Koko Health Dictionary

Koko: From 1 Different Sources

(Japanese) The stork has come
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Stellaria Media

(Linn.) Vill.

Synonym: Alsine media Linn.

Family: Caryophyllaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India at 6001,650 m.

English: Common Chickweed.

Folk: Kokoon (Jammu); Safed Fulki, Buchbuchaa (Delhi).

Action: Antirheumatic, anti- inflammatory, astringent, refrigerant, demulcent, emollient, vulnerary, antipruritic. Dispels excessive body heat, relieves irritation. Used internally for rheumatism, externally in the form of ointment for chronic skin conditions, varicose ulcers and abscesses. Applied as a plaster for broken bones and swellings.

The plant contains saponin glyco- sides, coumarins, flavonoids (including rutin), carboxylic acid. The leaves contain vitamin C and carotene.

The plant also contains mucilage and is rich in potassium and silicon. The aerial parts, in post-flowering period, contain 44 mg/100 g of vitamn E.... stellaria media

Coconut Oil

French: Cocotier. German: Kokospalme. Italian: Albero del cocco. Indian: Nairkal. Iranian: Drakhte-bading. Chinese: Yeh-Yiu. From the well-known fruit of the species of palm. cocos nueifera, the kernel of which contains 70 per cent of a fixed oil called Coconut oil or Coconut butter. used as an ingredient of emollient ointments, pessaries, suppositories, scalp creams and oils for increasing growth of hair. Caprylic acid is a natural food grade oil extracted from Coconut and is an important ingredient of the preparation “Capricin” for the control of Candida albicans. ... coconut oil

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