The meaning of the symbols of maidenhair seen in a dream.

Maidenhair: From 1 Different Sources

Beauty, Love
Health Source:
Author: Health Dictionary

Maidenhair Fern

Venus hair. Adiantum capillus-veneris. German: Venushaar. French: Adianthe. Italian: Adianto. Iranian: Hansa padi. Indian: Mubarakha. Arabian: Shuir-el-jin. Parts used: the fern and rhizomes.

Constituents: terpenoids, flavonoid glycosides.

Action: demulcent expectorant, pectoral stimulant, anti-tussive, mucilaginous, galactagogue, anti- dandruff.

Uses: detoxicant for alcoholism; coughs, sore throat, bronchitis.

Preparations: Average dose, half-2 grams. Thrice daily.

Tea. quarter-1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half a cup. Liquid Extract BHP (1983) 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose, half-2ml.

Powder: half-2 grams. ... maidenhair fern

Maidenhair Tree

See: GINKGO TREE. ... maidenhair tree

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