(LINks) groups set up to help local people get involved in the development and delivery of health and social care services; they were replaced by local *Healthwatch organizations in 2013.
The active involvement of people living together in some form of social organization and cohesion in the planning, operation and control of primary health care, using local, national and other resources. In community involvement, individuals and families assume responsibility for their and their communities’ health and welfare, and develop the capacity to contribute to their own and their communities’ development.... community involvement
Loss of sensation produced in a part of the body to stop pain while a person is examined, investigated or treated (see also ANAESTHESIA). The anaesthesia is e?ected by giving drugs in a local area temporarily to stop the action of pain-carrying nerve ?bres. To anaesthetise a large area, a nerve block is done. Various drugs are used, depending on the depth and length of local anaesthesia required.... local anaesthesia
The involvement of users in the decision-making and evaluation of issues, such as in the provision of community services. direct user involvement: When service users, for example, are involved directly in decision-making. indirect user involvement: This entails information gathering by professionals in order to inform service delivery and development.... user involvement
(LMC) a group of representatives of the general practitioners working in a defined geographical area. There are separate LMCs for each area, and the members speak on behalf of the local practitioners by whom they are elected. Similar arrangements and responsibilities apply for dentists, pharmacists, and optometrists practising in the NHS outside hospitals.... local medical committee