Action: The plant is used as a substitute for Fumaria parviflora.
A decoction of the herb is used for blood purification and in skin diseases, especially psoriasis.Methanolic extract of the plant exhibits antimicrobial activity against Sarcina subflava.The herb contains several isoquino- line alkaloids which are common to Fumaria officinalis and Fumaria parviflora.Protopine showed smooth muscle relaxant activity in guinea-pigs, rabbits and albino rats and hydrocholeretic activity in anaesthetized dogs. L-tetra- hydrocoptisine showed antipsychotic (neuroleptic) activity in albino rats and mice. Narceimine, narlumidine, adlu- midine and protopine nitrate exhibit anti-inflammatory activity Alkaloids, narlumidine and pro- topine, exhibit significant antifungal activity.... fumaria vaillantii