A malignant tumour of the LYMPH NODES divided histologically and clinically into two types: Hodgkin’s disease, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Hodgkin’s disease or lymphadenoma was named after Thomas Hodgkin (1798–1866), a Guy’s Hospital pathologist, who ?rst described the condition.
Hodgkin’s disease The incidence is around four new cases per 100,000 population annually, with slightly more men than women contracting it. The ?rst incidence peak is in age group 20–35 and the second in age group 50–
70. The cause of Hodgkin’s is not known, although it is more common in patients from small families and well-educated backgrounds. The disease is three times more likely to occur in people who have had glandular fever (see MONONUCLEOSIS) but no link with the EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS has been established (see Burkitt’s lymphoma, below)
The disease is characterised histologically by the presence of large malignant lymphoid cells (Reed-Sternberg cells) in the lymph glands.
Clinically the lymph glands are enlarged, rubbery but painless; usually those in the neck or just above the CLAVICLE are affected. Spread is to adjacent lymph glands and in young people a mass of enlarged glands may develop in the MEDIASTINUM. The SPLEEN is affected in about one-third of patients with the disorder. Treatment is either with RADIOTHERAPY, CHEMOTHERAPY or both, depending on when the disease is diagnosed and the nature of the abnormal lymph cells. Cure rates are good, especially if the lymphoma is diagnosed early.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) This varies in its malignancy depending on the nature and activity of the abnormal lymph cells. The disease is hard to classify histologically, so various classi?cation systems have been evolved. High- and low-grade categories are recognised according to the rate of proliferation of abnormal lymph cells. No single causative factor has been identi?ed, although viral and bacterial infections have been linked to NHL, and genetic and immunological factors may be implicated. The incidence is higher than that of Hodgkin’s disease, at 12 new cases per 100,000 population a year, and the median age of diagnosis is 65–70 years. Suppression of the immune system that ocurs in people with HIV infection has been linked with a marked rise in the incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease.
Most patients have painless swelling of one or more groups of lymph nodes in the neck or groin, and the liver and spleen may enlarge. As other organs can also be affected, patients may present with a wide range of symptoms, including fever, itching and weight loss. If NHL occurs in a single group of lymph nodes, radiotherapy is the treatment of choice; more extensive in?ltration of glands will require chemotherapy – and sometimes both types of treatment will be necessary. If these treatments fail, BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT may be carried out. Prognosis is good for low-grade NHL (75 per cent of patients survive ?ve years or more); in more severe types the survival rate is 40–50 per cent for two years.
Another variety of lymphoma is found in children in Africa, sometimes called after Burkitt, the Irish surgeon who ?rst identi?ed it. Burkitt’s lymphoma is a rapidly growing malignant tumour occurring in varying sites, and the Epstein Barr virus has a role in its origin and growth. A non-African variety of Burkitt’s lymphoma is now also recognised. CYTOTOXIC drug therapy is e?ective.