Linn.Synonym: M. normale D. Don.Family: Melastomataceae.
Habitat: Moist parts of India, up to 1,800 m.
English: Indian Rhododendron.Folk: Laakheri, Paalorey (Maharashtra). Tulasi (Nepal). Nakkukappan (Tamil Nadu), Phutuka (Assam).Action: Leaf—antidiarrhoeal, antiseptic. Locally applied in smallpox to prevent pox-marks. Leaf and flowering top—astringent, antileucorrhoeic. Bark—applied to wounds. Also employed in preparation of gargles.
The leaves gave amino acids—gly- cine, valine, leucine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, methionine, tyrosine, isoleucine and hydroxyproline. The roots gave beta-sitosterol and a tri- terpene, melastomic acid.