over-warm environment may be major factors, since deaths have fallen sharply since mothers were o?cially advised to place babies on their backs and not to overheat them. Some deaths are probably the result of respiratory infections, usually viral, which may stop breathing in at-risk infants, while others may result from the infant becoming smothered in a soft pillow. Faults in the baby’s central breathing control system (central APNOEA) may be a factor. Other possible factors include poor socioeconomic environment; vitamin E de?ciency; or smoking, drug addiction or anaemia in the mother. Help and advice may be obtained from the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths and the Cot Death Society.... sudden infant death syndrome (sids)

Steroids, Plant

The previous subject is obviously an endless one, but as this is the glossary of an herbal nature, let me assure you, virtually no plants have a direct steroid hormone-mimicking effect. There are a few notable exceptions with limited application, like Cimicifuga and Licorice. Plant steroids are usually called phytosterols, and, when they have any hormonal effect at all, it is usually to interfere with human hormone functions. Beta sitosterol, found in lots of food, interferes with the ability to absorb cholesterol from the diet. Corn oil and legumes are two well-endowed sources that can help lower cholesterol absorption. This is of only limited value, however, since cholesterol is readily manufactured in the body, and elevated cholesterol in the blood is often the result of internal hormone and neurologic stimulus, not the diet. Cannabis can act to interfere with androgenic hormones, and Taraxacum phytosterols can both block the synthesis of some new cholesterol by the liver and increase the excretion of cholesterol as bile acids; but other than that, plants offer little direct hormonal implication. The first method discovered for synthesizing pharmaceutical hormones used a saponin, diosgenin, and a five-step chemical degradation, to get to progesterone, and another, using stigmasterol and bacterial culturing, to get to cortisol. These were chemical procedures that have nothing to do with human synthesis of such hormones, and the plants used for the starting materials-Mexican Wild Yam, Agave, and Soy were nothing more than commercially feasible sources of compounds widely distributed in the plant kingdom. A clever biochemist could obtain testosterone from potato sterols, but no one would be likely to make the leap of faith that eating potatoes makes you manly (or less womanly), and there is no reason to presume that Wild Yam (Dioscorea) has any progesterone effects in humans. First, the method of synthesis from diosgenin to progesterone has nothing to do with human synthesis of the corpus luteum hormone; second, oral progesterone has virtually no effect since it is rapidly digested; and third, orally active synthetic progesterones such as norethindrone are test-tube born, and never saw a Wild Yam. The only “precursor” the ovaries, testes and adrenal cortices EVER need (and the ONLY one that they can use if synthesizing from scratch) is something almost NONE of us ever run out of...Low Density Cholesterol. Unless you are grimly fasting, anorectic, alcoholic, seriously ill or training for a triathlon, you only need blood to make steroid hormones from. If hormones are off, it isn’t from any lack of building materials...and any product claiming to supply “precursors” better contain lard or butter (they don’t)...or they are profoundly mistaken, or worse. The recent gaggle of “Wild Yam” creams actually do contain some Wild Yam. (Dioscorea villosa, NOT even the old plant source of diosgenin, D. mexicana...if you are going to make these mistakes, at least get the PLANT right) This is a useful and once widely used antispasmodic herb...I have had great success using it for my three separate bouts with kidney stones...until I learned to drink more water and alkalizing teas and NEVER stay in a hot tub for three hours. What these various Wild Yam creams DO contain, is Natural Progesterone. Although this is inactive orally (oral progesterone is really a synthetic relative of testosterone), it IS active when injected...or, to a lesser degree, when applied topically. This is pharmaceutical progesterone, synthesized from stigmasterol, an inexpensive (soy-bean oil) starting substance, and, although it is identical to ovarian progesterone, it is a completely manufactured pharmaceutical. Taking advantage of an FDA loophole (to them this is only a cosmetic use...they have the misguided belief that it is not bioactive topically), coupled with some rather convincing (if irregular) studies showing the anti-osteoporotic value of topical progesterone for SOME women, a dozen or so manufacturers are marketing synthetic Natural Progesterone for topical use, yet inferring that Wild Yam is what’s doing good. I am not taking issue with the use of topical progesterone. It takes advantage of the natural slow release into the bloodstream of ANY steroid hormones that have been absorbed into subcutaneous adipose tissue. It enters the blood from general circulation the same way normal extra-ovarian estradiol is released, and this is philosophically (and physiologically) preferable to oral steroids, cagily constructed to blast on through the liver before it can break them down. This causes the liver to react FIRST to the hormones, instead of, if the source is general circulation, LAST. My objection is both moral and herbal: the user may believe hormonal effects are “natural”, the Wild Yam somehow supplying “precursors” her body can use if needed, rejected if not. This implies self-empowerment, the honoring of a woman’s metabolic choice...something often lacking in medicine. This is a cheat. The creams supply a steady source of pharmaceutical hormone (no precursor here) , but they are being SOLD as if the benefits alone come from the Wild Yam extract, seemingly formulated with the intent of having Wild Yam the most abundant substance so it can be listed first in the list of constituents. I have even seen the pharmaceutical Natural Progesterone labeled as “Wild Yam Progesterone” or “Wild Yam Estrogen precursor” or, with utter fraud, “Wild Yam Hormone”. To my knowledge, the use of Mexican Yam for its saponins ceased to be important by the early 1960’s, with other processes for synthesizing steroids proving to be cheaper and more reliable. I have been unable to find ANY manufacturer of progesterone that has used the old Marker Degradation Method and/or diosgenin (from whatever Dioscorea) within the last twenty years. Just think of it as a low-tech, non invasive and non-prescription source of progesterone, applied topically and having a slow release of moderate amounts of the hormone. Read some of the reputable monographs on its use, make your choice based solely on the presence of the synthetic hormone, and use it or don’t. It has helped some women indefinitely, for others it helped various symptoms for a month or two and then stopped working, for still other women I have spoken with it caused unpleasant symptoms until they ceased its use. Since marketing a product means selling as much as possible and (understandably) presenting only the product’s positive aspects, it would be better to try and find the parameters of “use” or “don’t use” from articles, monographs, and best of all, other women who have used it. Then ask them again in a month or two and see if their personal evaluation has changed. If you have some bad uterine cramps, however, feel free to try some Wild Yam often helps. Unless there is organic disease, hormones are off is because the whole body is making the wrong choices in the hormones it does or doesn’t make. It’s a constitutional or metabolic or dietary or life-stress problem, not something akin to a lack of essential amino acids or essential fatty acids that will clear up if only you supply some mythic plant-derived “precursor”. End of tirade.... steroids, plant


