An infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear, with possible destruction of bone. Usually due to extension of infection (streptococcal, etc) from the middle ear (otitis media) when that condition is wrongfully or neglectfully treated.
Symptoms: Mastoid bone behind the ear is tender to touch. Feverishness, red flush over mastoid area, deafness with throbbing earache, malaise, heavy discharge from the ear through perforated eardrum. Diagnostic sign: pinna (external ear) is displaced.
Treatment. Indicated: anti-microbials, anti-bacterials, alteratives with nervines as supportives. Yarrow tea.
Decoction. Combine: Echinacea 3; Wild Indigo 2; Poke root 1. 1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup every 2 hours with pinch of Cayenne.
Formula. Echinacea 2; Wild Indigo 1; Pulsatilla 1; few grains of Cayenne or Tincture Capsicum drops. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops (2-4ml). Tinctures: 4-8ml. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon). Every 2 hours according to age. Children under 5 years – one-quarter dosage; under 12 years – half dosage.
Vitamin C. Copious fluids: fruit juices. Yarrow tea.
Topical. Goldenseal Ear Drops. Oil of Mullein, Sage or Lavender. Gentle massage with Tea Tree oil or Rosemary oil around the mastoid bone and in front of the ear 3/4 times daily.
Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... mastoiditis
The large process of the temporal bone of the SKULL which can be felt immediately behind the ear. It contains numerous cavities, one of which – the mastoid antrum – communicates with the middle ear, and is liable to suppurate when the middle ear is diseased. (See under EAR, DISEASES OF.)... mastoid process
The lower part of the temporal bone in the skull. It has a projection, known as the mastoid process, which can be felt behind the ear. The mastoid bone is honeycombed with air cells. These are connected to a cavity called the mastoid antrum, which leads into the middle ear. Infections of the middle ear (see otitis media) occasionally spread through the mastoid bone to cause acute mastoiditis.... mastoid bone
n. an operation to remove some or all of the air cells in the bone behind the ear (the *mastoid process of the temporal bone) when they have become infected (see mastoiditis) or invaded by *cholesteatoma. See also atticotomy.... mastoidectomy