Inflammation of breast tissue, usually caused by bacterial infection and sometimes by hormonal changes. Mastitis usually occurs when bacteria enter the nipple during breast-feeding. It can also be caused by changes in levels of sex hormones in the body – for example, at the onset of puberty.
Mastitis results in pain, tenderness, and swelling in one or both breasts. Bacterial mastitis during breast-feeding also causes redness and engorgement and may result in a breast abscess.
Mastitis caused by infection is treated with antibiotic drugs and analgesic drugs, and by expressing milk to relieve engorgement. Mastitis caused by hormone changes usually clears up in a few weeks without treatment.
The term applied to in?ammation of the breast (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF).
n. inflammation of the breast, usually caused by bacterial infection via damaged nipples. It most often occurs as acute puerperal mastitis, which develops during the period of breast-feeding, about a month after childbirth, and sometimes involves the discharge of pus. Chronic cystic mastitis has a different cause and does not involve inflammation. The breast feels lumpy due to the presence of cysts, and the condition is thought to be caused by hormone imbalance.