The meaning of the symbols of male, fern seen in a dream.

Male Fern: From 2 Different Sources

Luck, Love
Health Source:
Author: Health Dictionary
Dryopteris filix-mas, L. German: Wurm-Schildfarn. French: Fouge?re ma?le. Spanish: Polypodio. Italian: Felche maschia. Frond bases and buds of the rhizome, collected in the autumn. Constituents: filicin, triterpenes, resins, volatile oil.

Action: taenifuge, vermifuge, deobstruent.

Uses: tapeworms (Traditional). Treatment is taken fasting under medical supervision. Dr C. Hering advised an ounce of the grated root, gathered fresh, to be taken in the morning, the tapeworm usually making a speedy exit by the afternoon. Present-day dosage is much less: quarter to half an ounce taken over a longer period and mixed with a demulcent (i.e. Slippery Elm).

Dioscorides was aware of its power to induce abortion and infertility. Reported use by Chinese for tumours.

Preparations: Extract Filicis, BP. Dose: 3-6ml.

Powder: dose, 1-10 grams. Male Fern capsules BP (1958). Note: Today seldom used. Of historical interest. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia


(English) Resembling a green shade- loving plant

Ferne, Fyrn, Fyrne, Furn, Furne... fern


(Spanish) Feminine form of Fernando; an adventurous woman Fernande, Fernand... fernanda


(American) A successful woman Ferniliah, Fernilea, Fernileah, Fernilya, Fernilyah... fernilia


(English) From the meadow of ferns

Fernly, Fernleigh, Fernlea, Fernleah, Fernlee, Fernli, Fernlie... fernley

Tree Fern

Various genera

Description: Tree ferns are tall trees with long, slender trunks that often have a very rough, barklike covering. Large, lacy leaves uncoil from the top of the trunk.

Habitat and Distribution: Tree ferns are found in wet, tropical forests.

Edible Parts: The young leaves and the soft inner portion of the trunk are edible. Boil the young leaves and eat as greens. Eat the inner portion of the trunk raw or bake it.... tree fern

Maidenhair Fern

Venus hair. Adiantum capillus-veneris. German: Venushaar. French: Adianthe. Italian: Adianto. Iranian: Hansa padi. Indian: Mubarakha. Arabian: Shuir-el-jin. Parts used: the fern and rhizomes.

Constituents: terpenoids, flavonoid glycosides.

Action: demulcent expectorant, pectoral stimulant, anti-tussive, mucilaginous, galactagogue, anti- dandruff.

Uses: detoxicant for alcoholism; coughs, sore throat, bronchitis.

Preparations: Average dose, half-2 grams. Thrice daily.

Tea. quarter-1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half a cup. Liquid Extract BHP (1983) 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose, half-2ml.

Powder: half-2 grams. ... maidenhair fern

Reproductive System, Male

The male organs involved in the production of sperm and in sexual intercourse. Sperm and male sex hormones (androgen hormones) are produced in the testes, which are suspended in the scrotum. From each testis, sperm pass into an epididymis, where they mature and are stored. Shortly before ejaculation, sperm are propelled into a duct called the vas deferens, which carries the sperm to the seminal vesicles behind the bladder. These 2 sacs produce seminal fluid, which is added to the sperm to produce semen.

Semen travels along 2 ducts to the urethra.

The ducts pass through the prostate gland, which produces secretions that are added to the semen.

At orgasm, semen is ejaculated from the urethra through the erect penis, which is placed in the woman’s vagina during sexual intercourse.... reproductive system, male

Sterilization, Male

See vasectomy. ... sterilization, male


n. the appearance of a fernlike pattern in a dried specimen of cervical mucus, an indication of the presence of oestrogen, usually seen at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle. It can be helpful in the determination of ovulation. The same phenomenon occurs with premature rupture of the membranes (see fibronectin).... ferning

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