Any one of the three discrete varieties of body tissue that develop in the early stages of growth of the EMBRYO. Development of the layers can be followed throughout the embryo’s stages of growth and specialisation into the body’s full range of tissues and organs (see ECTODERM; ENDODERM; MESODERM).... germ layer
a continuous compression bandage consisting of four layers that are applied and left in situ for up to seven days to treat venous leg ulcers, increasing the chance of healing by up to 30%. Thorough assessment of the patient’s status must be undertaken before the application.... four-layer system
the part of a *nephron comprising the blood capillaries of the glomerulus and its surrounding Bowman’s capsule. [M. Malpighi (1628–94), Italian anatomist]... malpighian body
a layer of microcrystalline and organic particle debris that remains on the hard tissues of the teeth whenever they are cut. It may be important in assisting or preventing the penetration of bacteria into the dentinal tubules. The success of root canal treatment depends on the complete removal of the smear layer with a *chelating agent such as EDTA, but its presence may be useful in restorative dentistry.... smear layer