Leea macrophylla Health Dictionary

Leea Macrophylla: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: Throughout hotter parts of India.

Ayurvedic: Hastikanda, Hasti-karna Palaasha; Kekidandaa.

Folk: Hatkan, Dholsamudra, Haath, Kaan.

Action: Astringent, anodyne, styptic, antiseptic. Root tubers— astringent, mucilaginous; applied to wounds and sores; used for ringworm and guineaworm.

Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Rosa Macrophylla


Ayurvedic: Taruni-Kantaka (non- classical). (Flowers—crimson or pink.)

Unani: Chini Gulaab.

Folk: Kaantaa-Gulaab.

Action: Hips—applied to wounds, injuries, sprains and foul ulcers.

R. chinensis Jacq. and R. borboni- ana Desp. are synonyms of Rosa indica, found and cultivated throughout India. This variety is also known as Edward Rose or Kat Gulaab.... rosa macrophylla

Chonemorpha Macrophylla

(Roxb.) G. Don.

Synonym: C. fragrans (Moon) Alston.

Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: Dense moist forests throughout India up to 1,500 m altitude.

English: Wood Vine.

Ayurvedic: Used in the Southern states as Muurvaa.

Action: Powdered root and stems— laxative, antibilious.

A lignan derivative has been isolated from the stem. It accelerated uptake of low density lipoprotein by Hep G2 cell by 67.0%.

The root bark contains 3.03% of total alkaloids consisting mainly of chonemorphine. Chonemorphine di- hydrochloride is an anti-amoebic principle. It showed in vitro activity against Entamoeba histolytica and trichomo- nas vaginalis. It proved efficacious against hepatic amoebiasis in golden hamsters and intestinal amoebiasis in Wister rats.... chonemorpha macrophylla

Leea Aequata


Synonym: L. hirta Roxb. ex Hornem.

Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: Northern Eastern India, West Peninsula and the Andamans.

Ayurvedic: Kaakajanghaa, Nadikaantaa, Sulomaasha, Paaraa- vatapaadi.

Folk: Surapadi (Telugu).

Action: Stem and root—astringent, anthelmintic. Used for indigestion, jaundice, chronic fever and malaria. Essential oil—inhibits the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Schroeter) Lehmann & Neumann; also inhibits the growth of Micro- coccus pyogenes var. aureus and Pasteurella pestis. Root, tuber and stem—mucilaginous, astringent. Leaves and twigs—antiseptic; used for poulticing wounds.... leea aequata

Leea Crispa


Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: North-Eastern India and in Western parts of Deccan Peninsula.

Folk: Banachelt (Maharashtra), Banachalit (Bengal), Nalugu, Nellu (Kerala).

Action: Leaves—applied to wounds. Root tubers—used for guineaworm. Plant—a host of the Indian lac insect.

Action: Root—antidiarrhoeal, antidysenteric, antispasmodic, cooling, sudorific. A decoction allays thirst. Leaves—juice of young leaves, digestive. Ointment prepared from roasted leaves relieves vertigo.

The leaves contain amorphous froth forming acid.... leea crispa

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