Medroxyprogesterone Health Dictionary

Medroxyprogesterone: From 3 Different Sources

A progestogen drug used to treat endometriosis and certain types of breast cancer and uterine cancer (see uterus, cancer of). It is sometimes used to treat menstrual disorders such as amenorrhoea (absence of menstruation). Medroxyprogesterone can also be used as a contraceptive, administered by injection at 3-monthly intervals (see contraception, hormonal methods of). Possible adverse effects include weight gain, swollen ankles, and breast tenderness.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A PROGESTERONE (female sex hormone) preparation which is given intramuscularly in long-acting form as a PROGESTOGEN-only contraception; however, it should be given only with counselling and full details of its action. The drug is also used as second- or third-line treatment for patients with breast cancer and also in carcinoma of the kidney. Progestogens have been proposed for lessening premenstrual symptoms, but proof of their value in this role is not convincing.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a synthetic female sex hormone (see progestogen) used to treat menstrual disorders (including endometriosis) and certain cancers (especially breast and endometrial cancer) and in *hormone replacement therapy. It is also used as a long-term contraceptive administered by *depot injection.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

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