Self-destruction as an intentional act. Attempted suicide is when death does not take place, despite an attempt by the person concerned to kill him or herself; parasuicide is the term describing an attempt at suicide that is really an act to draw attention to the perceived problems of the individual involved.

Societies vary in the degree to which they tolerate individuals acting intentionally to cause their own death. Apart from among some native peoples, particularly the Innuit, suicide is generally viewed pejoratively in modern societies. Major religious movements, including Catholicism, Judaism and Islam, have traditionally regarded suicide as a sin. Nevertheless, it is a growing phenomenon, particularly among the young, and so has become a serious public health problem. It is estimated that suicide among young people has tripled – at least – during the past 45 years. Worldwide, suicide is the second major cause of death (after tuberculosis) for women between the ages of 15 and 44, and the fourth major killer of men in the same age-group (after tra?c accidents, tuberculosis and violence). The risk of suicide rises sharply in old age. Globally, there are estimated to be between ten and 25 suicide attempts for each completed suicide.

In the United Kingdom, suicide accounts for 20 per cent of all deaths of young people. Around 6,000 suicides are reported annually in the UK, of which approximately 75 per cent are by men. In the late 1990s the suicide rate in England, Wales and Northern Ireland fell, but increased in Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. Attempted suicide became signi?cantly more common, particularly among people under the age of 25: among adolescents in the UK, for example, it is estimated that there are about 19,000 suicide attempts annually. Follow-up studies of teenagers who attempt suicide by an overdose show that up to 11 per cent will succeed in killing themselves over the following few years. In young people, factors linked to suicide and attempted suicide include alcohol or drug abuse, unemployment, physical or sexual abuse, and the fact of being in custody. (In the mid-1990s, 20 per cent of all prison suicides were by people under 21.)

