Habitat: Grown as a pot herb in almost every part of India, except hills.
English: Indian Spinach.Ayurvedic: Upodikaa, Potaki, Maalvaa, Amritvallari.Siddha/Tamil: Vaslakkirai.Folk: Poi.Action: Demulcent, diuretic, laxative (a good substitute for spinach and purslane). Used as a cooling medicine in digestive disorders. Leaf juice is used in balanitis and catarrhal affections. Externally applied in urticaria, burns, scalds. Root—decoction is given to stop bilious vomiting and in intestinal complaints. Used as poultice to reduce local swellings; sap is used in acne.
Used for checking malnutrition in children.The essential amino acids are argi- nine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, threonine and tryptophan. The plant contains several vitamins and minerals, is rich in calcium and iron compounds and contains a low percentage of soluble oxalates. The leaves also contain carotenoids, organic acids and water- soluble polysaccharides, bioflavonoids and vitamin K.Dosage: Whole plant—10-20 ml juice. (CCRAS.)... basella albaHabitat: Wild on wastelands of Sindh, Baluchistan, Rajasthan; in dry districts of Bellary in the South.
English: Wild Cucumber.Ayurvedic: Indravarruni (var.).Folk: Khar-indraayana.Action: Emetic, purgative. Toxic.
Fruit pulp—a bitter resinous body, myriocarpin, produces nausea and is slightly purgative.The fruit contain cucurbitacin B,C,D and Q1, and propheterosterol and its acetate. Cucurbitacin Q1 is an anti- tumour agent. Amino acids from the fruits are leucine, iso-leucine, pheny- lalanine, valine, tryptophan, tyrosine, proline, alanine threonine, glycine, arginine, crystine and aspartic acid.... cucumis prophetarumHin: Akasgaddah;
Mal: Kadamba, KollankovaTam: Akashagarudan, Gollankovai;Tel: Murudonda, NagadondaCorallocarpus is a prostrate or climbing herb distributed in Punjab, Sind, Gujarat, Deccan, Karnataka and Sri Lanka. It is monoecious with large root which is turnip-shaped and slender stem which is grooved, zigzag and glabrous. Tendrils are simple, slender and glabrous. Leaves are sub-orbicular in outline, light green above and pale beneath, deeply cordate at the base, angled or more or less deeply 3-5 lobed. Petiole is long and glabrous. Male flowers are small and arranged at the tip of a straight stiff glabrous peduncle. Calyx is slightly hairy, long and rounded at the base. Corolla is long and greenish yellow. Female flowers are usually solitary with short, stout and glabrous peduncles. Fruit is stalked, long, ellipsoid or ovoid. Seeds are pyriform, turgid, brown and with a whitish corded margin. It is prescribed in later stages of dysentery and old veneral complaints. For external use in chronic rheumatism, it is made into a liniment with cumin seed, onion and castor oil. It is used in case of snakebite where it is administered internally and applied to the bitten part. The root is given in syphilitic rheumatism and later stages of dysentery. The plant is bitter, sweet, alexipharmic and emetic. The root is said to possess alterative and laxative properties (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). Root contains a bitter principle like Breyonin (Chopra et al, 1980).Agrotechnology: Cucurbits can be successfully grown during January-March and September- December. For the rainfed crop, sowing can also be started after the receipt of the first few showers.Pits of 60cm diameter and 30-45cm depth are to be taken at the desired spacing. Well rotten FYM or vegetable mixture is to be mixed with topsoil in the pit and seeds are to be sown at 4-5/pit. Unhealthy plants are to be removed after 2 weeks and retained 2-3 plants/pit. FYM is to be applied at 20-25t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35kg/ha) and full dose of P (25kg) and K (25kg). The remaining dose of N (35kg) can be applied in 2 equal split doses at fortnightly intervals. During the initial stages of growth, irrigation is to be given at an interval of 3-4 days and at alternate days during flowering and fruiting periods. For trailing cucumber, pumpkin and melon, dried twigs are to be spread on the ground. Bitter gourd, bottle gourd, snake gourd and ash gourd are to be trailed on Pandals. Weeding and raking of the soil are to be conducted at the time of fertilizer application. Earthing up may be done during rainy season. The most dreaded pest of cucurbits is fruit flies which can be controlled by using fruit traps, covering the fruits with polythene, cloth or paper bags, removal and destruction of affected fruits and lastly spraying with Carbaryl or Malathion 0. 2% suspension containing sugar or jaggery at 10g/l at fortnightly intervals after fruit set initiation. During rainy season, downy mildew and mosaic diseases are severe in cucurbits. The former can be checked by spraying Mancozeb 0.2%. The spread of mosaic can be checked by controlling the vectors using Dimethoate or Phosphamidon 0.05% and destruction of affected plants and collateral hosts. Harvesting to be done at least 10 days after insecticide or fungicide application (KAU,1996).... cucurbitsHabitat: Evergreen forests of Western Ghats from Konkan southwards and in Goa. Also cultivated in southern districts of Maharashtra and on lower slopes of Nilgiris.
