Liniments Health Dictionary

Liniments: From 2 Different Sources

May be made from any herb: 4oz herb to 1 pint alcohol (gin, vodka, etc) or cider vinegar. Add 20 drops Tincture Capsicum. Essential oils – Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, Tea Tree oil, etc, may be added for penetration and antisepsis. Sometimes soapy in character. For external use by rubbing but not for internal use.

See also: MASSAGE OILS. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
Liniments, or EMBROCATIONS, are oily mixtures intended for external application by rubbing. Their chief use is in the production of pain relief, particularly in rheumatic conditions. They may be highly toxic if taken orally.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


Fluid preparations intended for bringing into contact with, or for washing, the external surface of the body. Lotions are generally of a watery or alcoholic composition, and many of them are known as ‘liquors’. Those external applications which are of an oily nature, and intended to be rubbed into the surface, are known as liniments.... lotions


A liquid rubbed on the skin to relieve aching muscles and stiff joints.

Liniments may contain rubefacients (substances that increase blood flow beneath the skin), or certain drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.... liniment


Embrocations are mixtures, usually of an oily nature, intended for external application in cases of rheumatism, sprains, and other painful conditions. Their action is due mainly to the massage employed in rubbing in the embrocations, in part to the counter-irritant action of the drugs which they contain. (See LINIMENTS.)... embrocations

Toddalia Asiatica

(Linn.) Lam.

Synonym: T. aculeata Pers.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Tropical Himalayas, from Kumaon eastwards to Assam, Khasi hills and throughout the Western Peninsula.

English: Wild Orange tree, Forest Pepper.

Ayurvedic: Kanchana.

Siddha/Tamil: Kattu Milagu, Milagaranai.

Folk: Jangali Kaali-mirch, Kanja.

Action: Whole plant—febrifuge, diuretic, Leaves—antispasmodic. Rootbark—antipyretic, diaphoretic, antiperiodic.

Used as a tonic during convalescence and constitutional debility. (The rootbark was used medicinally in the past in Europe under the name Lopez Root or Cortex Radicis as an antimalarial drug.)

Unripe fruits and roots are included in liniments used for rheumatism.

The rootbark contains alkaloids, including toddaline, toddalinine, skim- mianine. The root gave coumarins, including toddanol, toddanone, todda- sin, pimpinellin, iso-pimpinellin and toddalolactone.

Alkaloid toddaline is irritant to the mucous membrane, bronchi, intestines and the bladder.

Ethanolic extract of var. obtusifolia Gemble, found in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, exhibited spasmolytic activity.

Among the coumarins, chlorocou- marin is the most important active principle and can be used an alternative for papaverine obtained from poppy.... toddalia asiatica


Acetylsalicylic acid. Widely used drug for relief of pain and to reduce fever. Preventative against stroke, cataract, heart attack. While aspirin has been a dramatic life-saver, unwanted side-effects include stomach bleeding, nervous irritability and personality change. Should not be given to children with influenza or chicken pox. A common source of allergies and infertility.

Herbal alternatives exist but may be of limited efficacy: menstrual pain (Helonias root), muscular rheumatism (Black Cohosh), tension headaches (Ginkgo), Angina pectoris (Cramp bark), eye-strain (Eyebright), facial neuralgia (German Chamomile), swollen glands (Poke root), chest pain (Elecampane), cough (Iceland Moss), simple abdominal pain (Fenugreek).

Cures for relief of painful limbs run into hundreds. Gentle massage to release endorphins which block pain waves offers an external approach. Arthritic knees are less painful on application of Castor oil packs or one of the many preparations commended under poultices, liniments, lotions, etc.

During trials at Long Island University, USA, 189 cases of rheumatic knees and elbows were rendered painless by pollen poultices. Dissolve one tablespoon bee pollen pellets in warm water; immerse small handtowel; squeeze out excess moisture; bind over affected joint.

Cold water packs are advised by hydrotherapists for headache, stiff neck, shoulders, back and legs. Sodium bicarbonate is the safest and most effective antidote for aspirin overdose.

