Lens dislocation Health Dictionary

Lens Dislocation: From 1 Different Sources

Displacement of the crystalline lens from its normal position in the eye. Lens dislocation is almost always caused by an injury that ruptures the fibres connecting the lens to the ciliary body. In Marfan’s syndrome, these fibres are particularly weak and lens dislocation is common.A dislocated lens may produce severe visual distortion or double vision, and sometimes causes a form of glaucoma if drainage of fluid from the front of the eye is affected. If glaucoma is severe, the lens may need to be removed. (See also aphakia.)
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association

Bifocal Lens

A spectacle lens in which the upper part is shaped to assist distant vision and the lower part is for close work such as reading.... bifocal lens


Injuries to joints of such a nature that the ends of the opposed bones are forced more or less out of connection with one another. Besides displacement of the bones, there is bruising of the tissues around them, and tearing of the ligaments which bind the bones together.

Dislocations, like fractures (see BONE, DISORDERS OF), are divided into simple and compound, the bone in the latter case being forced through the skin. This seldom occurs, since the round head of the bone has not the same power to wound as the sharp end of a broken bone. Dislocations are also divided according to whether they are (1) congenital, i.e. present at birth in consequence of some malformation, or (2) acquired at a later period in consequence of injury, the great majority falling into the latter class. The reduction of a dislocated joint is a skilled procedure and should be done by an appropriately trained professional.... dislocations


The internal optical component of the eye responsible for focusing; also called the crystalline lens. It is situated behind the iris and is suspended on delicate fibres from the ciliary body. The lens is elastic, transparent, and slightly less convex on the front surface than on the back. Changing its curvature alters

the focus so that near or distant objects can be seen sharply (see accommodation). Opacification of the lens is called cataract. (See also lens dislocation.)... lens

Lens Implant

A plastic prosthesis used to replace the removed opaque lens in cataract surgery.... lens implant

Lens Culinaris


Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: Forests of tropical and subtropical India, from Himalayas as far west as Kumaon, and southwards to the Peninsula.

Ayurvedic: Chhatri, Karkatajihvaa, Kukurjihvaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Nalava, Nyekki, Ottanali.

Folk: Karkani (Maharashtra).

Synonym: L. esculenta Moench.

Family: Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.

Habitat: Native to South West Asia; cultivated as a pulse crop mainly in North India, Madhya Pradesh and some parts of Maharashtra.

English: Lentil.

Ayurvedic: Masura, Masurikaa, Mangalyaa, Mangalyak, Adaasa.

Unani: Masoor.

Siddha: Misurpurpu.

Action: Seeds—mostly used as a pulse. Contain as much as 30% proteins (similar to those of peas and beans). Soup is used in gastric troubles and constipation. Paste or poultice is applied to foul and indolent ulcers.

Dosage: Dried seed—10-20 g. (API, Vol. III.) oil, extracted from the seeds, is similar to olive oil. The seeds possess feeble antimalarial activity. The seed extract showed 100% toxicity against Alternaria alternata and marked toxicity against Aspergillus niger.

Dosage: Root—5-10 g powder. (API, Vol. IV.)... lens culinaris

Lens Of The Eye

See EYE.... lens of the eye

Contact Lens Fatigue

Irritation, soreness, friction, inflammation. “People who use extended- wear soft contact lenses are more likely to develop serious microbial keratitis infection than users of other lenses.” (Research team, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London) Risk of keratitis was seen to increase when soft lenses were worn for more than six days.

Alternatives:– Douche. Simple teas: Fennel or German Chamomile; half a teaspoon dried herb or teabag to cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes. Half-fill eye-bath and use as douche, tepid. OR: quarter of a teaspoon distilled extract Witch Hazel in eye-bath; half-fill with water. Natural lubricant for contact lens is Evening Primrose oil (contents of a capsule). See: EYES, INFECTION.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A 7500iu, Vitamin B2 10mg, Vitamin C 400mg, Vitamin E 400iu, Beta carotene. Zinc 15mg. ... contact lens fatigue

Dislocation, Joint

Complete displacement of the 2 bones in a joint so that they are no longer in contact, usually as a result of injury. (Displacement that leaves the bones in partial contact is called subluxation.) It is usually accompanied by tearing of the joint ligaments and damage to the membrane that encases the joint. Injury severe enough to cause dislocation often also causes bone to fracture. Dislocation restricts or prevents the movement of the joint; it is usually very painful. The joint looks misshapen and swells. In some cases, dislocation is followed by complications, for example, paralysis.A dislocated joint should only be manipulated by medical personnel. First- aid treatment consists of applying a splint or, in the case of a dislocated shoulder, a sling. Sometimes, an operation is necessary to reset the bones.... dislocation, joint

Hip, Congenital Dislocation Of

See developmental hip dysplasia.... hip, congenital dislocation of

Bagolini Lens

a lens with fine parallel lines (almost invisible striations) across its width, used in various vision tests; for example, to test suppression and abnormal retinal correspondence. [B. Bagolini (20th century), Italian ophthalmologist]... bagolini lens

Bandage Lens

a soft contact lens that can be useful in managing certain external eye disorders, including tiny perforations.... bandage lens


(luxation) n. displacement from their normal position of bones meeting at a joint such that there is complete loss of contact of the joint surfaces. It usually results from trauma (e.g. dislocation of the shoulder, which is common in sports injuries, and dislocation of the mandible from the temporomandibular joint) but may be congenital, in which case it usually affects the hip (see congenital dislocation of the hip). In a traumatic dislocation the bones are restored to their normal positions by manipulation under local or general anaesthesia (see reduction). Compare subluxation.... dislocation

Shoulder, Dislocation Of

Displacement of the head of the humerus out of the shoulder joint. The main symptom is pain in the shoulder and upper arm, made worse by movement. A forward dislocation often produces obvious deformity; a backward dislocation usually does not.

Diagnosis is by X-rays. The head of the humerus is repositioned in the joint socket. The shoulder is then immobilized in a sling for about 3 weeks.

Complications of shoulder dislocation include damage to nerves, causing temporary weakness and numbness in the shoulder; damage to an artery in the upper arm, causing pain and discoloration of the arm and hand; and damage to muscles that support the shoulder.... shoulder, dislocation of

Congenital Dislocation Of The Hip

(CDH) an abnormality present at birth in which the head of the femur is displaced or easily displaceable from the acetabulum (socket) of the ilium, which is poorly developed; it frequently affects both hip joints. CDH occurs in about 1.5 per 1000 live births, being more common in first-born girls, in breech deliveries, and if there is a family history of the condition. The leg is shortened and has a reduced range of movement, and the skin creases may be asymmetrical. All babies are routinely screened for CDH at birth and at developmental check-ups by gentle manipulation of the hip causing it to be reduced and dislocated with a clunk (see Barlow manoeuvre; Ortolani manoeuvre). The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray or ultrasound scan. Treatment is with a special harness holding the hip in the correct position. If this is unsuccessful, the hip is reduced under anaesthetic and held with a plaster of Paris cast or the defect is corrected by surgery. Successful treatment of an infant can give a normal hip; if the dislocation is not detected, the hip does not develop normally and osteoarthritis develops at a young age.... congenital dislocation of the hip

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