Melaena Health Dictionary

Melaena: From 4 Different Sources

Presence of blood in the faeces from bleeding in stomach or upper intestines due to ulceration, infection, aspirin or other drugs.

Symptom: black or tarry stools.

Alternatives. Teas: Nettles, Shepherd’s Purse. American Cranesbill. Meadowsweet.

Decoctions: Beth root. Marshmallow root.

Formula. Cranesbill root 2; Echinacea 1; Goldenseal quarter. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). In honey or water, thrice daily before meals.

Diet. 3-day fast.

Vitamins. C. K.

Minerals. Calcium. Iron. Zinc. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
Black, tarry faeces caused by bleeding, usually in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

The blood is blackened by the action of secretions during digestion.

Melaena is usually caused by a peptic ulcer but may indicate cancer.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
Blood in the FAECES in which dark, tarry masses are passed from the bowel. It is due to bleeding from the stomach or from the higher part of the bowel, the blood undergoing chemical changes under the action of the secretions, and being ?nally converted in large part into sulphide of iron. It is a serious symptom meriting medical investigation. It can indicate peptic ulcer or carcinoma of the stomach.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. black tarry faeces discoloured by the presence of digested blood. Melaena usually reflects significant bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, but may be due to disease in the small bowel or proximal large bowel (such as carcinoma or *angiodysplasia). It may be associated with vomiting blood (*haematemesis) or *coffee-ground vomit. See also haemorrhagic disease of the newborn.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Duodenal Ulcer

This disorder is related to gastric ulcer (see STOMACH, DISEASES OF), both being a form of chronic peptic ulcer. Although becoming less frequent in western communities, peptic ulcers still affect around 10 per cent of the UK population at some time. Duodenal ulcers are 10–15 times more common than gastric ulcers, and occur in people aged from 20 years onwards. The male to female ratio for duodenal ulcer varies between 4:1 and 2:1 in di?erent communities. Social class and blood groups are also in?uential, with duodenal ulcer being more common among the upper social classes, and those of blood group O.

Causes It is likely that there is some abrasion, or break, in the lining membrane (or mucosa) of the stomach and/or duodenum, and that it is gradually eroded and deepened by the acidic gastric juice. The bacterium helicobacter pylori is present in the antrum of the stomach of people with peptic ulcers; 15 per cent of people infected with the bacterium develop an ulcer, and the ulcers heal if H. pylori is eradicated. Thus, this organism has an important role in creating ulcers. Mental stress may possibly be a provocative factor. Smoking seems to accentuate, if not cause, duodenal ulcer, and the drinking of alcohol is probably harmful. The apparent association with a given blood group, and the fact that relatives of a patient with a peptic ulcer are unduly likely to develop such an ulcer, suggest that there is some constitutional factor.

Symptoms and signs Peptic ulcers may present in di?erent ways, but chronic, episodic pain lasting several months or years is most common. Occasionally, however, there may be an acute episode of bleeding or perforation, or obstruction of the gastric outlet, with little previous history. Most commonly there is pain of varying intensity in the middle or upper right part of the abdomen. It tends to occur 2–3 hours after a meal, most commonly at night, and is relieved by some food such as a glass of milk; untreated it may last up to an hour. Vomiting is unusual, but there is often tenderness and sti?ness (‘guarding’) of the abdominal muscles. Con?rmation of the diagnosis is made by radiological examination (‘barium meal’), the ulcer appearing as a niche on the ?lm, or by looking at the ulcer directly with an endoscope (see FIBREOPTIC ENDOSCOPY). Chief complications are perforation of the ulcer, leading to the vomiting of blood, or HAEMATEMESIS; or less severe bleeding from the ulcer, the blood passing down the gut, resulting in dark, tarry stools (see MELAENA).

