Mast Health Dictionary

Mast: From 1 Different Sources


A surgical operation to remove part or all of the breast (see BREASTS). It is usually done to treat cancer, when it is commonly followed by CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF). There are four types of mastectomy: lumpectomy, quandrantectomy, subcutaneous mastectomy and total mastectomy. The choice of operation depends upon several factors, including the site and nature of the tumour and the patient’s age and health. Traditionally, radical mastectomy was used to treat breast cancer; in the past three decades, however, surgeons and oncologists have become more selective in their treatment of the disease, bringing the patient into the decision-making on the best course of action. Lumpectomy is done where there is a discrete lump less than 2 cm in diameter with no evidence of glandular spread. A small lump (2–5 cm) with limited spread to the glands may be removed by quadrantectomy or subcutaneous mastectomy (which preserves the nipple and much of the skin, so producing a better cosmetic e?ect). Lumps bigger than 5 cm and ?xed to the underlying tissues require total mastectomy in which the breast tissue, skin and some fat are dissected down to the chest muscles and removed. In addition, the tail of the breast tissue and regional lymph glands are removed. In all types of mastectomy, surgeons endeavour to produce as good a cosmetic result as possible, subject to the adequate removal of suspect tissue and glands.

Breast reconstructive surgery (MAMMOPLASTY) may be done at the same time as the mastectomy – the preferred option – or, if that is not feasible, at a later date. Where the whole breast has been excised, some form of arti?cial breast (prosthesis) will be provided. This may be an external prosthesis ?tted into a specially made brassiere, or an internal implant – perhaps a silicone bag, though there has been controversy over the safety of this device. Reconstructive techniques involving the transfer of skin and muscle from nearby areas are also being developed. Post-operatively, patients can obtain advice from Breast Cancer Care.... mastectomy


The production of an ORGASM by self-manipulation of the PENIS or CLITORIS.... masturbation


The term applied to pain in the breast (see BREASTS; BREASTS, DISEASES OF).... mastalgia


The act whereby, as a result of movements of the lower jaw, lips, tongue, and cheek, food is reduced to a condition in which it is ready to be acted on by the gastric juices in the process of DIGESTION. Adequate mastication before swallowing is an essential part of the digestive process.... mastication


The term applied to in?ammation of the breast (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF).... mastitis


A rare condition in which the primary abnormality is of MAST CELLS – a type of cell responsible for the storage and release of agents such as HISTAMINE, important in allergic states. Patients may present with an urticarial rash (urticaria pigmentosa) but may have symptoms referable to any part of the body, related to collections of active mast cells in these areas.... mastocytosis


An infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear, with possible destruction of bone. Usually due to extension of infection (streptococcal, etc) from the middle ear (otitis media) when that condition is wrongfully or neglectfully treated.

Symptoms: Mastoid bone behind the ear is tender to touch. Feverishness, red flush over mastoid area, deafness with throbbing earache, malaise, heavy discharge from the ear through perforated eardrum. Diagnostic sign: pinna (external ear) is displaced.

Treatment. Indicated: anti-microbials, anti-bacterials, alteratives with nervines as supportives. Yarrow tea.

Decoction. Combine: Echinacea 3; Wild Indigo 2; Poke root 1. 1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup every 2 hours with pinch of Cayenne.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Wild Indigo 1; Pulsatilla 1; few grains of Cayenne or Tincture Capsicum drops. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops (2-4ml). Tinctures: 4-8ml. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon). Every 2 hours according to age. Children under 5 years – one-quarter dosage; under 12 years – half dosage.

Vitamin C. Copious fluids: fruit juices. Yarrow tea.

Topical. Goldenseal Ear Drops. Oil of Mullein, Sage or Lavender. Gentle massage with Tea Tree oil or Rosemary oil around the mastoid bone and in front of the ear 3/4 times daily.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... mastoiditis

Mast Cells

These are a group of cells that line the capillaries of tissues that come in contact with the outside, like skin, sinuses, and lung mucosa. They, like their first cousin basophils, are produced in the red bone marrow and migrate to the appropriate tissues, where they stay. They bind IgE, supply the histamine and heparin response that gives you a healing inflammation, and cause allergies.... mast cells


Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust ... mastic

Mastoid Process

The large process of the temporal bone of the SKULL which can be felt immediately behind the ear. It contains numerous cavities, one of which – the mastoid antrum – communicates with the middle ear, and is liable to suppurate when the middle ear is diseased. (See under EAR, DISEASES OF.)... mastoid process

Mast Cell

A type of cell that plays an important part in allergy.