Aspirin therapy almost halves the risk of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients

undergoing surgery, according to a major study. (BMJ Jan 22 1994)

Studies show that deaths from heart attack can be halved by prescribing half tablet daily together with a clot-dissolving remedy (Nettles, Vitamin E, etc). As an anti-coagulant aspirin is matched by Garlic. In alternative medicine the use of aspirin is discouraged. ... aspirin


Swamp tea tree. Melaleuca leucadendron L. French: Cajeputier. German: Kajeputbaum. Contains terpenoids. Oil.

Action: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, rubefacient, anthelmintic, insect repellent. Antimicrobial. Antiscorbutic. Expectorant.

Uses: Used by natives of the Molucca Islands as a lotion for painful stiff joints. Advised by physicians at the turn of the century to combat the tubercle bacillus. Infections of the bronchi. Worms in children. Toothache. Headache.

Preparation. Topically for toothache, bruises, sprains, neuralgia. Cajuput oil BPC: dose, 0.05-0.2ml.

Today it is confined to external use only as an ingredient of stimulating liniments and ointments for aching joints, fibrositis, etc. An ingredient of Olbas oil. ... cajeput


n. the dried roots of the herbaceous plant Aconitum napellus (monkshood or wolfbane), containing three *analgesic substances: aconine, aconitine, and picraconitine. Aconite was formerly used to prepare liniments for muscular pains and a tincture for toothache, but is regarded as too toxic for use today.... aconite


n. a crystalline aromatic substance obtained from the tree Cinnamomum camphora. It is used in creams, liniments, and sprays as a counterirritant and antipruritic.... camphor


n. a volatile liquid formerly widely used as a general anaesthetic. Because its use as such causes liver damage and affects heart rhythm, chloroform is now used only in low concentrations as a flavouring agent and preservative, in the treatment of flatulence, and in liniments as a *rubefacient.... chloroform


Jamaican Ginger. Zingiber officinale, Roscoe. German: Ingwer. French: Gingembre. Spanish: Gengibre. Italian: Zenzero. Arabian: Zengabil. Indian: Alenadu. Malayan: Alia. Chinese: Kan- kiang. Iranian: Zinjabile. Dried rhizome. Keynote: diffusive stimulant.

Constituents: phenolic compounds, gingerols, mucilage, volatile oil.

Action: anti-inflammatory, carminative, antispasmodic, expectorant, vasodilator, anti-cholesterol. Circulatory stimulant not as sharp as Cayenne. Anti-emetic. Diaphoretic. Traditional ingredient in prescriptions to ensure absorption through the stomach to all parts of the body.

Uses: Travel sickness, flatulent colic, irritable bowel and diarrhoea where no inflammation exists; colds and influenza – to promote perspiration and thus reduce body temperature. Cold hands and feet, hypothermia: a pinch of the powder in a beverage sends blood to the surface. Uncomplicated stomach and intestinal problems; appetite loss; hiccups; to promote secretion of gastric juices in the elderly and in achlorhydria. Brain fatigue (with Kola nuts, equal parts). Atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease (diet). Suppressed menstruation from cold. Improves sex life. Loss of appetite. Jet lag, general weakness. Nausea and vomiting. Morning sickness of pregnancy. Sickness of chemotherapy and after surgical operation. Traditionally eaten with raw fish which effectively destroys anisakis larvae and some other parasites.

Preparations: Tea. Quarter to half a teaspoon to each cup of boiling water or domestic tea, freely. Tablets/capsules. Powdered Ginger, quarter to 1g thrice daily.

Weak tincture BP (1973) Dose: one and a half to 3ml.

Strong tincture: 3 to 10 drops in water.

Liniments, for external use.

Contra-indicated in kidney disease. Best taken with food. ... ginger


Flaxseed. Linum usitatissimum L. German: Flachs. French: Lin. Italian: Lino usuale. Chinese: Hu-ma-esze. Indian: Tesimosina. Arabian: Bazen. Part used: oil from the seeds (Linseed oil), seeds.

Constituents: oil, mucilage, protein.

Action: demulcent, emollient, anti-cough, nutrient body-builder, antispasmodic (stomach and bowel). Source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mucins and minerals. Expectorant. Bulk laxative and bowel lubricant. Rich in linoleic acid for breaking down cholesterol deposits, and to produce specific types of prostaglandins. Linseed is around six times richer in Omega-3 (the polyunsaturate present in fish oil) than most fish.