Treatment of a perforation involves initial management of any complications, such as shock, haemorrhage, perforation, or gastric outlet obstruction, usually involving surgery and blood replacement. Medical treatment of a chronic ulcer should include regular meals, and the avoidance of fatty foods, strong tea or co?ee and alcohol. Patients should also stop smoking and try to reduce the stress in their lives. ANTACIDS may provide symptomatic relief. However, the mainstay of treatment involves four- to six-week courses with drugs such as CIMETIDINE and RANITIDINE. These are H2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS which heal peptic ulcers by reducing gastric-acid output. Of those relapsing after stopping this treatment, 60–95 per cent have infection with H. pylori. A combination of BISMUTH chelate, amoxycillin (see PENICILLIN; ANTIBIOTICS) and METRONIDAZOLE – ‘triple regime’ – should eliminate the infection: most physicians advise the triple regime as ?rst-choice treatment because it is more likely to eradicate Helicobacter and this, in turn, enhances healing of the ulcer or prevents recurrence. Surgery may be necessary if medical measures fail, but its use is much rarer than before e?ective medical treatments were developed.... duodenal ulcer


(Greek) A dark-skinned beauty Malaney, Malanie, Mel, Mela, Melaina, Melaine, Melainey, Melana, Melanee, Melaney, Melani, Melania, Melanney, Melannie, Melany, Mella, Mellanie, Melli, Mellie, Melloney, Melly, Meloni, Melonie, Melonnie, Melony, Melaena, Melanea, Malanea, Melonea... melanie

Stomach, Diseases Of

Gastritis is the description for several unrelated diseases of the gastric mucosa.

Acute gastritis is an in?ammatory reaction of the gastric mucosa to various precipitating factors, ranging from physical and chemical injury to infections. Acute gastritis (especially of the antral mucosas) may well represent a reaction to infection by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. The in?ammatory changes usually go after appropriate antibiotic treatment for the H. pylori infection. Acute and chronic in?ammation occurs in response to chemical damage of the gastric mucosa. For example, REFLUX of duodenal contents may predispose to in?ammatory acute and chronic gastritis. Similarly, multiple small erosions or single or multiple ulcers have resulted from consumption of chemicals, especialy aspirin and antirheumatic NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS).

Acute gastritis may cause anorexia, nausea, upper abdominal pain and, if erosive, haemorrhage. Treatment involves removal of the o?ending cause.

Chronic gastritis Accumulation of cells called round cells in the gastric mucosal characterises chronic gastritis. Most patients with chronic gastritis have no symptoms, and treatment of H. pylori infection usually cures the condition.

Atrophic gastritis A few patients with chronic gastritis may develop atrophic gastritis. With or without in?ammatory change, this disorder is common in western countries. The incidence increases with age, and more than 50 per cent of people over 50 may have it. A more complete and uniform type of ATROPHY, called ‘gastric atrophy’, characterises a familial disease called PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA. The cause of the latter disease is not known but it may be an autoimmune disorder.

Since atrophy of the corpus mucosa results in loss of acid- and pepsin-secreting cells, gastric secretion is reduced or absent. Patients with pernicious anaemia or severe atrophic gastritis of the corpus mucosa may secrete too little intrinsic factor for absorption of vitamin B12 and so can develop severe neurological disease (subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord).

Patients with atrophic gastritis often have bacterial colonisation of the upper alimentary tract, with increased concentration of nitrite and carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds. These, coupled with excess growth of mucosal cells, may be linked to cancer. In chronic corpus gastritis, the risk of gastric cancer is about 3–4 times that of the general population.

Postgastrectomy mucosa The mucosa of the gastric remnant after surgical removal of the distal part of the stomach is usually in?amed and atrophic, and is also premalignant, with the risk of gastric cancer being very much greater than for patients with duodenal ulcer who have not had surgery.