English: Kokam Butter tree, Mangosteen Oil tree.Ayurvedic: Vrkshaamla, Tintidika, Chukra, Amlavrkshak, Kokam, Amsula.Siddha/Tamil: Murgal.Folk: Kokam.Action: Fruit—antiscorbutic, cholagogue, cooling, antibilious, emollient and demulcent. A syrup from the fruit juice is given in bilious affections. Bark—astringent, Oil or Kokam Butter—used for dysentery and diarrhoea with mucus. Applied externally to ulcerations, fissures of lips, chapped skin and skin diseases.
The fruit rind contain a polyiso- prenylated phenolic pigment, garci- nol and its isomer isogarcinol, along with (-)-hydroxycitric acid, cyanidin- 3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-sambubio- side. L-leucine and DNP-L-leucine hy- drochloride have been reported from the leaves.EtOH (50%) extract of aerial parts exhibited semen coagulant and CNS depressant activity.Kokum butter contains fatty acids— palmtic 2.0, stearic 57.5, oleic 39.0, linoleic 1.3 and others 0.2%.Dosage: Fruit—10-20 ml juice; root bark—40-80 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... garcinia indicaHabitat: Central India and Western Peninsula.
Ayurvedic: Bhramar-chhalikaa, Ugragandhaa (a confusing synonym). Bhringa-vrksha (provisional synonym).Siddha/Tamil: Sagappu, Vellei Kadambu, Peranjoli.Folk: Bhaulan, Bhramarchhali, Bhuurkunda.Action: Bark—astringent, febrifuge, antiperiodic (especially for tertian ague).
The stem bark contains scopoletin and its apioglucoside, hymexelsin (yield 0.12%). The presence of glucose, fructose, galactose and several amino acids, alanine, arginine, cystine, glycine, leucine; besides fatty acids, beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol is also reported from the bark.Roots contain several quinones.... hymenodictyon excelsumHabitat: Moist parts of India, up to 1,800 m.
English: Indian Rhododendron.Folk: Laakheri, Paalorey (Maharashtra). Tulasi (Nepal). Nakkukappan (Tamil Nadu), Phutuka (Assam).Action: Leaf—antidiarrhoeal, antiseptic. Locally applied in smallpox to prevent pox-marks. Leaf and flowering top—astringent, antileucorrhoeic. Bark—applied to wounds. Also employed in preparation of gargles.
The leaves gave amino acids—gly- cine, valine, leucine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, methionine, tyrosine, isoleucine and hydroxyproline. The roots gave beta-sitosterol and a tri- terpene, melastomic acid.... melastoma malabathricumHabitat: Cultivated in Bengal, Orissa and Punjab.
English: Watercress.Folk: Piriyaa-Haalim (Punjab), Latputiyaa (Maharashtra).Action: Leaves—antiscorbutic, expectorant (used in catarrh of the respiratory organs), diuretic (used in kidney and bladder disorders), detoxifying. A lotion of leaves is applied to blotches, spots and blemishes. Fresh herb is used as a blood purifier.
