The condition in which it is not possible to extend the terminal part of the toe. It is usually due to muscular imbalance but may be caused by congenital absence of the extensor muscle. A callosity (see CALLOSITIES) often forms on the toe, which may be painful. Should this be troublesome, treatment consists of removal of the terminal phalanx.
The sides of the toenail curve downwards, resulting in in?ammation of the skin next to the nail which spreads to the base of the nail. The skin and nail base may become painful and badly infected. If antibiotics and local dressing do not cure the condition, surgery to remove part of the nail will be required.... ingrowing toenail
Deformation of a ?nger due to sudden forced ?exion of the terminal joint, leading to rupture of the tendon. As a result the individual is unable to extend the terminal part of the ?nger, which remains bent forwards. The middle, ring and little ?ngers are most commonly involved. Treatment is by splinting the ?nger. The end result is satisfactory provided that the patient has su?cient patience.... mallet finger