Stress gastritis Acute stress gastritis develops, sometimes within hours, in individuals who have undergone severe physical trauma, BURNS (Curling ulcers), severe SEPSIS or major diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, intracranial trauma or operations (Cushing’s ulcers). The disorder presents with multiple super?cial erosions or ulcers of the gastric mucosa, with HAEMATEMESIS and MELAENA and sometimes with perforation when the acute ulcers erode through the stomach wall. Treatment involves inhibition of gastric secretion with intravenous infusion of an H2-receptorantagonist drug such as RANITIDINE or FAMOTIDINE, so that the gastric contents remain at a near neutral pH. Despite treatment, a few patients continue to bleed and may then require radical gastric surgery.

Gastric ulcer Gastric ulcers were common in young women during the 19th century, markedly fell in frequency in many western countries during the ?rst half of the 20th century, but remained common in coastal northern Norway, Japan, in young Australian women, and in some Andean populations. During the latter half of this century, gastric ulcers have again become more frequent in the West, with a peak incidence between 55 and 65 years.

The cause is not known. The two factors most strongly associated with the development of duodenal ulcers – gastric-acid production and gastric infection with H. pylori bacteria – are not nearly as strongly associated with gastric ulcers. The latter occur with increased frequency in individuals who take aspirin or NSAIDs. In healthy individuals who take NSAIDs, as many as 6 per cent develop a gastric ulcer during the ?rst week of treatment, while in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are being treated long term with drugs, gastric ulcers occur in 20–40 per cent. The cause is inhibition of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, which in turn inhibits the production of repair-promoting PROSTAGLANDINS.

Gastric ulcers occur especially on the lesser curve of the stomach. The ulcers may erode through the whole thickness of the gastric wall, perforating into the peritoneal cavity or penetrating into liver, pancreas or colon.

Gastric ulcers usually present with a history of epigastric pain of less than one year. The pain tends to be associated with anorexia and may be aggravated by food, although patients with ‘prepyloric’ ulcers may obtain relief from eating or taking antacid preparations. Patients with gastric ulcers also complain of nausea and vomiting, and lose weight.

The principal complications of gastric ulcer are haemorrhage from arterial erosion, or perforation into the peritoneal cavity resulting in PERITONITIS, abscess or ?stula.

Aproximately one in two gastric ulcers heal ‘spontaneously’ in 2–3 months; however, up to 80 per cent of the patients relapse within 12 months. Repeated recurrence and rehealing results in scar tissue around the ulcer; this may cause a circumferential narrowing – a condition called ‘hour-glass stomach’.

The diagnosis of gastric ulcer is con?rmed by ENDOSCOPY. All patients with gastric ulcers should have multiple biopsies (see BIOPSY) to exclude the presence of malignant cells. Even after healing, gastric ulcers should be endoscopically monitored for a year.

Treatment of gastric ulcers is relatively simple: a course of one of the H2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS heals gastric ulcers in 3 months. In patients who relapse, long-term inde?nite treatment with an H2 receptor antagonist such as ranitidine may be necessary since the ulcers tend to recur. Recently it has been claimed that gastric ulcers can be healed with a combination of a bismuth salt or a gastric secretory inhibitor

for example, one of the PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS such as omeprazole or lansoprazole

together with two antibiotics such as AMOXYCILLIN and METRONIDAZOLE. The long-term outcome of such treatment is not known. Partial gastrectomy, which used to be a regular treatment for gastric ulcers, is now much more rarely done unless the ulcer(s) contain precancerous cells.

Cancer of the stomach Cancer of the stomach is common and dangerous and, worldwide, accounts for approximately one in six of all deaths from cancer. There are marked geographical di?erences in frequency, with a very high incidence in Japan and low incidence in the USA. In the United Kingdom around 33 cases per 100,000 population are diagnosed annually. Studies have shown that environmental factors, rather than hereditary ones, are mainly responsible for the development of gastric cancer. Diet, including highly salted, pickled and smoked foods, and high concentrations of nitrate in food and drinking water, may well be responsible for the environmental effects.

Most gastric ulcers arise in abnormal gastric mucosa. The three mucosal disorders which especially predispose to gastric cancer include pernicious anaemia, postgastrectomy mucosa, and atrophic gastritis (see above). Around 90 per cent of gastric cancers have the microscopic appearance of abnormal mucosal cells (and are called ‘adenocarcinomas’). Most of the remainder look like endocrine cells of lymphoid tissue, although tumours with mixed microscopic appearance are common.