Key application: For catarrh of respiratory tract. (German Commission E.)Watercress contains vitamin A 4720 IU, ascorbic acid 77 mg/100 g, also thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and biotin; mineral matter 2.2%—calcium 290, phosphorus 140, iron 4.6 mg/100 g, also sulphur, iodine, manganese, zinc, arsenic and copper; proteins 2.9%, amino acid composition includes leucine, phenylalanine, valine, lysine, tyrosine, alanine, threonine, glutamic acid, serine, aspartic acid, cystine, methionine sulphoxide and proline.The glucosinolate phenethyl isothio- cyanate, which is released upon chewing the leaf, is a chemopreventive agent against lung cancer. (cited in Expanded Commission E Monographs.)Watercress is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers and inflammatory kidney diseases. (Francis Brinker.)... nasturtium officinaleHabitat: Native to Mediterranean region; grown in Indian gardens.
English: Red Oleander, Rose Bay.Unani: Surkh Kaner.Action: See N. indicum. (The white- and red-flowered varieties are equated with Nerium oleander; both possess similar properties. The yellow-flowered variety is equated with Thevetia peruviana.)
Key application: Leaf—included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E. Positively inotropic and negatively chronotropic actions have been mentioned; the use of leaf for diseases and functional disorders of the heart, as well as for skin diseases has been indicated.The leaves and roots gave a number of active principles including gly- cosides, terpenoids, sterols and other compounds. Cardiac steroids, isolated from the leaf, include oleandrin, gen- tiobiosyl oleandrin, odoroside. The stem contained alanine arginine, as- partic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine. A polysaccharide (2.3%), containing galacturonic acid, rhamnose, arabinose and galactose has been isolated from leaves.Neutral fraction from leaves at low doses caused marked suppression of locomotor activity.Aqueous extract of leaves showed significant antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The leaves also showed insecticidal activity.... nerium oleanderHabitat: Throughout India, up to an elevation of 2,100 m in the northeast.
English: Wild Gram.Ayurvedic: Mudgaparni, Kaaka- parni, Suuryaparni, Alpikaa, Sahaa, Kaakamudraa, Maarjaargandhikaa. (P. adenanthus G. F. W., and Vigna pilosa Baker are used as Mudgaparni in the South. Dried aerial parts, root and seed are used.)Siddha/Tamil: Kaatupayaru.Folk: Jangali Moong, Mugavan.Action: Whole plant—febrifuge. Leaves—sedative, cooling, an- tibilious. A decoction is used in intermittent fever. The plant contains friedelin, epifriedelin, stigmasterol and tannins. The bean contains methionine, tryptophan and tyrosine; also strepogenin, uridine, diphosphate-galacturonic acid. The seed protein contained lysine, valine, leucine and phenyl- alanine.
Dosage: Seed—50-100 ml. decoction (CCRAS.); whole plant— 3-5 g. (API, Vol. IV.)... phaseolus trilobusHabitat: Andhra Pradesh, Karnata- ka and Madhya Pradesh.
English: Wild Date Palm.Ayurvedic: Kharjuuri.Siddha/Tamil: Periyaitcham, Icham.Folk: Sulemaani Khajuur, Desi Khajuur.Action: Fruits—restorative. Juice— cooling, gastric stimulant. Seeds— used in ague. Root—used for nervous debility.
Fresh, unfermented sap (Niraa) is a good source of ascorbic acid, nicotinic and isonicotinic acids, riboflavin, thiamine, sugars; crystine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, thre- onine, tyrosine.The concentration of amino acids is much higher in palm jaggery than in sugar cane jaggery.Fresh fruits contain protein 1.2, fat 0.4, calcium 0.022 and phosphorus 0.38%.Dosage: Fruit—10-20 g paste. (CCRAS.)... phoenix sylvestrisHabitat: Northwest Himalayas from Garhwal eastwards at altitudes of 1,800-3,000 m.
English: Neosia Pine, Edible Pine, Chilgoza Pine.Ayurvedic: Nikochaka. Unani: Chilgozaa.Action: Kernels—stimulant, carminative, expectorant. Oil from seeds—externally used for wounds and ulcers.
