Levallorphan tartrate Health Dictionary

Levallorphan Tartrate: From 1 Different Sources

An antidote to MORPHINE. It is usually given intravenously.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Discover Quassia Tea

If you want to try something new, drink quassia tea - an herbal tea from South America. Even if its taste is bitter, you won’t regret giving it a try thanks to its many health benefits. Read to find out more about quassia tea! About Quassia Tea Quassia tea is made from the bark of the quassia tree, which can be found in the tropical parts of South America. Quassia is a deciduous tree which can grow up to 30m in height. Its bark is grey, and it has branches full of leaves. The flowers of the tree are yellow, while the fruits are black and pea-shaped. Constituents of Quassia Tea Quassia tea has plenty of health benefits. These can be found in the tea thanks to the active constituents which are transferred from the bark of the tree. Some of the important active constituents are: various quassinoids and alkaloids, beta-sitostenone, beta-sitosterol, calcium tartrate, gallic acid, mallic acid, potassium acetate, and simalikalactone D and E (SkE). How to prepare Quassia Tea If you’re using quassia bark to make a cup of quassia tea, add two teaspoons to a mug full of freshly-boiled water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Stream and sweeten if you wish. If you use teabags, follow the instructions on the box (steeping time should be around 5-7 minutes). You can drink cold quessia tea, too. For this, just soak a handful of tree bark in a mug of cool water. Let it steep for about eight hours before you remove the bark pieces. Quessia Tea Benefits Quessia tea has plenty of health benefits, thanks to its active constituents. They should encourage you to drink this tea, despite its bitter taste. Quessia tea promotes a proper digestion. It also helps expel parasites and lice, clean the blood, and eliminate toxins and bacteria; it is recommended if you’ve got a fever. It is used in the treatment for various diseases: malaria, diarrhea, dysentery and gastric ulcers, for example. Quessia tea is also recommended if you’ve got a tumor. You can drink quessia tea when you feel nervous or stressed. This tea will help you relax, as it will sedate the nerves. It is also useful if you’ve got a bad appetite, or even if you’re suffering from anorexia. Quessia Tea Side Effects You shouldn’t drink quessia tea if you’re pregnant or breast feeding. It can affect the baby in both cases, as well as lead to cell damage and nausea. It is recommended to drink 3-4 cups of quessia tea a day. If you drink too much, you might get a few side effects. These include: irritation of the mouth, throat, and digestive tract, nausea, vomiting, headaches. Long-term consumption of quessia tea might lead to vision changes or even blindness. As quessia tea can irritate the digestive tract, it’s best that you don’t drink it if you’re suffering from digestive tract diseases, such as stomach, intestinal ulcers, or Crohn’s disease. It might worsen your condition. Quessia tea can be consumed every day with no worries. It has important health benefits which should convince you to drink it, despite its bitter taste.... discover quassia tea


One of the alkaloids in ergot. In the form of ergotamine tartrate it is usually given orally to treat MIGRAINE, but treatment carries a risk and should be medically supervised.... ergotamine

Vitis Vinifera


Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: A woody, shrubby vine, cultivated in Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu for edible fruits.

English: Wine Grape, European Grape. (Chinese: P'u-t'ao.)

Ayurvedic: Draakshaa, Go-stani, Mrdvikaa. Dehydrated fruit— Daakh, Munnakaa, Kishmish.

Unani: Angoor. Dehydrated fruit—Daakh, Maweez, Zabeeb, Munaqqaa, Kishmish.

Siddha: Draksha.

Action: Dried fruits, seedless— nourishing and invigorating. Used in prescriptions for cough, respiratory tract catarrh, subacute cases of enlarged liver and spleen; and in alcohol-based tonics (Aasavs).

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends dried mature fruits (5-10 g) in anaemia, jaundice, dyspepsia, constipation, haemorrhagic diseases, gout, cough, dyspnoea, and alcoholism.

Grape vine contains flavonoids, tannins, tartrates, inositol, carotenes, cho- line and sugars. The fruit contains tar- taric and malic acids, sugars, pectin, tannin, flavone glycosides, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and minerals; anthocyanins in red leaves and red grapes. Antho- cyanins reduce capillary permeability. Red leaves are astringent and anti- inflammatory; an infusion is used for diarrhoea, heavy menstrual bleeding and uterine haemorrhage; also in the treatment of varicose veins and haemorrhoids.

Oligomeric proanthocyanidin extract of the seed is used in atherosclerosis due to its free radical scavenging ability, also in venous insufficiency, night vision, oedema due to injury and post surgery oedema.

Proanthocyanidin extract decreased hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen in mice. Grape polyphenols, extracted from skin and seeds decreased hepatic injury from alcohol, but had no effect on ethanol-induced lipid changes in rats. (Sharon M. Herr.)