Early gastric cancer may be symptomless and, in countries like Japan with a high frequency of the disease, is often diagnosed during routine screening of the population. In more advanced cancers, upper abdominal pain, loss of appetite and loss of weight occur. Many present with obstructive symptoms, such as vomiting (when the pylorus is obstructed) or di?culty with swallowing. METASTASIS is obvious in up to two-thirds of patients and its presence contraindicates surgical cure. The diagnosis is made by endoscopic examination of the stomach and biopsy of abnormal-looking areas of mucosa. Treatment is surgical, often with additional chemotherapy and radiotherapy.... stomach, diseases of

Black Stools

May be due to melaena or to colours left from bismuth, iron, charcoal, liquorice and certain fruits. Chocolate sandwich may sometimes induce a pseudo-melaena. Treat: as for MELAENA. ... black stools


Urtica dioica L. German: Grosse Brandnetel. French: Grande ortie. Spanish: Ortiga. Italian: Grande ortica. Part used: dried herb.

Constituents: Chlorophyll (high), vitamins including Vitamin C, serotonin, histamine, acetyl-choline, minerals including iron, calcium, silica.

Action: blood tonic, hypoglycaemic, antiseptic, tonic-astringent (external), diuretic, haemostatic (external), expectorant, vasodilator, hypotensive, galactagogue, splenic, circulatory stimulant, amphoteric (can increase or reduce flow of breast milk, making its own adjustment). Strengthens natural resistance. Re-mineraliser, antirheumatic. Eliminates uric acid from the body. Anti-haemorrhagic. Mild diuretic. Uses: iron-deficiency anaemia, gout (acute painful joints – partial amelioration). First stage of fevers (repeat frequently), malaria. Uvula – inflammation of. Foul-smelling sores. To stimulate kidneys. Detoxifies the blood. Pregnancy (Nettle and Raspberry leaf tea for iron and calcium). To withstand onset of uraemia in kidney disease; chronic skin disease, melaena with blood in stool, splenic disorders, high blood sugar in diabetes, burns (first degree), feeble digestion due to low level HCL; bleeding of stomach, bowels, lung and womb. Has power to eliminate urates; expulsion of gravel. On taking Nettle tea for high blood pressure passage of gravel is possible and should be regarded as a favourable sign. For women desiring an ample bust. Lobster and other shell-fish allergy, strawberry allergy. Nettle rash. Hair – fall out – tea used as a rinse.

“No plant is more useful in domestic medicine.” (Hilda Leyel)

Frequent drinks of Nettle tea often allay itching of Hodgkin’s disease. Preparations. Thrice daily.

Tea: 1oz herb to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup.

Liquid Extract: 3-4ml in water.

Tincture BHP (1983): 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol. Dose, 2-6ml in water. Powder: 210mg capsules, 6-8 capsules daily. (Arkocaps)

Floradix Herbal Iron Extract contains Nettles. (Salus-Haus)

Nettle shampoo and hair lotion.

Diet. Nettles cooked and eaten as spinach. Fresh juice: 1-2 teaspoons. ... nettles


n. haemorrhage into the bile ducts, usually presenting as an acute upper gastrointestinal bleed (with bloody vomit or *melaena) or with a dropping blood count. The most common causes are liver injury, liver biopsy, hepatobiliary surgery, or use of instruments (such as *ERCP). Other causes include gallstones, inflammatory conditions, vascular abnormalities, tumours, and conditions that predispose to bleeding (such as using anticoagulant medication).... haemobilia

Cancer – Stomach And Intestines

Fibroma, myoma, lipoma, polyp, etc. When any of these breakdown bleeding can cause anaemia and melaena. Rarely painful. May obstruct intestinal canal causing vomiting. Periodic vomiting of over one year suspect.