The kernels gave protein 15.9, fat 49.9, carbohydrates 21.6 and mineral matter 2.9%. The mineral constituents include calcium 90.8, phosphorus 92.4 and iron 2.4 mg/100 g. Pectin is present to the extent of 1.73% (calculated as calcium pectate). Seed protein on hydrolysis gave amino acids—leucine, iso- leucine, valine, lysine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and methionine. The oil gave glycerides. The essential oil from oleoresin contains alpha-and beta-pi- nene as major constituents; other constituents are sesquiterpenes.... pinus gerardianaHabitat: Eastern Himalayas, Khasi, Jaintia and Lushai Hills.
Siddha/Tamil: Kalpakku.Folk: Kachloraa.Action: Leaf—used externally as a mostrum for leprosy; also applied for promoting growth of hair. Seed—hypoglycaemic. Aerial parts—diuretic, spasmolytic.
The seeds contain 18.3% protein; major amino acids are aspartic acid 13.2, glutamic acid 10.9, alanine 9.7, leucine 8.3, glycine 8.2, serine 7.4%. Seeds contain a poisonous principle pithecolobine. They are used after repeated boiling and discarding of water.... pithecellobium monadelphumForsk
Synonym: P. Ispaghula Roxb.Family: Plantaginaceae.Habitat: Cultivated In Parts Of Rajasthan And Maharashtra.
English: Ispaghula, Spogel Seeds, Blond Psyllium.Ayurvedic: Ashvagola. Ashwakarna (Also Equated With Shorea Robusta).Unani: Aspaghol.Siddha/Tamil: Isapppa.Folk: Isabgol.Action: Seed And Husk—Laxative, Diuretic, Demulcent, Bechic, Cholinergic. Used In Inflammatory Conditions Of The Mucous Membrane Of Gastrointestinal And Genitourinary Tract, Chronic Amoebic And Bacillary Dysentery; Also In Hypercholesterolemia.
Key Application ? In Chronic Constipation And Irritable Bowel. (German Commission E.) Also In Constipation Due To Duodenal Ulcer Or Diverticulitis (Who.) German Commission E Also Noted That Blond Psyllium Seed Lowers Serum Cholesterol Levels. It Has Also Been Shown To Slow Sugar Absorption Thereby Reducing Blood Glucose. (Escop.) Use Of Blond Psyllium Husk Up To Six Months Did Not Clinically Alter Vitamin Or Mineral Status In A Review Of Eight Human Trials. It Did Not Reduce Absorption Of Calcium. (J Am Geriatr Soc, 43, 1995; Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 2000; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)The Seed Contains Amino Acids Including Valine, Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Cystine, Lysine, Leucine And Tyrosine; And A Mucilage Consisting Of A Mixture Of Polysaccharides Composed Mainly Of Xylose, Arabinose And Galacturonic Acid; Rhamnose And Galactose Are Also Present. The Seeds Also Gave Aucubin, The Antibacterial Principle. The Seed Coat Contains Fatty Acids Mainly Linoleic, Oleic And Palmitic Acids In Decreasing Concentrations.The Seeds Show A Liver Protective Effect On Induced Hepatotoxicity In Mice. In China, The Plant Is Used Clinically To Treat Certain Types Of Hepatitis (Activity Due To Aucubin Content).Dosage: Husk—5-10 G. (Ccras.)... plantago ovataProteins constitute an essential part of the diet as a source of energy, and for the replacement of protein lost in the wear and tear of daily life. Their essential constituent from this point of view is the nitrogen which they contain. To be absorbed, or digested, proteins have to be broken down into their constituent amino acids. The adult human body can maintain nitrogenous equilibrium on a mixture of eight amino acids, which are therefore known as the essential (or indispensable) amino acids. They are isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. In addition, infants require histidine.... protein
Habitat: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Punjab.
