Lower uterine segment Health Dictionary

Lower Uterine Segment: From 1 Different Sources

the lower portion of uterus, lying below the loose fold of peritoneum that lies between the uterus and bladder. This does not form until later in pregnancy and is less contractile than the rest of the uterus. A *Caesarean section is performed through the lower segment.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


adj. of or relating to the uterus.... uterine

Uterine Sedative

An agent that relaxes the muscles of the uterus... uterine sedative

Contractions, Uterine

Spasms of rhythmic, squeezing muscular activity affecting the walls of the uterus during childbirth. Regular contractions indicate the start of labour and increase in strength and frequency throughout the first stage.

(See also Braxton Hicks’ contractions.)... contractions, uterine

Uterine Muscle Relaxants

Drugs that are used to delay the premature delivery of a fetus. Beta2-adrenoceptor stimulants, such as salbutamol, relax the muscle of the uterus and may postpone labour for days or weeks in at-risk pregnancies of 24–33 weeks’ gestation. Delay of premature labour for up to 48 hours allows time for corticosteroid drugs to be given to the mother to help the fetal lungs to mature.... uterine muscle relaxants

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

see menorrhagia.... dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

(FSGS) a condition in which there is scarring in some (focal) glomeruli that affects only part (segmental) of the glomerular capillary tuft. Primary FSGS overlaps with *minimal change nephropathy and typically presents with the *nephrotic syndrome. Secondary FSGS has a wide range of causes, from viral infections, including HIV, to haemodynamic changes associated with reduced renal mass, hypertension, and obesity, and is usually associated with less severe proteinuria.... focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

(LUTS) symptoms occurring during urine storage, voiding, or immediately after. These include *frequency, *urgency, *nocturia, *incontinence, *hesitation, *intermittency, *terminal dribble, *dysuria, and *postmicturition dribble. These symptoms used to be known as prostatism. Sometimes they are due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (see prostate gland), but they may be due to *detrusor overactivity, excessive drinking, diuresis due to poorly controlled diabetes, or a urethral stricture.... lower urinary tract symptoms


n. (in anatomy) a portion of a tissue or organ, usually distinguishable from other portions by lines of demarcation. For example, the uterus consists of upper and lower segments. The anterior segment of the eye is the front portion, including the cornea, anterior chamber, iris, and lens. See also somite.... segment

S–t Segment

the segment on an *electrocardiogram that represents the interval between the end of ventricular *depolarization (QRS complex) and the beginning of ventricular *repolarization (T wave). The S–T segment is usually depressed by *ischaemia of the heart muscle but raised in the initial phase of myocardial infarction. It is therefore very useful for diagnosis in patients presenting with chest pain.... s–t segment

Uterine Artery Embolization

a method of embolizing the uterine artery under radiodiagnostic control (see embolization). It has been successful in controlling postpartum haemorrhage and can also be used in treating fibroids, correcting arterial or venous malformations of the genital tract, and terminating abdominal and cervical pregnancies.... uterine artery embolization

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