Uses: Its healing mucilage is beneficial for inflammation of the digestive and respiratory tracts, and of the gall duct. To soothe irritable mucous membranes. Spasmodic cough, bronchial asthma, bronchitis. To reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Heart disease. Persistent constipation.

Preparations: Average dose: 3-6 grams or equivalent. Thrice daily.

Tea: 2-3 teaspoons to cupful boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Drink without filtering, with honey for sweetening if necessary. One-third-1 cup.

Cold tea for stomach disorders: Half a teaspoon crushed Linseed to cup water soaked overnight. Drink next morning. Heat if desired.

Tincture: 1-2 teaspoons in water.

Poultice: Crushed seeds. Half fill small muslin bag with seeds; immerse in boiling water until swollen seeds fill the bag; apply to abscesses, boils, or to relieve chest pain.

Linseed oil. An ingredient of liniments for burns and scalds.

Linusit: organically cultivated golden Linseed.

Diet: 3 tablespoons crushed Flaxseed daily ensures adequate supply of Omega-3 fatty acids, sprinkled on breakfast cereal, or as an ingredient of muesli. Also increase fluid intake.

Capsules. Emulsified Linseed oil. 1,000mg organic cold-pressed Linseed oil: 1-5 daily. (Bio-Care) LION CLEANSING HERBS. Elder leaf 8 per cent, Fennel 18 per cent, Frangula 8 per cent, Ispaghula 8 percent, Mate 8 per cent, Senna leaf 50 per cent. Non-persistent constipation. (Potter’s) ... linseed


Olive oil. Sweet oil. Lucca oil. Olea europaea, L. German: Olbaum. French: Olivier. Spanish and Italian: Olivo.

Constituents: palmitic, stearic and linoleic acid glycerides.

Action: demulcent, emollient, laxative, nutrient.

Uses, internal. While positive properties for the healing of wounds are present in a decoction of the leaves, it is for its oil that the tree is universally known. Taken for constipation and lead colic. Pin worms in children: 1 teaspoon daily for one month. Orally, the oil forms a barrier on the surface of the stomach thus arresting secretion of gastric juice. For this purpose it has been used with success for gastric and duodenal ulcer. Cases are on record of daily drinking a dessertspoonful of the oil to prevent heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and to alleviate muscular pain.

Olive oil is beneficial for increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and to decrease low density lipoprotein (LDL) which can have a detrimental effect upon the blood when in excess.

Uses, external. In some Levantine counries it is still the belief that rubbing the body with the oil prevents rheumatism, gout and kindred conditions. It is a common ingredient in liniments and lotions for aches and pains of the muscles.

The oil should be expressed by the ‘cold press’ method to preserve its active constituents. Cases are on record where the swallowing of a single black Olive stone (pit) has relieved serious low back pain within hours.

Aromatherapy. Used as a base oil in the absence of Almond oil. ... olive

Eucalyptus, Blue Gum

Eucalyptus globulus var. globulus

FAMILY: Myrtaceae

SYNONYMS: Gum tree, southern blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum, fever tree, stringy bark.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A beautiful, tall, evergreen tree, up to 90 metres high. The young trees have bluish-green oval leaves while the mature trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark often covered in a white powder.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to Tasmania and Australia. Mainly cultivated in Spain and Portugal, also Brazil, California, Russia and China. Very little of this oil now comes from its native countries.

OTHER SPECIES: There are over 700 different species of eucalyptus, of which at least 500 produce a type of essential oil. Many have been extracted simply for experimental purposes, and research is still being carried out with regard to the different constituents of each oil. In general, they can be divided into three categories. 1. The medicinal oils containing large amounts of cineol (or eucalyptol), such as the blue gum, but increasingly the blue malee (E. polybractea), the narrow-leaved peppermint (E. radiata var. australiana) and the gully gum (E. smithii). 2. The industrial oils containing mainly piperitone and phellandrene, such as the peppermint eucalyptus (E. piperita), grey peppermint (E. radiata var. phellandra) and increasingly the broad-leaved peppermint (E. dives var. Type). 3. The perfumery oils containing mainly citronellal, such as the lemon-scented eucalyptus (E. citriodora). See also Botanical Classification section.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: A traditional household remedy in Australia, the leaves and oil are especially used for respiratory ailments such as bronchitis and croup, and the dried leaves are smoked like tobacco for asthma. It is also used for feverish conditions (malaria, typhoid, cholera, etc.) and skin problems like burns, ulcers and wounds. Aqueous extracts are used for aching joints, bacterial dysentery, ringworms, tuberculosis, etc. and employed for similar reasons in western and eastern medicine. The wood is also used for timber production in Spain.