English: Sugarcane, Noble Cane.Ayurvedic: Ikshu, Dirgha-chhada, Bhuurirasa, Morata, Asipatra, Madhutrna, Gudamuula, Trnarasa.Unani: Gannaa, Naishakar.Siddha/Tamil: Karumbu, Nanal.Action: Cane Juice—restorative, cooling, laxative, demulcent, diuretic, antiseptic. Used in general debility, haemophilic conditions, jaundice and urinary diseases.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the juice of the stem in haemorrhagic diseases and anuria; and the root in dysuria.Sugarcane juice contains surcose (70-80% of soluble solids in the juice), glucose and fructose. Non-sugar constituents present in the cane juice are carbohydrates other than sugars. As- paragine and glutamine are prominent amino acids in the juice. Other amino acids include alanine, gamma- amino butyric acid, aspartic and glutamic acids, glycine, leucine, lysine, serine and tyrosine. The presence of phenylalanine, histidine, valine, proline, threonine and arginine, pipecolic acid, methionine and tryptophan has also been reported.Aconitic acid constitutes about three-fourths of the total carboxylic acid present in the juice.Vitamins present in the juice are: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin D; enzymes include diastase, invertase, lac- tase, peroxidase, tyrosinase.Phenols in the cane juice are mainly polyphenols from tannin and antho- cyanin from the rind.Cane juice contains glycolic acid which improves skin complexion as it has antiwrinkle effect, prevents scaly growth and increases natural collagen and elastin in the skin.Enzymes present in the seeds include large quantities of diastase and invertase.An ester, vanilloyl-l-O-beta-D-glu- coside, has been isolated from the bagasse.The leaves contain alpha-amylase and glutathione-S-transferase.Dosage: Stem—200-400 ml juice; rootstock—15-30 g for decoction. (API, Vol. IV.)... saccharum officinarumHabitat: A small, aromatic tree occurring wild or grown throughout the country for edible fruits.
English: Hog-Plum, Wild Mango. Great Hog-Plum is equated with S. cytherea Sonn, synonym S. dulcis Soland. ex Forst. f.Ayurvedic: Aamraataka, Aamraata, Aamadaa, Madhuparni, Kundalini, Kapitana, Markataamra.Siddha/Tamil: Mambulichi, Kat- tuma.Folk: Jangali Aam.Action: Fruits, leaves, bark— astringent, antidysenteric, anti- speptic, antiscorbutic. Bark paste applied externally to articular and muscular rheumatism. Root—used for regulating menstruation.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends stem bark in haem- orrhagic diseases.The fruit contains beta-amyrin, olea- nolic acid and amino acids—glycine, cystine, serine, alanine and leucine; polysaccharides are also present.Aerial parts gave lignoceric acid, 24-methylenecycloartanone, stigmast- 4-en-3-one, beta-sitosterol and its glu- coside.Dosage: Stem bark—5-10 g powder for decoction (API, Vol. II); 1-3 g powder (API, Vol. III).... spondias pinnataHabitat: Aka hills in Arunachal Pradesh.
Ayurvedic: Vaaraahikanda (substitute), Vaaraahi. (Dioscorea bulbifera is equated with Vaaraahikanda.)Folk: Duukarkand (Gujarat).Action: Tuber—nutritive and digestive; applied to haemorrhagic diathesis, cachexia, leprosy and other cutaneous affections.
The tuber contains gamma-amino- butyric acid, glycine, leucine, valine, quercetin-3-arabinoside, D (-)-ribose, n-triacontanol, betulinic acid, castano- genin and taccalin.Habitat: Entire Deccan Peninsula, extending into Madhya Pradesh and Bihar.
English: Fiji Arrowroot, Tahiti Arrowroot.Ayurvedic: Suurana. (Instead of wild var., cultivated elephant-foot- yam, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius var. campanulatus, is used.)Siddha/Tamil: Karachunai.Action: Tuber—acrid, astringent, carminative, anthelmintic. Used in the treatment of piles, haemophilic conditions, internal abscesses, colic, enlargement of spleen, vomiting, asthma, bronchitis, elephantiasis and intestinal worms.
The tuber, macerated and repeatedly washed with water, yield a starch (76.0%).The presence ofbeta-sitosterol, ceryl alcohol and taccalin (a bitter principle) has been reported in the tuber.Taccagenin and leontogenin have been isolated froma acid hydrolysate of leaf extract. Diosgenin and its derivatives, isonarthogenin and isonu- atigenin together with nuatigenin have also been isolated.A bitter extract, prepared by washing the grated tubers in running water, is a rubefacient; and is also given in diarrhoea and dysentery.... tacca asperaHabitat: Indigenous to tropical Africa; now distributed throughout the plains and sub-Himalayan tracts of India.