Symptoms (non-specific). Loss of appetite, anaemia, weight loss; pain in abdomen, especially stomach area. Vomit appears as coffee grounds. Occult blood (tarry stools).

Causes. Alcohol, smoking cigarettes, low intake of fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in salt and nitrites including bacon, pickles, ham and dried fish. (Cancer Researchers in Digestive Diseases and Sciences) Long term therapy with drugs that inhibit gastric acid secretion increase risk of stomach cancer.

Of possible value. Alternatives:– Tea. Mixture. Equal parts: Red Clover, Gotu Kola, Yarrow. Strong infusion (2 or more teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. As many cups daily as tolerated.

Formula. Condurango 2; Bayberry 1; Liquorice 1; Goldenseal quarter. Mix. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. Thrice daily in water or honey.

Traditional. Rosebay Willowherb. Star of Bethlehem.

Chinese green tea. Anti-cancer effects have been found in the use of Chinese green tea extracts. Clinical trials on the therapeutic effects against early stomach cancer were promising. (Chinese Journal Preventative Medicines 1990. 24 (2) 80-2)

Chinese Herbalism. Combination. Oldenlandia diffusa 2 liang; Roots of Lu (Phragmites communis) 1 liang; Blackened Ginger 1 ch’ien; Pan-chih-lien (Scutellaria barbarta 5 ch’ein; Chih-tzu (gardenia jasminoides) 3 ch’ien. One concoction/dose daily. Follow with roots of Bulrush tea.

William H. Cook, MD. “Mullein greatly relieves pain, and may be used with Wild Yam and a little Water- Pepper (Polygonum Hydropiper).” The addition of Water-Pepper (or Cayenne) ensures diffusive stimulation and increased arterial force. Burns Lingard, MNIMH. Inoperable cancer of the stomach. Prescribed: Liquid Extract Violet leaves and Red Clover, each 4 drachms; Liquid Extract Cactus grand., 2 drops. Dose every 4 hours. Woman lived 30 years after treatment attaining age of 70.

Arthur Barker, FNIMH. Mullein sometimes helpful for pain.

Wm Boericke MD. American Cranesbill.

George Burford MD. Goldenseal.

Maria Treben. “After returning from a prison camp in 1947 I had stomach cancer. Three doctors told me it was incurable. From sheer necessity I turned to Nature’s herbs and gathered Nettle, Yarrow, Dandelion and Plantain; the juice of which I took hourly. Already after several hours I felt better. In particular I was able to keep down a little food. This was my salvation.” (Health Through God’s Pharmacy – 1981) Essiac: Old Ontario Cancer Remedy. Sheila Snow explored the controversy surrounding the famous cancer formula ‘Essiac’. This was developed by Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse born in Bracebridge, Ontario, in 1888. Rene noticed that an elderly patient had cured herself of breast cancer with an Indian herbal tea. She asked for the recipe and later modified it. Rene’s aunt, after using the remedy for 2 years, fully recovered from an inoperable stomach cancer with liver involvement, and other terminal patients began to improve.

Rene’s request to be given the opportunity to treat cancer patients in a larger way was turned down by Ottawa’s Department of Health and Welfare. She eventually handed over the recipe to the Resperin Corporation in 1977, for the sum of one dollar, from whom cancer patients may obtain the mixture if their doctors submit a written request. However, records have not been kept up.

In 1988 Dr Gary Glum, a chiropractor in Los Angeles, published a book called ‘Calling of an Angel’: the true story of Rene Caisse. He gives the formula, which consists of 11b of powdered Rumex acetosella

(Sorrel), 1 and a half pounds cut Arctium lappa (Burdock), 4oz powdered Ulmus fulva (Slippery Elm bark), and 1oz Rheum palmatum (Turkey Rhubarb). The dosage Rene recommended was one ounce of Essiac with two ounces of hot water every other day at bedtime; on an empty stomach, 2-3 hours after supper. The treatment should be continued for 32 days, then taken every 3 days. (Canadian Journal of Herbalism, July 1991 Vol XII, No. III)

Diet. See: DIET – CANCER. Slippery Elm gruel.