ACTIONS: Analgesic, antineuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, parasiticide, prophylactic, rubefacient, stimulant, vermifuge, vulnerary.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs.

CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless mobile liquid (yellows on ageing), with a somewhat harsh camphoraceous odour and woody-sweet undertone. It blends well with thyme, rosemary, lavender, marjoram, pine, cedarwood and lemon. (The narrow-leaved eucalyptus (E. radiata var. australiana) is often used in preference to the blue gum in aromatherapy work, being rich in cineol but with a sweeter and less harsh odour.)

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Cineol (70–85 per cent), pinene, limonene, cymene, phellandrene, terpinene, aromadendrene, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Externally non-toxic, non-irritant (in dilution), non-sensitizing. ‘When taken internally eucalyptus oil is toxic and as little as 3.5ml has been reported as fatal’..


Skin Care: Burns, blisters, cuts, herpes, insect bites, insect repellent, lice, skin infections, wounds.

Circulation Muscles And Joints: Muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, etc.

Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, throat infections.

Genito-Urinary System: Cystitis, leucorrhoea.

Immune System: Chickenpox, colds, epidemics, ’flu, measles.

Nervous System: Debility, headaches, neuralgia.

OTHER USES: The oil and cineol are largely employed in the preparation of liniments, inhalants, cough syrups, ointments, toothpaste and as pharmaceutical flavourings also used in veterinary practise and dentistry. Used as a fragrance component in soaps, detergents and toiletries – little used in perfumes. Used for the isolation of cineol and employed as a flavour ingredient in most major food categories.... eucalyptus, blue gum


Brassica nigra

FAMILY: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)

SYNONYMS: Sinapsis nigra, B. sinapioides, black mustard.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An erect annual up to 3 metres high, with spear-shaped upper leaves, smooth flat pods containing about ten dark brown seeds, and bright yellow cabbage-like flowers.

DISTRIBUTION: Common throughout south eastern Europe, southern Siberia, Asia Minor and North Africa; naturalized in North and South America. Cultivated for its seed and oil in England, Holland, Denmark, Germany and Italy.

OTHER SPECIES: The Russian variety is known as brown mustard or ‘sarepta’ (B. juncea); the white mustard (B. alba) does not contain any essential oil. Also closely related is rape (B. napus) and other local species which are used in India and China.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The seeds are highly esteemed as a condiment and for their medicinal qualities. They have been used in the East and West to aid the digestion, warm the stomach and promote the appetite, and for cold, stiff or feverish conditions such as colds, chills, coughs, chilblains, rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago and general aches and pains.

ACTIONS: Aperitif, antimicrobial, antiseptic, diuretic, emetic, febrifuge, rubefacient (produces blistering of the skin), stimulant.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam (or water) distillation from the black mustard seeds, which have been macerated in warm water.

CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless or pale yellow liquid with a sharp, penetrating, acrid odour.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Allyl isothiocyanate (99 per cent). NB: Black mustard seed or powder does not contain this constituent, which is only formed by contact with water during the production of the essential oil.

SAFETY DATA: Oral toxin, dermal toxin, mucous membrane irritant. It is considered one of the most toxic of all essential oils.

AROMATHERAPY/HOME: USE None. ‘It should not be used in therapy either externally or internally.’.

OTHER USES: Used in certain rubefacient or counter-irritant liniments. Used extensively by the food industry especially in pickles, seasonings and sauces. Little used as a fragrance component except in cat and dog repellents.... mustard


Boswellia carteri

FAMILY: Burseraceae

SYNONYMS: Olibanum, gum thus.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A handsome small tree or shrub with abundant pinnate leaves and white or pale pink flowers. It yields a natural oleo gum resin which is collected by making incisions into the bark: at first, a milky-white liquid appears which then solidifies into tear-shaped amber to orange-brown lumps between the size of a pea and walnut.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to the Red Sea region; grows wild throughout north east Africa. The gum is mainly produced in Somalia, Ethiopia, China and south Arabia, then distilled in Europe and, to a lesser extent, India.