English: Tamarind tree.Ayurvedic: Amli, Amlikaa, Suktaa, Chukraa, Chukrikaa, Chinchaa, Chandikaa, Tintidika.Unani: Tamar HindiSiddha/Tamil: Puli, Aanvilam.Action: Pulp of fruit—cooling, digestive, carminative, laxative, antiscorbutic; infusion prescribed in febrile diseases and bilious disorders; used as a gargle in sore throat; applied as a poultice on inflammatory swellings.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the fruit pulp in tiredness without exertion.Leaves—juice, used for bleeding piles, bilious fever and dysuria. Stem- bark—antipyretic and astringent.Used for diarrhoea. Bark is also prescribed in asthma and amenor- rhoea. Seed-kernel—stimulant; used as a supporting tonic in sexual debility in Unani medicine.Water stored in the tumbler, made out of the wood, is given for treating splenic enlargement.Ethanolic extract of the seed coat exhibited antioxidant activity. Kernel gave polysaccharides composed of D- glucose, D-xylose, D-galactose and L- arabinose in a molar ratio of 8:4:2:1. Polysaccharides showed immunomod- ulatory activities such as phagocytic enhancement, leukocyte migration inhibition and inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation.The leaves gave flavone C-glycosi- des—orientin, vitexin, iso-orientin and iso-vitexin. The leaves and fruits gave tartaric acid and malic acid. The fruit pulp yielded amino acids—ser- ine, beta-alanine, proline, pipecolinic acid, phenylalanine and leucine.A bitter principle, tamarindienal, isolated from the fruit pulp, showed fungicidal and bactericidal activity against Aspergillus nigar, Candida al- bicans, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and Pseudomonas aerug- inosa.The ash of the bark is given in colic and indigestion. The ash is also used in gargles and mouthwash for apthous sores.Dosage: Fruit pulp without seeds— 4-10 g. (API, Vol. IV.)... tamarindus indicaSymptoms. Slurred speech, muscle wastage, shortness of breath, difficult swallowing. The intellect is not affected. Bladder and bowel control are retained.
Treatment. There is no specific treatment. Black Cohosh gives added power to feeble nerve impulses. The husks of oats, Avena sativa, offers a strengthening nutrient containing tocopherol and protein for the debility. Ginkgo and Kola nuts are cerebral stimulants. Damiana (Curzon) has a tonic effect upon the central nervous system.
Tablet: Damiana, Kola, Saw Palmetto.
Tinctures. Combine – Ginkgo 3; Avena sativa 2; Damiana 1; Black Cohosh half. Dose: 2-4ml (30-60 drops), in water.
Evening Primrose oil: of value in rehabilitation of the patient.
Note: Treatment should be supervised by a neurologist whose training prepares him/her to recognise serious illness and to integrate herbal treatment safely into the treatment plan.
Diet. Gluten-free. Low animal fats, high unsaturated fats, low sugars: give preference to honey. Avoid beer, sweetened bottled fruit juices.
Supplements. To make good possible vitamin and mineral deficiencies; directed towards regeneration of wasted nerve cells. Multivitamin capsule/tablet containing the B group, but the Vitamin B12 (10mcg thrice daily) should be taken separately. Magnesium relieves chronic nervous fatigue. Zinc contributes to motor neurone health. Amino acids, including L-leucine to restore the glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) to slow down degeneration.
Cases have been known to evolve from physical injury or trauma, such as falling downstairs, in which case the use of the homoeopathic remedy Arnica might be indicated.
Aluminium. Aluminium is suspect in playing an etiological role in the onset of MND. As a precautionary measure aluminium anti-perspirants, antacids and cooking vessels are best avoided.
Supportives. Deep-breathing exercises. A range of communication aids are available under the National Health Service, England.
Information. Motor Neurone Disease Association, PO Box 246, Northampton NN1 2PR, UK. ... motor neurone disease (mnd)