Apart from the young, those at highest risk of dying by suicide include health professionals, pharmacists, vets and farmers. Self-poisoning (see POISONS) is the common method used by health professionals for whom high stress levels, together with relatively easy access to means, are important factors. The World Health Organisation has outlined six basic steps for the prevention of suicide, focusing particularly on reducing the availability of common methods. Although suicide is not a criminal o?ence in the UK, assisting suicide is a crime carrying a potential sentence of 14 years’ imprisonment. There are several dilemmas faced by health professionals if they believe that a patient is considering suicide: one is that the provision of information to the patient may make them an accessory (see below). A dilemma after suicide is the common demand from insurers for medical information, although, ethically, the duty of con?dentiality extends beyond the patient’s death (see ETHICS). (Legally, some disclosure is permitted to those with a claim arising from the patient’s death.) Life-insurance contracts generally render invalid any claim by the heirs on the policy of an individual who commits suicide, so that disclosure by a doctor often creates tensions with the relatives. Non-disclosure of relevant medical information, however, may result in a fraudulent insurance claim being made.

Physician-assisted suicide Although controversial, a special legal exemption applies to doctors in a few countries who assist terminally ill patients to kill themselves. Oregon in the United States legalised physician-assisted suicide in 1997, where it still occurs; assisted suicide was brie?y legal in the Australian Northern Territory in 1996 but the legislation was repealed. (It is also practised, but not legally authorised, in the Netherlands and Switzerland.)

In the UK there have been unsuccessful parliamentary attempts to legalise assisted suicide, such as the 1997 Doctor Assisted Dying Bill. In law, a distinction is made between killing people with their consent (classi?ed as murder) and assisting them to commit suicide (a statutory o?ence under the Suicide Act 1961). The distinction is between acting as a perpetrator and as an accessory. Doctors may be judged to have aided and abetted a suicide if they knowingly provide the means – or even if they simply provide advice about the toxicity of medication and tell patients the lethal dosage. Some argue that the distinction between EUTHANASIA and physician-assisted suicide has no moral or practical relevance, particularly if patients are too disabled to act themselves. In theory, patients retain ultimate control in cases of assisted suicide, whereas control rests with the doctor in euthanasia. Surveys of health professionals appear to indicate a feeling by some that less responsibility or culpability attaches to assisting suicide than to euthanasia. In a recent UK court case (2002), a judge declared that a mentally alert woman on a permanent life-support regime in hospital had a right to ask for the support system to be switched o?. (See also MENTAL ILLNESS.)... suicide

Testicle, Diseases Of

The SCROTUM may be affected by various skin diseases, particularly eczema (see DERMATITIS) or fungal infection. A HERNIA may pass into the scrotum. Defective development of the testicles may lead to their retention within the abdomen, a condition called undescended testicle.

Hydrocoele is a collection of ?uid distending one or both sides of the scrotum with ?uid. Treatment is by withdrawal of the ?uid using a sterile syringe and aspiration needle.

Hypogonadism Reduced activity of the testes or ovaries (male and female gonads). The result is impaired development of the secondary sexual characteristics (growth of the genitals, breast and adult hair distribution). The cause may be hereditary or the result of a disorder of the PITUITARY GLAND which produces GONADOTROPHINS that stimulate development of the testes and ovaries.

Varicocoele is distension of the veins of the spermatic cord, especially on the left side, the causes being similar to varicose veins elsewhere (see VEINS, DISEASES OF). The chief symptom is a painful dragging sensation in the testicle, especially after exertion. Wearing a support provides relief; rarely, an operation may be advisable. Low sperm-count may accompany a varicocele, in which case surgical removal may be advisable.

Orchitis or acute in?ammation may arise from CYSTITIS, stone in the bladder, and in?ammation in the urinary organs, especially GONORRHOEA. It may also follow MUMPS. Intense pain, swelling and redness occur; treatment consists of rest, support of the scrotum, analgesics as appropriate, and the administration of antibiotics if a de?nitive microorganism can be identi?ed. In some patients the condition may develop and form an ABSCESS.

Torsion or twisting of the spermatic cord is relatively common in adolescents. About half the cases occur in the early hours of the morning during sleep. Typically felt as pain of varying severity in the lower abdomen or scrotum, the testis becomes hard and swollen. Treatment consists of immediate undoing of the torsion by manipulation. If done within a few hours, no harm should ensue; however, this should be followed within six hours by surgical operation to ensure that the torsion has been relieved and to ?x the testes. Late surgical attention may result in ATROPHY of the testis.

Tuberculosis may occur in the testicle, especially when the bladder is already affected. Causing little pain, the infection is often far advanced before attracting attention. The condition generally responds well to treatment with a combination of antituberculous drugs (see also main entry for TUBERCULOSIS).