OTHER SPECIES: Other Boswellia species also yield olibanum gum, such as the Indian variety B. serrata. Constituents vary according to type and locality. See also Botanical Classification section.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Used since antiquity as an incense in India, China and in the west by the Catholic Church. In ancient Egypt it was used in rejuvenating face masks, cosmetics and perfumes. It has been used medicinally in the east and west for a wide range of conditions including syphilis, rheumatism, respiratory and urinary tract infections, skin diseases, as well as digestive and nervous complaints.

ACTIONS: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative, tonic, uterine, vulnerary.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from selected oleo gum resin (approx. 3–10 per cent oil to 60–70 per cent resin). An absolute is also produced, for use mainly as a fixative.

CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellow or greenish mobile liquid with a fresh, terpeney top note and a warm, rich, sweet-balsamic undertone. It blends well with sandalwood, pine, vetiver, geranium, lavender, mimosa, neroli, orange, bergamot, camphor, basil, pepper, cinnamon and other spices. It modifies the sweetness of citrus blends in an intriguing way.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly monoterpene hydrocarbons, notably pinene, dipentene, limonene, thujene, phellandrene, cymene, myrcene, terpinene; also octyl acetate, octanol, incensole, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.


Skin Care: Blemishes, dry and mature complexions, scars, wounds, wrinkles.

Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis.

Genito-Urinary System: Cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia.

Immune System: Colds, ’flu.

Nervous System: Anxiety, nervous tension and stress-related conditions – ‘Frankincense has, among its physical properties, the ability to slow down and deepen the breath … which is very conducive to prayer and meditation.’.

OTHER USES: The gum and oil are used as fixatives and fragrance components in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes, especially oriental, spice and men’s fragrances. Employed in some pharmaceuticals such as liniments and throat pastilles. Extensively used in the manufacture of incense. The oil is used in minute amounts in some foods (such as meat products), alcoholic and soft drinks.... frankincense

Pine, Dwarf

Pinus mugo var. pumilio

FAMILY: Pinaceae

SYNONYMS: P. mugo, P. montana, P. pumilio, mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine, pine needle (oil).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A pyramidal shrub or small tree up to 12 metres high with a black bark, stiff and twisted needles borne in clusters, and brown cones, initially of a bluish hue.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to the mountainous regions of central and southern Europe. The oil is mainly produced in Austria (Tirol), Yugoslavia, Denmark and Italy.

OTHER SPECIES: There are very many species of pine used to produce essential oil from their needles and wood or employed in the production of turpentine. NB: The so-called huon pine (Dacrydium franklinii), the essential oil of which is also a skin irritant, belongs to a different family, the Podcarpaceae. For further details see Scotch pine and the Botanical Classification section.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: A preparation made from the needles has been used internally for bladder, kidney and rheumatic complaints, as a liniment for rheumatism and muscular pain, and as an inhalant for bronchitis, catarrh, colds, etc.

ACTIONS: Analgesic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitussive, antiviral, balsamic, diuretic, expectorant, rubefacient.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the needles and twigs.

CHARACTERISTICS: A water-white liquid with a very pleasant, balsamic-sweet, spicy-woody scent of good tenacity. This is the favoured pine fragrance for perfumery use due to its unique delicate odour, which blends well with cedarwood, lavandin, rosemary, sage, cananga, labdanum, juniper and other coniferous oils.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly monoterpene hydrocarbons; limonene, pinenes, phellandrene, dipentene, camphene, myrcene and bornyl acetate among others. The unusual scent is believed to be due to its aldehyde content.

SAFETY DATA: Dermal irritant, common sensitizing agent; otherwise non-toxic. It is best avoided therapeutically due to irritant hazards.


OTHER USES: Used as a fragrance and flavour component in pharmaceutical preparations for coughs and colds, nasal congestion and externally in analgesic ointments and liniments. Extensively employed in soaps, bath preparations, toiletries, cosmetics and perfumes, especially ‘leather’ and ‘woody’ type fragrances. It is also used in most major food categories, alcoholic and soft drinks.... pine, dwarf

Spruce, Hemlock

Tsuga canadensis

FAMILY: Pinaceae

SYNONYMS: Pinus canadensis, Abies canadensis, spruce, eastern hemlock, common hemlock, hemlock (oil), spruce (oil), fir needle (oil).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A large evergreen tree up to 50 metres tall, with slender horizontal branches, finely toothed leaves and smallish brown cones, which yields a natural exudation from its bark.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to the west coast of the USA. The oil is produced in Vermont, New York, New Hampshire, Virginia and Wisconsin.