In an allergic response, mast cells release histamine.... mast cell

Master Wort

Strength, Courage, Protection ... master wort


A substance that is chewed to increase the flow of saliva... masticatory


(Arabic) One who is pure; chaste Mastoora, Masturah, Masturia, Masturiya, Mastooria, Mastoura, Mastrouria... mastura


Peucedanum ostruthium (L.) Koch. Imperatoria ostruthium L. German: Meisterwurz. French: Benzoin Francais. Italian: Imperatoria. Part used: rhizome.

Constituents: flavonoids, furocoumarins, oil.

Action: antispasmodic, carminative, gastric stimulant, aromatic, expectorant, bitter, diaphoretic.

Uses: Indigestion and flatulence, loss of appetite, asthma, bronchial catarrh, menstrual pain, migraine relief.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Tea. 1oz to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose, half-1 cup, thrice daily.

Liquid Extract: 1-2 teaspoons in water. MASTITIS. See: BREAST. ... masterwort


Pain in the breast.

Tea: equal parts, Agnus Castus and Balm. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup 2-3 times daily or when necessary.

Liquid Extract. Blue Cohosh BHP (1983) 1:1 in 70 per cent alcohol; dose 7-15 drops. ... mastodynia

Mastoid Bone

The lower part of the temporal bone in the skull. It has a projection, known as the mastoid process, which can be felt behind the ear. The mastoid bone is honeycombed with air cells. These are connected to a cavity called the mastoid antrum, which leads into the middle ear. Infections of the middle ear (see otitis media) occasionally spread through the mastoid bone to cause acute mastoiditis.... mastoid bone


n. the *mastoid process of the temporal bone. See also mastoiditis.... mastoid

Breasts, Mastectomy

Surgical operation for removal of the breast. Follow-up treatment to promote healing with minimum scarring. Marigold, St John’s Wort (Hypericum), Oil of Evening Primrose. Vitamin E. Fenugreek seeds.

Alternatives. Tea. Equal parts: Marigold petals, St John’s Wort, Mullein. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup 3 or more times daily.

Tissue regeneration. Fenugreek tea.

Capsules. Oil of Evening Primrose: 2 × 250mg, 3 times daily.

Liquid Extract Blue Cohosh BHP (1983) 7-15 drops (0.5-1ml).

Topical. Oil of Evening Primrose. Comfrey dusting powder. Aloe Vera juice. Vitamin E cream. Diet. Lacto-vegetarian.

Information. BCC, Free Help Line. UK telephone: 0500 245345. ... breasts, mastectomy

Breasts, Mastitis

Inflammation of the breast. Maybe of the new born, of puberty; associated with mumps, abscess; or occurs during breastfeeding when a milk duct may become blocked and infected by bacteria – usually Staphylococcus aureus. Mothers should suckle the baby until the breast is completely empty. Chronic mastitis is known as fibro adenosis. Should acute mastitis get out of hand, abscess may form requiring more drastic treatment such as incision to release pus.

Symptoms. Local tenderness, feverishness, general agitation. Pain following mumps. Nipple discharge. Alternatives. Where there is feverishness add Elderflowers (one part).

Tea. Combine equal parts: Comfrey leaves. Wild Thyme. German Chamomile. Red Clover. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Drink freely.

Tablets/capsules. Poke root. Red Clover. Echinacea.

Powders. Formula: Echinacea 2; Red Clover 1; Poke root 1. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 2; Marigold 1; Agnus Castus 2; Poke root 1. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily, in water.

Poultice: (1) Fresh Plantain leaves beaten in pestle and mortar, applied cold. (2) Comfrey powder or Slippery Elm powder (or both) sprinkled on suitable material wrung out in boiling water and applied. (3) German Chamomile and Comfrey leaves. (Arthur Hyde, MNIMH) (4) Bring to boil, equal parts Chamomile flowers and Marshmallow leaves in milk and water. Remove when boiling point is reached. Saturate linen or suitable material. Apply every 12 hours. (Rev. John Wesley) (6) Bathe with juice of Houseleek. (Traditional, Norfolk villages)

Evening Primrose oil: internally and externally.

Poke root. An important ingredient of prescription for acute condition. ... breasts, mastitis


n. an operation to remove some or all of the air cells in the bone behind the ear (the *mastoid process of the temporal bone) when they have become infected (see mastoiditis) or invaded by *cholesteatoma. See also atticotomy.... mastoidectomy

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