Dosage: Dried mature fruits—5-10 g. (API, Vol. III.)... vitis vinifera


The word migraine derives from HEMICRANIA, the Greek for half a skull, and is a common condition characterised by recurring intense headaches. It is much more usual in women than in men and affects around 10 per cent of the population. It has been de?ned as ‘episodic headache accompanied by visual or gastrointestinal disturbances, or both, attacks lasting hours with total freedom between episodes’.

It usually begins at puberty – although young children can be affected – and tends to stop in middle age: in women, for example, attacks often cease after MENOPAUSE. It frequently disappears during pregnancy. The disorder tends to run in families. In susceptible individuals, attacks may be provoked by a wide variety of causes including: anxiety, emotion, depression, shock, and excitement; physical and mental fatigue; prolonged focusing on computer, television or cinema screens; noise, especially loud and high-pitched sounds; certain foods – such as chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, pastry; alcohol; prolonged lack of food; irregular meals; menstruation and the pre-menstrual period.

Anything that can provoke a headache in the ordinary individual can probably precipitate an attack in a migrainous subject. It seems as if there is an inherited predispostion that triggers a mechanism whereby in the migrainous subject, the headache and the associated sickness persist for hours, a whole day or even longer.

The precise cause is not known, but the generally accepted view is that in susceptible individuals, one or other of these causes produces spasm or constriction of the blood vessels of the brain. This in turn is followed by dilatation of these blood vessels which also become more permeable and so allow ?uid to pass out into the surrounding tissues. This combination of dilatation and outpouring of ?uid is held to be responsible for the headache.

Two types of migraine have been recognised: classical and common. The former is relatively rare and the headache is preceded by a slowly extending area of blindness in one or both eyes, usually accompanied by intermittent ‘lights’. The phenomenon lasts for up to 30 minutes and is followed by a bad, often unilateral headache with nausea, sometimes vomiting and sensitivity to light. Occasionally, passing neurological symptoms such as weakness in a limb may accompany the attack. The common variety has similar but less severe symptoms. It consists of an intense headache, usually situated over one or other eye. The headache is usually preceded by a feeling of sickness and disturbance of sight. In 15–20 per cent of cases this disturbance of sight takes the form of bright lights: the so-called AURA of migraine. The majority of attacks are accompanied by vomiting. The duration of the headache varies, but in the more severe cases the victim is usually con?ned to bed for 24 hours.

Treatment consists, in the ?rst place, of trying to avoid any precipitating factor. Patients must ?nd out which drug, or drugs, give them most relief, and they must always carry these about with them wherever they go. This is because it is a not uncommon experience to be aware of an attack coming on and to ?nd that there is a critical quarter of an hour or so during which the tablets are e?ective. If not taken within this period, they may be ine?ective and the unfortunate victim ?nds him or herself prostrate with headache and vomiting. In addition, sufferers should immediately lie down; at this stage a few hours’ rest may prevent the development of a full attack.

When an attack is fully developed, rest in bed in a quiet, darkened room is essential; any loud noise or bright light intensi?es the headache or sickness. The less food that is taken during an attack the better, provided that the individual drinks as much ?uid as he or she wants. Group therapy, in which groups of around ten migrainous subjects learn how to relax, is often of help in more severe cases, whilst in others the injection of a local anaesthetic into tender spots in the scalp reduces the number of attacks. Drug treatment can be e?ective and those a?icted by migraine may ?nd a particular drug or combination of drugs more suitable than others. ANALGESICS such as PARACETAMOL, aspirin and CODEINE phosphate sometimes help. A combination of buclizine hydrochloride and analgesics, taken when the visual aura occurs, prevents or diminishes the severity of an attack in some people. A commonly used remedy for the condition is ergotamine tartrate, which causes the dilated blood vessels to contract, but this must only be taken under medical supervision. In many cases METOCLOPRAMIDE (an antiemetic), followed ten minutes later by three tablets of either aspirin or paracetamol, is e?ective if taken early in an attack. In milder attacks, aspirin, with or without codeine and paracetamol, may be of value. SUMATRIPTAN (5-hydroxytryptamine [5HT1] AGONIST – also known as a SEROTONIN agonist) is of value for acute attacks. It is used orally or by subcutaneous injection, but should not be used for patients with ischaemic heart disease. Naratriptan is another 5HT1 agonist that is an e?ective treatment for acute attacks; others are almotriptan, rizariptan and zolmitriptan. Some patients ?nd beta blockers such as propranolol a valuable prophylactic.

People with migraine and their relatives can obtain help and guidance from the Migraine Action Association.... migraine

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