Habitat: Native to Southern Europe and South-West Asia; grown in Indian gardens.
English: Madona Lily, Annunciation Lily, White Lily.
Action: Bulb—astringent, demulcent. Used for gynaecological disorders. A decoction of the bulbs in water or milk is given for dropsy; a poultice is applied to tumours, ulcers and skin inflammations. Fresh flowering plant is used in homoeopathy as an antispasmodic; the pollen is used against epilepsy
A total extract stimulates phagocytosis in mice. The bulbs contain alkaloids (pyrroline derivatives), jat- ropham, ethyljatropham and citracon- ic acid imides.Mucous, tannin, sterine and gluco- side impart anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and expectorant properties to the bulb.Bulbs of Lilium species contain soluble polysaccharides (glucomannans), starch, gamma-methylene glutamic acid and tuliposide.... lilium candidum
Habitat: Native to China and Japan; cultivated in Indian gardens.
English: Tiger Lily, Crumple Lily.
Action: Bulbs—used as a cardiac tonic. Flowers—used for ovarian neuralgia, also recommended in myoptic astigmia.
The bulbs of Lilium martagon Linn., Turk's Cap Lily, also possesses cardio- tonic properties and are used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea; externally for ulcers.Folk: Findora. Badai (Lushai).
Action: Dried bulb scales— demulcent; used like salep in pectoral complaints.... lilium tigrinum