Tumours of the testes occur in around 600 males annually in the United Kingdom, and are the second most common form of malignant growth in young males. There are two types: SEMINOMA and TERATOMA. When adequately treated the survival rate for the former is 95 per cent, while that for the latter is 50 per cent.

Injuries A severe blow may lead to SHOCK and symptoms of collapse, usually relieved by rest in bed; however, a HAEMATOMA may develop.... testicle, diseases of


Toxoplasmosis is a disease due to infection with protozoa of the genus Toxoplasma. The infection may be acquired from eating raw or under-cooked meat, from cats, or from gardening or playing in contaminated soil. It occurs in two forms: an acquired form, and a congenital form. The acquired form may run such a benign course that it is not recognised, the patient scarcely feeling ill. In the congenital form the unborn child is infected by the mother. The congenital form, the incidence of which in the United Kingdom is one in 5,000 pregnancies (one in 2,000 pregnancies in Scotland), may develop in one of two ways. The infant may either appear generally ill, or the brunt of the infection may fall on the nervous system causing HYDROCEPHALUS, mental retardation, or loss of sight. In some cases the infection may be so severe that it kills the fetus, resulting in a miscarriage or stillbirth. In other cases the infection is so mild that it is missed until, in later life, the child begins to show signs of eye trouble. As the congenital form of the disease, which is most serious, seems to develop only if the mother acquires the infection during pregnancy, it would appear to be a wise precaution that pregnant women should avoid contact with cats and eating raw or undercooked meat foods.... toxoplasmosis


Whooping-cough, or pertussis, is a respiratory-tract infection caused by Bordetella pertussis and spread by droplets. It may occur at all ages, but around 90 per cent of cases are children aged under ?ve. Most common during the winter months, it tends to occur in epidemics (see EPIDEMIC), with periods of increased prevalence occurring every three to four years. It is a noti?able disease (see NOTIFIABLE DISEASES). The routine vaccination of infants with TRIPLE VACCINE (see also VACCINE; IMMUNISATION), which includes the vaccine against whooping-cough, has drastically reduced the incidence of this potentially dangerous infection. In the 1990s over 90 per cent of children in England had been vaccinated against whooping-cough by their second birthday. In an epidemic of whooping-cough, which extended from the last quarter of 1977 to mid-1979, 102,500 cases of whooping-cough were noti?ed in the United Kingdom, with 36 deaths. This was the biggest outbreak since 1957 and its size was partly attributed to the fall in vaccination acceptance rates because of media reports suggesting that pertussis vaccination was potentially dangerous and ine?ective. In 2002, 105 cases were noti?ed in England.

Symptoms The ?rst, or catarrhal, stage is characterised by mild, but non-speci?c, symptoms of sneezing, conjunctivitis (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF), sore throat, mild fever and cough. Lasting 10–14 days, this stage is the most infectious; unfortunately it is almost impossible to make a de?nite clinical diagnosis, although analysis of a nasal swab may con?rm a suspected case. This is followed by the second, or paroxysmal, stage with irregular bouts of coughing, often prolonged, and typically more severe at night. Each paroxysm consists of a succession of short sharp coughs, increasing in speed and duration, and ending in a deep, crowing inspiration, often with a characteristic ‘whoop’. Vomiting is common after the last paroxysm of a series. Lasting 2–4 weeks, this stage is the most dangerous, with the greatest risk of complications. These may include PNEUMONIA and partial collapse of the lungs, and ?ts may be induced by cerebral ANOXIA. Less severe complications caused by the stress of coughing include minor bleeding around the eyes, ulceration under the tongue, HERNIA and PROLAPSE of the rectum. Mortality is greatest in the ?rst year of life, particularly among neonates – infants up to four weeks old. Nearly all patients with whooping-cough recover after a few weeks, with a lasting IMMUNITY. Very severe cases may leave structural changes in the lungs, such as EMPHYSEMA, with a permanent shortness of breath or liability to ASTHMA.

Treatment Antibiotics, such as ERYTHROMYCIN or TETRACYCLINES, may be helpful if given during the catarrhal stage – largely in preventing spread to brothers and sisters – but are of no use during the paroxysmal stage. Cough suppressants are not always helpful unless given in high (and therefore potentially narcotic) doses, and skilled nursing may be required to maintain nutrition, particularly if the disease is prolonged, with frequent vomiting.... whooping-cough

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