Note: Anyone over 40 who has recurrent indigestion for more than three weeks should visit his family doctor. Persistent pain and indigestion after eating can be a sign of gastric cancer and no-one over 40 should ignore the symptoms. A patient should be referred to hospital for examination by endoscope which allows the physician to see into the stomach.

Study. Evidence to support the belief that the high incidence of gastric cancer in Japan is due to excessive intake of salt.

Note: A substance found in fish oil has been shown experimentally to prevent cancer of the stomach. Mackerel, herring and sardines are among the fish with the ingredient.

Treatment by or in liaison with hospital oncologist or general medical practitioner. ... cancer – stomach and intestines

Haemorrhagic Disease Of The Newborn

a temporary disturbance in blood clotting caused by *vitamin K deficiency and affecting infants on the second to fourth day of life. It varies in severity from mild gastrointestinal bleeding to profuse bleeding into many organs, including the brain. It is more common in breast-fed and preterm infants. The condition can be prevented by giving all babies vitamin K, either by injection or orally, shortly after birth. Medical name: melaena neonatorum.... haemorrhagic disease of the newborn

Peptic Ulcer

A raw area that develops in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of erosion by acidic gastric juice; it most commonly occurs in the stomach or the 1st part of the duodenum.

The major cause of peptic ulcers is

HELICOBACTER PYLORI bacterial infection, which can damage the lining of the stomach and duodenum, allowing the acid stomach contents to attack it. Analgesic drugs, alcohol, excess acid production, and smoking can also damage the stomach lining. Ulcers can also form in the oesophagus, when acidic juice from the stomach enters it (see acid reflux), and in the duodenum.

There may be no symptoms, or there may be burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen. Other possible symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. The ulcer may also bleed. If severe, it may result in haematemesis

(vomiting of blood) and melaena, and is a medical emergency. Chronic bleeding may cause iron-deficiency anaemia. Rarely, an ulcer may perforate the wall of the digestive tract and lead to peritonitis.

An ulcer is usually diagnosed by an endoscopy of the stomach and duodenum; less commonly, a barium meal (see barium X-ray examination) is performed. Tests will be carried out to see whether the individual is infected with the HELICOBACTER bacterium. If this is the case, a combination of antibiotics and an ulcerhealing drug will be given. A further test may be done to check that treatment has been successful. If HELICOBACTER is not detected – for example, in ulcers caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – treatment is with proton pump inhibitors or H-blockers, and the NSAIDs will be stopped. Surgery is now rarely needed for peptic ulcers, except to treat complications such as bleeding or perforation.... peptic ulcer

Rectal Bleeding

The passage of blood from the rectum or anus. The blood may be red, dark brown, or black. It may be mixed with, or on the surface of, faeces or passed separately, and there may be pain. Haemorrhoids are the most common cause of rectal bleeding. Small amounts of bright red blood appear on the surface of faeces or on toilet paper. Anal fissure, anal fistula, proctitis, or rectal prolapse may also cause rectal bleeding.Cancer of the colon (see colon, cancer of) or the rectum (see rectum, cancer of), or polyps can also cause bleeding. Disorders of the colon such as diverticular disease may cause dark red faeces. Black faeces (melaena) may be due to bleeding high in the digestive tract. Bloody diarrhoea may be due to ulcerative colitis, amoebiasis, or shigellosis. Diagnosis may be made from a rectal examination, from proctoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or a double-contrast barium X-ray examination.

rectal examination Examination of the anus and rectum, performed as part of a general physical examination, to assess symptoms of pain or changes in bowel habits, and to check for the presence of tumours of the rectum or prostate gland. rectal prolapse Protrusion outsid.

nent in elderly people. If the prolapse is large, leakage of faeces may occur.

Treatment is with a fibre-rich diet.

Surgery may also be performed.... rectal bleeding

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