OTHER SPECIES: Numerous cultivars of this species exist; often the oil is produced from a mixture of different types. Similar oils, also called simply ‘spruce oil’ are produced from the black spruce (Picea nigra or mariana), the Norway spruce (P. abies) and the white or Canadian spruce (P. glauca). The essential oil from the western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), contains quite different constituents. It is also closely related to the Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia), which is also used to produce an essential oil and a balsam.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The bark of the hemlock spruce (which contains tannins and resin as well as volatile oil) is current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia indicated for diarrhoea, cystitis, mucous colitis, leucorrhoea, uterine prolapse, pharyngitis, stomatitis and gingivitis. An extract of the bark is also used in the tanning industry.

ACTIONS: Antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitussive, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, nervine, rubefacient, tonic.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the needles and twigs.

CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless or pale yellow liquid with a pleasing, fresh-balsamic, sweet-fruity odour. It blends well with pine, oakmoss, cedarwood, galbanum, benzoin, lavender, lavandin and rosemary.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly pinenes, limonene, bornyl acetate, tricyclene, phellandrene, myrcene, thujone, dipentene and cadinene, among others. Constituents vary according to source and exact botanical species (sometimes mixed).

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.


Circulation muscles and joints: Muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatism.

Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, coughs, respiratory weakness.

Immune system: Colds, ’flu, infections.

Nervous system: Anxiety, stress-related conditions – ‘opening and elevating through grounding ... excellent for yoga and meditation.’.

OTHER USES: Used in veterinary liniments. Extensively used for room spray perfumes, household detergents, soaps, bath preparations and toiletries, especially in the USA.... spruce, hemlock


Thuja occidentalis

FAMILY: Cupressaceae

SYNONYMS: Swamp cedar, white cedar, northern white cedar, eastern white cedar, tree of life, American arborvitae, cedarleaf (oil).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A graceful pyramid-shaped coniferous tree up to 20 metres high with scale-like leaves and broadly-winged seeds, sometimes planted as hedging. The tree must be at least fifteen years old before it is ready to be used for essential oil production.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to north eastern North America; cultivated in France. The oil is produced mainly in Canada and the USA, similar oils are also produced in the East – see here.

OTHER SPECIES: There are many forms and cultivated varieties of this tree: the western red cedar or Washington cedar (T. plicata); the Chinese or Japanese cedar (T. orientalis or Biota orientalis); the North African variety (T. articulata) which yields a resin known as ‘sanderac’.

The hiba tree (Thujopsis dolobrata) is used to produce hiba wood oil and hiba leaf oil in Japan. Hiba wood oil, according to available data, is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing (unlike the other thuja oils), and has excellent resistance to fungi and bacteria due to the ketonic substances found in the oil. It is used extensively in Japan as an industrial perfume.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Used as an incense by ancient civilizations for ritual purposes. A decoction of leaves has been used for coughs, fever, intestinal parasites, cystitis and venereal diseases. The ointment has been used for rheumatism, gout, warts, verrucae, psoriasis and other ailments.

The twigs are current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, used specifically for bronchitis with cardiac weakness, and warts.

ACTIONS: Antirheumatic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insect repellent, rubefacient, stimulant (nerve, uterus and heart muscles), tonic, vermifuge.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh leaves, twigs and bark.

CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless to pale yellowy-green liquid with a sharp, fresh, camphoraceous odour.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Thujone (approx. 60 per cent), fenchone, camphor, sabinene and pinene, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Oral toxin – poisonous due to high thujone content. Abortifacient.

AROMATHERAPY/HOME: USE None. ‘Should not be used in aromatherapy either internally or externally.’.

OTHER USES: Used in pharmaceutical products such as disinfectants and sprays; also as a counter-irritant in analgesic ointments and liniments. A fragrance component in some toiletries and perfumes. Employed as a flavour ingredient in most major food categories (provided that the finished food is recognized thujone-free).... thuja

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